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Nancy and I took this trip on a spur of the moment decision to hopefully get Little Bustard onto our life list.
The whole arrangement was set up within 3 days of our
departure on 14th March 2001.
We downloaded the following reports off the internet:
Reports by Gruff Dodd (1999)and Colin Davies (1999)
Both these were useful. (The restaurant 125 recommened by Dodd would now appear to be defunct)
We purchased the book 'A Birdwatching Guide to the Algarve' by Kevin and Christine Carlson from
Already some of the information in this little book is out of date eg the Budens and Luz Reedbeds mentioned on pages 11&12 don't appear to exist any more.
The only drawbacks were the massive amount of development going on throughout the whole area and the worry as to how long any of these sites can remain undisturbed. There were also several sections of roadworks along the main 125 road which caused some holdups particularly during the rush-hours. The Portugese driving can also be a bit hair-raising.
Logistics and cost
Rate of exchange in Mar 2001was PTE310=1.00
The flight options available at 3 days notice were: TAP booked direct Daily flight from Heathrow-Faro Cost return £119 +taxes =140
Dep LHR 0640 Arr Faro 0920
Dep Faro 18.30 Arr LHR 21.05
Airtours Flight Only Dep LGW 16.30 Arr Faro 19.10 Cost
return £135 (taxes?)
Dep Faro 20.10 Arr LGW 22.50
Only flies Thu and Sun
Go Quoted £220 so didn't pursue this one Only flies Thu and Sun.
We chose the TAP flight as LHR was more convenient for us as well as their timings gave us virtually an extra day in Portugal.
Contact TAP at 0845 6010932
We found our apartment at Aparthotel Albufeira Jardim on the web and booked through their local agent telereserva. Very helpful. Cost per night PTE3700 per apartment. Graded at T0 but very adequate for 2 persons. Excellent value.
Check out site at
Car hire was booked through Thomas Cook. Cost for 8 days was supposedly 95.00 all inclusive and voucher was issued but found that we were hassled for an extra 4.00 per day for comprehensive CDW. We declined this and in hindsight we might have been better booking with Autos Abroad (Alamo) who claim their prices are totally inclusive or trying to get a bargain at the airport on arrival.
Check out
Petrol cost PTE181per litre unleaded.
These notes are intended to be used in conjuction with the sources of information mentioned above.
Pera Marsh
From Aparthotel Albufeira Jardim, drive up to dolphin statue roundabout and head away from Albufeira. This follows the coast but a little inland for about 15-18Km. Eventually you come to a roundabout with signs to the left saying Carlos's Beach Bar and Praia Grande. Don't take the narrow dirt track which is first on the left.
Follow the paved road, and where it bears right to Carlos's Beach Bar, continue straight on, onto a dirt road.
Drive to end of this bumpy, dirt track and park by start of boardwalk over dunes Scan marsh and walk further on towards mouth of river.
Most of the common waterbirds can be found here. This was the only site to produce Ruff, Marsh Harrier, and Razorbill but also held Purple Gallinule, Little Owl and European Spoonbill. We dipped on the Bluethroat that was reported 30 minutes before we arrived there on the 14th and wasn't seen again.
Undoubtedly the highlight of the trip and a site not to be missed.
From Albufeira, take the main road IC1 north towards Lisboa. Go past the first exit sign for Ourique and on to next junction signed Baja and Castro Verde. The first 5Km of this road are under major roadworks in preparation for a new motorway but once beyond these, then the good birding can start. Along this section towards Castro Verde we were finding Black-shouldered Kite, White Stork, Spotless Starling and Raven.
At Castro Verde, again ignore the first signed exit, but continue round the northern by-pass and take the next junction signed Aljustrel and Mertola. At the T-junction, turn left signed Castro Verde and Mertola.
In Castro Verde cross 2 round-abouts and at the 3rd ( there are some concrete sheep in the middle!) turn left onto some cobbles and take the second turning on the left, just in front of a large white building that looks like the church.
