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A Report from

The Philippines, February 10th till March 4th 2000,

Jan van der Laan

Participants: Marc Guijt, Leo Heemskerk, Jan van der Laan

Philippine Eagle, Mount Katanglad, Mindanao, February 12th 2000 (© Jan van der Laan)


From February 10th till March 4th 2000 Marc Guijt, Leo Heemskerk and me, Jan van der Laan, made a birding trip to the Philippines. Our main goal was to see the Philippine Monkey-eating Eagle and next to see as many Philippine endemic species before it was too late.

Wed 9-02 

19:30 hours flight KL807 ( 1599) with KLM from Amsterdam to Manila. Nothing special happened during the flight.

Thu 10-02  Arrival 19:05 hours at Ninoy Aquino Inl. Airport, Manila Luzon. Took taxi (free) to Philippine Village Hotel (one room three beds for $ 99). We met Birdquest led by Simon Harrap there in the hotel restaurant, who had terrible day at Quezon NP and had not seen a thing.
Fri 11-02 Early morning departure (5:05 hours) from Manila to Cagayan de Oro with Philippine Airlines PR181 (2448 Ps each), arrival at 6:35 hours; taxi to Dalwangan (1500 ps). At Delwangan, Carlito (whom I wrote in advance) told us we had to buy a permit at the DENR-office in Malaybalay. $ 15 each for a permit and the officials there told us we were allowed to stay for one night only. Also we had to sign a letter to promise we would - amongst other things - not to cut any trees! Next we had to buy all food supplies for 4 days plus three bottles of white wine, three live chickens, a white cloth of 1 meter and each person must have 9 coins of 1 pesos and 4 coins of a quarter. This was to please the Pandi people living in the Kitanglad National Park. Back at Carlito’s we heard this was all nonsense. We were put in a tricycle (200 ps, special tourist price!) and for c 10 kilometres we drove through large pineapple fields. We stopped at a village, where the luggage was put on two horses. One of Carlito’s daughters guided us with the two horses (100 ps for each horse) to the Del Monte’s Ecolodge in the Kitanglad NP, a harsh hot walk for 2 hours. Finally we reached the lodge at around 15:00 hours. Drank some tea and installed our beds (available in the attic of the lodge). Next we did some birding until dusk. At one of the clearings we met an English birdwatcher named Pete. Pete had seen the eagle that day, but far away. First interesting birds were Black-headed Shrike, McGregor’s Cuckoo-shrike, Elegant Tit, Streak-breasted Rhabdornis and Black-and-cinnamon Fantail. Carlito’s daughter made dinner (spaghetti with tuna and tomato-sauce), which was not bad at all. In the evening we heard Great-eared Nightjars and in the middle of the night the Philippine Frogmouth.
Sat 12-02 When we awoke, a Bukidnon Woodcock was roding already. First in the morning we went to the site were Raf Drijvers had seen and heard Bagobo Babbler near the Lower Eagle View Point. We had some luck with bad views of a Blue-capped Kingfisher, but a pair of Rufous-headed tailorbirds was well seen. Then we went to the second site for the Bagobo Babbler and Blue-capped Kingfisher (see map 1). There we suddenly heard the cry of the Philippine Eagle, so we ran into the open and started scanning the forested slopes. Immediately Leo saw the beast sitting and we watched this magnificent bird for an hour. Also there present was a Oriental Honey-Buzzard, a Philippine Serpent-Eagle and a probable Rufous-bellied Eagle. Next we went to the Higher Eagle View Point, where we had several White-cheeked Bullfinches, Cinnamon Ibons and lots of Mountain White-eyes. In the Mossy Forest above the Higher Eagle View Point we looked for the Apo Sunbird without success, so we went down again to the Lodge. On our way back we saw Olive-capped Flowerpecker and Naked-faced Spiderhunter. We arrived at the Lodge at about 17.00 hours, very exhausted. In the evening we saw several Great-eared Nightjars plus Bukidnon Woodcock and for a short period a Mindanao Scops-Owl was calling. Later at night the Frogmouth called again, but was not seen. In the evening it started to rain for a few hours, like it did every evening.
