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Musandam and Northern Oman, 4th - 10th January 2005,
The point of the trip was to find a number of elusive species that Bruce Hansen (BH) required for his Western Palaearctic list. The revised boundaries of the Western Palaearctic proposed by The Ornithological Society of the Middle East (OSME) extend to include the United Arab Emirates and most of Oman.
BH's target list of required species was:
Red-billed Tropicbird
Masked Booby
Lappet-faced Vulture
Steppe Eagle
Sociable Plover
Namaqua Dove
Oriental Skylark
Buff-bellied Pipit
Eversmann's Redstart
All of these birds are resident, or visitors of varying regularity to the region. In the time available (1 week), and with a 4 wheel drive vehicle this target list was felt to be ambitious but feasible. A list of sites where the birds were most regularly found was drawn up.
The sites chosen were:
Dubai Pivot Fields:
This is an irrigated fodder field near the Dubai Sewage Works. In recent winters there have been small numbers of both Oriental Skylark, and particularly Buff-bellied Pipits recorded there, and it is considered to be one of the best spots in the UAE and Oman for this latter species.
Al Wathba Camel Track:
The camel track at Al Wathba near Abu Dhabi contains large irrigated fodder fields within the boundary of the track. It is an excellent grassland site, and one of the most regular sites for Oriental Skylark in the UAE.
Sayh Plateau:
This is a small plateau high in the mountains south of Khasab in the Musandam peninsula, Oman. It has only recently been birded extensively, and new discoveries are being made regularly. It is now recognised as a regular wintering site for Eversmann's Redstart (the only regular site known on the Arabian peninsula). In spring it is excellent for migrants, particularly Wheatears, Rock Thrush, Buntings and other passerines.
Sun Farms:
This site is one of the premier birding sites in northern Oman. It is a large dairy farm with associated fodder fields, and attracts a very wide variety of migrants and winter visitors. Particularly noted for raptors (especially Imperial Eagle), it is a regular wintering site for Sociable Plover, and may well be a regular site for Blyth's Pipit, and Oriental Skylark. The recent recognition of the wintering status of Buff-bellied Pipit in the UAE means that this bird is also a potentially regular visitor to this site. Sun Farms is also a regular site for Namaqua Dove.
Sunub waste disposal site outside Muscat is one of the premier raptor watching sites in Arabia. In winter up to 100 eagles can be seen perched on the surrounding hills. The commonest eagle in winter is Steppe Eagle, though Greater Spotted and Imperial Eagles are regular. Several rarer species have been found, including Tawny, Lesser Spotted and Golden Eagle. In addition up to 100 Egyptian Vultures occur at the site, and it is a regular haunt of Lappet-faced Vulture.
Fahl Island:
This island off Muscat is a good site for Red-billed Tropicbird and Sooty Falcon in summer. In winter it is less reliable, though recent reports of Masked Booby there in December 2004 meant that it was still worth a visit.
Ras al Khabbah & Ras al Hadd:
These sites are situated at the extreme eastern tip of Oman, and are excellent sea-watching venues. Throughout the year, but particularly in summer these sites regularly turn up rare and unusual seabirds, and are considered one of the most reliable sites in northern Oman to see Masked Booby.
Day 1: 4/01/05
Picked up BH from the Admiral Hotel at 07:00, and headed towards Dubai Pivot Fields in search of Buff-bellied Pipit. Almost the first birds noted were a pair of Sociable Plovers, standing on the short turf of the smaller pivot, our first target bird achieved, and in an unexpected location, a good omen! Noteworthy birds included three Greylag. Four Pipit spp were seen (Water, Tawny, Red-throated and Richard's) but no sign of the Buff-bellied.
Next stop was a flying visit to Wimpey Pits, just because they were next door. A good collection of wintering ducks, as well as the resident hybrid Red-knobbed Coot x Common Coot. The only other bird of note was a single Glossy Ibis.
Further brief halts were called at Mushrif Park for the two wintering Long-eared Owls, and Dreamland Beach to secure Crab Plover for the trip list, then on to Musandam.
