22 –28 JUNE 2001
North Mainland – Liz Huxley
Leaders: Craig Round and Mark Newell
Guests: John Wild, Rex Stanley, Gordon &
Leonora McAndrew, Wendy Black, Pam Vandermin, Mickey Gilmore, Wendy
Ap Rees
Day 1
We all meet up at Aberdeen Airport on the Friday morning
having come from various corners of Britain. We head through departures
and leave Aberdeen Airport and make the short flight across the North
Sea for about an hour arriving at Sunburgh Airport more or less on time.
It’s an overcast day in Shetland with just light northerly winds and
the Sunburgh Head area is clear of the mist that is clinging to the
hills further north. We get all our bags loaded on to the vehicles,
get some sandwiches for lunch and head off a short distance around the
Airport and out on to Sunnburgh Head itself.
As we head around Grutness Voe, there are a few Arctic
Terns flying around. Making our way up through the fields, there are
a family party of Oystercatchers including some well grown young and
a couple of Rock Doves flap past before we pull up in the car park and
have our first taste of the sea birds of Shetland. We experience the
sight, sound and smell of hundreds of auks as we have lunch on the wall
looking down on the water where there are a couple of hundred Eider
Ducks on the rocks and swimming around. There are Gannets drifting
by and Shags zipping low over the water below us. Several Great Skuas
and a couple of Arctic Skuas are harassing the auks and Kittiwakes in
an attempt to get some food. We all pick out Guillemot, Razorbill and
Puffin with some bridled Guillemots amongst the more normal form. There
are Rock Pipits song flighting around us and we also have a little party
of four Twite drop in. Again they song flight below us before disappearing
Once we have had our lunch, we start walking up in
the direction of the lighthouse with the mist swirling just above the
light itself. In no time at all, we pick up one of our quarries here
in the form of some migrant birds that have arrived on this part of
Shetland, Common Crossbill. We hear their distinctive chipping calls
coming from the vast blaze of pink Thrift that is flowering in the fields
here making a spectacular contrast to the grassy green fields and the
rougher heather moorland. The Crossbills disappear after briefly alighting
on the wall but we do get very close views of half a dozen Twite and
our first glimpses of Shetland Wren, this unique sub-species to the
Peering over the stone dykes, there are a number of
Puffins sat on the sloping banks. Up around the buildings themselves,
we find the Crossbills feeding on some deposited seed. Over the next
hour or so we have phenomenal views down to a couple of feet as they
feed with the Sparrows and Twite totally unconcerned by our presence.
We get up to 18 birds, a mixture of streaky brown juveniles, greener
females and bright yellow individuals that are difficult to decide as
to their age and sex. There are also one or two with very prominent
white wing bars but not prominent enough for us to turn them into anything
rarer than Common Crossbill. We even get a male Twite displaying its
pink rump to us, and also very good views of a Shetland Wren perched
up on a water tank. Vying for our attention, a couple of Puffins sit
obligingly on the top of the cliff in amongst the spread of Thrift and
Birdsfoot Trefoil that is growing in abundance on the banks. As the
seabirds fly hurriedly below us, they search for a meal avoiding the
predatory instincts of the Great Skuas.
We eventually tear ourselves away from this spot and
work our way back north. In passing Grutness Voe again we have both
Common and Arctic Terns and also a couple of Ringed Plover. We then
take the main road due north between Lerwick and Scalloway, the main
two towns in Shetland, and on to the Tingwall Valley and the Herrislea
Hotel. Where we make a dramatic entrance before being shown to our
rooms with time to freshen up before dinner.
Day 2
We awake to weather similar to last night, overcast,
misty on the hilltops but virtually calm, which is fairly unique for
After breakfast we head south for just a couple of
miles to Tingwall Loch where we stop overlooking the small island that
many centuries ago held the island parliament. As we get out the vans,
we are greeted with close views of Curlew and Snipe with a pair of Tufted
Ducks further out. There are an assortment of gulls here Common, Black-headed,
Lesser Black-backed, Greater Black-backed, Herring – all sat out on
the silage crops and grassy fields. A Common Sandpiper drops in and
we also have a smart summer plumaged Dunlin, which flies past, disappears
but eventually starts feeding on the edge of the water, showing very
well. Wendy picks up a Red-breasted Merganser sat out on the island
and around us we have the sound of Meadow Pipit and Skylark and the
fields behind hold Rooks. A couple of Mute Swans fly over, this being
one of the few places in Shetland where they occur. There are Redshanks
also along the water’s edge and a Great Skua flies over mobbed by a
hoard of Lapwing. We move a short distance further along the loch and
pick up Cormorant and Teal in amongst the more numerous Tufted Ducks.
