7-15 July 2002
Snaefellnes – Dave Pullan
Leaders: Dave Pullan & Darren
Guests: Cyril & Chris Simmons, Sheila Bell,
Gillian Taylor, Linda Ballard, John Duerden, Pam Vandermin, Ann Pym,
Wendy Black, Michael Oliver & Nina Boulton, Alan Jefferson and Jacky
Day 1
We land at Keflavik and then take the Flybus to the
domestic airport at Reykjavik. It’s cloudy but clear and quite bright,
and the ice cap of Snaefellsjokul is visible in the distance. We’ve
got some time to kill so we have a drink and a snack, and have a look
at the map. Alan spots a Ringed Plover on the edge of the runway and
John (on his second visit to Iceland) gets the plant list up and running.
Soon it is time to take off but the cloud cover
prevents us seeing anything other than tantalising glimpses of the edges
of icecaps down below. 45 minutes later we are on the ground again,
now at Akureyri, so we get the luggage, load up the minibuses and we’re
off! Back into the cloud! As the road climbs the low cloud becomes
denser and turns to fog, then suddenly as we drop down the other side,
it clears and we get a taste of some of the magnificent scenery to come.
As we pass a large lake, the water is calm and a magnificent Great Northern
Diver is reluctant to swim away from the roadside, so we stop and admire
it. What a fantastic start to the bird list!
Our first night is to be in Husavik and as we get
closer we spot Whimbrel and Black-tailed Godwit on roadside fences.
We stop by a bridge and Jacky finds our first female Harlequin, there
are also some distant Red-necked Phalaropes and a couple of Arctic Skuas
fly over. Another stop, at a roadside pool produces several female
Long-tailed Ducks and a couple of ducklings.
Late in the evening, we arrive at our hotel and although
it is still cloudy this is as dark as it is going to get (in fact some
of the group are out looking across the bay around midnight and are
able to pick out a Humpback Whale breaching in the far distance!)
Day 2
After breakfast we leave Husavik and head off for
Lake Myvatn. Mike and Nina have already found a Redpoll feeding on
dandelions outside the hotel, and before leaving altogether we decide
to stop for a scanning session across the vast bay. In the distance
a Minke Whale surfaces a couple of times but it’s miles away. Much
closer, there’s a Glaucous Gull on the edge of the harbour and out to
sea we can pick out, amongst large numbers of seabirds, a few Great
Skuas and a few Arctic Skuas. Down the road we get excellent views
of a couple of colourful Black-tailed Godwit, and two Red-necked Phalaropes
just below us are a big improvement on yesterday’s distant dots.
A few miles further on a female Harlequin on a small
pool on one side of the track is very nice, but it is the stunning Golden
Plover on the other side that gets most attention. Breeding waders
are everywhere and it’s hard not to keep stopping, although soon it’s
time for another scanning session and we find Golden Plovers, Black-tailed
Godwit, Whimbrel and three Dunlin. Then, in the distance, on the ground
near the top of a steep slope, our first Gyr Falcon comes into focus
in the scopes and although it isn’t close, it’s a rare bird so it’s
good policy to make the most of it just in case we don’t get a closer
one (though as it turns out, we needn’t have worried). Occasionally
it moves, which helps, and as we get our eye in we can even make out
a couple of Snow Bunting flitting about on the ground next to it.
Eventually, we get to Myvatn and check our luggage
in at our new hotel. Nina spots a Wheatear as we embark on an anti-clockwise
circuit of the lake. It is cool and cloudy with a light breeze, but
this is not a bad thing as insect activity is practically zero. The
bays on the western side of the lake are packed full of wildfowl, especially
Tufted Duck and Scaup, with also Wigeon, Long-tailed Duck and a few
Pintail. A stop to look at a pair of Red-throated Divers with two young
takes a Snipe family by surprise and we get close views of the baby
Snipelets, a Magic Moment for Linda and Alan. Another Great Northern
Driver poses at the lakeside before we stop for lunch and we find a
large group of mainly male Barrows Goldeneye tucked away. John continues
to work hard on the plants, including some deep, vivid blue Alpine Gentians.