Continue down the little slope and look for the Mertola sign again, basically just following the main road. At the second large bridge crossing a small river there is a short track leading off to the right at the far side. This follows the riverbank and past some scrubby bushes and trees which hold the common warblers. We had a Great Bustard fly over here, had a female Lesser Kestrel on the wires as well as the only Kingfishers of our trip. Red-rumped Swallows were probably nesting here as well.
The roadside eucalypts just beyond here usually hold Azure-winged Magpies and possible Great Spotted Cuckoo.
Take the turning on the right signed to St Barbara de Padroes which leads down to the small village of Rolao. Along this short section look for Stone Curlew, Little Owl and Red-legged Partridge. Beyond Rolao drive to the end of this section which ends at a T-junction. It was just 200meters out of Rolao that we had our first Little Bustard up on the hill on the right.
At the T-junction, turn left signed to Guerriero. Continue along this section till you see a white farm building on the left and a sign to Alcarias to the right. About 100 meters before the sign, there is a dirt track leading to the left. Although a little bumpy in places, our Fiat Punto had no problems here and any saloon car should make it without too many problems.
This road goes towards a scenic farm complex up on a hill to the left and there is a major track junction where one track leads up to the farm and a couple others lead off to the right. The trees by the stream here hold Spanish Sparrows. Take the main track leading up the hill to the right and follow this as far as it goes. Just keep on the main looking track as it sweeps round to the right. Initially it passes through some ploughed areas which were alive with Calandra Larks. It eventually ends at a dead-end along the top of a ridge. Park up here and have a picnic and just enjoy the scenery. We got great views of Great and Little Bustards, Stone Curlew, Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Red Kite, Montagu's Harrier, Merlin, Lesser and Greater Short-toed Larks.
Return to the main road and turn left and then immediately right down the road signed to Alcarias. The first bridge down this section regularly held Crag Martins. Continue on to a cross roads and turn left here signed to Penilhos and Mertola. When you reach the village of Penilhos take the first road on the left signed to Joao Serra. Continue along this road until it meets up with the main 123 from Castro Verde. It was along this section we had a flock of 23 Great Bustards in a roadside field. Turn right and continue along the 123 till it joins the 122. Watch out for a rubbish land-fill site on the left which holds masses of White Storks (these are also nesting all along this section of road on almost every telegraph pole) and we even had a Red Kite soaring overhead.
Once at the 122 turn right into Mertola where there are some very nice restaurants for lunch.
Cabo St Vincent
Straightforward directions as to getting to lighthouse. We arrived at the point by 8.30am on the 16th and Choughs were to be seen all round the area although at the same time on 21st there were only a couple on show for a few minutes only. Can sea-watch either from top of cliffs or from inside lighthouse grounds. This produced 2 Northern Gannets, 2 Shag, 4 Common Scoter and 12 Puffins on the 16th but an hour's watch from the point on the 21st produced counts of 350 Northern Gannets, 50 Common Scoter, 2 Cory's Shearwater. There were great looks at a pair of Peregrine Falcons performing pairing display flights over the lighthouse.
There was no sign of either Pallid or Alpine Swifts anywhere in the area on the 16th but we did see 3 Alpines here on the 21st.
Mediterranean Shearwaters should also be off-shore and Spectacled Warbler just arriving into low scrubby areas.
On the drive back towards Sagres, check area round posada at turning signed F. de Beliche, opposite large pottery and restaurant. There is an obvious stone wall running through the area. This was where we found Blue Rock-thrush, Dartford Warbler and Black Redstart.
There is a very large lay-by on the right, a little further on, opposite another large restaurant and from the cliff-top here, we had Peregrine Falcon, Lesser Kestrel and Raven.
On leaving Sagres, there is a side turning to the right, off the main road which leads onto the old road which follows the new one closely, even passing under it about half way along, and which allows you to bird slowly at your own pace without the hassle of the continual passing traffic. A slow drive along here produced Black-eared Wheatear and Southern Grey and Woodchat Shrikes. Check some of the driveable dirt roads leading off to the right.