Our first walk around the woods at Sal 'alla produced a fair collection of birds, including many Black Redstart and Eastern Pied Wheatear, as well as Lesser Whitethroat, Desert Lesser Whitethroat and Plain Leaf Warbler. As sunset approached we headed back towards Khasab, stopping at a new small farm about 2km west of Sal 'alla. This produced a fine Mourning Wheatear of the race persica. Just after sunset a number of Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse were heard coming in to drink at the Khasab dam, with about 10 being seen.
We camped in the woods at Sal 'alla, and were treated to a lullaby courtesy of a Striated Scops Owl. While looking for the owl we stumbled across a Stone Curlew in the area between the camp site and the adjacent rocky hillside.
Accommodation: camping in the woodland at Sal 'alla.
Day 2: 5/01/04
The Striated Scops Owl was still calling in the morning before we got up. Fewer birds active in the woods at Sal 'alla, so we packed up and moved towards Sayh Plateau. The Mourning Wheatear was still present at the nearby farm.
Sayh Plateau showed evidence of the recent rains, though was not as lush as expected. We walked clockwise from the closest access point. A fair number of birds were in evidence, with the first garden producing a Brambling and three wintering Song Thrushes. Desert and Hume's Wheatears were scattered over the whole area, and flocks of House Bunting and Desert Lark moved around. Chukars wandered around the fields almost like domestic fowl. Quite a few Black Redstart were in the gardens, and one of them flushed out our first Eversmann's Redstart. We eventually saw five of these marvellous birds, two males, two females and a juvenile.
With the target bird achieved in good time an executive decision was made to move on to the next major site, Sun Farms near Sohar. We therefore headed south, reaching Hatta near sunset.
Accommodation: camping off the Mahdah road near Hatta.
Day 3: 6/01/05
An early start saw us crossing the border post at Hatta at about 07:30. We decided to spend some time at Shinas looking for the wintering Great Stone Plover which has been returning there for a number of years. This bird also proved elusive, but we did have fine views of a large flock of Great Black-headed Gulls, as well as both Caspian and Steppe Gull. The mangroves at Shinas produced our only Green-backed and Indian Pond Herons.
We moved on to Sun Farms at midday. The size of the area, and our time of arrival prompted us to spend the first couple of hours driving around. A good number of raptors were visible, particularly Montagu's and Marsh Harrier, Bonelli's, Booted and Short-toed Eagles and a Peregrine. A Spotted Eagle was feeding on a recently killed White Stork at the back of the farm. Three large Aquila eagles on the same pivot to the right of the farm entrance proved to be a pair of juvenile Imperial Eagles, and a single Spotted Eagle of the race fulvescens, a spectacular sight. Other birds of note included four Cream-coloured Courser, a pair of Dotterel, a Corn Bunting, a single Steppe Grey and two Turkestan Shrikes and five Namaqua Doves, BH's target for the site. In addition many pipits and wagtails were scattered throughout, notably Masked Wagtail in the cattle barns, and Yellow Wagtails of the races beema, thunbergi, lutea and feldegg, the last race being particularly numerous.
Accommodation: camping on the gravel plains west of Sohar.
Day 4: 7/01/05
An early start at Sun Farms was intended to enable us to spend more time walking the fields looking for our next two target species, Oriental Skylark and Buff-bellied Pipit. This plan was not very successful. Short-toed Lark, Eurasian Skylark and lots of Black-crowned Finchlark, but no Orientals, and no pipit. We did flush a pair of Common Quail, and renewed our acquaintance with the two Dotterel, the flavescens Spotted Eagle, three Namaqua Doves, one Cream-coloured Courser and the Booted Eagle. Two female Pallid Harriers put in an appearance as well.
At 14:00 we headed south towards Muscat.
Accommodation: camping just outside Muscat.
Day 5: 8/01/05
Another early start, this time at Al Ansab lagoons. Two Squacco Herons and about 20 Night Herons were the best birds here.
Sunub was reached at about 08:30. The first Steppe Eagle was sitting on the hill above the entrance. Driving into the main part of the dump we found about 30 more Steppe Eagles, and about 60 Egyptian Vultures. Two Lappet-faced Vultures were on one of the more distant hillsides, but were easily visible. The birds were all disturbed about half an hour later by someone wandering through the middle of the area carrying an air-rifle, so we were then treated to a fine display of aerial views. In the melee one juvenile Imperial Eagle was picked out. Almost the last bird to leave was a Lesser Spotted Eagle, presumably the same bird which had been at nearby Al Ansab lagoons for the previous week or so.