Sun 13-02 In the early morning we went to the 1st Bagobo Babbler-site, where we had bad views of Red-cheeked Parrot-finch. Again playing the tape of Blue-capped Kingfisher, but no luck. Then we went to the second BB-site and at the start of the Stream Trail our guide Akin heard the Blue-capped Kingfisher from the stream below. We went down, but this was a long walk down, so I stayed up and went to the Higher Eagle View Point. There I heard a Amethyst Brown-Dove and flushed it, seeing it flying away. Marc en Leo had more luck in the stream, seeing the Blue-capped Kingfisher, Mindanao White-eye, Flame-crowned Flowerpecker and good views of White-cheeked Bullfinch. We met again at the Mossy Forest above the Higher Eagle View Point and spent a few hours looking for Apo Sunbird, but no luck. It started to rain when we went down, so we stayed to shelter for the rain in a cabin at the Higher Eagle View Point. Two parrots passed, most probably Mindanao Racquet-tails and two Apo Mynas were seen well. After the rain stopped, we walked back. During the walk down, we saw a Japanese Sparrow-Hawk, Changeable Hawk-Eagle, Rufous-bellied Eagle, Grey-faced Buzzard and the first Philippine Fairy Bluebirds. At night we heard the Mindanao Eagle Owl calling for a short period and managed to see the Frogmouth in the spotlights also for a short period.
Mon 14-02 In the morning we looked at the Lower Eagle View Point and both Bagobo Babbler-sites and the start of the Stream trail, but no sign of the Bagobo Babbler. Again a Blue-capped Kingfisher was seen and a Flame-crowned Flowerpecker. The Philippine Eagle was calling again, but was not seen. At 14:30 we left the lodge, leaving Pete behind. A lot of horses and luggage of Birdquest arrived. The large bottles of cold Coca Cola looked very tempting, but we managed to control ourselves. After a less then two hours walk (not so hard as the way-up) we arrived at 16.00 at Carlito’s house in Delwangan. The taxi driver was already waiting and after a slow but pleasant ride we arrived at Cagayan de Oro at 18:00 hour. There we took the Grand City Hotel Canyon for 800 ps. Dinner at the Sea King Garden restaurant where we saw our first Black Rat freely and happily walking under the tables!
Tue 15-02 In Cagayan de Oro we took the bus to Trentum (150 ps, departure 9:00, arrival 16:00 hours). In Trentum we had to wait for several hours to wait for the bus to Bislig/Mangagoy. Just when we thought there would be no bus coming, the last bus to Mangagoy arrived from Davao. The bus had some trouble between Davao and Trentum. We departed at around 20:00 hours, and arrived at around 22:30 hours at Bislig/Mangagoy. In Bislig/Mangagoy we took the Paper Inn for 4 days (800 ps for a clean room with aircon and three beds).
Wed 16-02 In the morning we made arrangements with Felizardo Goring, whom we wrote in advance. It is absolutely vital you get into the concession through him. We paid 2500 ps a day for the jeepney he had arranged for us, but we thought his services were included. Later we found out we had to pay him too, but that was when we were already in Manila. Happily Tim Fisher gave him the 400 ps a day he his charging. Remember he is taking a non-paid leave from work. So we started immediately for the Silvery Kingfisher at Road 1 within the PICOP (Paper Industry Corporation of the Philippines) logging concession. After half an hour we found one bird and had good views of this most beautiful bird. After some birding at Road 1 (with Black-naped Monarch, Winchell´s Kingfsher heard only, Philippine Leafbird, Large-billed Crow, Philippine Oriole, Black-bibbed Cicadabird, Scarlet Minivet, and Rufous Paradise-Flycatcher), we went to Road 1-4. There we heard an Azure-breasted Pitta, but could not get it into view. Other birds were Black-faced Coucal, Guaiabero, Philippine Falconet, Asian Glossy Starling, Olive-backed Flowerpecker, Red-striped Flowerpecker and Orange-bellied Flowerpecker. In the late afternoon we went to the old Bislig Airport. This is surrounded by paddies and produced good birds like Philippine Duck (the best place in the Philippines to see it is here), Wandering Whistling Duck, Collared Kingfisher, Philippine Coucal, Middendorff´s Grasshopper Warbler, Australasian Grass-Owl, Cinnamon Bittern, two unidentified Snipes and Golden-headed Cisticola. Dinner in the Paper Inn.
Thu 17-02 We rose very early (5:00 hours) and went birding first at Road 1, where we saw our only Black-chinned Fruit-Dove and next to Road 1-4 in the PICOP logging concession. We managed to see Rufous-lored Kingfisher very well and also stunning views of an Azure-breasted Pitta. Rest of the day was spent at Road 4 in search for Mindanao Broadbill, both Short-crested and Celestial Monarchs and hornbills, although we heard Rufous Hornbill only and saw some Mindanao Hornbills. Other birds seen or heard this day were White-bellied Woodpecker, Philippine Trogon, Black-faced Coucal (finally seen), Blue-crowned Racquet-tail (the characteristic call heard only), Philippine Needletail, Oriental Honey-buzzard, Barred Honey-buzzard, Philippine Falconet, Black-and-white Triller, Yellow-wattled Bulbul, Black-headed Tailorbird (heard only, a mega-skulker), Brown Tit-Babbler, Stripe-sided Rhabdornis, Buzzing Flowerpecker, Little and Naked-faced Spiderhunter.
Fri 18-02