Little to add to directions here. Easy, well signed drive to Monchique and then simply drive to top of mountain. Get there early in the morning before area is disturbed. We didn't see another car up here until almost 10.00am! Birds most obvious round building and mast complexes. Red-legged Partridge,Tawny and Meadow Pipits, Stonechat, Woodlark, Blue Rock-thrush, Ring Ouzel, Linnet and Rock Bunting.
Check the other 2 paved roads leading off the top of the mountain The one to the left led down to some ponds and was sterile whilst the other leads to more interesting treeline birding where we had a Green Woodpecker and a couple of Wrens.
It is also worth stopping at any likely looking spot on the drive down to Monchique as this was how we picked up Firecrest (listen for the calls from any conifer stands). We also had Blackcaps, Blackbirds, Jays and numerous Serin.
It can be cold in the early morning at the top of the mountain.
Woods at Casais
This was to check out the woods mentioned in Dodd's report. On the way back south from Foia, take the road off to the west signed to Marmalete. Once through the small village of Casais, look out for the obvious white bus-shelter on the left and found about 1.5-2Km from the village and park up here. A wide track leads off downhill just beyond the shelter. Walk down here and as far as an obvious large single tree with a very black trunk and a armchair underneath. Bear left here and continue down the footpath to where it joins another wide track. Bear right here and walk as far as a stone well and a private sign
Even in the middle of the day, we found Blue and Crested Tits, Nuthatch, Short-toed Treecreeper, Wren and Green Woodpecker.
Quinta do Rocha
Little to add to Dodd's directions. We easily found the turning down to this site by the palm garden centre. Cross the railway by the flashinbg warning lights. Carry on passing the small birding centre on the right. We turned in here but it was obviously closed. It must still be just open to visitors on Thursdays.
Continue down along main track to t-junction and turn left to park in the area at the base of the cliffs. There is a path leading out along the side of the estuary on your left and a complex of pans on the right. This does a short circuit of the pans and leads back to the car-park
Best birds here were Caspian and Sandwich Terns and Eurasian Oystercatchers on the estuary. Check the large flocks of roosting gulls as Adouin's is a possibility here. There are the usual waders to be found throughout the area but check the scrub as this was our only site for the supposed common Common Waxbill.
Quinta do Lago
Once at the approach to this superbly manicured complex, you take the exit from roundabout 1 signed to Quinta do Lago Hotel which goes through mock pillars at either side of the road. Azure-winged Magpies are common along this road. Continue straight across the 6 roundabouts until arriving at the free, shaded car-park. The wooden boardwalk leading out onto the offshore island is straight ahead. We walked a short way up the track to the right but it was fairly quiet. The track to the left was far more productive. This goes along between the golf course on the left and the estuary on your right. Be careful of the golfers as Nancy was actually hit on the leg with a golf ball from a misdirected drive!! Caspian and Sandwich Terns are seen on the estuary.
This track comes to a junction and here it overlooks a drained pan which was alive with waders. We also had a single White Stork and a Spanish Yellow Wagtail. The main track seems to carry straight on and it is worth while going a short way along here just to scan this pan properly. The track is also very busy with joggers and cyclists especially on the weekends.
Back at the junction, take the narrower track which follows the edge of the golfcourse and seemed to have a 'No Entry' sign at the start. This leads up to the large lagoon which has a tower hide at one end. This is a superb area and produced goodies such as Purple Gallinule, Red-crested Pochard and Cetti's and Sedge Warblers. The rare local chameleon is apparently found in this area.
We didn't attempt to go any further here.
Ludo Saltpans.
We were tipped off about this site by some local birders we talked to at Quinta do Rocha. We drove back to the airport buildings at Faro, about turned and on exiting, went straight across the first round-about and past several car rental depots before taking the next road on the left. This goes up past a chinese restaurant on the left, up a hill before taking a sharp turn to the left. A wide dirt road leads off to the right and take this track which is easily drivable. It passes through a gate which is apparently always open and you start to drive out between some pans. Where the track bears to the right at a group of buildings, pass between the double, white, pointed gateposts, past the buildings and the mound of dried salt and continue out across more pans to the woods at the far side. This supposedly a good site for flamingos but none were present on our visit. We did however find a nice flock of 20 Pied Avocet and the only Great Crested Grebe of the trip.