Red-necked Phalarope – Cyril Simmonds |
We get close views of Red-necked Phalarope, start
to get the hang of identifying the various female duck species, and
we even get to hear Great Northern Diver calling. Further round the
lake, a Merlin dashes quickly across in front of the first mini-bus
and we find a Gyr Falcon perched on a crag, although again it’s not
close. A slight detour along the river Laxá and we find ourselves watching
at least three female Harlequins on the fast flowing water and sometimes
sitting in the grass on the back, while behind our parking spot there’s
a Ringed Plover with a chick.
Back onto the lake circuit, we stop at the southern
end where there are more Phalaropes and Slavonian Grebe, as well as
Gadwall, Teal and a much rarer male American Wigeon amongst the Eurasian
Wigeon, although it unfortunately disappears before most people get
a chance to see it. We continue on and, suddenly, there’s a very white-looking
Gyr Falcon sat on a lava outcrop close to the road, just as we are thinking
“these are the kind of views we want” it disappears never to be seen
again. Further round we make a photo-stop and admire some more Barrows
Goldeneye before entering the last leg back to the hotel, when, amazingly,
our fourth Gyr Falcon of the day puts in an appearance. This one behaves
perfectly so that everyone can get very good telescope views, perched
on a telegraph pole and then on the ground for a long period of time.
It’s Bird of the Trip for Jacky, and not a bad way to round off the
Day 3
Today we drive east and then north in search of the
giant waterfall known as Dettifoss. We leave the tarmac road and start
on a long, seemingly endless, track. Along the way we get excellent
views of Golden Plover and Whimbrel, both quite numerous though there
seems to be little else apart from a single Purple Sandpiper and a few
Snow Bunting. Eventually we reach our goal and stand mesmerised by
the immense volume of water and sheer power of this natural wonder,
Place of the Trip for Jacky.
After a while we turn back the way we have come,
stopping now and then for plants and fruitless Ptarmigan searches, they
are out there somewhere! But a cold northerly wind is blowing and it
makes sense to push on, thankful that we had visited Dettifoss reasonably
early before the many buses and 4-wheel drive vehicles that are now
heading that way.
Namafjell – Cyril Simmonds |
At Bjarnarflagsstod we stop for a unique combination
of lunch and bubbling mud pools, before heading off in the afternoon
we do the Lake Myvatn circuit again, but this time in a clockwise direction.
A sheltered bay harbours Pintail and Teal as well as the commoner Tufted
Duck and Scaup and literally hundreds of ducklings, and a Redpoll flies
over. A few miles further on we pull in at a car park and get good
views of 4 female Barrows Goldeneye, and at the southern end of the
lake we even manage to re-locate the American Wigeon seen yesterday
– but again it disappears before anyone has seen it. On the whole though
we’re getting good at ducks, sorting out female Long-tailed Duck and
Scaup with newfound confidence. Our first Gyr Falcon of the day flies
across, pursued by 6 or 7 angry Phalaropes, but quickly disappears.
We get closer views of some Red-necked Phalaropes sheltering behind
a bank of vegetation and in the same little corner there’s also Slavonian
Grebe with young and a female Long-tailed Duck with young.
Finally, we drive along the west side of the lake
and we get reasonable views of a couple of female Common Scoters as
well as stunning views of 2 different Great Northern Divers, Birds of
the Trip for Ann, Cyril and Jill. Then, unbelievably, as we head back
to the warmth of the hotel, a Gyr Falcon has to have the last word with
yet another bird perching on a telegraph pole.
Day 4
After breakfast and loading up the mini buses we get
ready for the next leg of our trip. There’s a slight delay waiting
for the packed lunches, which gives us a chance to check out some Redpoll
flying around the edge of the car park, occasionally giving perched
views. Once the lunches are safely on board we set off along the west
side of Lake Myvatn for the last time. Along the way we see some familiar
birds, Great Northern Divers in their immaculate breeding plumage are
again close to shore and there are large numbers of Scaup and Tufted
Duck with equally large numbers of ducklings. Long-tailed Ducks, Barrow’s
Goldeneye, Red-throated Divers and Red-necked Phalaropes. We even find
a second American Wigeon, but one of the characteristics of this species
seems to be that it flies away as soon as anyone tries to point it out!