As we head on down a little way to the south to another
little bay, we find a pair of Whooper Swans that usually nest on the
island here. The reason that we failed to pick them up on the nest
is that they have hatched their young and are swimming off with four
cygnets, obviously successful to this point. There is also a little
family of Oystercatchers with three half-grown chicks and an Arctic
Skua flies over before we move on.
We drive on to Scalloway to check for any unusual
gulls but it is just the usual selection around the pier. We pass the
old ruins of the castle and then drop down to use the facilities. Out
in the harbour here, we pick out a couple of Black Guillemots, which
show very well in the calm water. We have good opportunities to compare
both Arctic and Common Terns that are flying around in front of us at
quite close range and we can run through the differing features of the
two. There is also Mute Swan here and then our first Collared Dove
of the week up in one of the chimneys.
Driving south towards the Ness, we pass Sandwick with
Mousa Island off to the east. We turn off the main road and head down
to Loch Clumlie. Here, we are barely out of the vehicles before we
pick out two Red-throated Divers out in the middle of the loch. We
have excellent views over the calm waters before one of them takes off
and the other individual lies low in the water, its wailing call drifting
across towards us. We also watch Arctic Skua and Snipe bathing in the
water. There are a number of Kittiwakes coming down to do likewise
while a few Arctic Terns flit about overhead. Around us, we have seen
a few Skylarks while Great Skuas are dropping in also for a bathe.
Further down the road, we see a Curlew with a chick
before coming to the water’s edge at Voe where we come across a little
family group of Shelduck, a pair of adults and five ducklings swimming
around. We have another couple of Black Guillemots quite close in with
Gannet and Fulmars further out to sea. Wendy picks up a Turnstone sat
on a stone pillar, either a late or an early migrant, a bit of surprise.
We leave here on the North Sea coast of Shetland and
drive a short distance up over the top and down on to the Atlantic coast.
We come past Scousburgh and into Scousburgh bay where in the water below
us, we pick out two Harbour Porpoise that are surfacing quite close
in to the beach here. Looking down on them, we enjoy good views before
moving along as a Swallow zips across the road in front of us. We eventually
go through the village of Bigton and off to Ireland where we drive down
to the water’s edge at the cemetery and overlook the tombolo that links
St Ninian’s Isle to the mainland of Shetland. Here we have more family
groups of Shelduck and also Eider while out on the water we have another
three porpoise that seem to be two adults and a young animal. It is
a pleasant scene, still overcast and quite a cool day but there is a
profusion of spring flowers with Squill, Buttercups and Thrift all in
full display. Out on the water there are a number of Puffin and some
distant Red-throated Divers.
Leaving Bigton, we head down to Loch Spiggie where
there are a number of gulls out on the water and a few Arctic and Common
Terns fishing. We pick up five Goldeneye and great excitement is caused
with a Moorhen that is lurking in the rushes at the edge of the loch.
Over on the very far end of the loch there is a beautiful big brown
bevy of bathing Bonxies. Further around the loch, we come across a
couple more Rock Doves and Swallows while down on the loch itself there
are eight Greylag Geese.
On to the Loch of Hillwell where we add Coot to the
list and there are also a couple more Moorhen here before we move down
to Sumburgh for another chance for people to photograph the Crossbills.
There are at least twenty hanging around here today along with all of
the sea bird species that we picked up yesterday including Puffin which
are as welcoming as ever. After forty minutes or so here, we journey
back north up the main road into Lerwick for a shopping opportunity.
We finish up at Strand Loch where there are a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers
but not too much else. We then make the short journey back to the Herrislea.
