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Species Lists for South East Australia, Oct' 03,
Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae novaehollandiae)
3 at Flinders Range N.P. on 04.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. Two pairs at km. 36 & 39.
2 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. At km. 266.
4 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
7 ad. & imm. at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. A pair with 5 chicks.
3 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Cameron Corner - Merty Merty on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Ngarkat Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Along Baan Hill track, running
like mad along the road.
Australasian Grebe (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae
1 at Fleurieu Pen.; Cape Jervis on 02.10.2003. In a sheltered bay.
2 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Near the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
10 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. In the ponds.
3 at Adelaide; Greenfields wetlands on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Hoary-headed Grebe (Poliocephalus poliocephalus)
3 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 96.
2 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. On the pond.
1 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. In a small roadside pool.
1 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. On a pond.
5 at Cameron Corner - Merty Merty on 09.10.2003. In roadside ponds and bores.
50 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. In the ponds.
50 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
20 at Adelaide; Greenfields wetlands on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Australasian Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus
8 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Shy Albatross (Thalassarche cauta cauta)
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Off Remarkable Rock, flying
Short-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus tenuirostris)
500 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Off Remarkable Rock.
1 at Portland harbour on 12.10.2003. Sick and beach-washed.
Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus)
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. At American River.
20 at Kangaroo Island; Kingscote on 03.10.2003. Common in the harbour just after
15 at Geelong - Port Fairy road on 12.10.2003. Roadside and overhead.
20 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
20 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. Flying.
Australian Gannet (Morus serrator)
2 at Kangaroo Island ferry crossing on 02.10.2003. Close to the ferry.
Little Black Cormorant (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris)
2 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. In the mangroves.
1 at Geelong - Port Fairy road on 12.10.2003. Roadside pond.
500 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Roosting.
Pied Cormorant (Phalacrocorax varius hypoleucos)
4 at Kangaroo Island; Kingscote on 03.10.2003. Sitting on the beach, one with
a wounded wing in the parking-lot.
100 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Roosting.
20 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. Offshore and sitting on markers.
Black-faced Cormorant (Phalacrocorax fuscescens)
6 at Portland harbour on 12.10.2003. On a buoy.
Little Pied Cormorant (Phalacrocorax melanoleucos melanoleucos)
1 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Overhead.
1 at Geelong - Port Fairy road on 12.10.2003. Roadside pond.
4 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. Flying overhead.
30 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. On the rocky breakwater and flying past.
Australian Darter (Anhinga melanogaster novaehollandiae)
1 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. At the pond.
Pacific Heron (Ardea pacifica)
4 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
1 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
3 at Geelong - Port Fairy road on 12.10.2003. Roadside.
Great White Egret (Ardea alba modesta)
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. In a ditch.
20 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Common here.
4 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
2 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. On the rocky breakwater.
Intermediate Egret (Egretta intermedia plumifera)
1 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Should be common here.
White-faced Heron (Egretta novaehollandiae novaehollandiae)
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. Common.
1 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Common.
1 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. At km. 317.
1 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
8 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common.
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta nigripes)
1 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Should be common here.
10 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
6 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. On the rocky breakwater.
Rufous Night-heron (Nycticorax caledonicus hilli)
2 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Flew up from the swamp.
8 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Roosting in the mangroves.
Australian Ibis (Threskiornis molucca molucca)
1 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Common.
5 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. Common.
10 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
2 at Mt. Gambier - Naracoorte road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Straw-necked Ibis (Threskiornis spinicollis)
3 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Flying overhead.
20 at Mt. Gambier - Naracoorte road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
1000 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Abundant here, large flocks
soaring overhead.
Royal Spoonbill (Platalea regia)
1 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Flying overhead.
1 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. Flying past.
Magpie Goose (Anseranas semipalmata)
6 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Introduced here.
Black Swan (Cygnus atratus)
20 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. Common.
4 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Flying overhead.
20 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
30 at Fawthrop's Lagoon on 12.10.2003. Common.
100 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Common here.
50 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common.
25 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common.
Cape Barren Goose (Cereopsis novaehollandiae)
20 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. At Murray Lagoon.
Freckled Duck (Stictonetta naevosa)
12 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 02.10.2003. Sitting on treetrunks and
logs in the river, not shy.
16 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. In three groups, resting on
dead tretrunks.
Australian Shelduck (Tadorna tadornoides)
6 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. On roadside ponds.
20 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common in roadside ponds.
2 at Mt. Gambier - Naracoorte road on 13.10.2003. Roadside pond.
2 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Roadside pond.
7 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Not many seen.
Maned Duck (Chenonetta jubata)
55 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 96.
2 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. On the pond.
25 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. In a roadside pool.
5 at Thargomindah - Noccundra road on 08.10.2003. In a roadside pond.
Grey Teal (Anas gracilis)
50 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
20 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. One large group.
3 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 51 & 96.
15 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
10 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. In the ponds.
300 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Very common here.
Chestnut Teal (Anas castanea)
8 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. On roadside ponds.
2 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
10 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common in roadside ponds.
4 at Fawthrop's Lagoon on 12.10.2003. Regular here.
15 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Moderately common here.
3 at Adelaide; Greenfields wetlands on 16.10.2003. Flying in.
Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos "feral")
1 ad. male at Kangaroo Island; Kingscote on 03.10.2003. Swimming in the harbour.
Pacific Black Duck (Anas superciliosa rogersi)
1 at Adelaide airport on 02.10.2003. Flying overhead.
8 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Common.
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
20 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
1 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 96.
10 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
10 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. In the ponds.
20 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common.
Australian Shoveler (Anas rhynchotis rhynchotis)
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. Roadside pond.
20 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
3 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Common.
8 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Seen with other ducks.
Pink-eared Duck (Malacorhynchus membranaceus)
22 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 96.
16 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. One flock on the pond.
1 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. At km. 298.
60 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. In the ponds.
Hardhead (Aythya australis)
10 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. In the ponds.
30 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
2 at Adelaide; Greenfields wetlands on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Musk Duck (Biziura lobata)
1 male at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 02.10.2003. Swimming in the river.
1 ad. male at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Same as seen yesterday.
2 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Only two seen.
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus cristatus)
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. At D'Estrees Bay.
Australian Kite (Elanus axillaris)
1 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Sitting on a pole in the swamp.
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At dusk at km. 102.
4 at Geelong - Port Fairy road on 12.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Port Fairy - Portland road on 12.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Mt. Gambier - Naracoorte road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Ngarkat - Lameroo road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Black Kite (Milvus migrans affinis)
1 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 29.
8 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
8 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Common.
5 at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Cameron Corner - Merty Merty on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
8 at Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Common.
10 at Sturt N.P. on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
8 at Tibooburra - Broken Hill road on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
Whistling Kite (Haliastur sphenurus)
1 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Seems uncommon here.
1 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. At km. 237.
2 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Thargomindah - Noccundra road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. Over the islands.
White-bellied Sea-eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)
1 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Overhead.
1 ad. at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. Flying over the islands off St. Kilda.
Swamp Harrier (Circus approximans)
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. Over a field.
5 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
1 at Fawthrop's Lagoon on 12.10.2003. Common.
Spotted Harrier (Circus assimilis)
1 ad. at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 69.
Brown Goshawk (Accipiter fasciatus fasciatus)
1 at Fleurieu Pen.; Cape Jervis on 02.10.2003. Hunting over a bay.
1 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Flying past.
Collared Sparrowhawk (Accipiter cirrocephalus cirrocephalus)
1 at Geelong - Port Fairy road on 12.10.2003. Roadside.
Wedge-tailed Eagle (Aquila audax audax)
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Sterling North - Quorn road on 04.10.2003. Over a dry riverbed.
1 at Flinders Range N.P. on 04.10.2003. Roadside.
3 at Lyndhurst - Marree road on 05.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 96.
1 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. At km. 330.
2 at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Thargomindah - Lake Bindegolly on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Thargomindah - Noccundra road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
5 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
7 at Ngarkat Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Common here.
Little Eagle (Hieraaetus morphnoides morphnoides)
4 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. One at km. 51, two on nest at km.
82 and one at km. 96.
1 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
Australian Kestrel (Falco cenchroides cenchroides)
4 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Strzelecki Track; south on 05.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Lyndhurst - Marree road on 05.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 127.
4 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. Common.
2 at Tickalara - Wompah Gate road on 08.10.2003. At Grey Range.
1 at Pyampa Station on 08.10.2003. At the bore.
2 at Pyampa Station on 09.10.2003. At the bore.
4 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Cameron Corner - Merty Merty on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Strzelecki Track; north on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
5 at Geelong - Port Fairy road on 12.10.2003. Roadside.
Australian Hobby (Falco longipennis longipennis)
1 at Adelaide; Greenfields wetlands on 16.10.2003. Flying past.
Brown Falcon (Falco berigora berigora)
1 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 30.
6 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. Common.
3 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Common.
2 at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Strzelecki Track; north on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Sturt N.P. on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Black Falcon (Falco subniger)
1 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 96, hunting.
Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus macropus)
1 at Pyampa Station on 08.10.2003. Flying overhead, then settling on the ground.
1 at Wompah Gate - Tibooburra road on 09.10.2003. South of One Pah Station.
1 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside, flying away with prey.
Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo feral)
1 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Roadside, at the Duck Lagoon
Brolga (Grus rubicunda)
5 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Roadside, 101 km. east of Birdsville.
2 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Thargomindah - Noccundra road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
Lewin's Rail (Rallus pectoralis pectoralis)
1 at Fawthrop's Lagoon on 12.10.2003. Heard calling at dusk.
Australian Crake (Porzana fluminea)
2 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. Walking around the reeds in a small
pond, immediately east of the golf course.
Australasian Swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio melanotus)
6 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. In the pond.
4 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. In the swamp.
2 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. In the reeds in a small pond, immediately
east of the golf course.
4 at Adelaide; Greenfields wetlands on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Dusky Moorhen (Gallinula tenebrosa tenebrosa)
4 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. On the pond.
20 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Common here.
4 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Near a reedy area.
3 at Adelaide; Greenfields wetlands on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Black-tailed Native-hen (Gallinula ventralis)
2 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 02.10.2003. Walking on the grass.
4 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Walking around.
11 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. One flock, shy.
50 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. Large group on the golf course, and
three in the reeds in a small pond.
10 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. One group seen feeding.
8 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. On the parking lot.
Australasian Coot (Fulica atra australis)
12 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Common.
15 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
400 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Abundant.
50 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. Common.
1 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Only one seen.
100 at Adelaide; Greenfields wetlands on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Sooty Oystercatcher (Haematopus fuliginosus fuliginosus)
1 at Kangaroo Island; Penneshaw on 03.10.2003. In the harbour at dusk.
4 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. On the rocky breakwater.
White-headed Stilt (Himantopus leucocephalus)
4 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
400 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Abundant.
50 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common.
Banded Stilt (Cladorhynchus leucocephalus)
1000 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Not present here two weeks ago.
Red-necked Avocet (Recurvirostra novaehollandiae)
20 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. Common here.
23 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 96.
8 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
50 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Australian Pratincole (Stiltia isabella)
2 at Strzelecki Track; south on 05.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Lyndhurst - Marree road on 05.10.2003. Roadside.
18 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. Common in singles and pairs between
km. 39 & 180.
3 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. At km. 326 and 405. Much less common
than yesterday.
5 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Roadside, always single birds.
10 at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. Roadside, mostly single birds.
1 at Wompah Gate - Tibooburra road on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
21 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Singles and two flocks of eight.
