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A Report from |
Berlin and Brandenburg, 12th-19th July 2011,
General information
Basic details on the area can be found in my report of last year on this site (June 2010). Prices have remained stable.
This year's trip followed much the same pattern, and indeed we used the same hotel as a base. However, different locations were visited, and of course we went a month later.
From a birding point of view, these were the highlights for me:
1. Seeing lots of Common Cranes from public transport (train and bus). With the main breeding season over by July, the birds have dispersed from their breeding sites and are easier to see. A notable area was between Löwenberg and Gransee, on the Berlin – Rostock railway line, where up to 20 individuals were easily seen in fields on the right hand side of the line going north.
2. A new species for me – Red-breasted Flycatcher, calling in the woods at Neuglobsow.
3. Watching a Jay and a Red-backed Shrike having a dust up at the Grunewald Nature Reserve (the Shrike won); and
4. 10 White Storks together, seen from a train, in a field near Zehdenick (on the railway line to Templin)
And, more amazing than any of these, coming eyeball to eyeball with a Grass Snake while swimming in the Teufelsee. The snake actually came to check me out – I could have patted it's head!
When travelling by train in rural areas of the former East Germany, you will often find station areas overgrown with vegetation. These are very good places for insects, such as Butterflies and day-flying Moths.
Some directions (see also last year's report for more)
Templin Lakes
Easily reached by train from Berlin. A good area for Dragonflies, with 40 species possible in June. And you'll pass the Crane area on the way.
Grunewald Nature Reserve/ Teufelsee
These lie in the Berlin suburbs, although you would never think so when there, as the forested area is huge. The nature reserve is small, but holds things like Moor Frog, Sand Lizard, many Dragonfly species and, as noted above, Red-backed Shrike and Jay. To get there, take the S Bahn line S7 (Potsdam), get off at Grunewald station, go under the railway line, and the forest tracks are straight ahead.
This is the destination for the Stechlinsee, one of the biggest and most famous of the Brandenburg lakes. There is also a smaller lake adjacent, the Dagowsee, which is actually much better for wildlife. The village has a tourist information centre, cafes, restaurants etc., and you can go for a swim in the Stechlinsee.
A word of warning though – getting there is not for the faint hearted. First, you have to get the train to Gransee (easy enough, one every hour from Berlin – again you'll pass the Crane area) and then the bus to Neuglobsow. However, the system in place is that you have to phone for a bus to come, 90 minutes in advance, and there is one only every two hours. However, the phone system does not apply to the 11.35am bus, which runs as normal. I say that, although we found that a minibus turned up for the trip. As the 3 of us obviously put a strain on resources, the driver drove to the next stop, told the passengers waiting there that he was off to get a bigger one, drove to the garage and transferred us to a normal bus! So if you want an adventure, this is the trip for you.
It also takes about one hour 15 minutes to get to Neuglobsow from Gransee, which is only about 20 kilometres distant, because the bus makes detours to get to every village along the way, so careful planning is essential. What to do therefore is to make sure you get to Gransee for the 11.35am bus and ask the tourist information people in Neuglobsow to phone and arrange the return bus for you. (The last one goes at 18.29.)
1. Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
Recorded from Werder (13/7), Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Grunewald (14/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).2. Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Recorded from Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Werder (15/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).3. Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
Recorded from Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Werder (15/7) and Leipzig (Saxony) 17/7.4. White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)
10 together in a field, seen from a train near Zehdenick (16/7).5. Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)
Recorded from Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Werder (15/7) and Ferch (15/7).6. Greylag Goose (Anser anser)
Recorded from Neuglobsow (18/7).7. Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
Recorded from Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Werder (15/7), Caputh (15/7), Templin (16/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).8. Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula)
Recorded from Neuglobsow (18/7).9. Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
Recorded from Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7).10. Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo)
Recorded from Löwenberg (16/7).11. Red Kite (Milvus milvus)
Recorded from Werder (15/7), Gransee (16/7), Wittenberg (Saxony) 17/7, and from bus Gransee – Neuglobsow (18/7).12. Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus)
Recorded from Brandenburg an der Havel (3 together), (13/7).13. Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7) and Werder (15/7).14. Common Crane (Grus grus)
About 16 individuals seen from a train near Gransee (16/7), again several there on 18/7, one from a train near Templin (16/7), and 2 seen from bus Gransee – Neuglobsow (18/7).15. Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus)
Recorded from Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Werder (15/7), Ferch (15/7), Caputh (15/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).16. Common Tern (Sterna hirundo)
Recorded from Neuglobsow (18/7).17. Feral Pigeon (Columba livia)
Recorded from Berlin (12/7), Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Werder (15/7), Leipzig(Saxony) 17/7 and Gransee (18/7).18. Common Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus)
Recorded from Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Ferch (15/7) and Gransee (16/7).19. Common Swift (Apus apus)
Recorded from Berlin (12/7), Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Gransee (16/7) and Templin (16/7).20. European Green Woodpecker (Picus viridis)