Day 3
We start early as we have got several ferries to catch
to get to our destination today. We are underway by 7.45am and drive
north across the mainland to Toft where we have five minutes scanning
around before boarding the ferry producing Grey Seal, Turnstone, Razorbill,
Guillemot and Black Guillemot. Once aboard the ferry, we have a 20-minute
crossing to Yell where we have very close views of Black Guillemot along
with a few Gannet drifting through. Ashore on Yell for the half an
hour drive across this island to Gutcher where we wait to catch the
ferry to Unst. On route we have a couple more waders, a Redshank and
a brief Golden Plover before boarding the Fivla ferry for the most northerly
of the Shetland Islands. The small lochan by the ferry terminal at
Gutcher has four Red-throated Divers on it of which two of them start
displaying standing vertically out of the water before a little scuffle
breaks out with a interloper which one of them, presumably the male,
drives away. A few calls are given before they settle back down to
feeding. A fifth bird flies off through the Sound past us.
The drive across Unst is uneventful until we pull
up at a bus stop. It’s not for any wildlife but to pay homage to one
of the most northerly bus stops in Britain that has been lovingly decorated
by the locals. As well as a chair, TV and flowers there is a hamster
cage complete with stuffed animal and we sign the visitor’s book before
moving on. We reach our destination of Hermaness, the Scottish Natural
Heritage reserve.
We are about to leave the car park at Hermaness for
a walk when a couple of Crossbills drop in on to some of the wires.
As we make our way up the first slope and look back down on to Burrafirth
Voe, we pick out a winter plumage Great Northern Diver, which is lingering
late into the season. We take in views of him and the odd Black Guillemot
out on the water before ambling out across the moor where we see Arctic
Skua and our first of numerous Bonxies. There are Skylark and Meadow
Pipit around us, the odd Wheatear and four Whimbrel fly over whilst
somewhere we can hear Golden Plover calling. Further along sat up on
one of the tufts, is a nice summer plumaged Dunlin which stands obligingly
for us to enjoy. Throughout our walk there are Great Skuas dotted about
the heather-clad moorland, their menacing form generally unconcerned
by our presence.
As we approach the western cliffs, we see a couple
of Bonxie chicks, their fluffy sandy plumage showing out against the
dark heather, they look far more cute than there parents. We reach
the cliffs where the sight and smell wafts up towards us while we glance
north picking out the Muckle Flugga Lighthouse-the most northerly outcrop
in the UK. Peering down, we can see numerous Puffins including one
ledge with several dozen sat out. Also there are Gannet and Fulmar
way down below us. Bizarrely, there is a Blackbird singing from the
cliffs. As we make our way round to the viewpoint we pick up several
Wrens and from our lunch stop we enjoy fine views looking down on the
Gannet colony their throaty calls drifting up towards us as we enjoy
a sandwich or two. The Puffins become very approachable with one taking
grass into its burrow not more than two feet from where we are sat and
there is afamily party of Wrens feeding on the slope beside us. We
absorb the impressive scene with towering seabird cliffs stretching
away before us. Ambling back we pick out another Crossbill that lands
on the grassy slopes before making our way across the moor back to the
car park where the Great Northern Diver is still present.
After using the facilities, we start to meander our
way back south across Unst having taken in the fine views of Hermaness,
blessed with generally calm conditions and although there is a bit of
mist around it is just about above cliff height. So we are delighted
with the scenic views that we have taken in today. We make for Haroldswick
and the pools there for a quick check and find Ringed Plover and Dunlin
on the beach with a couple of Red-breasted Mergansers on the water and
a Golden Plover flying overhead.
We then work our way south across Unst to Uyeasound
where we check the pools here and the sea and have very close views
of Red-throated Diver to complete our day on Unst. The two ferry crossings
back allow more opportunity to study the seabirds, before we return
to Veensgarth and a relaxing evening.