38 at Tibooburra - Broken Hill road on 10.10.2003. Common along the road.
Banded Lapwing (Vanellus tricolor)
3 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Roadside near the homestead.
Masked Lapwing (Vanellus miles novaehollandiae)
2 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Common.
6 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. Common.
40 ad. & imm. at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Many half-grown
chicks seen.
6 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 96.
8 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
8 ad. & imm. at Fawthrop's Lagoon on 12.10.2003. Four adults and four pullus.
2 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Common here.
4 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. Around the ponds.
Red-kneed Dotterel (Erythrogonys cinctus)
1 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. With the avocets.
8 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
4 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. Around the ponds.
20 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
20 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. One flock seen.
Red-capped Plover (Charadrius ruficapillus)
1 at Portland harbour on 12.10.2003. Near the parking area.
Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius mongolus ssp.)
1 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 96, a surprise here. Subspecies
not determined, as it was in non-breeding plumage.
Black-fronted Dotterel (Elseyornis melanops)
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside pool.
10 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
6 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. Around the ponds.
1 at Adelaide; Greenfields wetlands on 16.10.2003. On the muddy track.
Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis)
6 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Fairly common here.
Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia)
1 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. Common.
2 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. By a roadside pool.
40 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Terek Sandpiper (Xenus cinereus)
1 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Uncommon visitor here.
Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos)
1 at Kangaroo Island; Penneshaw on 03.10.2003. Heard in the harbour af dusk.
2 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common.
Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis)
1 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. In winter/juvenile plumage.
100 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
20 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. Flying past.
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris acuminata)
2 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. Quite tame.
1 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 96.
6 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
50 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Pacific Gull (Larus pacificus georgii)
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Flying overhead.
10 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. At Remarkable Rock.
Pacific Gull (Larus pacificus ssp.)
5 at Portland harbour on 12.10.2003. Common. Subspecies not determined.
Silver Gull (Larus novaehollandiae novaehollandiae)
2 at Fleurieu Pen.; Cape Jervis on 02.10.2003. At the ferry terminal.
5 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Common.
10 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Common.
10 at Kangaroo Island; Kingscote on 03.10.2003. Common.
10 at Kangaroo Island; Penneshaw on 03.10.2003. In the harbour.
200 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common.
50 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. Common.
Caspian Tern (Sterna caspia)
1 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. Offshore, near the island.
Great Crested Tern (Sterna bergii cristata)
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. At D'Estrees Bay.
1 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. On the beach.
Fairy Tern (Sterna nereis nereis)
12 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybridus fluviatilis)
30 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. Common here.
1 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. In non-breeding plumage.
800 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Abundant here.
500 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Abundant here.
4 at St. Kilda on 16.10.2003. In the bay.
White-winged Tern (Chlidonias leucopterus)
1 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Feeding over a roadside pond, quite
a surprise here.
Feral Pigeon (Columba livia "feral")
1 at Adelaide airport on 02.10.2003. Common.
10 at Mildura - Nowingi road on 11.10.2003. Roadside.
20 at Mt. Gambier - Naracoorte road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
15 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. On a wooden bridge.
Spotted Dove (Streptopelia chinensis "feral")
20 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Common Bronzewing (Phaps chalcoptera)
3 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Billiatt Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Brush Bronzewing (Phaps elegans elegans)
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. Roadside.
Crested Pigeon (Geophaps lophotes lophotes)
2 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Common.
10 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
50 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. Common.
20 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Common.
50 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
8 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Strzelecki Track; north on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
50 at Broken Hill - Wentworth road on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
20 at Mildura - Nowingi road on 11.10.2003. Common.
10 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
30 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Diamond Dove (Geopelia cuneata)
1 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 51.
15 at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
Peaceful Dove (Geopelia placida placida)
1 at Sterling North - Quorn road on 04.10.2003. In a dry riverbed.
Glossy Black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus)
4 ad. male at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Seen above the Kangaroo
Island Lodge, along Warrawee Road, two birds feeding quietly and two birds exposed
on a bare branch. Not shy.
Yellow-tinted Black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus whiteae)
15 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Flying over the road north of
Mt. Compass.
10 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Near Pelican Lagoon.
60 at Ngarkat - Lameroo road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Gang-gang Cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum)
2 at Heywood - Mt. Gambier road on 13.10.2003. Roadside, quite a surprise here.
Galah (Eolophus roseicapillus albiceps)
1 at Adelaide airport on 02.10.2003. Common.
25 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Common.
15 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 02.10.2003. Common.
30 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Very common.
100 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Very common.
50 at Strzelecki Track; south on 05.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Lyndhurst - Marree road on 05.10.2003. Roadside.
50 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
200 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. Very common.
50 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Common.
25 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Sturt N.P. on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Broken Hill - Wentworth road on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Ngarkat - Lameroo road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Billiatt Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. At the homestead.
10 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common.
Long-billed Corella (Cacatua tenuirostris)
15 at Naracoorte on 13.10.2003. Feeding on a grassy field along the main road.
Little Corella (Cacatua sanguinea gymnopsis)
3 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 02.10.2003. Seems to be regular here.
3 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Regular here.
2 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Flinders Range N.P. on 04.10.2003. Roadside.
300 at Strzelecki Track; south on 05.10.2003. Roadside.
16 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 51 & 108.
20 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
300 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. Very common.
50 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
50 at Tickalara - Wompah Gate road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
62 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Around a bore.
450 at Cameron Corner - Merty Merty on 09.10.2003. Very common here.
30 at Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Common.
20 at Broken Hill - Wentworth road on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
Pink Cockatoo (Cacatua leadbeateri)
1 at Broken Hill - Wentworth road on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita galerita)
5 at Fleurieu Pen.; Cape Jervis on 02.10.2003. Seen along the road north of
Cape Jervis.
1 at Mt. Cley State Forest on 12.10.2003. Common.
5 at Mt. Gambier - Naracoorte road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus)
30 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. 15 km. south of Birdsville.
6 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
5 at Thargomindah - Lake Bindegolly on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
3 at Tibooburra - Broken Hill road on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
3 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Flying overhead.
Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus)
20 at Adelaide airport on 02.10.2003. Common overhead.
20 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 02.10.2003. Common.
30 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Common.
Musk Lorikeet (Glossopsitta concinna)
15 at Adelaide airport on 02.10.2003. Common in small flocks.
Purple-crowned Lorikeet (Glossopsitta porphyrocephala)
2 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 02.10.2003. Flying overhead.
6 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Overhead.
Mallee Ringneck (Barnardius zonarius barnardi)
2 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. Along the Norwingi Track.
2 at Billiatt Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
8 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Common here.
Mallee Ringneck (Barnardius zonarius whitei)
2 at Sterling North - Quorn road on 04.10.2003. In a dry riverbed.
Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans elegans)
4 at Port Fairy - Portland road on 12.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Heywood - Mt. Gambier road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Naracoorte - Keith road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans melanoptera)
2 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 02.10.2003. In trees along a gravel road.
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
3 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Along the gravel road.
Adelaide Rosella (Platycercus elegans adelaidae)
2 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. At the cowpens.
2 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Ngarkat - Lameroo road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. At the golf course.
2 at Birdwood on 15.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Gumeracha on 15.10.2003. Near the giant rocking-horse.
2 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common.
Adelaide Rosella (Platycercus elegans subadelaidae)
3 at Sterling North - Quorn road on 04.10.2003. In a dry riverbed and at a reststop.
Mulga Parrot (Psephotus varius)
3 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
Red-rumped Parrot (Psephotus haematonotus caeruleus)
4 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Two pairs, at km. 85 & 95
south of Quilpie.
Red-rumped Parrot (Psephotus haematonotus haematonotus)
1 at Ouyen - Bendigo road on 11.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Naracoorte - Keith road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Yellow-vented Bluebonnet (Northiella haematogaster haematogaster)
16 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. 51 km. north of Marree,
in a dry riverbed.
4 at Strzelecki Track; north on 09.10.2003. Two pairs seen.
18 at Sturt N.P. on 10.10.2003. Roadside, in small flocks of 3-7 birds.
2 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Broken Hill - Wentworth road on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
Bourke's Parrot (Neophema bourkii)
3 at Thargomindah - Lake Bindegolly on 08.10.2003. Roadside, 2 km. east of the
Quilpie turnoff.
Elegant Parrot (Neophema elegans)
2 at Sterling North - Quorn road on 04.10.2003. In a dry riverbed.
1 at Flinders Range N.P. on 04.10.2003. At the Brachina gorge track.
Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus)
9 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. Eight birds at km. 51 and one at
km. 96.
15 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. One flock.
50 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. Common.
150 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Very common in small flocks.
50 at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. Common.
10 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Only one flock seen.
20 at Pyampa Station on 09.10.2003. At the bore.
50 at Cameron Corner - Merty Merty on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
500 at Strzelecki Track; north on 09.10.2003. Very common in large flocks at
100 at Sturt N.P. on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
50 at Tibooburra - Broken Hill road on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
70 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Several flocks along the road.
Pallid Cuckoo (Cuculus pallidus)
1 at Wompah Gate - Tibooburra road on 09.10.2003. At One Pah Station.
Fan-tailed Cuckoo (Cacomantis flabelliformis flabelliformis)
2 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. In roadside bush.
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua)
4 ad. & imm. at Mt. Cley State Forest on 12.10.2003. One adult out in the
open with a ring-tailed possum in its claws, one adult nearby inside a dense
native cherry tree, two immatures close by and open in a tree.
Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae novaeguineae)
1 at Heywood - Mt. Gambier road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Mt. Gambier - Naracoorte road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Red-backed Kingfisher (Todirhamphus pyrrhopygia)
1 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Tibooburra - Broken Hill road on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
Sacred Kingfisher (Todirhamphus sanctus sanctus)
2 at Sterling North - Quorn road on 04.10.2003. In a dry riverbed.
Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus)
8 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
1 at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Pyampa Station on 09.10.2003. At the bore.
2 at Tibooburra - Broken Hill road on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis "feral")
1 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Heard singing.
5 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
2 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Common here.
4 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Calling overhead.
White-backed Swallow (Cheramoeca leucosternus)
1 at Lyndhurst - Marree road on 05.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. At km. 209. 2 at Birdsville - Betoota
road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
Welcome Swallow (Hirundo neoxena neoxena)
30 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 02.10.2003. Common.
10 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Common.
50 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
10 at Mt. Gambier - Naracoorte road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Tree Martin (Hirundo nigricans ssp.)
10 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here, subspecies not
Tree Martin (Hirundo nigricans nigricans)
10 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 02.10.2003. Common here.
20 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
Fairy Martin (Hirundo ariel)
20 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 51 & 82.
200 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Very common around small bridges.
Australasian Pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae subaustralis)
2 at Strzelecki Track; CBW site on 05.10.2003. Common.
2 at Lyndhurst - Marree road on 05.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 19 & 35.
5 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Australasian Pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae australis)
3 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Australasian Pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae ssp.)
4 at Flinders Range N.P. on 04.10.2003. Roadside. Subspecies either australis
or subaustralis.
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina novaehollandiae melanops)
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
2 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
3 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Thargomindah - Noccundra road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Tibooburra - Broken Hill road on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
White-winged Triller (Lalage tricolor)
2 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 51.
1 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Wompah Gate - Tibooburra road on 09.10.2003. At One Pah Station.
6 at Sturt N.P. on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Ngarkat Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Along Baan Hill track, at a small
pond 38 km. north of the south entrance.