There’s at least one female Harlequin still on the river Laxá and then
we head off on a new stretch of road leaving the Myvatn area (Ann’s
Place of the Trip) behind us.
On the way to Akureyri we see some more Red-necked
Phalaropes by the shore of a large lake and a Short-eared Owl flies
across in front of the first minibus. We stop for a leg stretch and
photo opportunity at the waterfall known as Godafoss, but just to prove
that we are no ordinary tourists, Alan spots a Ptarmigan fly across
the left-hand side. It settles on the steep bank allowing telescope
views for a while.
Time is getting on so we have to carry on to Akureyri
where we check-in for our Reykjavik flight and settle down for some
lunch. The flight itself is interesting because this time it is partly
clear and those lucky enough to have a window seat get dramatic views
of the edge of the Langjokull ice field. Looking down, this amazing
landscape is the Place of the Trip for Alan.
Reykjavik is full of surprises, it has been cold
and cloudy at Myvatn, but here it is hot and sunny - 21°C! The other
surprise isn’t quite so pleasant as Hertz car rental announce a delay
in the arrival of our minibuses, which eventually stretches to 3½ hours.
Some of us go into Reykjavik and explore the capital, while others stay
around the airport and are rewarded by a Merlin.
Finally though, it’s a relief to get on the road
and make for Olafsvik on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. It is clear and
sunny all the way, giving us superb views of the magnificent scenery,
including a clear Snaefellsjokul, the ice cap that sits above our destination.
Arctic Skuas regularly cross the road or patrol the fields on either
side. By mid-evening we settle into our new hotel. Will the sea be
calm enough for a boat trip tomorrow?
Day 5
We start the day with an optional pre-breakfast foray
along the coast to Rif. There are good numbers of Glaucous Gulls and
Mike is on the ball straight away when he picks out a first-summer Iceland
Gull. We also find our first male Harlequins, which are surprisingly
difficult to see as their boldly patterned plumage blends in with the
shingle and seaweed backdrop. Nearby we get very close to large numbers
of Red-necked Phalaropes (Birds of the Trip for Sheila and Chris), and
there’s also a single Sanderling but it doesn’t hang about.
Back for breakfast and a phone call to the whalewatching
boat company. The good news is that the Blue Whale trip is on! The
weather is looking good and as the boat isn’t set to depart until 4.30pm
there is time for the sea to calm down even more.
To fill the morning we drive out to the westernmost
headland of Snaefellsnes, which is the place of the trip for Jill, Nina
and Mike. We plan to scan the sea but have to cross a stretch of large
boulders to reach a good vantage point. It’s a bit tricky but we all
do really well and within minutes are rewarded by a shout from the advance
party of Killer Whale! Not very far out, there are a couple of dorsal
fins slicing through the surface and we can see the white markings too.
Its all pretty good, but as we keep scanning more Killer Whales appear
until there are probably 10 are 12 in the area including a big adult
male with its 6 foot tall dorsal fin. There are also several younger
animals, including a very small, recently born calf with buff markings
instead of white. As we watch we are treated to displays of spy-hopping
and tail-slapping, including 4 whales in a row tail-slapping at the
same time (it is possible that they are feeding and trying to herd shoals
of fish). Meanwhile, in the foreground, there are a few birds as well.
A few Purple Sandpipers are scattered along the shoreline and male Harlequins
in excellent plumage give us our best views, this is Bird of the Trip
for Wendy and Magic Moment for Chris.
It’s hard to tear ourselves away but lunch is waiting
back at the hotel and then we have an afternoon break before joining
our whaleboat. Conditions are becoming increasingly calm and it’s ideal
for whalewatching. Firstly, the boat heads round to the headland where
we had spent the morning and about a dozen killer whales are still there.
We get pretty close and once again are treated to a superb performance,
including a couple of full breaches with at least one animal leaping
clear of the water (Magic Moment for Ann).