Fuseta Saltpans
This was the only site visited to the east of Faro and we went here for an hour or so before heading to the airport for our flight home. It was worth the efort of driving through central Faro but the main roads here are all well signposted.
From Faro, follow the signs to Olhao and once through the small town, continue on further east towards Tavira. Cross straight over the major crossroads with the sign to the right to Fuseta. Continue on, looking out for a small pottery shop on the left and just after here, a narrow lane on the right, signed to Arroteia. Follow this down, across the railway and, at the next crossroads with a blue house on the near left corner, continue straight onto a narrow road, which leads up onto a causeway overlooking a series of very birdy saltpans.
The main attraction was the flock of 300+ Greater Flamingos, 12 Little Terns, 50 Avocets and masses of the commoner wader species.
1. Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
Single on Ludo Saltpans, 18.3.01.
2. Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
15 On Pera Marsh, 14.3.01 6 There on 19.3.01. Single on small pond just before Rolao, Alantejos, 20.3.01. 10 at Quinta do Lago on 18&22.3.01.
3. Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea)
2 Seen offshore from Cabo St Vincente, 21.3.01.
4. Northern Gannet (Sula bassana)
2 From Cabo St Vincente, 16.3.01 350+ Seen on hour's count off Cabo St Vincente
on 21.3.01.
5. Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)
4 On cliffs at Cabo St Vincente, 16.3.01 and 2 there on 21.3.01.
6. Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)
8 Seen from road at large bridge at Portimao, 16.3.01. 4 Perched on wires at
Quinta da Rocha, 17.3.01. 8 At Quinta do Lago, 18&22.3.01.
7. Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
8. Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)
15 Seen at Pera Marsh, 14.3.01. 1 At Quinta da Rocha, 16.3.01. 6 At Quinta da
Rocha, 17.3.01. 20+ Around Quinta do Lago, 18.3.01.
9. Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
10 At Pera Marsh, 14.3.01 2 On small marsh on side track north of Vila da Bispo,
16.3.01. Single at Lago Pans, 18.3.01. Single at Pera Marsh, 19.3.01.
10. Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)
Single at Pera Marsh, 14&19.3.01.
11. White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)
3 At Pera Marsh on 14.3.01. Very common (hundreds!) in Alantejo, 15&20.3.01.
Single at Quinta do Lago, 18.3.01. and 2 pairs at nest at Lago Pans same day.
2 At Pera Marsh, 19.3.01. 3 At Quinta do Lago, 22.3.01.
12. European Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia)
9 At Pera Marsh, 14.3.01. 5 There on 19.3.01. 10 At Fuseta Saltpans,
13. Greater Flamingo (Phaenicopterus falcinellus)
2 Seen at Quinta da Rocha, 16& Seen from car, on estuary to east
of Portimao, 21.3.01. 300+ On Fuseta Saltpans, 22.3.01.
14. Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
Common on Pera Marsh, 14&19.3.01. A few seen on small scattered ponds across
Alentejo, 15&20.3.01. 1 On small marsh on side track north of Vila da Bispo,
16.3.01. 4 At Quinta da Rocha, 16&21.3.01. 10 At pond at Quinta do Lago,
18&22.3.01. 6 At Fuseta Saltpans, 22.3.01.
15. Gadwall (Anas strepera)
10 At Pera Marsh on 14&19.3.01. 6 On lake at Qunta do Lago, 18&22.3.01.
Pair on small pond before Rolao, Alentejos, 20.3.01.
16. Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata)
50+ On Pera Marsh on 14.3.01 with about 20 there on 19.3.01. 2 At Quinta do
Lago, 18.3.01.
17. Pochard (Aythya ferina)
10 On Pera Marsh, 4.3.01 with 8 there on 19.3.01.
18. Red-crested Pochard (Aythya
At least 6 pairs on lake at Quinta do Lago, 18&22.3.01.
19. Common Scoter (Melanitta nigra)
4 Seen flying past Cabo St Vincente, 15.3.01. 50 Seen during an hour's seawatch
off Cabo St Vincente, 21.3.01.
20. Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus cearuleus)
2 Seen in Alentejo, 15.3.01. and single there on 20.3.01.
21. Red Kite (Milvus milvus)
3 Seen over Alentejo, 15.3.01. Single there on 20.3.01.
22. Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygargus)
2 Seen over Alentejo, 15.3.01. and 5 there on 20.3.01.
23. Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus)
Single female seen over Pera Marsh, 14.3.01.
24. Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo)
2 Seen in Alentejo on 15.3.01 and a single along approach to Pula do Lobo by
Mertola on same day. Single over Carrapateira on 16.3.01.
25. Booted Eagle (Hierartus pennatus)
2 Seen on drive into Pulo do Lobo by Mertola, 15.3.01. Single dark phase seen
over Quinta do Lago on 18.3.01 and pale phase bird seen over Ludo saltpans same
26. Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Single at Pera Marsh on 14&19.3.01. 2 Seen in Alentejo, 15.3.01. 2 At Cabo
St Vincente, 16.3.01. 2 At Quinta do Rocha, 17.3.01.
27. Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni)
4 Seen on cliffs at Cabo St Vincente, 16.3.01. Single female at bridge east
of Castro Verde, Alentejos 20.3.01. Single at Cabo St Vincente, 21.3.01.
28. Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Single over cliffs at Cabo de St Vincente, 16.3.01.and a pair seen off lighthouse
there on 21.3.01. Single on top of Mt Foia, 17.3.01.
29. Merlin (Falco columbiarus)
Single seen in Alentejo, 15.3.01.
30. Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa)
At least 20 birds seen roadside in Alentejo, 15&20.3.01. Single roadside
at top of Mt Foia, 17.3.01.
(Common Quail) (Coturnix coturnix)
Calling birds heard on Alentejos, 15.3.01.
31. Moorhen (gallinulus chloropus)
A common species seen daily in wetland habitats.
32. Common Coot (Fulica atra)
An abundant species seen daily in wetland habitats.
33. Purple Gallinule (Porphyrio porphyrio)
Up to 10 seen at Pera Marsh on 14&19.3.01. 12 Counted on lake at Quinta
do Lago on 19&22.3.01 including a pair tending a couple of recently hatched
juveniles on 19th.
34. Great Bustard (Otus)
A count of 32 seen during day in Alentejo, 15.3.01. Only 3 seen there on 20.3.01.
35. Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax)
A count of 21 seen during day in Alentejo, 15.3.01.
36. Eurasian Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)
Up to 20 seen on estuary at Quinta do Rocha, 16&17.3.01. Single at Quinta
do Lago, 18.3.01.
37. Stone Curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus)
10 Seen in roadside fields in Alentejo, 15.3.01. Only 2 seen there on 20.3.01.
38. Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)
Up to 100 seen on Pera Marsh on 14&19.3.01. 3 Seen at Quinta do Rocha, 17&21.3.01.
3 At Ludo Saltpans, 18.3.01. 30 At Fuseta Saltpans, 22.3.01.
39. Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)
Flock of 19 seen at Ludo Saltpans, 18.3.01. 50+ At Fuseta Saltpans, 22.3.01.
40. Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius)
Single seen at Quinta do Rocha on 16.3.01 with 2 there next day. 10 At Quinta
do Lago on 18&22.3.01. Single at Pera Marsh on 19.3.01.
41. Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus)
3 At Pera Marsh on 14.3.01. 3-4 Seen daily at Quinta do Rocha on
16&17.3.01. 20+ Seen at Quinta do Lago on 18&22.3.01. 2 At Pera
Marsh on 19.3.01. 10 At Fuseta Saltpans, 22.3.01.
42. Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
10 Seen at Quinta do Rocha, 16&17.3.01. 40 At Quinta do Lago, 18.3.01. with
10 there on 22.3.01. Single at Quinta do Rocha, 21.3.01.
43. Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
5 at Quinta do Rocha, 17.3.01. 2 At Quinta do Lago, 18&22.3.01. 8 At Sagres
harbour, 21.3.01. 4 At Fuseta Saltpans, 22.3.01.