4 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Fairly common.
Eurasian Blackbird (Turdus merula "feral")
5 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
5 at Heywood - Mt. Gambier road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common.
Australian Reed-warbler (Acrocephalus australis australis)
2 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Singing from the reeds.
2 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Near Birdsville.
4 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. In the reedbeds.
2 at Birdwood on 15.10.2003. Singing from reeds along a small stream.
1 at Adelaide; Greenfields wetlands on 16.10.2003. Feeding in a tree.
Little Grassbird (Megalurus gramineus gramineus)
1 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Feeding on the mud.
6 at Fawthrop's Lagoon on 12.10.2003. Common here.
10 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. Very common in the reeds.
1 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Flew across a channel.
2 at Adelaide; Greenfields wetlands on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Rufous Songlark (Cinclorhamphus mathewsi)
1 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. At km. 308.
Willie-wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys leucophrys)
2 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
2 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Common.
1 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 96.
6 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common.
2 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
Grey Fantail (Rhipidura fuliginosa alisteri)
2 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. Roadside.
5 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
4 at Mt. Cley State Forest on 12.10.2003. Common.
1 at Gumeracha on 15.10.2003. Near the giant rocking-horse.
Jacky-winter (Microeca fascinans ssp.)
2 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. At the start of the Malleefowl track. Subspecies
either fascinans or adsimilis.
Scarlet Robin (Petroica multicolor boodang)
2 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
2 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
2 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
Red-capped Robin (Petroica goodenovii)
3 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Two males, one female and one nest with
young being fed near the homestead.
Hooded Robin (Melanodryas cucullata cucullata)
2 at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. A pair along the Norwingi Track.
1 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Along track 2.
Southern Scrub-robin (Drymodes brunneopygia brunneopygia)
3 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Seen 2 km. east of track 9 turnoff, at position
S033:45:37.6 + E140:11:17.8. One bird sitting high in a bush singing, allowing
close approach.
Crested Bellbird (Oreoica gutturalis gutturalis)
1 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. At Babbler campsite.
Olive Whistler (Pachycephala olivacea olivacea)
1 at Mt. Cley State Forest on 12.10.2003. Heard singing.
Golden Whistler (Pachycephala pectoralis fuliginosa)
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. At D'Estrees Bay.
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
Rufous Whistler (Pachycephala rufiventris rufiventris)
1 at Kangaroo Creek Reservoir on 15.10.2003. At the lookout loop.
Rufous Whistler (Pachycephala rufiventris maudeae)
1 at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
Grey Shrike-thrush (Colluricincla harmonica halmaturina)
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. Common along the Norwingi Track.
1 at Heywood - Mt. Gambier road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
Red-breasted Babbler (Pomatostomus temporalis intermedius)
6 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside, one noisy group.
White-browed Babbler (Pomatostomus superciliosus superciliosus)
8 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. A group along the Malleefowl track.
Hall's Babbler (Pomatostomus halli)
2 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Seen 50 meters off the road, 54,7
km. south of Widorah at position S025:38:01.6 + E143:04:25.5
2 at Thargomindah - Lake Bindegolly on 08.10.2003. Seen in the same tree as
the Bourke's Parrots.
Chestnut-crowned Babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps)
8 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. A group of birds 95 km. south
of Quilpie.
18 at Thargomindah - Noccundra road on 08.10.2003. Two groups; one 5 km. west
of Thargomindah, the other at the Nockatunga turnoff.
6 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Roadside near Fort Grey.
15 at Sturt N.P. on 10.10.2003. Roadside, in three groups.
Mallee Whipbird (Psophodes nigrogularis lashmari)
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Heard from Bunker Hill.
Chirruping Wedgebill (Psophodes cristatus)
2 at Leigh Creek on 04.10.2003. In a roadside bush.
1 at Lyndhurst - Marree road on 05.10.2003. Roadside.
Chestnut Quail-thrush (Cinclosoma castanotus castanotus)
2 ad. male at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. On the Norwingi Track, 6 &
8 km. from the northern starting-point.
8 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Common on the road and roadside,
often in pairs.
8 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Common here.
4 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush (Cinclosoma castaneothorax castaneothorax)
2 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. A pair on the side of the road
9,3 km. south of Quilpie, at position S026:40:44.7 + E144:15:14.3
Cinnamon Quail-thrush (Cinclosoma cinnamomeum cinnamomeum)
4 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. One pair each at km. 254 & 283.
2 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. A pair feeding on the roadside
15 km. east of Birdsville.
White-winged Fairywren (Malurus leucopterus leuconotus)
1 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. In the samphire.
10 at Strzelecki Track; CBW site on 05.10.2003. Common.
6 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 32.
5 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
1 at Pyampa Station on 08.10.2003. In the lignum field.
4 at Pyampa Station on 09.10.2003. In the lignum field, always coming out to
investigate "pishing". Calls differently than the Grey Grasswrens.
Superb Fairywren (Malurus cyaneus cyanochlamys)
15 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Very commom in the swamp.
2 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 02.10.2003. Common.
30 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Very common.
10 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Common.
5 at Fawthrop's Lagoon on 12.10.2003. Common.
4 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. Around the ponds.
3 at Kangaroo Creek Reservoir on 15.10.2003. At the lookout loop.
Black-backed Fairywren (Malurus splendens melanotus)
1 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. One female seen at the Long Dam road.
Purple-backed Fairywren (Malurus lamberti assimilis)
10 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common on the sanddunes here.
3 at Pyampa Station on 09.10.2003. In the lignum field.
3 at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. Along the Norwingi Track.
Mallee Emuwren (Stipiturus mallee)
4 at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. A very vocal and visible group along
the Norwingi Track, 14 km. from the northern starting point.
Thick-billed Grasswren (Amytornis textilis modestus)
1 at Strzelecki Track; CBW site on 05.10.2003. One bird heard calling and seen
running away along a dry watercourse about 300 m. from the main road.
Striated Grasswren (Amytornis striatus striatus)
8 at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. On the Norwingi Track, a group of birds
5 km. from the northern starting-point.
Short-tailed Grasswren (Amytornis [striatus] merrotsyi)
1 at Flinders Range N.P. on 04.10.2003. Running away fast, no call heard. Appx.
950 m east of Stokes Hill Lookout, at position S031:27:30.2 - E138:44:38.9
Grey Grasswren (Amytornis barbatus)
20 at Pyampa Station on 09.10.2003. Commonly heard in the lignum/canegrass field,
but extremely difficult to see; never seen running on the ground like other
grasswrens. Eventually saw two birds sitting inside dense lignum.
Eyrean Grasswren (Amytornis goyderi)
4 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Quite vocal but shy, seen running
from bush to bush on the sanddune right behind the roadhouse.
Spotted Scrubwren (Sericornis frontalis maculatus)
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. At Remarkable Rock.
2 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. In the samphire.
Rosina's Slender-billed Thornbill (Acanthiza iredalei rosinae)
2 ad. male at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. Singing from tops of samphire.
Brown Thornbill (Acanthiza pusilla pusilla)
2 at Fleurieu Pen.; Cape Jervis on 02.10.2003. Common.
Brown Thornbill (Acanthiza pusilla zietzi)
2 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 02.10.2003. Common.
5 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Common.
20 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Very common.
10 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
Yellow-rumped Thornbill (Acanthiza chrysorrhoa addenda)
6 at Sterling North - Quorn road on 04.10.2003. In a dry riverbed, common here.
Chestnut-rumped Thornbill (Acanthiza uropygialis uropygialis)
1 at Flinders Range N.P. on 04.10.2003. At the Brachina gorge track.
1 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Common and vocal.
Striated Thornbill (Acanthiza lineata clelandi)
4 at Birdwood on 15.10.2003. Common here.
4 at Kangaroo Creek Reservoir on 15.10.2003. At the lookout loop, near an euchidna
that crossed the path.
Striated Thornbill (Acanthiza lineata chandleri)
2 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
Southern Whiteface (Aphelocephala leucopsis leucopsis)
4 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. At Long Dam.
Chestnut-breasted Whiteface (Aphelocephala pectoralis)
6 at Strzelecki Track; CBW site on 05.10.2003. Three confiding birds on a ridge
near the "mine campsite", three birds near the turnoff from Strzelecki
Crimson Chat (Epthianura tricolor)
4 at Pyampa Station on 09.10.2003. At the bore.
Orange Chat (Epthianura aurifrons)
6 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. One male at km. 49 & five birds
at km. 60.
30 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. Common on and along the road between
km. 268 and 450.
2 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Pyampa Station on 08.10.2003. In the lignum field.
4 at Pyampa Station on 09.10.2003. One male with three females in the lignum
4 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Near a bore.
White-fronted Chat (Epthianura albifrons albifrons)
2 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. At Murray Lagoon.
40 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Very common here, often one male with
several females.
Gibberbird (Ashbyia lovensis)
3 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. One male fifty meters from the road
on the eastern side at km. 20 & two birds on the road at km. 80.
4 at Tickalara - Wompah Gate road on 08.10.2003. One bird 5,5 km. south of Tickalara
Station, two birds 9,4 km. south and one bird 30,5 km. south (close to Pyampa
White-throated Treecreeper (Cormobates leucophaeus leucophaeus)
1 ad. female at Kangaroo Creek Reservoir on 15.10.2003. At the lookout loop.
White-browed Treecreeper (Climacteris affinis affinis)
1 ad. female at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. On her nest-tree at Babbler campsite.
Brown Treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus picumnus)
3 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Near the homestead, feeding young.
Mistletoebird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum hirundinaceum)
1 at Sterling North - Quorn road on 04.10.2003. In a dry riverbed.
Yellow-rumped Pardalote (Pardalotus punctatus xanthopygus)
1 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
Red-browed Pardalote (Pardalotus rubricatus rubricatus)
1 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Singing from a dry bush, quite
Striated Pardalote (Pardalotus striatus substriatus)
1 at Sterling North - Quorn road on 04.10.2003. In a dry riverbed.
8 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Common.
1 at Gumeracha on 15.10.2003. Near the giant rocking-horse, small white wing-bar.
Grey-backed Silvereye (Zosterops lateralis halmaturinus)
15 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. A flock in the marsh.
10 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
1 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. In a tree.
Brown Honeyeater (Lichmera indistincta indistincta)
4 at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
Yellow-faced Honeyeater (Lichenostomus chrysops samueli)
2 at Birdwood on 15.10.2003. Feeding quietly high in a tree.
3 at Kangaroo Creek Reservoir on 15.10.2003. At the lookout loop.
Singing Honeyeater (Lichenostomus virescens forresti)
10 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. Common here.
2 at Strzelecki Track; CBW site on 05.10.2003. Common.
10 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
1 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
15 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
White-eared Honeyeater (Lichenostomus leucotis leucotis)
2 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. At the Platypus walk.
1 at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. Along the Norwingi Track.
2 at Billiatt Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Purple-gaped Honeyeater (Lichenostomus cratitius cratitius)
2 at Ngarkat Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Along Baan Hill track, at a small
pond 38 km. north of the south entrance.
Purple-gaped Honeyeater (Lichenostomus cratitius halmaturinus)
3 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. At Bunker Hill.
Yellow-plumed Honeyeater (Lichenostomus ornatus)
25 at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. Very common along the Norwingi Track.
2 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
20 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Very common.
White-plumed Honeyeater (Lichenostomus penicillatus leilavalensis)
4 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 51.
6 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
White-plumed Honeyeater (Lichenostomus penicillatus mellori)
1 at Port Gawler road on 04.10.2003. On a roadside sign.