We left the area at about 10:00 and headed into Muscat to try and locate a fisherman who would be prepared to take us out to Fahl Island. We tried our luck at a small village on a beach just west of Mutrah. The boat was acquired quickly, and we set of for the island. Few birds on the way, apart from two Persian Shearwaters, and several gulls. Most birds were on a large detached rock on the far side of the island, Socotra Cormorants and Swift Terns predominated, but Lesser Crested Terns and Sooty Gulls were present too. Best birds were a pair of Red-billed Tropicbird overhead as we came around the back of the island.
Back on shore, we had achieved three target birds and it was only 12:00, so we decided to immediately head east toward Ras al Khabbah and try for some more seabirds. We reached Ras al Khabbah at about 16:00, and had an hour's sea-watching before heading into the desert to find a camp site.
Accommodation: camping 2km west of Ras al Khabbah.
Day 6: 9/01/05
We got to Ras al Khabbah at first light, and started sea-watching. There were a few birds, mostly Swift Tern, Sooty Gull and Socotra Cormorant, but no pelagic species at all. We decided at 09:30 to try our luck at Ras al Hadd up the coast. Ras al Hadd is at a lower elevation than Ras al Khabbah, but extends a little further out to sea. We arrived there at about 10:30 and were rewarded within 15 minutes by a single Masked Booby flying south about 500m offshore. Further birds followed over the next half an hour, the final tally being four Masked Booby. Plenty of other birds present too, including Great Black-headed, Heuglin's, Sooty, Caspian and Steppe Gulls all present.
With all targets in the area achieved, we decided to head back towards the UAE, and try our luck again at Shinas.
Accommodation: camping at Ras as Sawadi.
Day 7: 10/01/05
We left our campsite by 07:15, and reached Shinas at about 09:00. We had received information about a recent sighting of Great Stone Plover, the gen being that it was south of the town between the town and the mangroves. We started on the beach itself, and drove slowly southwards towards the outflow from the mangroves. When within sight of the outflow we noticed the small matter of a Pelican towering over the gulls and herons. On closer inspection it proved to be a Dalmatian Pelican, the first record for Oman, if accepted.
Delighted with this unexpected discovery we continued our hunt. We searched the area for about 3 and a half hours without success, until we started looking at the beach north of the town, where we stumbled across the Great Stone Plover after about 10 minutes!
We then set off back to UAE. Being gluttons for punishment we decided to return to Dubai via Al Wathba and one last chance for the Oriental Skylark. The last two hours of daylight saw us walking the fields at Al Wathba, where we heard an Oriental Skylark, and saw a beautiful male Pallid Harrier, and the roosting Desert Eagle Owl.
Accommodation: home!
Although we failed to get views of either Oriental Skylark or Buff-bellied Pipit during the trip, both birds were seen by BH at Dubai Pivot Fields on 14th January, so the trip was in the end 100% successful!
Essential Reading:
Eriksen, H. & J. & Sargeant. P. & D. (2001). Birdwatching Guide to Oman. Muscat: Al Roya Publishing.
Birds of the Middle East
Photographs courtesy of Hanne & Jens Eriksen (
Paul Bourdin
Systematic List
LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis
50+ at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
BLACK-NECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis
40+ at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
PERSIAN SHEARWATER Puffinus persicus
2 near Fahl Island 8/01.
3 flying south past Ras al Hadd 9/01.
RED-BILLED TROPICBIRD Phaethon aethereus
2 at Fahl Island 8/01.
MASKED BOOBY Sula dactylatra
4 flying south past Ras al Hadd 9/01
GREAT CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo
Seen at most coastal sites, as well as Al Ansab and Wimpey Pits.
SOCOTRA CORMORANT Phalacrocorax nigricollis
Most numerous in the Khasab area, though small numbers seen off-shore at Ras
al Khabbah. Ras al Hadd, Shinas and Fahl Island.
DALMATIAN PELICAN Pelecanus crispus.
1 at Shinas 10/01 would constitute the first record for Oman, if accepted.
NIGHT HERON Nycticorax nycticorax
20+ at Al Ansab 8/01.