44. Sanderling (Calidris alba)
4 At Quinta do Rocha, 16.3.01 and 6 there next day. 10 Seen at Quinto do Lago,
18&22.3.01 and 1 at Ludo Pans same day. 3 At Pera Marsh, 19.3.01. 2 At Fuseta
Saltpans, 22.3.01.
45. Red Knot (Calidris canutus)
Single at Quita do Lago, 18.3.01.
46. Dunlin (Calidris alpina)
30+ Seen at Quinta do Rocha, 16&17.3.01. 100+ At Quinta do Lago, 18.3.01.
47. Little Stint (Calidris minuta)
10 Seen at Quinta do Lago, 18.3.01.
48. Ruff (Philomachus pugnax)
12 Seen on Pera Marsh, 14.3.01.
49. Curlew (Numenius arquata)
Single at Quinta do Lago, 18&22.3.01.
50. Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)
Single at Quinta do Rocha on 16&17.3.01. Single at Quinta do Lago, 18&22.3.01.
Single at Sagres harbour on 21.3.01.
51. Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa)
6 Seen at Pera Marsh on 14.3.01. 8 At Quinta do Rocha on 17.3.01. 20 At Fuseta
Saltpans on 22.3.01.
52. Redshank (Tringa totanus)
2 At Quinta do Rocha, 16.3.01 and 10 there next day. 30+ Seen at Quinto do Lago,
18&22.3.01 and 4 at Ludo Pans same day. 10 At Fuseta Saltpans, 22.3.01.
53. Greenshank (Tringa nebularia)
6 At Quinta do Rocha on 17.3.01. 2 At Quinta do Lago on 18.3.01 and 2 more at
Ludo Saltpans same day. 3 At Quinta do Rocha on 21.3.01. 4 At Fuseta Saltpans
on 22.3.01.
54. Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos)
3 At Pera Marsh on 14.3.01. 2 At Ludo Saltpans, 18.3.01.
55. Mediterranean Gull (Larus melanocephalus)
A count of 30 + seen at gull roost on building site just west of Albufeira,
56. Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus)
A fairly scarce species but a few seen daily at all sites along coast.
57. Yellow-legged Gull (Larus cachinnans)
A common species seen daily all along coast.
58. Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus)
A common species seen daily all along coast.
59. Sandwich Tern (Sterna sandvichensis)
Single seen on estuary at Quinta do Rocha, 17.3.01. Single at Quinta do Lago,
18.3.01. Single from beach at Pera Marsh, 19.3.01. Single at Sagres harbour
on 21. 3.01. 5 At Quinta do Rocha, 21.3.01.
(Comic Tern) (Sterna hirundo/paradisea)
4 Flying north off Cabo St Vincente, 21.3.01.
60. Little Tern (Sterna albifrons)
11 At Fuseta Saltpans, 22.3.01.
61. Caspian Tern (Sterna caspia)
2 Seen on estuary at Quinta do Rocha, 17.3.01. Single at Quinta do Lago, 18.3.01.
Single at Quinta do Rocha, 21.3.01.
62. Razorbill (Alca torda)
6 Seen from beach at Pera Marsh, 19.3.01.
63. Puffin (Fratercula arctica)
12 Seen off Cabo St Vincente, 15.3.01.
64. Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)
4 Seen round hotel grounds in Albufeira, 14.3.01. 3 At Cabo St Vincente, 16.3.01.
Single at Quinta do Rocha, 17.3.01. Single at Quinta do Lago, 18.3.01. 2 Seen
at Albufeira, 21.3.01.
65. Black-bellied Sandgrouse
3 Seen in Alentejo, 15.3.01.
66. Great Spotted Cuckoo (Clamator glandarius)
Single seen in Alentejos, 20.3.01.
67. Little Owl (Athene noctua)
3 Seen at Pera Marsh, 14.3.01. 3 At Alentejo, 15.3.01. Singles at Quinta do
Rocha, 16&17.3.01.