10 at Gumeracha on 15.10.2003. Commin near the giant rocking-horse.
White-naped Honeyeater (Melithreptus lunatus lunatus)
1 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. In an eucalypt by the lagoon.
4 at Gumeracha on 15.10.2003. Near the giant rocking-horse.
Brown-headed Honeyeater (Melithreptus brevirostris augustus)
2 at Ngarkat Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Along Baan Hill track, at a small
pond 38 km. north of the south entrance.
Little Friarbird (Philemon citreogularis citreogularis)
2 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
Crescent Honeyeater (Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera indistincta)
1 at Kangaroo Creek Reservoir on 15.10.2003. At the lookout loop.
Crescent Honeyeater (Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera halmaturina)
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
4 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Fairly common.
2 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
New Holland Honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae novaehollandiae)
6 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Common.
10 at Fawthrop's Lagoon on 12.10.2003. Common.
4 at Birdwood on 15.10.2003. Common.
8 at Gumeracha on 15.10.2003. Near the giant rocking-horse.
4 at Kangaroo Creek Reservoir on 15.10.2003. At the lookout loop.
New Holland Honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae campbelli)
15 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Very common.
100 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Abundant.
White-fronted Honeyeater (Phylidonyris albifrons)
2 at Ngarkat Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Along Baan Hill track, at a small
pond 38 km. north of the south entrance.
20 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Very common and vocal here.
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater (Phylidonyris melanops melanops)
12 at Ngarkat Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Common along Baan Hill track.
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater (Phylidonyris melanops braba)
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. At Remarkable Rock.
Eastern Spinebill (Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris tenuirostris)
2 at Heywood - Mt. Gambier road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
Eastern Spinebill (Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris loftyi)
1 at Kangaroo Creek Reservoir on 15.10.2003. At the lookout loop.
Eastern Spinebill (Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris halmaturinus)
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
4 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. At the Platypus walk.
Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala melanocephala)
6 at Adelaide airport on 02.10.2003. Common.
10 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. Around the ponds and golf course.
Yellow-throated Miner (Manorina flavigula flavigula)
6 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 51.
10 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
20 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. Common.
2 at Lake Bindegolly on 08.10.2003. Common.
1 at Tickalara - Wompah Gate road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
5 at Strzelecki Track; north on 09.10.2003. Common.
Black-eared Miner (Manorina melanotis)
5 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. A colony forming 1 km. south along the Malleefowl
track, with at least two pure-looking individuals.
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater (Acanthagenys rufogularis rufogularis)
2 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 51.
1 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Lake Bindegolly on 08.10.2003. Fairly common.
1 at Ngarkat Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Along Baan Hill track, at a small
pond 38 km. north of the south entrance.
10 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Common.
1 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. In the mangroves.
Red Wattlebird (Anthochaera carunculata carunculata)
2 at Adelaide airport on 02.10.2003. Common.
5 at Fleurieu Pen.; Cape Jervis on 02.10.2003. Common.
20 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Very common.
100 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Very common.
10 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Mt. Gambier - Naracoorte road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
20 at Berri effluent ponds on 15.10.2003. Very common.
10 at Gumeracha on 15.10.2003. Near the giant rocking-horse.
Magpie-lark (Grallina cyanoleuca)
2 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Common.
5 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
10 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common.
White-winged Chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos)
3 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Roadside, 20 km. north of Quilpie..
5 at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. At the northern end of the Norwingi
4 at Ouyen - Bendigo road on 11.10.2003. Roadside.
5 at Alawoona on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
15 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. In three groups, most near the homestead.
Apostlebird (Struthidea cinerea cinerea)
35 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
15 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
White-breasted Woodswallow (Artamus leucorynchus leucopygialis)
20 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Common.
20 at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. Common along the road.
30 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Sturt N.P. on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
Masked Woodswallow (Artamus personatus)
5 at Pyampa Station on 09.10.2003. At the bore.
25 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
15 at Sturt N.P. on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. Along the Norwingi Track.
Black-faced Woodswallow (Artamus cinereus cinereus)
2 at Lyndhurst - Marree road on 05.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 51.
20 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. Common.
5 at Thargomindah - Noccundra road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Tickalara - Wompah Gate road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
5 at Pyampa Station on 09.10.2003. At the bore.
40 at Sturt N.P. on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. Along the Norwingi Track.
Dusky Woodswallow (Artamus cyanopterus cyanopterus)
2 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. At Shackle road.
6 at Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon on 03.10.2003. Common here.
1 at Ngarkat Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Along Baan Hill track, at a small
pond 38 km. north of the south entrance.
Grey Butcherbird (Cracticus torquatus leucopterus)
1 at Ngarkat Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Along Baan Hill track.
1 at Billiatt Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Calling from a tree.
Black-backed Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen terrareginae)
3 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 108.
5 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
20 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. Common.
3 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Tibooburra - Broken Hill road on 10.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Mildura - Nowingi road on 11.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Ouyen - Bendigo road on 11.10.2003. Roadside.
White-backed Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen leuconota)
8 at Adelaide airport on 02.10.2003. Common.
4 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Common.
10 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. Common.
50 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
30 at Geelong - Port Fairy road on 12.10.2003. Roadside.
25 at Heywood - Mt. Gambier road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Mt. Gambier - Naracoorte road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
6 at Billiatt Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
8 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Some showing characters of integration with
Black-backed Magpie.
Pied Currawong (Strepera graculina ashbyi)
1 at Heywood - Mt. Gambier road on 13.10.2003. On the western limit of distribution.
Black-winged Currawong (Strepera versicolor melanoptera)
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
4 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Roadside and at D'Estrees
1 at Heywood - Mt. Gambier road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Billiatt Conservation Park on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
1 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
Little Crow (Corvus bennetti)
4 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. Seems common.
Australian Raven (Corvus coronoides)
6 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Common.
5 at Fleurieu Pen.; Cape Jervis on 02.10.2003. Common and vocal.
2 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. At the Platypus walk.
4 at Sterling North - Quorn road on 04.10.2003. In a dry riverbed.
15 at Flinders Range N.P. on 04.10.2003. Roadside.
2 at Strzelecki Track; CBW site on 05.10.2003. Common.
50 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. Very common.
10 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common here.
5 at Windorah - Quilpie road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Pyampa Station on 09.10.2003. Common.
2 at Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. on 11.10.2003. Along the Norwingi Track.
10 at Heywood - Mt. Gambier road on 13.10.2003. Roadside.
4 at Waikerie - Gluepot road on 14.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Gluepot Reserve on 14.10.2003. Common.
6 at Kangaroo Creek Reservoir on 15.10.2003. At the lookout loop.
Little Raven (Corvus mellori)
5 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Common.
100 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Very common.
10 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common here.
Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis "feral")
2 at Geelong - Port Fairy road on 12.10.2003. Roadside.
Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris "feral")
20 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Common.
30 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. Common.
10 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. Common.
50 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
1 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Near Birdsville.
20 at Mildura - Nowingi road on 11.10.2003. Roadside.
100 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Very common here.
House Sparrow (Passer domesticus "feral")
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; American River on 03.10.2003. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
2 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 51.
5 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common even here.
2 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Near Birdsville.
20 at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. In Windorah.
5 at Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Common here.
20 at Penrice saltworks on 16.10.2003. Common.
Beautiful Firetail (Stagonopleura bella)
1 at Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase on 03.10.2003. Along Playford Highway.
Red-browed Firetail (Neochmia temporalis loftyi)
1 at Birdwood on 15.10.2003. In the northern outskirts of town, near a small
Chestnut-eared (Zebra) Finch (Taeniopygia castanotis)
10 at Strzelecki Track; CBW site on 05.10.2003. Common.
6 at Birdsville Track; south on 05.10.2003. At km. 51 & 96.
20 at Birdsville Track; Mungeranie on 06.10.2003. Common.
100 at Birdsville Track; north on 06.10.2003. Very common.
100 at Birdsville - Betoota road on 07.10.2003. Very common.
50 at Betoota - Windorah road on 07.10.2003. Roadside.
30 at Quilpie - Thargomindah road on 08.10.2003. Roadside.
10 at Lake Bindegolly on 08.10.2003. Very common.
50 at Pyampa Station on 09.10.2003. At the bore.
30 at Tibooburra - Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Roadside.
20 at Cameron Corner on 09.10.2003. Common.
European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis "feral")
10 at Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass on 02.10.2003. Common.
10 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 02.10.2003. Common.
15 at Kangaroo Island; eastern part on 03.10.2003. Common.
10 at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve on 13.10.2003. Common here.
Shearwater, Portland Harbour
02.10.2003 7:05 to 8:00
Site by Site Lists
Adelaide airport (South Australia, Australia)
Pacific Black Duck [rogersi], 1. Flying overhead.
Feral Pigeon, 1. Common.
Galah [albiceps], 1. Common.
Rainbow Lorikeet [moluccanus], 20. Common overhead.
Musk Lorikeet, 15. Common in small flocks.
Noisy Miner, 6. Common.
Red Wattlebird, 2. Common.
White-backed Magpie, 8. Common.
02.10.2003 11:00 to 12:30
Fleurieu Pen.; Mt. Compass (South Australia, Australia)
Australian Ibis, 1. Common.
Straw-necked Ibis, 3. Flying overhead.
Pacific Black Duck [rogersi], 8. Common.
Australian Kite, 1. Sitting on a pole in the swamp.
Masked Lapwing [novaehollandiae], 2. Common.
Crested Pigeon, 2. Common.
Yellow-tinted Black-cockatoo [whiteae], 15. Flying over the road north of Mt.
Galah [albiceps], 25. Common.
Adelaide Rosella, 2. At the cowpens.
Eurasian Skylark [feral], 1. Heard singing.
Superb Fairywren [cyanochlamys], 15. Very commom in the swamp.
Grey-backed Silvereye, 15. A flock in the marsh.
New Holland Honeyeater, 6. Common.
Magpie-lark, 2. Common.
White-backed Magpie, 4. Common.
Australian Raven, 6. Common.
Common Starling [feral], 20. Common.
European Goldfinch [feral], 10. Common.
02.10.2003 13:50 to 14:20
Fleurieu Pen.; Cape Jervis (South Australia, Australia)
Australasian Grebe, 1. In a sheltered bay.
Brown Goshawk [fasciatus], 1. Hunting over a bay.
Silver Gull, 2. At the ferry terminal.
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, 5. Seen along the road north of Cape Jervis.
Brown Thornbill, 2. Common.
Red Wattlebird, 5. Common.
Australian Raven, 5. Common and vocal.
02.10.2003 15:30 to 15:50
Kangaroo Island ferry crossing (South Australia, Australia)
Australian Gannet, 2. Close to the ferry.
02.10.2003 16:00 to 17:30
Kangaroo Island; eastern part (South Australia, Australia)
Australian Pelican, 1. At American River.
Great White Egret [modesta], 1. In a ditch.
White-faced Heron, 1. Common.
Australian Ibis, 5. Common.
Black Swan, 20. Common.
Australian Shelduck, 6. On roadside ponds.
Chestnut Teal, 8. On roadside ponds.
Australian Shoveler, 1. Roadside pond.
Swamp Harrier, 1. Over a field.
Australian Kestrel, 4. Roadside.
Masked Lapwing [novaehollandiae], 6. Common.
Grey Fantail [alisteri], 2. Roadside.
New Holland Honeyeater [campbelli], 4. Common.
White-backed Magpie, 10. Common.