LITTLE GREEN HERON Butorides striatus
1 in the mangroves at Shinas 6/01.
SQUACCO HERON Ardeola ralloides
2 at Al Ansab 8/01.
INDIAN POND HERON Ardeola grayii
1 in the mangroves at Shinas 6/01.
CATTLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis
20+ at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
30+ at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
WESTERN REEF HERON Egretta gularis
Seen at all coastal sites in UAE and Oman 4/01 - 10/01.
LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta
Seen at all coastal sites in UAE and Oman 4/01 - 10/01, as well as both Wimpey
Pits 4/01 and Al Ansab 8/01.
Single birds at Shinas 6/01 and 10/01.
GREY HERON Ardea cinerea
Present at all wetland sites, particularly numerous at Khor al Beidah 4/01
and Shinas 6/01 and 10/01.
PURPLE HERON Ardea purpurea
1 at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
1 at Al Ansab 8/01.
[WHITE STORK Ciconia ciconia
1 freshly dead bird being eaten by a Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga)
at Sun Farms 6/01.]
GLOSSY IBIS Plegadis falcinellus
1 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
SPOONBILL Platalea leucorodia
1 at Shinas 10/01.
GREATER FLAMINGO Phoenicopterus ruber
Small numbers at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
4 near Ras al Hadd 9/01.
3 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
9 at Al Wathba camel track 10/01.
WIGEON Anas penelope
20+ at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
GADWALL Anas strepera
15 at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
TEAL Anas crecca
45 at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
Small numbers at Sun Farms 7/01 and Al Ansab 8/01.
MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos
25+ at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
PINTAIL Anas acuta
2 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
20 + at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
4 at Shinas 6/01 and 10/01.
SHOVELER Anas clypeata
25+ at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
POCHARD Aythya ferina
100+ at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
TUFTED DUCK Aythya fuligula
30 at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
EGYPTIAN VULTURE Neophron percnopterus
60+ at Sunub 8/01.
20+ soaring north of the highway between Ibra and Al-Mintrib 8/01.
1 near Qurayyat 9/01.
LAPPET-FACED VULTURE Torgus tracheliotus
2 at Sunub 8/01.
SHORT-TOED EAGLE Circaetus gallicus
1 at Sun Farms 6/01.
MARSH HARRIER Circus aeruginosus
Small numbers at Dubai Pivot Fields and Wimpey Pits 4/01, Sun Farms 6/01 -
7/01 and Al Wathba camel track 10/01.
PALLID HARRIER Circus macrourus
2 f at Sun Farms 7/01.
1 m at Al Wathba camel track 10/01.
MONTAGU'S HARRIER Circus pygargus
2 at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
SPARROWHAWK Accipiter nisus
1 at Sal 'alla 4/01.
1 at Sun Farms 7/01.
1 near Ras as Sawadi 7/01.
1 just west of Al Ain 10/01.
1 at Sunub 8/01.
SPOTTED EAGLE Aquila clanga
1 feeding on a dead White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) at Sun Farms 6/01,
and 1 of race fulvescens there 6/01 - 7/01.
STEPPE EAGLE Aquila nipalensis
30+ at Sunub 8/01.
IMPERIAL EAGLE Aquila heliaca
2 juveniles at Sun Farms 6/01.
1 juvenile at Sun Farms 7/01.
BOOTED EAGLE Hieraaetus pennatus
1 dark phase bird at Sun Farms 6/01.
1 soaring over Al Khabura on the Muscat road 7/01.
BONELLI'S EAGLE Hieraaetus fasciatus
1 at Sun Farms 6/01.
OSPREY Pandion haliaetus
1 at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
1 at Shinas 6/01.
3 at Fahl Island 8/01.
2 at Ras al Hadd 9/01.
1 at Shinas 10/01.
KESTREL Falco tinnunculus
1 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
1 at Sayh Plateau 5/01.
1 at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
1 at Al Wathba camel track 10/01.
PEREGRINE FALCON Falco peregrinus
1 at Sun Farms 6/01.
CHUKAR Alectoris chukar
15 at Sayh Plateau 5/01.
GREY FRANCOLIN Francolinus pondicerianus
Only noted at Dubai Pivot Fields on 4/01.