Day 4
We set off fairly earlyish from the Herrislea heading
north again up the mainland to catch the ferry for Yell. We have quite
a wait on Yell before we are due to connect with the ferry to Fetlar
so we take the opportunity to stop at West Sandwick. We pull off the
road and park overlooking a sheltered bay where there are a couple of
Red-breasted Mergansers, Black Guillemot and start scanning the shore
for Otter. There is Golden Plover heard calling here while four Red-throated
Divers are out in the bay. After quarter of an hour or so, Pam picks
out something swimming across the mouth of the bay here and sure enough
it proves to be an Otter. It’s quite distant but it swims in shore
and disappears amongst the boulders before reappearing about ten minutes
later giving everyone the opportunity to get our first views of Otter
for the trip. It swims around repeatedly diving for food before disappearing
out around the little point and out of view. Although distant, it is
duly logged and we move on happily across the rest of Yell up to Gutcher
where we wait for the ferry having another couple of Red-throated Divers
and a number of Arctic Terns before taking the ferry to Fetlar.
Again it’s calm and overcast, a bit foggy, looking
particularly so on Fetlar itself but we do pick up a mixture of auks,
Shags, Fulmars and Gannets as we would expect on the crossing. There
are also a few Grey Seals milling around before we dock at Oddsta and
make our way across Fetlar towards Loch of Funzie. It proves to be
claggy weather here, but we do pick up Golden Plover, which flies across
in front of us disappearing into the gloom. As we pull up at Loch of
Funzie, we can only see midway across but there is a smart summer plumaged
Red-throated Diver within 20 yards of us with a Great Skua also on the
loch. As we get out and have a wander along the shore after about fifteen
minutes, a Red-necked Phalarope drops in and swims along the shore before
dozing off amongst the small rocks. We wander round to get within about
twenty feet and it wakes up and swims off feeding pecking from the water’s
surface and around the rocks. We have incredibly good views of this
brightly coloured female, our main target for the day and one of the
undoubted highlights of Shetland.
Red-necked Phalarope – Dave Kjaer |
There are also Arctic Skua flying overhead and a number
of Arctic Terns flying around and feeding on the loch. We have up to
four Red-throated Divers and in the mist their evocative wailing call
drifts across the loch adding to the unforgettable scene.
We return to the vans to have our lunch and as the
mist rolls away we can see right the way across the small lochan. We
hear the sound of Whimbrel coming from the hillside behind us. After
a little bit of searching, we pick out four Whimbrel along the skyline
which show a little bit of display, before two of them fly off. So
superb views of this much sought-after wader and we return to looking
for Phalaropes. There walking along the shore is a male which approaches
to within inches of various lenses that are pointing in its direction.
It carries on regardless until another Phalarope flies in calling and
the male sets off in hot pursuit. It proves to be a highly profitable
spot with the Skuas and Terns overhead and the Phalaropes, Whimbrel
and one or two Dunlin on show around the edge of the water.
With reluctance we tear ourselves away from the Phalarope
fest and mosey back westwards across Fetlar and head up towards the
air strip where we are greeted by several Whimbrel, including a couple
of chicks, which give their seven whistle call with a Curlew nearby
for comparison. We also see a couple pairs of Arctic Skua including
one small dark chocolate brown chick wandering around and up on the
summit itself, there are a pair of Golden Plover, the stonking male
with its jet black belly showing prominently as they wander past an
Arctic Skua. There are also Common Gulls with young, it’s the breeding
season in full flow. From the top here, we have got at least half a
dozen Whimbrels flying around calling adding to a perfect spot in this
low sparse arctic tundra-like habitat.
We continue back to the ferry terminal and take the
25-minute crossing back to Yell. On Yell we head south and turn through
the township of Mid-Yell and then on down to the Loch of Vatsetter with
the Wick of Vatsetter on the other side of the sandy causeway. Again
there are Red-throated Diver here and also our first Common Seal of
the week. We return to the main road and meander our way south to
Burravoe and the Loch of Littlester. It’s a large expanse of fresh
water which appears lifeless until a little bobbing blob materialises.
It’s a summer plumaged male Long-tailed Duck, a nice surprise that we
watch as it frequently dives. Also here there is Large White, our first
butterfly of the week and a wonderful array of flowers including a lot
of Heath Spotted Orchids. So from here, we meander our way along the
south side of Yell back to the ferry for the Mainland and the drive
back to our hotel.