We continue out to sea, scanning in anticipation,
and Nina spots a Minke Whale, but in typical Minke fashion, it only
surfaces twice and then disappears completely. We do a lot better with
some White-beaked Dolphins, which actually join the boat, giving us
a good opportunity to see their silver markings and even watch them
under the clear water. We continue even further out, in fact for 20
nautical miles. Then the crew spot a large whale blowing, which turns
out to be our first Blue Whale.
Blue Whale tail – Bill Rowlands |
It lifts its tail flukes high and begins a deep dive,
giving us time to get closer. It turns out that there are actually
2 Blue Whales in that area and also a Humpback! What we witness is
really special, the height of the Blue Whales blow, the sound of the
blow when one surfaces, the huge blowhole, the breadth of the head,
the broad back, the tiny dorsal fin, the colouration and the mottling.
It’s fantastic to be there, so close, and soak it all up … then do it
all again with the Humpback! Obligingly, it lifts its tail before diving
and we can see the patterning on the underside, which makes individual
animals recognisable.
All too soon we have to turn back towards Snaefellsjokul
and are perhaps halfway back to the headland when the boat suddenly
performs a sharp U-turn. It’s another Blue Whale and again we are treated
to some tremendous viewing, but this time with the added bonus of White-beaked
Dolphins accompanying the Whale! White-beaked are some of the bigger
Dolphins, but are completely dwarfed alongside this huge Blue Whale.
The sea by now is very calm and the sun starts to appear, our last view
of a Blue Whale is as it dives into a patch of reflected sunlight, it
couldn’t be scripted better! This Whale/Dolphin moment is the Magic
Moment for Wendy, Pam, Jacky, Nina and Mike, and just being out at sea
like this, the Place of the Trip for Cyril.
It isn’t quite over yet though and as we continue
back we see more White-beaked Dolphins and, briefly, the Killer Whales
again. Some time after 10.00pm we get back to Olafsvik, some of the
spoons are missing, but what a fantastic day it has been.
Day 6
Inevitably yesterday’s cetacean extravaganza is going
to be hard to follow but we embark on a circuit of the tip of Snaefellsnes.
Just out of Olafsvik there is an Iceland Gull on the beach, then on
the sea. A few miles further along there are 3 Great Northern Divers
on the sea, 2 adults and an immature. The mountain road is blanketed
by low cloud, but we break out of it on the south side and it’s clear
enough to make a photo stop. At Anarstapi we make our traditional hot
chocolate stop and then, suitably fortified, we walk along the cliff-tops
round from the harbour. A few Red-necked Phalaropes are on a small
freshwater pool, and large numbers of Kittiwake are nesting on the unusual
basalt cliffs. We can’t help ourselves scanning for cetaceans, resulting
in at least 4 White-beaked Dolphins and a Minke Whale (all a bit distant
though). It’s sunny, warm and calm, and is Sheila’s place of the trip.
Down below us, 2 male Harlequins are sleeping on the rocks, Eiders are
drifting in and out of view, and a Glaucous Gull puzzles out what to
do with a starfish.
We drive further on to Malarrif, where we have lunch
on the cliff tops looking across to the giant formations known as “the
Christian and the Heathen”. It’s a bit breezy and cooler now but we
get excellent views of Brünnich’s Guillemot (and their tomium stripes)
hugging the cliffs. There are also Common Guillemots alongside for
comparison, including some of the “bridled” form. Looking the opposite
way, Sheila, our spoons monitor, finds both Puffin and Razorbill perched
quite close. Down below a Minke whale passes by, there’s also a Grey
Seal and Chris spots 6 male Harlequins as they fly in and land. This
is the Place of the Trip for Chris.
After lunch we continue on our clockwise journey
round Snaefellsjokul, unfortunately the cloud stays down obscuring the
ice cap but there’s plenty to look at and this is Place of the Trip
for John.
At Rif, huge numbers of Arctic Terns are nesting
and several hundred Red-necked Phalaropes are busy feeding or sheltering
from the wind. In amongst one group, Darren finds a very nice male
Grey Phalarope in breeding plumage, which is Bird of the Trip for Mike.