Common Starling [feral], 30. Common.
European Goldfinch [feral], 10. Common.
02.10.2003 17:35 to 18:10
Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon (South Australia, Australia)
Freckled Duck, 12. Sitting on treetrunks and logs in the river, not shy.
Musk Duck, 1 male. Swimming in the river.
Black-tailed Native-hen, 2. Walking on the grass.
Galah [albiceps], 15. Common.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 3. Seems to be regular here.
Rainbow Lorikeet [moluccanus], 20. Common.
Purple-crowned Lorikeet, 2. Flying overhead.
Crimson Rosella [melanoptera], 2. In trees along a gravel road.
Welcome Swallow, 30. Common.
Tree Martin, 10. Common here.
Superb Fairywren [cyanochlamys], 2. Common.
Brown Thornbill [zietzi], 2. Common.
03.10.2003 6:00 to 7:15
Kangaroo Isl.; American River (South Australia, Australia)
Australasian Grebe, 2. Near the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
Black Swan, 4. Flying overhead.
Chestnut Teal, 2. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
Pacific Black Duck [rogersi], 1. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
Pacific Gull [georgii], 1. Flying overhead.
Silver Gull, 5. Common.
Glossy Black-cockatoo [halmaturinus], 4 ad. male. Seen above the Kangaroo Island
Lodge, along Warrawee Road, two birds feeding quietly and two birds exposed
on a bare branch. Not shy.
Yellow-tinted Black-cockatoo [whiteae], 10. Near Pelican Lagoon.
Galah [albiceps], 30. Very common.
Welcome Swallow, 10. Common.
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike [melanops], 1. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
Scarlet Robin [boodang], 2. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
Grey Shrike-thrush [halmaturina], 1. Roadside.
Spotted Scrubwren, 1. Roadside.
Brown Thornbill [zietzi], 5. Common.
Crescent Honeyeater [halmaturina], 1. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
New Holland Honeyeater [campbelli], 15. Very common.
Eastern Spinebill [halmaturinus], 1. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
Red Wattlebird, 20. Very common.
Black-winged Currawong, 1. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
Little Raven, 5. Common.
Common Starling [feral], 10. Common.
House Sparrow [feral], 1. At the Kangaroo Island Lodge.
03.10.2003 7:20 to 11:15
Kangaroo Island; eastern part (South Australia, Australia)
Australian Ibis, 10. Common.
Black Swan, 20. Common.
Cape Barren Goose, 20. At Murray Lagoon.
Australian Shelduck, 20. Common in roadside ponds.
Grey Teal, 50. Common.
Chestnut Teal, 10. Common in roadside ponds.
Pacific Black Duck [rogersi], 20. Common.
Australian Shoveler, 20. Common.
Osprey [cristatus], 1. At D'Estrees Bay.
Australian Kite, 1. Roadside.
Swamp Harrier, 5. Common.
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 1. Roadside.
Australian Kestrel, 4. Common.
Masked Lapwing [novaehollandiae], 40 ad. & imm.. Many half-grown chicks
Black-fronted Dotterel, 1. Roadside pool.
Great Crested Tern [cristata], 1. At D'Estrees Bay.
Common Bronzewing, 3. Roadside.
Brush Bronzewing, 1. Roadside.
Galah [albiceps], 100. Very common.
Crimson Rosella [melanoptera], 1. Roadside.
Fan-tailed Cuckoo, 2. In roadside bush.
Eurasian Skylark [feral], 5. Common.
Welcome Swallow, 50. Common.
Tree Martin, 20. Common.
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike [melanops], 2. Roadside.
Eurasian Blackbird [feral], 5. Common.
Willie-wagtail, 2. Common.
Grey Fantail [alisteri], 5. Common.
Scarlet Robin [boodang], 2. Common.
Golden Whistler [fuliginosa], 1. At D'Estrees Bay.
Grey Shrike-thrush [halmaturina], 1. Roadside.
Superb Fairywren [cyanochlamys], 30. Very common.
Spotted Scrubwren, 2. Roadside.
Brown Thornbill [zietzi], 20. Very common.
Striated Thornbill [chandleri], 2. Roadside.
White-fronted Chat, 2. At Murray Lagoon.
Yellow-rumped Pardalote, 1. Roadside.
Grey-backed Silvereye, 10. Common.
White-eared Honeyeater, 2. Roadside.
Crescent Honeyeater [halmaturina], 4. Fairly common.
New Holland Honeyeater [campbelli], 100. Abundant.
Eastern Spinebill [halmaturinus], 4. Roadside.
Red Wattlebird, 100. Very common.
White-backed Magpie, 50. Common.
Black-winged Currawong, 4. Roadside and at D'Estrees Bay.
Little Raven, 100. Very common.
Common Starling [feral], 50. Common.
European Goldfinch [feral], 15. Common.
03.10.2003 11:35 to 15:45
Kangaroo Isl.; Flinders Chase (South Australia, Australia)
Shy Albatross, 1. Off Remarkable Rock, flying eastwards.
Short-tailed Shearwater, 500. Off Remarkable Rock.
Australian Kite, 1. Roadside.
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 1. Roadside.
Australian Kestrel, 1. Roadside.
Pacific Gull [georgii], 10. At Remarkable Rock.
Silver Gull, 10. Common.
Fan-tailed Cuckoo, 1. Roadside.
Scarlet Robin [boodang], 2. Roadside.
Golden Whistler [fuliginosa], 1. Roadside.
Mallee Whipbird [lashmari], 1. Heard from Bunker Hill.
Superb Fairywren [cyanochlamys], 10. Common.
Spotted Scrubwren, 1. At Remarkable Rock.
Brown Thornbill [zietzi], 10. Roadside.
White-eared Honeyeater, 1. At the Platypus walk.
Purple-gaped Honeyeater [halmaturinus], 3. At Bunker Hill.
Crescent Honeyeater [halmaturina], 2. Roadside.
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater [braba], 1. At Remarkable Rock.
Eastern Spinebill [halmaturinus], 1. At the Platypus walk.
Red Wattlebird, 10. Roadside.
Dusky Woodswallow, 2. At Shackle road.
Australian Raven, 2. At the Platypus walk.
Little Raven, 10. Roadside.
Beautiful Firetail, 1. Along Playford Highway.
03.10.2003 16:40 to 17:10
Kangaroo Island; Duck Lagoon (South Australia, Australia)
Little Pied Cormorant, 1. Overhead.
White-faced Heron, 1. Common.
Freckled Duck, 16. In three groups, resting on dead tretrunks.
Grey Teal, 20. One large group.
Australian Shoveler, 3. Common.
Musk Duck, 1 ad. male. Same as seen yesterday.
White-bellied Sea-eagle, 1. Overhead.
Wild Turkey [feral], 1. Roadside, at the Duck Lagoon turnoff.
Black-tailed Native-hen, 4. Walking around.
Australasian Coot, 12. Common.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 3. Regular here.
Rainbow Lorikeet [moluccanus], 30. Common.
Purple-crowned Lorikeet, 6. Overhead.
Crimson Rosella [melanoptera], 3. Along the gravel road.
White-naped Honeyeater, 1. In an eucalypt by the lagoon.
Dusky Woodswallow, 6. Common here.
03.10.2003 17:25 to 17:45
Kangaroo Island; Kingscote (South Australia, Australia)
Australian Pelican, 20. Common in the harbour just after feeding.
Pied Cormorant [hypoleucos], 4. Sitting on the beach, one with a wounded wing
in the parking-lot.
Mallard [feral], 1 ad. male. Swimming in the harbour.
Silver Gull, 10. Common.
03.10.2003 18:45 to 19:00
Kangaroo Island; Penneshaw (South Australia, Australia)
Sooty Oystercatcher, 1. In the harbour at dusk.
Common Sandpiper, 1. Heard in the harbour af dusk.
Silver Gull, 10. In the harbour.
04.10.2003 6:35 to 7:15
Port Gawler road (South Australia, Australia)
Little Black Cormorant, 2. In the mangroves.
Australian Kite, 2. Roadside.
Red-necked Avocet, 20. Common here.
Red-kneed Dotterel, 1. With the avocets.
Common Greenshank, 1. Common.
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, 2. Quite tame.
Whiskered Tern [fluviatilis], 30. Common here.
Brush Bronzewing, 1. Roadside.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 2. Roadside.
Adelaide Rosella, 2. Roadside.
White-winged Fairywren, 1. In the samphire.
Spotted Scrubwren, 2. In the samphire.
Rosina's Slender-billed Thornbill, 2 ad. male. Singing from tops of samphire.
Singing Honeyeater [forresti], 10. Common here.
White-plumed Honeyeater [mellori], 1. On a roadside sign.
04.10.2003 10:15 to 11:05
Sterling North - Quorn road (South Australia, Australia)
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 1. Over a dry riverbed.
Peaceful Dove, 1. In a dry riverbed.
Mallee Ringneck [whitei], 2. In a dry riverbed.
Adelaide Rosella [subadelaidae], 3. In a dry riverbed and at a reststop.
Elegant Parrot, 2. In a dry riverbed.
Sacred Kingfisher, 2. In a dry riverbed.
Yellow-rumped Thornbill [addenda], 6. In a dry riverbed, common here.
Mistletoebird, 1. In a dry riverbed.
Striated Pardalote, 1. In a dry riverbed.
Australian Raven, 4. In a dry riverbed.
04.10.2003 12:35 to 15:45
Flinders Range N.P. IT (South Australia, Australia)
Emu, 3. Roadside.
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 1. Roadside.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 6. Roadside.
Elegant Parrot, 1. At the Brachina gorge track.
Australasian Pipit [sp], 4. Roadside. Subspecies either australis or
Short-tailed Grasswren, 1. Running away fast, no call heard. Appx. 950 m east
of Stokes Hill Lookout, at position S031:27:30.2 - E138:44:38.9
Chestnut-rumped Thornbill, 1. At the Brachina gorge track.
Australian Raven, 15. Roadside.
04.10.2003 16:40
Leigh Creek (South Australia, Australia)
Chirruping Wedgebill, 2. In a roadside bush.
05.10.2003 10:00 to 11:30
Strzelecki Track; CBW site (South Australia, Australia)
Australasian Pipit [subaustralis], 2. Common.
White-winged Fairywren, 10. Common.
Thick-billed Grasswren, 1. One bird heard calling and seen running away along
a dry watercourse about 300 m. from the main road.
Chestnut-breasted Whiteface, 6. Three confiding birds on a ridge near the "mine
campsite", three birds near the turnoff from Strzelecki Track.
Singing Honeyeater [forresti], 2. Common.
Australian Raven, 2. Common.
Chestnut-eared (Zebra) Finch, 10. Common.
05.10.2003 11:35 to 11:55
Strzelecki Track; south (South Australia, Australia)
Australian Kestrel, 1. Roadside.
Australian Pratincole, 2. Roadside.
Galah [albiceps], 50. Roadside.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 300. Roadside.
05.10.2003 12:15 to 13:50
Lyndhurst - Marree road (South Australia, Australia)
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 3. Roadside.
Australian Kestrel, 1. Roadside.
Australian Pratincole, 1. Roadside.
Galah [albiceps], 2. Roadside.
White-backed Swallow, 1. Roadside.
Australasian Pipit [subaustralis], 2. Roadside.
Chirruping Wedgebill, 1. Roadside.
Black-faced Woodswallow, 2. Roadside.
05.10.2003 14:10 to 18:40
Birdsville Track; south (South Australia, Australia)
Emu, 4. Two pairs at km. 36 & 39.