Day 5
We wake to a very misty day so Noss, our desired destination
for today, does not appear to be a sensible option. We have breakfast
and head into Lerwick anyway to give everyone an opportunity to do some
proper shopping. With no change in the weather we head north up the
Tingwall valley along Weisdale Voe where there are Red-breasted Merganser,
Black Guillemot, and Razorbill. Then it’s on to the trees of Shetland
at Kergord, a mature plantation of mixed sycamore, ash and coniferous
Here we investigate for a short while. As well as
Blackbird and Rooks, we come across a couple of Crossbills feeding apparently
on aphids low in the deciduous trees. A bit further along the road
a Goldcrest is sighted and then a small warbler flitting around is eventually
pinned down and identified as Chiffchaff – a couple of new birds for
the trip. We get shown around the back of the Amenity Trust plantation
and wander through the trees here but other than more Crossbills it
does not produce any thing new so we go back to the vans and have a
coffee. Whilst we are here Craig wanders along and sees glimpses of
what is sure to be a Golden Oriole, so we all dash off in the direction
that it was last seen and then scan around but there is no sign. We
see a couple of Collared Doves and then we get a surprise of a Turtle
Dove sat up in the trees. It sits obligingly for us all to see but
despite a good half an hour or more of patient searching, we have no
further sign of the Golden Oriole so we reluctantly move on and head
eastwards towards Catfirth.
We stop to scan over Sand Water where there is a sizeable
colony of Black-headed Gulls with a lot of recently fledged youngsters
on the water. Scanning over the apparently empty water, we pick out
a single duck, a male, which turns out to be a Scaup, another surprise
for the trip. Through the telescopes, we get good views of this scarce
species. There are also a few Dunlin and Ringed Plover flying across
before we head further east.
We move on to South Nesting Bay, a possible Otter
spot where we stop for lunch. We don’t come up with any draatsi (the
Shetland name for Otter) but we do find a fine summer plumaged Great
Northern Diver that is out in the bay showing well. There are also
Black Guillemot and Razorbill and several Red-throated Divers flight
in dropping into the water to feed. There is Hooded Crow overhead and
numerous Curlew, Oystercatcher, Lapwing before we continue along the
road checking a few lochs as we go with Tufted Duck on them, while a
few offshore skerries hold basking Common Seals. We rejoin the main
road and head up to Voe where, after a shop stop, we check the trees.
While enjoying an ice cream, we have unbelievable views of a couple
more Crossbills including our first red male of the trip watched feeding
on caterpillars down to about six foot in the sycamore trees. Also
here, there is Swallow and our first Willow Warbler of the week, which
is actually singing.
We return via Aith and Bixter and stop to have a look
at Tresta Voe where we have good views of Snipe, Red-breasted Merganser,
Arctic Tern, Ringed Plover and smart summer-plumaged Dunlin. We then
meander our way back through the gloom to the hotel for a slightly earlier
dinner in preparation for our evening on Mousa.
So after dinner and a short break, we head out again
this time for Mousa and our evening with the Storm Petrels. We make
the twenty-five minute journey down to Sandwick where we meet Tom who
takes us for the ten-minute crossing across to the island of Mousa.
We are fortunate that the conditions are good enough to be able to land
at the broch itself saving the mile long walk across the island. With
the light dwindling and the island to ourselves we climb into the broch
itself and walk within the walls of this two thousand-year-old Pictish
fort climbing the narrow steps up towards the top. Mid-way up, we find
a Storm Petrel here in its tiny crevice sat on its egg and we enjoy
views in the torchlight, before climbing on to the top for some great
views across the sound back towards the mainland of Shetland.
With the overcast conditions, it is a productive night
for the Storm Petrels as they are already starting to come ashore and
wheel around the broch. Over the next hour or so we are totally enthralled
by these delightful delicate creatures as they skim around the broch
at amazing speed. Some of us surprise the guys on the boat by lying
on our backs facing up the walls of the broch with the Petrels skimming
within inches of our noses. As they zip round many of them flutter
on the walls and we get to see them in the torchlight with their delicate
patterning. One of them clatters in to us and we pick it up as it vomits
on a couple members of the group! We have a long lasting smell as well
as sight and sound of these incredible creatures. With their churring
calls coming from seemingly every crevice in the broch it is suggested
as the oldest artificial nest box in the world. So eventually we have
to tear ourselves away from this once in a life time spectacle and head
back to the mainland for our drive back to the hotel at the end of an
atmospheric, unforgettable night.