A flock of Dunlin flies in and there’s a red, breeding plumage, Knot
amongst them. Heading back to Olafsvik we stop to see Oyster Plant
but no one wants to get out of the mini-buses! The wind is getting
up and we’re all glad that we did the boat trip yesterday. There are
some more Harlequins and a couple of Red-throated Divers and then it’s
time to go back to the hotel where freshly baked gluten-free bread awaits
Day 7
Leaving Olafsvik behind us, we drive along
the north coast of the Snaefellsnes peninsula. The weather is poor,
breezy with some rain, so we see little along the way but once we reach
Stykkisholmur things start to improve and we join the boat that will
take us on a cruise round some of the islands for a couple of hours.
At the first island the boat is skillfully manoeuvred close in to the
low cliffs where Kittiwake are nesting and Puffins stand along the top.
At the next island there is an adult White-tailed Eagle perched. It
flies out, low over the sea, so that it’s white tail can be clearly
seen (Cyril’s Magic Moment). We then notice the nest containing 2 large
chicks and the first adult returns to its lookout, before a second adult
flies in carrying a large fish and lands on the nest. This is the Magic
Moment for John and Jill. We are quite close but the Eagles seem unfazed
by our presence and we get spectacular views of this Bird of the Trip
for Alan, Pam, Linda and Nina.
We tour round some of the other islands and see a
variety of seabirds at close range. Hundreds of Puffins, close views
of Shags on the nest, Black Guillemots and some Purple Sandpipers.
The basalt rock formations are amazing and we witness the currents of
the strongest tide-race in Iceland, where many Arctic Terns are feeding.
Back at Stykkisholmur we have our lunch and then
drive through the mountains to join up with the road to Reykjavik.
The weather has deteriorated again, with heavy rain, but we stop to
have a last look for Ptarmigan and are rewarded with some reasonable
views of a male.
By the time we reach Borgarnes the wind is definitely
gale force and for a few miles strong gusts buffet the minibuses around.
We reach Reykjavik for our two-night stay but the sea is looking extremely
rough. Will the Dolphin boat be sailing tomorrow?
Day 8
An early phone call brings some good news,
the dolphin boat will be leaving Keflavik at 10.00am. The sea is a
little bit choppy but not too bad and we are soon scanning in all directions
as we leave the harbour. A few distant Manx Shearwaters pass by but
we get closer views of Storm Petrels (Bird of the Trip for John), perhaps
12 or more, one or two of which fly very close to the boat. There are
also Gannets, Great Skuas and Arctic Skuas amongst the large numbers
of Kittiwake and Arctic Terns, but it’s cetaceans that we are primarily
looking for and it’s not long before we see our first group of White-beaked
Dolphins. This, and a second group, gives us a superb show, jumping
clear of the water all around the boat. Also a Minke Whale (possibly
2) repeatedly surfaces in more or less the same area, giving everyone
a chance to catch up with this species.
Back on dry land, we drive out to the Reykjanes peninsula
for a late lunch. This can be a good place for spotting Whales but
the sea is probably too rough now. The sun is shining though and Cyril
spots a Purple Sandpiper on the edge of a puddle directly in front of
our minibuses. Out to sea many Auks and a single Manx Shearwater fly
by. There are Gannets on the rock stack off to our right, and much
further out on the horizon we can see Eldey (Iceland’s equivalent to
the Bass Rock).
After lunch we drive back through the large Arctic
Tern colony, avoiding adults and chicks sat on the road and finish off
at the famous Blue Lagoon. Here, Cyril, Chris and Linda make their
nepenthean way into this uniquely Icelandic experience, which by all
accounts is well worth it.
Finally on our way back to Reykjavik, John spots
a Northern Dock from the speeding minibus, his 100th plant
species for the trip.
