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Hong Kong,
David Cooper stopped over in Hong Kong on the way to Western Australia:
8/12/99 Slept quite well arriving Hong Kong 14.00. Changed £20, cleared Immigration and Customs catching the new metro to downtown central Hong Kong (23 minutes) and the tube to Victoria Park arriving 15.30. Birded the park in the remaining light (1.5 hours) and then walked the City Centre back to the Central Train Station and returned to the airport. Left Hong Kong 23.50 being an hour late due to four passengers not turning up for the flight but having booked through their baggage. Their baggage was eventually found and removed. Flew over the lights of Hong Kong. Weather pleasantly warm and calm. Highlights : Light-vented Bulbul and Masked Laughingthrush. 18 species seen including 2 new birds.
Systematic List of Species seen in Hong Kong on 8/12/99 following An Annotated Checklist of the Birds of the Oriental Region (1996):
405. Asian Koel - Eudynamis
A pair were seen in Victoria Park.
650. Oriental Turtle Dove
- Streptopelia orientalis
Two together were seen in Victoria Park.
652. Spotted Dove - Streptopelia
Around 15 were seen in Victoria Park.
970. Black Kite - Milvus
An estimated 50 were seen circling over Victoria Park.
1089. Egret sp. - Egretta
Two were seen from the metro.
1103. Chinese Pond Heron -
Ardeola bacchus
A single individual was seen in Victoria Park.
1319. Black-billed Magpie
- Pica pica
A loose group of 3 were seen in Victoria Park.
1336. Large-billed Crow -
Corvus macrorhynchus
Around 5 were seen around the docks viewed from the passing train.
1522. Eurasian Blackbird -
Turdus merula
A single individual was seen in Victoria Park.
1559. Asian Brown Flycatcher
- Muscicapa dauurica
A single individual was seen in Victoria Park.
1644. Oriental Magpie-Robin
- Copsychus saularis
Around 6 were seen in Victoria Park.
1717. Black-collared Starling
- Sturnus nigricollis
Around 25 were seen in Victoria Park.
1726. Crested Myna - Acridotheres
Around 50 were seen in Victoria Park.
1778. Great Tit - Parus
A single individual was seen in Victoria Park.
1831. Red-whiskered Bulbul
- Pycnonotus jocosus
Around 4 were seen in Victoria Park.
1833. Light-vented Bulbul
- Pycnonotus sinensis
Around 8 were seen in Victoria Park.
2063. Masked Laughingthrush
- Garrulax perspicillatus
At least 9 were seen in Victoria Park typically in small groups.
2419. Eurasian Tree Sparrow
- Passer montanus
An estimated 200 were seen in Victoria Park.
2429. White Wagtail - Motacilla
A single individual was seen in Victoria Park.
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