QUAIL Coturnix coturnix
2 at Sun Farms 7/01.
3 at Al Wathba camel track 10/01.
MOORHEN Gallinula chloropus
10+ at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
2 at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
[RED-KNOBBED COOT Fulica cristata
2 hybrid Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra) x Red-knobbed Coot (F. cristata)
at Wimpey Pits 4/01.]
OYSTERCATCHER Haematopus ostralegus
10+ at Dreamland Beach 4/01.
4 at Ras al Hadd 9/01.
BLACK-WINGED STILT Himantopus himantopus
20+ at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
5 at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
4 at Shinas 10/01.
CRAB PLOVER Dromas ardeola
3 at Dreamland Beach 4/01.
STONE CURLEW Burhinus oedicnemus
1 at Sal 'alla 4/01.
1 heard at Sal 'alla in the early morning 5/01.
GREAT STONE PLOVER Esacus recurvirostris
1 on the beach between the lagoon and the sea just north of Shinas
town 10/01.
4 at Sun Farms 6/01.
1 at Sun Farms 7/01.
LITTLE RINGED PLOVER Charadrius dubius
15+ at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
10+ at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
RINGED PLOVER Charadrius hiaticula
1 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
Numerous at Dreamland Beach 4/01.
KENTISH PLOVER Charadrius alexandrinus
Present at all suitable coastal sites, including Khor al Beidah, Dreamland
Beach, Shinas and Ras al Hadd.
LESSER SAND PLOVER Charadrius mongolus
Numerous at Khor al Beidah and Dreamland Beach 4/01.
10+ at Shinas 6/01 and 10/01.
GREY PLOVER Pluvialis squatarola
2 at Shinas 10/01.
RED-WATTLED LAPWING Hoplopterus indicus
20+ at Wimpey Pits 4/01.
SOCIABLE PLOVER Chettusia gregaria
2 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
WHITE-TAILED PLOVER Chettusia leucura
4 at Sun Farms 7/01.
1 at Al Ansab 8/01.
SANDERLING Calidris alba
15 at Shinas 6/01.
10 at Shinas 10/01.
LITTLE STINT Calidris minuta
Present at all suitable wetland sites in UAE and northern Oman.
TEMMINCK'S STINT Calidris temminckii
7 at Sun Farms 6/01
CURLEW SANDPIPER Calidris ferruginea
50+ at Dreamland Beach 4/01
20+ at Shinas 6/01
15 at Shinas 10/01
DUNLIN Calidris alpina
30 at Shinas 10/01
RUFF Philomachus pugnax
10+ at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
20+ at Al Wathba camel track 10/01.
COMMON SNIPE Gallinago gallinago
Small numbers noted at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01, Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01 and
Al Ansab 8/01.
BAR-TAILED GODWIT Limosa lapponica
40+ at Dreamland Beach 4/01
2 at Shinas 10/01.
CURLEW Numenius arquata
Small numbers at all coastal sites.
4 at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
REDSHANK Tringa totanus
6 at Shinas 10/01.
MARSH SANDPIPER Tringa stagnatilis
Small numbers at all wetland sites including Wimpey Pits, Dreamland Beach,
Shinas, Sun Farms and Ras al Hadd.
GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia
I at Shinas 10/01.
GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropus
1 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
1 at Sun Farms 6/01.
WOOD SANDPIPER Tringa glareola
4 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
5 at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
TEREK SANDPIPER Xenus cinereus
2 at Shinas 6/01 and 10/01.
COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleucos
Singles at Dreamland Beach 4/01 and Shinas 6/01 and 10/01.
SOOTY GULL Larus hemprichii
Very noticeable at all coastal Omani sites, including Shinas, Ras as Sawadi,
Fahl Island, Ras al Khabbah and Ras al Hadd.
100+ at Shinas 6/01 and 10/01.
50+ at Ras al Hadd 9/01.
BLACK-HEADED GULL Larus ridibundus
Common at all coastal sites.
fewer birds than the previous species, but noticed at all coastal sites.
SIBERIAN GULL Larus heuglini [Also known
as Heuglin's Gull.]
Particularly noticeable at Ras al Hadd 9/01.