Day 9
A morning visit to the lake in Reykjavik centre doesn’t
produce anything unusual despite careful scrutiny. Some very tame female
Eiders, some Tufted Duck and a Red-breasted Merganser are about all
that’s on offer so we drive west beyond Keflavik to the lighthouse at
Gardur. Yesterday we could see this lighthouse from our dolphin boat
and today we can see the same boat from land, but it’s too far and too
choppy to make out if any Dolphins are accompanying it today. It is
windy, but we find some shelter by huddling round the side of the small
lighthouse on the point. Good numbers of seabirds are moving and apart
from the common ones we manage to see Manx Shearwater, Storm Petrel
(unusual to see from land) and one or two “Blue” Fulmar. There is also
Grey Seal here and Oyster Plant. Some beach exploration produces a
single breeding-plumaged Knot, 28 breeding plumaged Sanderling, about
10 Turnstone and a few Purple Sandpipers.
After lunch we drive round to Sandgerdi and check
some roadside pools. There are thousands of Lesser Black-backed Gulls
here and a Red-breasted Merganser with young but we fail to push our
bird list any higher before our afternoon flight home. It has been
an exceptionally successful trip, 69 species of bird, species of cetacean
and 104 species of plant (courtesy of John) – but more important than
the numbers, what an experience!
Red-throated Diver
Great Northern Diver
Slavonian Grebe
Manx Shearwater
Storm Petrel
Whooper Swan
Greylag Goose
American Wigeon
Tufted Duck
Common Eider
Harlequin Duck
Long-tailed Duck
Common Scoter
Barrow's Goldeneye
Red-breasted Merganser
White-tailed Sea Eagle
Gyr Falcon
Ringed Plover
Golden Plover
Purple Sandpiper
Common Snipe
Black-tailed Godwit
Common Redshank
Red-necked Phalarope
Arctic Skua
Great Skua
Black-headed Gull
Common Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Herring Gull
Iceland Gull
Glaucous Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Arctic Tern
Brünnich's Guillemot
Black Guillemot
Short-eared Owl
Meadow Pipit
White Wagtail
Northern Wheatear
‘Icelandic’ Redpoll
Snow Bunting
Minke Whale
Blue Whale
Humpback Whale
Killer Whale
White-beaked Dolphin
Juniper, Juniperus comminus,
Dwarf Willow, Salix herbacea, M
Bluish Willow, S. Glauca, M
Woolly Willow, S. Lanata, M
Tea-leaved Willow, S. Phylicifolia, M
Downy Birch, Betula Pubescens, M, Local
Dwarf Birch, B. Nana, M
Iceland Purslane, Koenigia Islandica, M
Pale Persicaria, P. Lapathifolium, M
Alpine Bistort, P. Viviparium, M
Mountain Sorrel, Oxyria Digyna, M
Sheep’s Sorrel, Rumex Acetosella, B (Akranes),
Common Sorrel, R. Acetosa, M
Northern Dock, Rumex Longifolius, R
Babington’s Orache, Atriplex Glabriscula, S
Arctic Sandwort, Arenaria Norvegica, M
Sea Sandwort, Honkenya Peploides, S
Alpine Mouse-ear, C. Alpinum, M
Procumbent Pearlwort, S. Procumbens, S
Alpine Catchfly, Lychnis Alpina, M
Sea Campion, S. Uniflora, M
Moss Campion, S. Acaulis, M
Red Campion, S. Dioca, M, Alien
Marsh Marigold, Caltha Palustris, M,
Creeping Buttercup, Ranunculus Repens, M
Meadow Buttercup, R. Acris, M
Alpine Buttercup, R. Hyperboreus, M (Husavik Road)
Alpine Meadow-rue, Thalictrum Alpinum, S
Arctic Poppy, Papaver Radicatum, M
Hawkweed-leaved Treacle Mustard, Erysimum Hieraciifolium,
M, Local
Cuckoo Flower, Cardamine Pratensis, MG
Sea Rocket, Cakile Arctica, S
Northern Rockcress, Cardaminopsis Petraea, M
Twisted Whitlow-grass, D. Incana, M
Common Whitlow-grass, Erophila Verna, M
Shepherd’s Purse, Capsella Bursa-pastorilis, Reykjavik
Biting Stonecrop, Sedum Acre, MS
Hairy Stonecrop, S. Villosum, M
Roseroot , Rhodiola Rosea, S
Arctic Saxifrage, S. Nivalis, M
Starry Saxifrage, S. Stellaris, M
Tufted Saxifrage, S. Caespitosa, M
Mossy Saxifrage, S. Hypnoides, M
Grass of Parnassus, Parnassia Palustris, M
Mountain Avens, Dryas Octopetala, M
Water Avens, Geum Rivale, M
Silverweed, P. Anserina, S
Alpine Cinquefoil, P. Crantzii, M
Sibbaldia, S. Procumbens, S (leaves only)
Alpine Lady’s-mantle, Alchemilla Alpina, M
Lady’s Mantle, A. Glabra, R, Introduced
Rowan, Sorbus Acuparia, M
Tufted Vetch, Vicia Cracca, R (poss.)