Recorded from Neuglobsow (18/7).21. Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)
Recorded from Grunewald (14/7).22. Common Skylark (Alauda arvensis)
Recorded from Gransee (18/7).23. Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7), Werder (15/7), Caputh (15/7), Gransee (16/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).24. Common House Martin (Delichon urbica)
Recorded from Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Gransee (16/7) andNeuglobsow (18/7).25. White Wagtail (Motacilla alba alba)
Recorded from Grunewald (13/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).26.Winter Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).27. European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7).28. Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)
Recorded from Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Gransee (16/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).29. Common Blackbird (Turdus merula)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7), Werder (15/7), Ferch (15/7), Caputh (15/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).30. Common Magpie (Pica pica)
Recorded from Gransee (16/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).31. Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
Recorded from Grunewald (13/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).32. Western Jackdaw (Corvus monedula)
Recorded from Gransee (16/7).33. Hooded Crow (Corvus corone cornix)
Recorded from Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Werder (15/7), Caputh (15/7), Gransee (16/7) and from bus Gransee – Neuglobsow (18/7).34. Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
Recorded from Berlin (12/7), Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7) and Werder (15/7).35. Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla)
Recorded from Grunewald (13/7) and Templin (16/7).36. Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7), Werder (15/7) and Templin (16/7).37. Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7), Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7) and Templin (16/7).38. Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa striata)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7).39. Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva)
Recorded from Neuglobsow, in woods around the Dagowsee (18/7).40. Great Tit (Parus major)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7) and Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7).41. Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7), Templin (16/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).42. Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio)
Recorded from Grunewald (13/7).43. House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)
Recorded from Berlin (12/7), Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Werder (15/7), Caputh (15/7), Gransee (16/7) and Leipzig(Saxony) 17/7.44. Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)
Recorded from Werder (15/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).45. Common Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7).46. European Greenfinch (Carduelis chloris)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7), Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7), Werder (15/7),
Gransee (16/7), Löwenberg (16/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).47. European Serin (Carduelis chloris)
Recorded from Berlin (12/7), Grunewald (14/7) and Gransee (16/7).48. European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
Recorded from Gransee (18/7).49. Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7), Löwenberg (16/7) and Gransee (18/7).
1. Large White (Pieris brassicae)
Recorded from Gransee (16/7).2.Green-veined White (Pieris napi)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7).3. Eastern Bath White (Pontia edusa)
Recorded from Löwenberg (16/7).4. Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)
Recorded from Brandenburg an der Havel (13/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).5. Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus)
Recorded from Grunewald (14/7).6. Comma (Polygonia c-album)
Recorded from Templin (16/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).7. Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
Recorded from Löwenberg (16/7) Templin (16/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).8. Peacock (Inachis io)
Recorded from Gransee (16/7).9. Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae)
Recorded from Gransee (16/7) and Löwenberg (16/7).10. Map Butterfly (Araschnia levana)
Recorded from Templin (16/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).11. Queen of Spain Fritillary (Issoria lathonia)
Recorded from Gransee (16/7) and Löwenberg (16/7).12. Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7), Templin (16/7) and Neuglobsow (18/7).13. Meadow Brown (Maniola jurtina)
Recorded from Löwenberg (16/7).14. Chestnut Heath (Coenonympha glycerion)
Recorded from Neuglobsow (18/7).15. Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7) and Löwenberg (16/7).
Damselflies and Dragonflies
1. Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopterix virgo)
Recorded from Templin (16/7).2. Azure Bluet (Coenagrion puella)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7).3. Blue Featherleg (Platycnemis pennipes)
Recorded from Templin (16/7).4. Small Pincertail (Onychogomphus forcipatus)
Recorded from Neuglobsow (18/7).5. Four-spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7).6. Brilliant Emerald (Somatochlora metallica)
Recorded from Templin (16/7).7. Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum)
Recorded from Grunewald (12/7).
1. Latticed Heath (Chiasma clathrata)
Recorded from Gransee (18/7).
Reptiles and amphibians
1. Edible/Pool Frog (Rana kl. esculenta/Rana lessonae)
Recorded from Grunewald (14/7).2. Grass Snake (Natrix natrix)
Recorded from Grunewald (14/7).
Unconfirmed sightings
Large numbers of very small brown frogs at Neuglobsow (18/7) were probably the Common Frog (Rana temporaria).
Total seen | New species | Unconfirmed | |
Birds | 49 | 1 | 0 |
Butterflies | 15 | 0 | 0 |
Damselfies and Dragonflies | 7 | 1 | 0 |
Moths | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Reptiles and Amphibians | 2 | 0 | 1 |
TOTALS | 74 | 2 | 1 |
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