'CASPIAN GULL' Larus (cachinnans) cachinnans
and 'STEPPE GULL' Larus (cachinnans) barabensis
The difficulties of separating these two taxa are well known, and we only
paid close attention at Shinas 6/01 and 10/01 where birds of both forms were
present in good numbers (c40 of each) , in company with large numbers of Great
Black-headed Gull (Larus ichthyaetus).
GULL-BILLED TERN Gelochelidon nilotica
5 at Khasab 4/01.
2 at Sun Farms 6/01.
10+ at Ras al Khabbah 8/01 - 9/01.
5+ at Ras al Hadd 9/01.
CASPIAN TERN Sterna caspia
1 at Shinas 10/01.
SWIFT TERN Sterna bergii
Present at all coastal Omani sites, particularly noticeable at Fahl Island
8/01 and Ras al Khabbah 8/01 - 9/01.
LESSER CRESTED TERN Sterna bengalensis
Only noticed at Shinas 6/01 and 10/01.
SANDWICH TERN Sterna sandvicensis
Small numbers at Ras al Hadd 9/01 and Shinas 10/01.
WHISKERED TERN Chlidonias hybrida
30+ at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN Chlidonias leucopterus
5+ at Sun Farms 6/01
LICHTENSTEIN'S SANDGROUSE Pterocles lichtensteinii
10+ at the dam near Khasab 4/01.
3 in the desert outside Sohar 7/01.
8 at Shinas 6/01.
250+ at Sun Farms 7/01.
COLLARED DOVE Streptopelia decaocto
Common throughout.
LAUGHING DOVE Streptopelia senegalensis
Common throughout.
NAMAQUA DOVE Oena capensis
1 m and 4f at Sun Farms 6/01.
1m and 2f at Sun Farms 7/01.
ROSE-RINGED PARAKEET Psittacula krameri
5 at Shinas 6/01.
1 calling at Sal 'alla 4/01 and in the early morning of 5/01.
DESERT EAGLE OWL Bubo (bubo) ascalaphus
1 roosting in trees at Al Wathba camel track 10/01.
2 at Mushrif Park 4/01.
PALLID SWIFT Apus pallidus
Only noticed at Wimpey Pits where 20+ on 4/01.
1 at Khasab 4/01
1 at Shinas 6/01
1 at Al Ansab 8/01
LITTLE GREEN BEE-EATER Merops orientalis
Only noted at Sun Farms where 4 on 6/01.
INDIAN ROLLER Coracias benghalensis
Small numbers scattered throughout. Particularly noticeable at Sun Farms 6/01
- 7/01.
HOOPOE Upupa epops
5 at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01
30+ at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
DESERT LARK Ammomanes deserti
Common at Sal 'alla 4/01 and Sayh Plateau 5/01.
SHORT-TOED LARK Calandrella brachydactyla
5+ at Sun Farms 6/01.
CRESTED LARK Galerida cristata
Common throughout.
SMALL SKYLARK Alauda gulgula
1 heard at Al Wathba camel track 10/01.
EURASIAN SKYLARK Alauda arvensis
30+ at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
20+ at Al Wathba camel track 10/01.
SAND MARTIN Riparia riparia
5+ at Sun Farms 7/01.
PALE CRAG MARTIN Hirundo obsoleta
Small numbers throughout except in the east (Ras al Hadd and Ras al Khabbah).
BARN SWALLOW Hirundo rustica
5 at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
4 at Al Wathba camel track 10/01.
RICHARD'S PIPIT Anthus novaeseelandiae
Only looked for at Dubai Pivot Fields where 4 on 4/01.
TAWNY PIPIT Anthus campestris
Numerous in all three grassland sites, Dubai Pivot Fields, Sun Farms and Al
Wathba camel track.
RED-THROATED PIPIT Anthus cervinus
Numerous in all three grassland sites, Dubai Pivot Fields, Sun Farms and Al
Wathba camel track.
WATER PIPIT Anthus spinoletta
Particularly common at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01, noted also at Sun Farms 6/01
- 7/01 and Al Wathba camel track 10/01.
YELLOW WAGTAIL Motacilla flava
Numerous at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01 and particularly Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
Four races noted, M. f. beema, M. f. thunbergi, M. f. lutea and
M. f. feldegg. M. f. feldegg particularly common at Sun Farms
where 40+ 6/01 - 7/01. 2 hybrid M. f. beema X M. f. feldegg
at Sun Farms 7/01.