Very early start (4:00 hours) to Mount Pasian, within the PICOP logging concession with four Hungarians of Saker Tours. We met Professor Olah and his son Janos Olah jr., only 23 years old but very promising. Mt Pasian was extremely rainy and windy. We arrived at about 8:00 and left at 11.00 hours. The road is too bad 5 km before summit, so you need to walk to the top. There are three stations with radio transmitters (booster stations). Apparently the best place to see Lina’s Sunbird is between the second and third (the third is the summit, 1600 m). Note the transmitters are hardly visible when it is raining. Good primary forest, but few side trails. Birdquest and King Tours also have the Mindanao Shortwing here, but nothing was singing at the top. Other interesting birds were Cryptic Flycatchers (3), Olive-capped Flowerpecker, Metallic-winged Sunbird and Citrine Canary-Flycatcher, while professor Olah saw a Flame-crowned Flowerpecker. Rest of the day was spent slowly driving along Road 6 back to Bislig. Road 6 has good patches of primary forest, but there is also a lot of logging. Best birds here were an incredible number of c 55 Writhed Hornbills, Rufous and Mindanao Hornbills, Crested Goshawk, Philippine Needletail, Purple Needletail, Pink-bellied Imperial Pigeon, Guiabero, Black-faced Coucal, Philippine Serpent-Eagle, Barred Honey-buzzard, Philippine Falconet, Pygmy Babbler and heard-only of Black-headed Tailorbirds. Again we returned at the hotel late in the evening, but now in front of the hotel was a crowd of about 200 schoolgirls screaming! Sadly, it was not for us, but for some soap-stars who also stayed in the same hotel.