68. Alpine Swift (Apus melba)
10 Over Pera Marsh, 19.3.01. 3 At Cabo St Vincente, 21.3.01.
69. Pallid Swift (Apus pallidus)
2 Over road between Budens and Bocca de Rio, 16.3.01. 2 Over Pera Marsh, 19.3.01.
70. Common Kingfisher (Alcedo athis)
Pair seen at river bridge east of Castro Verde, Alentejos, 20.3.01.
71. Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops)
Single at Pera Marsh, 14.3.01. 2 At Cabo St Vincente, 16.3.01. Single at Quita
do Lago, 16.3.01. 3 At Pera Marsh, 19.3.01. 2 On Elentejos, 20.3.01.
72. Green Woodpecker (Picus viridis)
Single seen at top of Mt Foia and a second in cork oak woods by Casais, 17.3.01.
73. Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)
Single flying over road on drive up to Ourique, 15.3.01. Single by golf course
at Quinta do Lago, 18.3.01. Single flying over road 10Km west of Albufeira,
74. Woodlark (Lullula arborea)
2 seen above treeline on Mt Foia, 17.3.01.
75. Crested Lark (Galerida cristata)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
76. Thekla Lark (Galerida theklae)
Single identified at Cabo St Vincente, 16.3.01. 2 Between Monchique and the summit of Mt Foia, 17.3.01.
77. Short-toed Lark (Calandrella brachydactyla)
4 Seen in Alentejo, 15.3.01.
78. Lesser Short-toed Lark (Calandrella rufescens)
Single seen in Alentejos, 20.3.01.
79. Calandra Lark (Melanocorypha calandra)
20+ Seen in Alentejo, 15&20.3.01.
80. Crag Martin (Ptonoprogne rupestris)
6 Seen in Alentejo and 2 over river at Pula do Lobo on 15.3.01. 4 In Alentejos,
81. Red-rumped Swallow (Hirundo daurica)
8 Seen in Alentejo, 15.3.01. 20 There on 20.3.01.
82. Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
83. House Martin (Delichon urbica)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
84. Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis)
10 At Pera Marsh, 14.3.01. 50+ Seen in Alentejo, 15.3.01. 5 Seen along old
road between Sagres and Vilo do Bispo, 16.3.01. 4 Seen at top of Mt Foia, 17.3.01.
10 Seen in Alentejos, 20.3.01. Single at Quinta Do Lago, 22.3.01.
85. Tawny Pipit (Anthus campestris)
Single at Cabo St Vincente. 16.3.01. Single seen at top of Mt Foia, 17.3.01.
86. Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba)
Single at Pera Marsh, 14.3.01. Flock of 5 seen on recently ploughed field in
Alentejo, 15.3.01. 4 Seen along old road between Sagres and Vilo do Bispo, 16.3.01.
Single at Quinta do Lago, 18.3.01.
87. Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea)
Single seen on roadside stream between Budens and Bocca do Rio, 16.3.01. Single
seen roadside west of Almedovar, 20.3.01.
88. Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava iberiae)
Single at Pera Marsh, 14.3.01. 2 At Quinta do Lago, 18&22.3.01. Single at
Pera Marsh, 19.3.01.
89. Winter Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
Up to 4 seen around tree-line on Mt Foia, 17.3.01.
90. Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)
2 Seen at Cabo St Vincente, 16.3.01.
91. Common Stonechat (Saxicola torquata)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
92. Black-eared Wheatear (Oenanthe hispanica)
Single seen along old road between Sagres and Vilo do Bispo, 16.3.01.
93. Blue Rock-thrush (Monticola solitarius)
2 Seen at Cabo St Vincente, 16.3.01. 2 Seen at top of Mt Foia, 17.3.01.
94. Ring Ouzel (Turdus torquatus)
4 Seen at top of Mt Foia, 17.3.01.
95. Eurasian Blackbird (Turdus merula)
A scarce but widespread species with odd birds seen daily in most habitats.
96. Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus)
Single seen in Stone Pines at Quinta do Lago, 18.3.01.
97. Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidis)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
98. Cetti's Warbler (Cettia cetti)
4 Seen by pond at Quinta do Lago, 18&22.3.01.
99. Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaetus)
Single by pond at Quinta do Lago, 18.3.01.