CITRINE WAGTAIL Motacilla citreola
5 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
5+ at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
WHITE WAGTAIL Motacilla alba
Common at all lowland sites. 2 'Masked Wagtail' Motacilla a. personata
at Sun Farms 6/01.
WHITE-CHEEKED BULBUL Pycnonotus leucogenys
Common in all cultivated areas.
YELLOW-VENTED BULBUL Pycnonotus xanthopygos
Noted at Sal 'alla, Sayh Plateau, Shinas and Sun Farms.
BLUETHROAT Luscinia svecica
2 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
EVERSMANN'S REDSTART Phoenicurus erythronotus
2 m, 2 f and 1 juvenile at Sayh Plateau 5/01.
BLACK REDSTART Phoenicurus ochruros
15+ at Sal 'alla 4/01.
20+ at Sayh Plateau 5/01
COMMON REDSTART Phoenicurus phoenicurus
3 at Sayh Plateau 5/01.
STONECHAT Saxicola torquata
2 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01, one of which was ssp. maura, 'Siberian'
1 at Sun Farms 6/01.
ISABELLINE WHEATEAR Oenanthe isabellina
10+ at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
DESERT WHEATEAR Oenanthe deserti
Common at most sites. Particularly noticeable at Sal 'alla, Sayh Plateau,
and Al Wathba camel track.
RED-TAILED WHEATEAR Oenanthe xanthoprymna
10+ at Sal 'alla 4/01.
20+ at Sayh Plateau 5/01.
Small numbers at several other desert sites including Ras al Khabbah, Ras
al Hadd and Qurayyat,
15+ at Sal 'alla 4/01.
1 of race persica c.2km west of Sal 'alla 4/01 and 5/01.
HUME'S WHEATEAR Oenanthe alboniger
Very common at Sayh Plateau 5/01.
SONG THRUSH Turdus philomelos
1 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
10 at Sayh Plateau 5/01.
GRACEFUL WARBLER Prinia gracilis
Noted at Dubai Pivot Fields. Wimpey Pits, Sun Farms and Shinas.
CLAMOROUS REED WARBLER Acrocephalus stentoreus
Common and easily seen at Al Ansab.
2 at Shinas 10/01.
3+ at Sal 'alla 4/01.
5 at Sal 'alla 4/01.
4 at Sayh Plateau 5/01.
PLAIN LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus neglectus
3+ at Sal 'alla 4/01.
1 at Sal 'alla 5/01.
3 at Sayh Plateau 5/01.
CHIFFCHAFF Phylloscopus collybita
5+ at Sal 'alla 4/01.
ARABIAN BABBLER Turdoides squamiceps
4 at Sal 'alla 4/01.
PURPLE SUNBIRD Nectarinia asiatica
Only noted at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
'DAURIAN' SHRIKE Lanius (isabellinus) isabellinus
1 at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
'TURKESTAN' SHRIKE Lanius (isabellinus) phoenicuroides
1+ at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
SOUTHERN GREY SHRIKE Lanius meridionalis
Noted at several sites, including Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01, Sun Farms 6/01
- 7/01 and Al Wathba camel track 10/01.
STEPPE GREY SHRIKE Lanius (meridionalis)
1 at Sun Farms 7/01.
HOUSE CROW Corvus splendens
Numerous in Ras al Khaimah on the road to Khasab 4/01. Also noted at Shinas
6/01 and 10/01 Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
BROWN-NECKED RAVEN Corvus ruficollis
4 at Sayh Plateau 5/01.
Several noted on the roads between Muscat and Ras al Hadd 8/01 - 9/01.
STARLING Sturnus vulgaris
10+ at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
COMMON MYNAH Acridotheres tristis
Present at most sites.
BANK MYNAH Acridotheres ginginianus
Only noted at Dubai Pivot Fields 4/01.
HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesticus
INDIAN SILVERBILL Euodice malabarica
10+ at Sun Farms 6/01.
HOUSE BUNTING Emberiza striolata
5+ at Sayh Plateau 5/01.
10+ at Sun Farms 6/01 - 7/01.
CORN BUNTING Miliaria calandra
1 at Sun Farms 6/01
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