Sat 19-02 In the morning we did some birding at Road 1-4, PICOP. Most interesting bird was a female Little Slaty Flycatcher, Rufous-lored Kingfisher, Rufous Paradise-flycatcher and Mindanao Hornbill. Around 9.00 hours we left with a mini-bus (bargained 1500 ps) to Davao. Next flight to Cebu with Cebu Pacific (5J-598 16:10 – 17:00 hours; 1649 ps). Night at the Elegant Circle Inn (900 ps) in Cebu City which proved to be not so elegant with a room full with cockroaches.
Sun 20-02 On Cebu we failed to get in contact Perla Magsalay and failed to find Tabunan Forest, so no Cebu Flowerpecker, Shama or Bulbul. Later we heard we should have contact the DENR office in Cebu City. There is a DENR-desk at the airport and they can arrange transport and guides to Tabunan Forest. Disappointed by this we went to our hotel and collapsed (this time the Park Place Hotel for 1100 ps), waking up at 17:00 hours! In the evening in one of the numerous internet cafés, we learned a Franklin’s Gull was seen in the Netherlands, a new bird for Marc. Happily this bird stayed long enough for him to see it.
Mon 21-02 We took the Philippine Airlines flight PR245 (2532 ps) to Palawan, with an hour stop at Iloilod on Panay. Arrival at Palawan at 14:30 hours. Took a tricycle to downtown Puerto Princesa and checked in at the very nice Casa Linda for around 700ps for a room with three beds and aircon. The rest of the afternoon was spent in the mangroves of Garceliano Beach. Here we saw several shorebirds like Red-necked Stint, Greater and Lesser Sandplover, Pacific Golden Plover, Grey-tailed Tattler and the best bird of the day, a Chinese Egret. On our way back we taped out a Hooded Pitta in the scrub behind the village and several Rufous-tailed Tailorbirds. In town we had very good dinner (tuna, chicken, large shrimps and very cold beer) opposite the Casa Linda Hotel for almost nothing.
Tue 22-02 At 7:30 we took a van from Puerto Princesa, to Sabang (400 ps). After a three hour drive we reached Sabang. There we bought a permit at the DENR-office and next went straight to Mary’s Beach Resort, where we took two cottages, one with shower (250 ps) and one without (200 Ps). After a swim we went to St Paul NP. The first interesting bird was a Ashy-headed Babbler. Later we saw Tabon Scrub-fowl, Palawan Leafbird, Violaceus Crow, Hooded Pitta, and on our way back we saw at the bridge a pair of Philippine Cockatoos flying from the park towards the palm trees at Mary’s Beach Resort.
Wed 23-02 In the dark we returned to St Paul NP. Whole day was spent at the Orange/Ridge Trail. Highlights were the Falcated Babbler, Palawan Hornbill, Palawan Blue-Flycatcher, Blue-winged Racquet-tail, Yellow-throated Leafbird. At midday we returned to Mary’s Beach Resort for a swim and lunch. In the afternoon we returned to St Paul´s. Leo and I took the Orange/Ridge Trail, while Marc decided to stay at the Ranger Station photographing.
Thu 24-02 In the morning we birded the Monkey Trail west of the Ranger Station in St Paul NP. Here the forest is very beautiful and considerable time was spent looking for the Peacock-Pheasant, but no luck. We managed to find Palawan Tit, Palawan Blue Paradise-Flycatcher, Palawan Flowerpecker, heard Palawan Racquettails and Hornbills flying over the canopy and saw Tabon Scrubfowl. In the afternoon we took a bus (400 ps) to Puerto Princesa. There we took the Casa Linda again and had dinner at the excellent restaurant opposite the hotel. We cancelled the arrangement with a tricycle drive for Iwahig, since we had enough of birding.
Fri 25-02 We took flight 2P 213 with Air Philippines at 12:00, arrival at Manila at 13:10 hours (1998 ps), there we took a taxi to Angat Reservoir for a terrible 2400 ps. We phoned the hotel the day before so we managed to get into the Hilltop area without any trouble (National Power Corporation, 09-213-541; note Mr T. Largo is not working there anymore). In the evening at dinner the Birdquest tour jumped him. First words of Tim Fisher: “You stole my bed”. The rooms were overbooked, although I explicitly said we were not members of Birdquest. But with some arrangement everybody was happy again. After some talking with Tim Fisher and Simon Harrap (who had seen Luzon Jungle-Flycatcher, Whiskered Pitta and Marche´s Fruit-Dove at Mount Polis) we went to bed.
Sat 26-02 We rose before sunset (we heard Philippine Scops Owl and Philippine Hawk-Owl at the first 100 meters) to get to the clearing described in Brian Gee at the Angat Reservoir. For two hours we walked in the dark on the so-called Ridge Trail with the Birdquest tour, but Tim Fisher was not pleased with this and ordered us to stay behind, saying it was at that spot as good as anywhere. Indeed Spotted Kingfishers were calling, but this was more a lifeless bamboo desert, so we followed close behind. Just before the clearing (100 meters on the left hand site) I heard a flycatcher song that appeared to be the song of the Furtive Flycatcher. However, also the Birdquest group was there, tape luring this rare little known flycatcher. In the end we had all good views of this bird. After lunch the rest of the day along the Reservoir Trail produced slow birding, because cicadas making a lot of noise. Also illegal logging and drought had badly degraded the area. Tim Fisher announced this was the last time they went there. We managed to hear or see Red-crested Malkoha, Rufous Hornbill, Blackish Cuckoo-Shrike, Balicassio, Oriental Honey-buzzard, Philippine Fairy-bluebird, White-lored Oriole (heard only), Blue-headed Fantail, Red-striped, Bicolored and Pygmy Flowerpeckers. Simon Harrap had taken the Reservoir Trail in the early morning and saw Ashy Thrush on the trail and Sooty Woodpecker. All shops were closed, the cook had left, but finally we managed to get some rice at one of the food stalls in the compound.
Sun 27-02