Hoary-headed Grebe, 3. At km. 96.
Maned Duck, 55. At km. 96.
Grey Teal, 3. At km. 51 & 96.
Pacific Black Duck [rogersi], 1. At km. 96.
Pink-eared Duck, 22. At km. 96.
Australian Kite, 1. At dusk at km. 102.
Black Kite [affinis], 1. At km. 29.
Spotted Harrier, 1 ad.. At km. 69.
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 1. At km. 96.
Little Eagle, 4. One at km. 51, two on nest at km. 82 and one at km. 96.
Australian Kestrel, 1. At km. 127.
Brown Falcon, 1. At km. 30.
Black Falcon, 1. At km. 96, hunting.
Red-necked Avocet, 23. At km. 96.
Australian Pratincole, 18. Common in singles and pairs between km. 39 &
Masked Lapwing [novaehollandiae], 6. At km. 96.
Lesser Sand Plover [sp], 1. At km. 96, a surprise here. Subspecies not determined,
as it was in non-breeding plumage.
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, 1. At km. 96.
Diamond Dove, 1. At km. 51.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 16. At km. 51 & 108.
Yellow-vented Bluebonnet, 16. 51 km. north of Marree, in a dry riverbed.
Budgerigar, 9. Eight birds at km. 51 and one at km. 96.
Fairy Martin, 20. At km. 51 & 82.
Australasian Pipit [subaustralis], 2. At km. 19 & 35.
White-winged Triller, 2. At km. 51.
Willie-wagtail, 1. At km. 96.
White-winged Fairywren, 6. At km. 32.
Orange Chat, 6. One male at km. 49 & five birds at km. 60.
Gibberbird, 3. One male fifty meters from the road on the eastern side at km.
20 & two birds on the road at km. 80.
White-plumed Honeyeater [leilavalensis], 4. At km. 51.
Yellow-throated Miner, 6. At km. 51.
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, 2. At km. 51.
Black-faced Woodswallow, 2. At km. 51.
Black-backed Magpie [terrareginae], 3. At km. 108.
Little Crow, 4. Seems common.
Australian Raven, 50. Very common.
House Sparrow [feral], 2. At km. 51.
Chestnut-eared (Zebra) Finch, 6. At km. 51 & 96.
06.10.2003 6:00 to 8:00
Birdsville Track; Mungeranie (South Australia, Australia)
Hoary-headed Grebe, 2. On the pond.
Australian Darter, 1. At the pond.
Pacific Heron, 4. Common here.
Rufous Night-heron [hilli], 2. Flew up from the swamp.
Maned Duck, 2. On the pond.
Grey Teal, 15. Common here.
Pacific Black Duck [rogersi], 10. Common here.
Pink-eared Duck, 16. One flock on the pond.
Black Kite [affinis], 8. Common here.
Whistling Kite, 1. Seems uncommon here.
Australasian Swamphen, 6. In the pond.
Dusky Moorhen, 4. On the pond.
Black-tailed Native-hen, 11. One flock, shy.
Australasian Coot, 15. Common here.
White-headed Stilt, 4. Common here.
Red-necked Avocet, 8. Common here.
Masked Lapwing [novaehollandiae], 8. Common here.
Red-kneed Dotterel, 8. Common here.
Black-fronted Dotterel, 10. Common here.
Red-necked Stint, 1. In winter/juvenile plumage.
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, 6. Common here.
Whiskered Tern [fluviatilis], 1. In non-breeding plumage.
Crested Pigeon, 10. Common here.
Galah [albiceps], 50. Common here.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 20. Common here.
Budgerigar, 15. One flock.
Rainbow Bee-eater, 8. Common here.
Tree Martin [sp], 10. Common here, subspecies not determined.
Australian Reed-warbler, 2. Singing from the reeds.
Little Grassbird, 1. Feeding on the mud.
Willie-wagtail, 6. Common.
White-winged Fairywren, 5. Common here.
Purple-backed Fairywren, 10. Common on the sanddunes here.
Eyrean Grasswren, 4. Quite vocal but shy, seen running from bush to bush on
the sanddune right behind he roadhouse.
Red-browed Pardalote, 1. Singing from a dry bush, quite tame.
Singing Honeyeater [forresti], 10. Common here.
White-plumed Honeyeater [leilavalensis], 6. Common here.
Yellow-throated Miner, 10. Common here.
Magpie-lark, 5. Common here.
Black-backed Magpie [terrareginae], 5. Common here.
Australian Raven, 10. Common here.
House Sparrow [feral], 5. Common even here.
Chestnut-eared (Zebra) Finch, 20. Common.
06.10.2003 9:55 to 17:00
Birdsville Track; north (South Australia, Australia)
Emu, 2. At km. 266.
White-faced Heron, 1. At km. 317.
Pink-eared Duck, 1. At km. 298.
Whistling Kite, 1. At km. 237.
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 1. At km. 330.
Australian Kestrel, 4. Common.
Brown Falcon, 6. Common.
Australian Pratincole, 3. At km. 326 and 405. Much less common than yesterday.
Crested Pigeon, 50. Common.
Galah [albiceps], 200. Very common.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 300. Very common.
Cockatiel, 30. 15 km. south of Birdsville.
Budgerigar, 50. Common.
White-backed Swallow, 1. At km. 209.
Rufous Songlark, 1. At km. 308.
Cinnamon Quail-thrush, 4. One pair each at km. 254 & 283.
Orange Chat, 30. Common on and along the road between km. 268 and 450.
Yellow-throated Miner, 20. Common.
Black-faced Woodswallow, 20. Common.
Black-backed Magpie [terrareginae], 20. Common.
Chestnut-eared (Zebra) Finch, 100. Very common.
07.10.2003 6:45 to 10:30
Birdsville - Betoota road (Queensland, Australia)
Emu, 4. Roadside.
Hoary-headed Grebe, 1. In a small roadside pool.
Pacific Heron, 1. Roadside.
White-faced Heron, 1. Roadside.
Maned Duck, 25. In a roadside pool.
Black Kite [affinis], 8. Common.
Brown Falcon, 3. Common.
Brolga, 5. Roadside, 101 km. east of Birdsville.
Australian Pratincole, 5. Roadside, always single birds.
Common Greenshank, 2. By a roadside pool.
Crested Pigeon, 20. Common.
Galah [albiceps], 50. Common.
Budgerigar, 150. Very common in small flocks.
Red-backed Kingfisher, 1. Roadside.
White-backed Swallow, 2. Roadside.
Fairy Martin, 200. Very common around small bridges.
Australian Reed-warbler, 2. Near Birdsville.
Cinnamon Quail-thrush, 2. A pair feeding on the roadside 15 km. east of Birdsville.
Orange Chat, 2. Roadside.
Singing Honeyeater [forresti], 1. Roadside.
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, 1. Roadside.
White-breasted Woodswallow [leucopygialis], 20. Common.
Common Starling [feral], 1. Near Birdsville.
House Sparrow [feral], 2. Near Birdsville.
Chestnut-eared (Zebra) Finch, 100. Very common.
07.10.2003 10:50 to 13:15
Betoota - Windorah road (Queensland, Australia)
Emu, 7 ad. & imm.. A pair with 5 chicks.
Black Kite [affinis], 5. Roadside.
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 2. Roadside.
Brown Falcon, 2. Roadside.
Australian Pratincole, 10. Roadside, mostly single birds.
Diamond Dove, 15. Roadside.
Budgerigar, 50. Common.
Rainbow Bee-eater, 1. Roadside.
Rufous Whistler [maudeae], 1. Roadside.
Brown Honeyeater, 4. Roadside.
White-breasted Woodswallow [leucopygialis], 20. Common along the road.
House Sparrow [feral], 20. In Windorah.
Chestnut-eared (Zebra) Finch, 50. Roadside.
07.10.2003 14:30 to 18:30
Windorah - Quilpie road (Queensland, Australia)
Pacific Heron, 1. Roadside.
Brolga, 2. Roadside.
White-winged Tern, 1. Feeding over a roadside pond, quite a surprise here.
Diamond Dove, 2. Roadside.
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike [melanops], 3. Roadside.
White-winged Triller, 1. Roadside.
Rufous Whistler [maudeae], 1. Roadside.
Hall's Babbler, 2. Seen 50 meters off the road, 54,7 km. south of Widorah at
position S025:38:01.6 + E143:04:25.5
Chestnut-rumped Thornbill, 1. Roadside.
Little Friarbird, 2. Roadside.
White-winged Chough, 3. Roadside, 20 km. north of Quilpie..
Apostlebird, 35. Roadside.
Australian Raven, 5. Roadside.
08.10.2003 6:20 to 9:40
Quilpie - Thargomindah road (Queensland, Australia)
Emu, 3. Roadside.
Whistling Kite, 2. Roadside.
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 6. Roadside.
Little Eagle, 1. Roadside.
Crested Pigeon, 50. Roadside.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 50. Roadside.
Cockatiel, 6. Roadside.
Mallee Ringneck, 2. Roadside.
Red-rumped Parrot [caeruleus], 4. Two pairs, at km. 85 & 95 south of Quilpie.
Budgerigar, 10. Only one flock seen.
Rainbow Bee-eater, 2. Roadside.
White-winged Triller, 6. Roadside.
Red-breasted Babbler [intermedius], 6. Roadside, one noisy group.
Chestnut-crowned Babbler, 8. A group of birds 95 km. south of Quilpie.
Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush, 2. A pair on the side of the road 9,3 km. south
of Quilpie, at position S026:40:44.7 + E144:15:14.3
Apostlebird, 15. Roadside.
White-breasted Woodswallow [leucopygialis], 30. Roadside.
Chestnut-eared (Zebra) Finch, 30. Roadside.
08.10.2003 9:45 to 10:30
Thargomindah - Lake Bindegolly (Queensland, Australia)
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 6. Roadside.
Cockatiel, 5. Roadside.
Bourke's Parrot, 3. Roadside, 2 km. east of the Quilpie turnoff.
Hall's Babbler, 2. Seen in the same tree as the Bourke's Parrots.
08.10.2003 10:40 to 10:50
Lake Bindegolly (Queensland, Australia)
Yellow-throated Miner, 2. Common.
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, 2. Fairly common.
Chestnut-eared (Zebra) Finch, 10. Very common.
08.10.2003 12:15 to 14:00
Thargomindah - Noccundra road (Queensland, Australia)
Maned Duck, 5. In a roadside pond.
Whistling Kite, 2. Roadside.
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 1. Roadside.
Brolga, 2. Roadside.
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike [melanops], 2. Roadside.
Chestnut-crowned Babbler, 18. Two groups; one 5 km. west of Thargomindah, the
other at the Nockatunga turnoff.
Black-faced Woodswallow, 5. Roadside.
08.10.2003 16:30 to 17:25
Tickalara - Wompah Gate road (Queensland, Australia)
Australian Kestrel, 2. At Grey Range.
Galah [albiceps], 20. Roadside.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 50. Roadside.
Gibberbird, 4. One bird 5,5 km. south of Tickalara Station, two birds 9,4 km.
south and one bird 30,5 km. south (close to Pympa Station).
Yellow-throated Miner, 1. Roadside.
Black-faced Woodswallow, 10. Roadside.
08.10.2003 17:30 to 18:30
Pyampa Station (Queensland, Australia)
Australian Kestrel, 1. At the bore.
Peregrine Falcon [macropus], 1. Flying overhead, then settling on the ground.