100. Dartford Warbler (Sylvia undata)
2 Seen roadside in Alentejo, 15.3.01. 4 At Cabo St Vincente, 16.3.01. Single
seen on top of Mt Foia, 17.3.01.
101. Subalpine Warbler (Sylvia cantillans)
Single seen along old road between Sagres and Vilo do Bispo, 16.3.01.
102. Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla)
2 Seen in hotel grounds in Albufeira, 14.3.01. 50+ Seen in Alentejo and Pula
do Lobo, 15.3.01. 2 Seen between Monchique and top of Mt Foia, 17.3.01. 10 Seen
in Alentejos, 20.3.01.
103. Sardinian Warbler (Sylvia melanocephala)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
104. Common Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
1 Seen in Albufeira and a second at Pera Marsh on 14.3.01. Single at Pera Marsh,
19.3.01. Single at Quinta do Lago, 22.3.01.
105. Firecrest (Regulus ignicapillus)
Single seen just below tree line on Mt Foia, 17.3.01.
106. Crested Tit (Parus cristatus)
6 In cork oak woods by Casais, 17.3.01.
107. Blue Tit (Parus caerulescens)
2 In cork oak woods by Casais, 17.3.01.
108. Great Tit (Parus major)
2 In woods by Pula do Lobo, 15.3.01. 2 At Quinta do Lago, 18&22.3.01.
109. Long-tailed Tit (Aeithalos caudatus)
4 Seen in woods by Pula do Lobo, 15.3.01.
110. Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta europea)
2 In cork oak woods by Casais, 17.3.01.
111. Short-toed Treecreeper (Certhia brachydactlya)
Single in woods by Pula do Lobo, 15.3.01. 2 In cork oak woods by Casais, 17.3.01.
112. Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius
20+ Seen in Alentejo, 15&20.3.01. Single along old road between Sagres and
Vilo do Bispo, 16.3.01.
113. Woodchat Shrike (Lanius senator)
2 Seen along approach road to Pula do Lobo, 15.3.01. Single along old road between
Sagres and Vilo do Bispo, 16.3.01.
114. Spotless Starling Sturnus unicolor)
20+ Seen in Alentejo, 15&20.3.01. 10 Seen on Cabo St Vincente, 16&21.3.01.
115. Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
3 seen along tree-line on Mt Foia, 17 3.01. Single on road down to Quinta do
Lago, 18.3.01. Single seen east of Ourique, 20.3.01.
116. Azure-winged Magpie (Cyanopica cyana)
20+ Seen in Alentejo, 15&20.3.01. 10+ Seen round Quinta do Lago, 18&22.3.01.
117. Red-billed Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)
20 Seen round Cabo St Vincente, 16.3.01. and 2 seen there on 21.3.01.
118. Jackdaw (Corvus monedula)
10 Seen round Cabo St Vincente, 16&21.3.01.
119. Raven (Corvus corax)
Pair seen at Cabo St Vincente, 16.3.01. Single seen between Ourique and Castro
Verde, 20.3.01.
120. Carrion Crow (Corvus corone)
4 Seen in Alentejo, 15.3.01.
121. House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
122. Spanish Sparrow (Passer
Several small flocks seen in Alentejo, 15&20.3.01.
123. Common Waxbill (Estrilda astrild)
Single at Quinta do Rocha, 21.3.01.
124. Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
Single along track down to Quinta do Rocha, 16.3.01. Single in cork oak woods
by Casais, 17.3.01. 2 At Quinta do Rocha, 21.3.01.
125. Serin (Serinus serinus)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
126. Siskin (Carduelis spinus)
Single seen in stand of pines in downtown Albufeira, 14.3.01.
127. Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
128. Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
129. Linnet (Carduelis cannabina)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
130. Corn Bunting (Miliaria calandra)
A common species seen daily in most habitats.
131. Rock Bunting (Emberiza cia)
At least 6 pairs seen above tree-line on Mt Foia, 17.3.01.
Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
2 Seen along road to Mertola, 15.3.01.
Brown Hare (Lepus capensis)
Single seen on approach to Pula do Lobo, 15.3.01.
David and Nancy Massie
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