Day 6
We awake to another gloomy one but we are going to
go to Noss come what may. Heading into Lerwick for the 10am ferry and
shoot across Bressay seeing a nice pair of Ringed Plover with chicks
and a pair of Red-throated Divers on one of the lochans. We then pull
into the car park and wander down to the beach where we meet the wardens
who ferry us across to Noss on the zodiac. Once ashore, we have a brief
introduction to the island while Arctic Terns and Great Skuas zip back
and forth through the Noss Sound. We leave Pam and Wendy to do their
own thing on the lower level near Gungstie, the only building on the
isle of Noss, before we wander around Sound of Stinky Geo. There are
a number of Common Seals hauled out on the rocks and a Grey Seal in
the water, for comparison. Before passing first Great Skuas and then
Arctic Skuas sat out on their breeding territories, we meander our way
hugging the cliff line having a few close acquaintances with Fulmars
and having the chance to smell their putrid oil which they cough up
on intruders. Eventually we make our way up to overlook the skerry
where several Puffins are sitting about with a number of Great Black-backed
Gulls and their chicks wandering on the isolated rocky outcrop as the
mist comes and goes on the top of the Noop of Noss.
Eventually, having had lunch here, we wander to the
first of the impressive Gannet cliffs where we can get closely acquainted
with these huge great denizens of the sea. We take time to absorb the
view as tier upon tier of nesting Gannets fall away below us for several
hundred feet to the sea, way below the swirling mist and birds. Up
on to the Noop where the Gannets are wheeling past at eye level. We
make our way down the north side of the cliffs as a huge great cruise
ship comes close into the isle and then we have a close acquaintance
with a pair of Arctic Skuas with their two fluffy brown chicks. We
get a display of broken wing distraction, which we are too much the
wiser for and home in on the chicks. We also have good views of Wheatear,
a male that is very approachable. Bizarrely in the poor weather there
are several Red Admirals and a Painted Lady milling around, which are
the first butterflies on Noss this year. We eventually make our way
back to Gungstie where we find a Red-breasted Merganser and Common Tern
in the bay. We are then ferried back across Noss Sound to Bressay and
over this isle and back into Lerwick for our last drive back to the
Day 7
It’s our final morning and with the scheduled early
flight there is not much time for birding. As we leave the hotel there
is fairly thick fog as we say our goodbye to Wendy ap Rees who is staying
on for another few days in Shetland.
We head south to stop at the Sumburgh Hotel to have
a look in the garden, but there is nothing on the migrant front here
and we move on to Grutness gardens where again we only pick up Wren,
Wheatear, and a single Swallow.
At the airport it is clear that the flight is not
going to meet the scheduled time and after waiting around for an hour
or more they finally cancel the flight and reschedule everyone on to
the P&O Ferry this evening. Oh dear, well we’re just going to have
to do a few more hours of birding!
So we get some lunch and head up to Sumburgh Head.
From here we can just about make out the sea below the car park and
hear the sounds of the sea birds. We then get up to the lighthouse
itself where there are still at least 10 Crossbills present. We watch
them down to a few feet before we drive through the murk and stop at
the Pool of Virkie. Here we add one more species to the list in the
form of Bar-tailed Godwit. We see two out on the sand here amongst
the Shelduck, Ringed Plover, Oystercatcher, Curlew, Dunlin and assorted
terns before we meander our way through the gloom up to Lerwick where
the remainder of the group boards the ferry for the overnight crossing
back to Aberdeen.
Red-throated Diver
Great Northern Diver
Storm Petrel
Mute Swan
Whooper Swan
Greylag Goose
Tufted Duck
Long-tailed Duck
Red-breasted Merganser
Ringed Plover
Golden Plover
Bar-tailed Godwit
Common Sandpiper
Red-necked Phalarope
Arctic Skua
Great Skua
Black-headed Gull
Common Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Common Tern
Arctic Tern
Black Guillemot
Rock Dove
Collared Dove
Turtle Dove
Meadow Pipit
Rock Pipit
Pied Wagtail
Willow Warbler
Golden Oriole
Hooded Crow
House Sparrow
Common Crossbill
Grey Seal
Common Seal
Harbour Porpoise
Shetland Pony
Large White
Red Admiral
Painted Lady