White-winged Fairywren, 1. In the lignum field.
Orange Chat, 1. In the lignum field.
09.10.2003 6:15 to 9:30
Pyampa Station (Queensland, Australia)
Australian Kestrel, 2. At the bore.
Budgerigar, 20. At the bore.
Rainbow Bee-eater, 1. At the bore.
White-winged Fairywren, 4. In the lignum field, always coming out to investigate
"pishing". Calls differently than the Grey Grasswrens.
Purple-backed Fairywren, 3. In the lignum field.
Grey Grasswren, 20. Commonly heard in the lignum/canegrass field, but extremely
difficult to see; never seen running on the ground like other grasswrens. Eventually
saw two birds sitting inside dense lignum.
Crimson Chat, 4. At the bore.
Orange Chat, 4. One male with three females in the lignum field.
Masked Woodswallow, 5. At the bore.
Black-faced Woodswallow, 5. At the bore.
Australian Raven, 4. Common.
Chestnut-eared (Zebra) Finch, 50. At the bore.
09.10.2003 9:40 to 10:50
Wompah Gate - Tibooburra road (New South Wales, Australia)
Peregrine Falcon [macropus], 1. South of One Pah Station.
Australian Pratincole, 1. Roadside.
Pallid Cuckoo, 1. At One Pah Station.
White-winged Triller, 1. At One Pah Station.
09.10.2003 12:55 to 15:15
Tibooburra - Cameron Corner (New South Wales, Australia)
Hoary-headed Grebe, 1. On a pond.
Black Kite [affinis], 1. Roadside.
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 5. Roadside.
Australian Kestrel, 4. Roadside.
Brown Falcon, 6. Roadside.
Australian Pratincole, 21. Singles and two flocks of eight.
Crested Pigeon, 8. Roadside.
Galah [albiceps], 25. Roadside.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 62. Around a bore.
Australasian Pipit [subaustralis], 5. Roadside.
Chestnut-crowned Babbler, 6. Roadside near Fort Grey.
Orange Chat, 4. Near a bore.
Masked Woodswallow, 25. Roadside.
Black-backed Magpie [terrareginae], 3. Roadside.
Chestnut-eared (Zebra) Finch, 30. Roadside.
09.10.2003 15:05 to 16:35
Cameron Corner - Merty Merty (South Australia, Australia)
Emu, 2. Roadside.
Hoary-headed Grebe, 5. In roadside ponds and bores.
Black Kite [affinis], 10. Roadside.
Australian Kestrel, 1. Roadside.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 450. Very common here.
Budgerigar, 50. Roadside.
09.10.2003 15:20
Cameron Corner (Queensland, Australia)
Black Kite [affinis], 8. Common.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 30. Common.
House Sparrow [feral], 5. Common here.
Chestnut-eared (Zebra) Finch, 20. Common.
09.10.2003 16:45 to 18:45
Strzelecki Track; north (South Australia, Australia)
Australian Kestrel, 4. Roadside.
Brown Falcon, 6. Roadside.
Crested Pigeon, 10. Roadside.
Yellow-vented Bluebonnet, 4. Two pairs seen.
Budgerigar, 500. Very common in large flocks at dusk.
Yellow-throated Miner, 5. Common.
10.10.2003 6:30 to 9:00
Sturt N.P. (New South Wales, Australia)
Black Kite [affinis], 10. Roadside.
Brown Falcon, 6. Roadside.
Galah [albiceps], 10. Roadside.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 10. Roadside.
Yellow-vented Bluebonnet, 18. Roadside, in small flocks of 3-7 birds.
Budgerigar, 100. Roadside.
White-winged Triller, 6. Roadside.
Chestnut-crowned Babbler, 15. Roadside, in three groups.
White-breasted Woodswallow [leucopygialis], 4. Roadside.
Masked Woodswallow, 15. Roadside.
Black-faced Woodswallow, 40. Roadside.
10.10.2003 9:15 to 9:35
Tibooburra - Cameron Corner (New South Wales, Australia)
Brown Falcon, 1. Roadside.
Yellow-vented Bluebonnet, 2. Roadside.
Black-backed Magpie [terrareginae], 4. Roadside.
10.10.2003 11:30 to 14:45
Tibooburra - Broken Hill road (New South Wales, Australia)
Black Kite [affinis], 8. Roadside.
Australian Pratincole, 38. Common along the road.
Cockatiel, 3. Roadside.
Budgerigar, 50. Roadside.
Red-backed Kingfisher, 1. Roadside.
Rainbow Bee-eater, 2. Roadside.
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike [melanops], 1. Roadside.
Black-backed Magpie [terrareginae], 4. Roadside.
10.10.2003 16:20 to 18:30
Broken Hill - Wentworth road (New South Wales, Australia)
Crested Pigeon, 50. Roadside.
Galah [albiceps], 10. Roadside.
Little Corella [gymnopsis], 20. Roadside.
Pink Cockatoo, 1. Roadside.
Yellow-vented Bluebonnet, 2. Roadside.
11.10.2003 6:15 to 6:45
Mildura - Nowingi road (Victoria, Australia)
Feral Pigeon, 10. Roadside.
Crested Pigeon, 20. Common.
Black-backed Magpie [terrareginae], 10. Roadside.
Common Starling [feral], 20. Roadside.
11.10.2003 6:50 to 12:20
Hattah-Kulkyne N.P. IT (Victoria, Australia)
Mallee Ringneck, 6. Along the Norwingi Track.
Hooded Robin [cucullata], 2. A pair along the Norwingi Track.
Grey Shrike-thrush [halmaturina], 4. Common along the Norwingi Track.
Chestnut Quail-thrush, 2 ad. male. On the Norwingi Track, 6 & 8 km. from
the northern starting-point.
Purple-backed Fairywren, 3. Along the Norwingi Track.
Mallee Emuwren, 4. A very vocal and visible group along the Norwingi Track,
14 km. from the northern starting point.
Striated Grasswren, 8. On the Norwingi Track, a group of birds 5 km. from the
northern starting-point.
White-eared Honeyeater, 1. Along the Norwingi Track.
Yellow-plumed Honeyeater, 25. Very common along the Norwingi Track.
White-winged Chough, 5. At the northern end of the Norwingi Track.
Masked Woodswallow, 10. Along the Norwingi Track.
Black-faced Woodswallow, 2. Along the Norwingi Track.
Australian Raven, 2. Along the Norwingi Track.
11.10.2003 12:50 to 16:35
Ouyen - Bendigo road (Victoria, Australia)
Red-rumped Parrot, 1. Roadside.
White-winged Chough, 4. Roadside.
Black-backed Magpie [terrareginae], 10. Roadside.
12.10.2003 10:30 to 14:00
Geelong - Port Fairy road (Victoria, Australia)
Australian Pelican, 15. Roadside and overhead.
Little Black Cormorant, 1. Roadside pond.
Little Pied Cormorant, 1. Roadside pond.
Pacific Heron, 3. Roadside.
Australian Kite, 4. Roadside.
Collared Sparrowhawk, 1. Roadside.
Australian Kestrel, 5. Roadside.
White-backed Magpie, 30. Roadside.
Common Myna [feral], 2. Roadside.
12.10.2003 15:00 to 16:00
Port Fairy - Portland road (Victoria, Australia)
Australian Kite, 1. Roadside.
Crimson Rosella, 4. Roadside.
12.10.2003 16:15 to 16:45
Mt. Cley State Forest (Victoria, Australia)
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, 1. Common.
Powerful Owl, 4 ad. & imm.. One adult out in the open with a ring-tailed
possum in its claws, one adult nearby inside a dense native cherry tree, two
immatures close by and open in a tree.
Grey Fantail [alisteri], 4. Common.
Olive Whistler, 1. Heard singing.
12.10.2003 17:20 to 17:30
Portland harbour (Victoria, Australia)
Short-tailed Shearwater, 1. Sick and beach-washed.
Black-faced Cormorant, 6. On a buoy.
Red-capped Plover, 1. Near the parking area.
Pacific Gull [sp], 5. Common. Subspecies not determined.
12.10.2003 17:45 to 18:30
Fawthrop's Lagoon (Victoria, Australia)
Black Swan, 30. Common.
Chestnut Teal, 4. Regular here.
Swamp Harrier, 1. Common.
Lewin's Rail, 1. Heard calling at dusk.
Masked Lapwing [novaehollandiae], 8 ad. & imm.. Four adults and four pullus.
Little Grassbird, 6. Common here.
Superb Fairywren [cyanochlamys], 5. Common.
New Holland Honeyeater, 10. Common.
13.10.2003 7:20 to 8:30
Heywood - Mt. Gambier road (Victoria, Australia)
Gang-gang Cockatoo, 2. Roadside, quite a surprise here.
Crimson Rosella, 4. Roadside.
Laughing Kookaburra, 1. Roadside.
Eurasian Blackbird [feral], 5. Roadside.
Grey Shrike-thrush [halmaturina], 1. Roadside.
Eastern Spinebill, 2. Roadside.
White-backed Magpie, 25. Roadside.
Pied Currawong [ashbyi], 1. On the western limit of distribution.
Black-winged Currawong, 1. Roadside.
Australian Raven, 10. Roadside.
13.10.2003 9:15 to 10:15
Mt. Gambier - Naracoorte road (South Australia, Australia)
Australian Ibis, 2. Roadside.
Straw-necked Ibis, 20. Roadside.
Australian Shelduck, 2. Roadside pond.
Australian Kite, 1. Roadside.
Feral Pigeon, 20. Roadside.
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, 5. Roadside.
Laughing Kookaburra, 1. Roadside.
Welcome Swallow, 10. Roadside.
Red Wattlebird, 2. Roadside.
White-backed Magpie, 10. Roadside.
13.10.2003 10:20 to 10:40
Bool Lagoon Game Reserve (South Australia, Australia)
Great White Egret [modesta], 20. Common here.
Intermediate Egret [plumifera], 1. Should be common here.
Little Egret [nigripes], 1. Should be common here.
Straw-necked Ibis, 1000. Abundant here, large flocks soaring overhead.
Magpie Goose, 6. Introduced here.
Black Swan, 100. Common here.
Australian Shelduck, 2. Roadside pond.
Brown Falcon, 1. Roadside.
Australasian Swamphen, 4. In the swamp.
Dusky Moorhen, 20. Common here.
Australasian Coot, 400. Abundant.
White-headed Stilt, 400. Abundant.
Masked Lapwing [novaehollandiae], 2. Common here.
Whiskered Tern [fluviatilis], 800. Abundant here.
Eurasian Skylark [feral], 2. Common here.
Australasian Pipit [australis], 3. Roadside.
European Goldfinch [feral], 10. Common here.
13.10.2003 10:50
Naracoorte (South Australia, Australia)
Long-billed Corella, 15. Feeding on a grassy field along the main road.
13.10.2003 11:00 to 12:15
Naracoorte - Keith road (South Australia, Australia)
Crimson Rosella, 1. Roadside.
Red-rumped Parrot, 4. Roadside.
13.10.2003 13:15 to 16:00
Ngarkat Conservation Park (South Australia, Australia)
Emu, 1. Along Baan Hill track, running like mad along the road.
Wedge-tailed Eagle, 7. Common here.
White-winged Triller, 2. Along Baan Hill track, at a small pond 38 km. north
of the south entrance.
Purple-gaped Honeyeater, 2. Along Baan Hill track, at a small pond 38 km. north
of the south entrance.
Brown-headed Honeyeater [augustus], 2. Along Baan Hill track, at a small pond
38 km. north of the south entrance.