In the early morning we did a final attempt at the Reservoir Trail of the Angat Reservoir for Sooty Woodpecker and Ashy Thrush. Birds were extremely shy and few, so at 11:00 hours we stopped and at noon we took a jeepney to Bigte and from there the regular bus to Manila. In Manila we took the excellent hotel Robelle (1100 ps) in the Korean Quarter. In the hotel they had a Philippine Cockatoo saying hello. During dinner several attempts were made to count the fish in the aquarium, but we were not sure if there were actually 15 or 16!

We tried to make reservations for the bus to Banaue, but it proved only night buses went there and back, so we decided to spent the rest of the holiday at Mt Makiling and to do Northern Luzon during another holiday when there is more known.

Mon 28-02 From Manila we took the bus to Los Baños. There we took the excellent hotel City of Springs Resort Hotel for about 1000 ps. Rest of the afternoon was spent looking over the Laguna de Bay which produced Yellow Bittern, Osprey, Whiskered Tern and Pacific Swallow.
Tue 29-02 Early morning we went to the University Campus where the entrance is to Mount Makiling. Nice forest and more specially, the birds are not shy and good to observe! We spent all day slowly walking till 1 km past the food stands. Good birds here were both species of Malkohas, Purple Needletail, Emerald Dove, Blue-headed Fantail, White-browed Shama (heard only), Striped Flowerpecker, Flaming Sunbird and Lovely Sunbird. On the University Campus we flushed a Spotted Button-quail, an unexpected bonus. Also we visited the Museum of Natural History were we bought the booklet Birds of Mt Makiling. In this book we red the Blue-banded Kingfisher is fairly common in the Botanical Garden. Also in the museum was one stuffed specimen of the Monkey-eating Eagle. Rest of the evening was spent swimming in the swimming pool of the hotel.
Wed 1-03 Before sunrise we were at Mt Makiling again, trying hard for Luzon Bleeding-Heart and Ashy Thrush, but no luck with this species. We finally got very good views of Spotted Kingfishers. We walked to the top of Mt Makiling where some good primary forest is still around. Interesting birds were Greater Flameback, Luzon Hornbill, Philippine Trogon, Rusty-breasted Cuckoo, Red-crested and Scale-feathered Malkohas, Asian Palm-Swift, Philippine Serpent-Eagle, Philippine Falconet, Ashy Minivet, White-browed Shama (finally very good views), Grey-backed Tailorbird, Stripe-sided Rhabdornis, Striped, Red-striped  and Pygmy Flowerpeckers, Plain-throated and Flaming Sunbird. In the evening we returned to the hotel, where the rest of the evening was spent swimming.
Thu 2-03 Rain prevented an early start. Went to UPC at about 9.00 when it stopped raining. Spent all day birding at the Botanical Garden at the UPC at the foot of Mt Makiling. Highlights there were the good views of Blue-banded Kingfisher and the two Philippine Eagles in the raptor centre. They are half the size bigger compared to White-tailed Sea-Eagle in the next cage!