Kidney Vetch, Anthyllis Vulneraria, R
Nootka Lupin, Lupinus Nootkatensis, M, Introduced
White Clover, Trifolium Repens, S
Red Clover, T. Pratense, R, Local
Wood Cranesbill, Geranium Sylvaticum, M
Heath Dog Violet, Viola Caninia, M
Wild Pansy, V. Tricolor, M (Godafoss)
River Beauty, Epilobium Latifolium, Reykjavik,
Alpine Willowherb, E. Anagallioifolium, M
Marestail, Hippuris Vulgaris, M
Cow Parsley, Anthriscus Sylvestris, S (Olafsvik), Alien
Sweet Cicely, Myrrhis Odorata, S (Olafsvik), Alien
Caraway, Carum Carvi, R, Casual
Scots Lovage, Ligusticum Scoticum, S, W Coast
Garden Angelica, A. Archangelica, M
Alpine Bearberry, Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi, M
Heather, Calluna Vulgaris, M (no flowers)
Crowberry, Empetrum Nigrum, M (no flowers)
Northern Bilberry, V. Uliginosum, M
Thrift, Armeria Maritima, M
Bogbean, Menyanthes Trifoliata, M
Alpine Gentian, Gentiana Nivalis, M
Northern Bedstraw, Galium Boreale, M
Lady’s Bedstraw, G. Verum, M
Slender Bedstraw, G. Pumilum, M
Common Scurvy Grass, Cochlearia Officinalis,
S (small mountain form M)
Field Forgetmenot, M. Arvensis, M
Oyster Plant, Mertensia Maritima, S
Thyme, Thymus Praecox, M
Rock Speedwell, V. Fruticans, M
Eyebright, Euphrasia Frigida, S
Alpine Bartsia, Bartsia Alpina, M
Yellow Rattle, R. Minor, M
Common Butterwort, Pinguicula Vulgaris, M
Sea Plantain, Plantago Maritima, S
Alpine Fleabane, Erigeron Borealis, M
One-flowered Fleabane, E. Uniflora, M (Godafoss), North
Dwarf Cudweed, G. Supinum, M
Yarrow, Achillea Millefolium, M, Local
Sea Mayweed, Tripleurospermum Maritimum
Ox-eye Daisy, Leucanthemum Vulgare, S, Alien
Groundsell, Senecio Vulgaris, S (Olafsvik), Local
Creeping Thistle, Cirsium Arvense, R, Local
Red-veined Dandelion, T. Spectabilia, M
Marsh Arrow-grass, T. Palustre, M
Moonwart, Botrychium Lunaria, M
Scottish Asphode, Tofieldia Pusilla, M
Heath Spotted Orchid, Dactylorhiza, S
Small White Orchid, Leucorchis Albida, M
Frog Orchid, Coeloglossum Viride, M
Northern Green Orchid, Platanthera Hyperborea, MS,
Common Cottongrass, Eriophorum
Angustifolium, M
Scheuchzer’s Cottongrass, Eriophorum Scheuchzeri,
Viviparous Fescue, Festuca Vivipara, M (Godafoss)
Green Spleenwort, Asplenium Viride, R (Blue Lagoon)
Brittle Bladder-fern, Cystopteris Fragilis, R
(Blue Lagoon)
G = General
M = Myvatn
B = Borganes
S = Snaefellsnes
R = Reykjanes