White-fronted Honeyeater, 2. Along Baan Hill track, at a small pond 38 km.
north of the south entrance.
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater, 12. Common along Baan Hill track.
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, 1. Along Baan Hill track, at a small pond 38 km.
north of the south entrance.
Dusky Woodswallow, 1. Along Baan Hill track, at a small pond 38 km. north of
the south entrance.
Grey Butcherbird [leucopterus], 1. Along Baan Hill track.
13.10.2003 16:05 to 16:25
Ngarkat - Lameroo road (South Australia, Australia)
Australian Kite, 1. Roadside.
Yellow-tinted Black-cockatoo [whiteae], 60. Roadside.
Galah [albiceps], 10. Roadside.
Adelaide Rosella, 2. Roadside.
13.10.2003 16:45 to 18:00
Billiatt Conservation Park (South Australia, Australia)
Common Bronzewing, 4. Roadside.
Galah [albiceps], 4. Roadside.
Mallee Ringneck, 2. Roadside.
White-eared Honeyeater, 2. Roadside.
Grey Butcherbird [leucopterus], 1. Roadside.
White-backed Magpie, 6. Roadside.
Black-winged Currawong, 1. Roadside.
13.10.2003 18:20
Alawoona (South Australia, Australia)
White-winged Chough, 5. Roadside.
14.10.2003 6:00 to 6:40
Waikerie - Gluepot road (South Australia, Australia)
Mallee Ringneck, 1. Roadside.
Grey Shrike-thrush [halmaturina], 1. Roadside.
Chestnut Quail-thrush, 8. Common on the road and roadside, often in pairs.
Striated Pardalote, 8. Roadside.
Yellow-plumed Honeyeater, 2. Roadside.
Red Wattlebird, 10. Roadside.
White-winged Chough, 1. Roadside.
Grey Butcherbird [leucopterus], 1. Roadside.
Australian Raven, 4. Roadside.
14.10.2003 6:45 to 17:00
Gluepot Reserve (South Australia, Australia)
Banded Lapwing, 3. Roadside near the homestead.
Crested Pigeon, 10. Roadside.
Galah [albiceps], 6. At the homestead.
Cockatiel, 3. Flying overhead.
Mallee Ringneck, 8. Common here.
Mulga Parrot, 3. Roadside.
Budgerigar, 70. Several flocks along the road.
White-winged Triller, 4. Fairly common.
Willie-wagtail, 2. Roadside.
Jacky-winter [sp], 2. At the start of the Malleefowl track. Subspecies either
fascinans or adsimilis.
Red-capped Robin, 3. Two males, one female and one nest with young being fed
near the homestead.
Hooded Robin [cucullata], 1. Along track 2.
Southern Scrub-robin, 3. Seen 2 km. east of track 9 turnoff, at position S033:45:37.6
+ E140:11:17.8. One bird sitting high in a bush singing, allowing close approach.
Crested Bellbird, 1. At Babbler campsite.
White-browed Babbler, 8. A group along the Malleefowl track.
Chestnut Quail-thrush, 8. Common here.
Black-backed Fairywren, 1. One female seen at the Long Dam road.
Chestnut-rumped Thornbill, 6. Common and vocal.
Southern Whiteface, 4. At Long Dam.
White-browed Treecreeper, 1 ad. female. On her nest-tree at Babbler campsite.
Brown Treecreeper, 3. Near the homestead, feeding young.
Striated Pardalote, 6. Common.
Yellow-plumed Honeyeater, 20. Very common.
White-fronted Honeyeater, 20. Very common and vocal here.
Black-eared Miner, 5. A colony forming 1 km. south along the Malleefowl track,
with at least two pure-looking individuals.
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, 10. Common.
White-winged Chough, 15. In three groups, most near the homestead.
White-backed Magpie, 8. Some showing characters of integration with Black-backed
Australian Raven, 10. Common.
14.10.2003 17:05 to 18:00
Waikerie - Gluepot road (South Australia, Australia)
Peregrine Falcon [macropus], 1. Roadside, flying away with prey.
Adelaide Rosella, 1. Roadside.
Mulga Parrot, 6. Roadside.
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike [melanops], 1. Roadside.
Chestnut Quail-thrush, 4. Roadside.
Black-winged Currawong, 1. Roadside.
15.10.2003 6:00 to 6:50
Berri effluent ponds (South Australia, Australia)
Australasian Grebe, 10. In the ponds.
Hoary-headed Grebe, 50. In the ponds.
Little Pied Cormorant, 4. Flying overhead.
Grey Teal, 10. In the ponds.
Pacific Black Duck [rogersi], 10. In the ponds.
Pink-eared Duck, 60. In the ponds.
Hardhead, 10. In the ponds.
Australian Crake, 2. Walking around the reeds in a small pond, immediately
east of the golf course.
Australasian Swamphen, 2. In the reeds in a small pond, immediately east of
the golf course.
Black-tailed Native-hen, 50. Large group on the golf course, and three in the
reeds in a small pond.
Australasian Coot, 50. Common.
Masked Lapwing [novaehollandiae], 4. Around the ponds.
Red-kneed Dotterel, 4. Around the ponds.
Black-fronted Dotterel, 6. Around the ponds.
Adelaide Rosella, 1. At the golf course.
Australian Reed-warbler, 4. In the reedbeds.
Little Grassbird, 10. Very common in the reeds.
Superb Fairywren [cyanochlamys], 4. Around the ponds.
Noisy Miner, 10. Around the ponds and golf course.
Red Wattlebird, 20. Very common.
15.10.2003 11:15 to 11:30
Birdwood (South Australia, Australia)
Adelaide Rosella, 2. Roadside.
Australian Reed-warbler, 2. Singing from reeds along a small stream.
Striated Thornbill [clelandi], 4. Common here.
Yellow-faced Honeyeater [samueli], 2. Feeding quietly high in a tree.
New Holland Honeyeater, 4. Common.
Red-browed Firetail [loftyi], 1. In the northern outskirts of town, near a
small stream.
15.10.2003 12:00 to 12:25
Gumeracha (South Australia, Australia)
Adelaide Rosella, 4. Near the giant rocking-horse.
Grey Fantail [alisteri], 1. Near the giant rocking-horse.
Striated Pardalote, 1. Near the giant rocking-horse, small white wing-bar.
White-plumed Honeyeater [mellori], 10. Commin near the giant rocking-horse.
White-naped Honeyeater, 4. Near the giant rocking-horse.
New Holland Honeyeater, 8. Near the giant rocking-horse.
Red Wattlebird, 10. Near the giant rocking-horse.
15.10.2003 12:45 to 13:15
Kangaroo Creek Reservoir (South Australia, Australia)
Rufous Whistler, 1. At the lookout loop.
Superb Fairywren [cyanochlamys], 3. At the lookout loop.
Striated Thornbill [clelandi], 4. At the lookout loop, near an euchidna that
crossed the path.
White-throated Treecreeper, 1 ad. female. At the lookout loop.
Yellow-faced Honeyeater [samueli], 3. At the lookout loop.
Crescent Honeyeater [indistincta], 1. At the lookout loop.
New Holland Honeyeater, 4. At the lookout loop.
Eastern Spinebill [loftyi], 1. At the lookout loop.
Australian Raven, 6. At the lookout loop.
16.10.2003 6:30 to 9:30
Penrice saltworks (South Australia, Australia)
Hoary-headed Grebe, 50. Common here.
Australasian Crested Grebe, 8. Common here.
Australian Pelican, 20. Common here.
Little Black Cormorant, 500. Roosting.
Pied Cormorant [hypoleucos], 100. Roosting.
Great White Egret [modesta], 4. Common here.
White-faced Heron, 8. Common.
Little Egret [nigripes], 10. Common here.
Rufous Night-heron [hilli], 8. Roosting in the mangroves.
Royal Spoonbill, 1. Flying overhead.
Black Swan, 50. Common.
Australian Shelduck, 7. Not many seen.
Grey Teal, 300. Very common here.
Chestnut Teal, 15. Moderately common here.
Pacific Black Duck [rogersi], 20. Common.
Australian Shoveler, 8. Seen with other ducks.
Hardhead, 30. Common here.
Musk Duck, 2. Only two seen.
Brown Goshawk [fasciatus], 1. Flying past.
Dusky Moorhen, 4. Near a reedy area.
Black-tailed Native-hen, 10. One group seen feeding.
Australasian Coot, 1. Only one seen.
White-headed Stilt, 50. Common.
Banded Stilt, 1000. Not present here two weeks ago.
Red-necked Avocet, 50. Common here.
Red-kneed Dotterel, 20. Common here.
Grey Plover, 20. One flock seen.
Marsh Sandpiper, 6. Fairly common here.
Common Greenshank, 40. Common here.
Terek Sandpiper, 1. Uncommon visitor here.
Common Sandpiper, 2. Common.
Red-necked Stint, 100. Common here.
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, 50. Common here.
Silver Gull, 200. Common.
Fairy Tern, 12. Common here.
Whiskered Tern [fluviatilis], 500. Abundant here.
Feral Pigeon, 15. On a wooden bridge.
Spotted Dove [feral], 20. Common here.
Crested Pigeon, 30. Common here.
Galah [albiceps], 10. Common.
Adelaide Rosella, 2. Common.
Eurasian Skylark [feral], 4. Calling overhead.
Australasian Pipit [subaustralis], 4. Common here.
Eurasian Blackbird [feral], 2. Common.
Little Grassbird, 1. Flew across a channel.
White-fronted Chat, 40. Very common here, often one male with several females.
Grey-backed Silvereye, 1. In a tree.
Singing Honeyeater [forresti], 15. Common here.
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, 1. In the mangroves.
Magpie-lark, 10. Common.
Grey Butcherbird [leucopterus], 1. Calling from a tree.
Little Raven, 10. Common here.
Common Starling [feral], 100. Very common here.
House Sparrow [feral], 20. Common.
16.10.2003 9:45 to 10:45
St. Kilda (South Australia, Australia)
Australian Pelican, 20. Flying.
Pied Cormorant [hypoleucos], 20. Offshore and sitting on markers.
Little Pied Cormorant, 30. On the rocky breakwater and flying past.
Great White Egret [modesta], 2. On the rocky breakwater.
Little Egret [nigripes], 6. On the rocky breakwater.
Royal Spoonbill, 1. Flying past.
Whistling Kite, 2. Over the islands.
White-bellied Sea-eagle, 1 ad.. Flying over the islands off St. Kilda.
Black-tailed Native-hen, 8. On the parking lot.
Sooty Oystercatcher, 4. On the rocky breakwater.
Red-necked Stint, 20. Flying past.
Silver Gull, 50. Common.
Caspian Tern, 1. Offshore, near the island.
Great Crested Tern [cristata], 1. On the beach.
Whiskered Tern [fluviatilis], 4. In the bay.
16.10.2003 11:10 to 12:10
Adelaide; Greenfields wetland (South Australia, Australia)
Australasian Grebe, 3. Common here.
Hoary-headed Grebe, 20. Common here.
Black Swan, 25. Common.
Chestnut Teal, 3. Flying in.
Hardhead, 2. Common here.
Australian Hobby, 1. Flying past.
Australasian Swamphen, 4. Common here.
Dusky Moorhen, 3. Common here.
Australasian Coot, 100. Common here.
Black-fronted Dotterel, 1. On the muddy track.
Australian Reed-warbler, 1. Feeding in a tree.
Little Grassbird, 2. Common here.
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