Fri 3-03 Very hard rain prevented another early start. Several Uniform Swifts above the hotel was the only thing worth to mention. Decided to go back to Manila. In Manila we checked in at the Philippine Village Hotel, but this time it was more expensive ($110 for three).
Sat 4-03 In the morning we visited the American Cemetery in Manila. Lowland White-eye was common and several Barred Rails, Oriental Reed Warbler, Golden-bellied Gerygone, Grey-faced Buzzard, Mangrove Kingfisher, Pied Triller ended our birding on the Philippines. In the afternoon we went to the airport. Our plane departed in time (20.30 hours with flight KL 808). Quiet flight with nothing special.
Sun 5-03 Arrival at 7:05 hours at Schiphol, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

If you have any questions, remarks or whatsoever, please write or e-mail:

Jan van der Laan                   Leo Heemskerk                      Marc Guyt
Brouwerstraat 19                    Prinses Irenelaan 8                J.W. Frisodreef 17
1814 HX Alkmaar                   1901 DJ Castricum                  2224 BC Katwijk aan Zee
The Netherlands                    The Netherlands                     The Netherlands             

Suggested Reading

During our visit we had do identify birds with the outdated and very heavy Philippine Birds by John E DuPont, 1971, Delaware Museum of NH. In the autumn the new guide was released and this is much better for identifying the Philippine endemics. So the following is vital:

The Birds of the Philippines, Dickinson 199, BOU.

A Guide to the Birds of the Philippines, Kennedy et al 2000, Oxford.

Where to Watch Birds in South-East Asia, Nigel Wheatley 1996, Helm Publishers.

There are several trip reports available but the following two are essential:

Philippines, February - April 1997. Raf Drijvers 1997, privately published.

The Philippines Winter 1996/97. Brian Gee 1997, privately published.

The Species Accounts

The order used is Sibley and Munroe 1993 with several additions as on Rolf de By´s homepage, with the exception in splitting Vaurie´s Flycatcher into Furtive and Cryptic Flycatcher. For Rolf de By´s homepage, visit the following URL:


We like to thank the following persons: Roy de Haas, Felizardo Goring, Tim Fisher, Carlito Mangagoy and his daughters, Boy (the taxidriver on Mindanao), Simon Harrap, Janos Olah jr., Marieke Wiringa for bringing us to the airport, Raf Drijvers for his very good tape, Jelle Scharinga, Danny Laponder, Arend Wassink, Arnoud van den Berg, Ray Ziarno, Arjen Brenkman, Aidan Kelly, Matthias Fehlow, Duncan Wilson, Desmond Allen and Bill Ruscher jr.

Illegal logging at Road 1-4, PICOP Concession, Mindanao Philippines, February 2000

Suggested internet sites:

All major Air Companies have their own internetsite, where you can check the frequently changed schedules and fares. The most important are:

Map of the Philippines

Map 1: Mt Kitanglad, Mindanao
Map 2: PICOP logging concession, Bislig, Mindanao
Map 3: Mt Pasian, PICOP logging concession, Bislig, Mindanao
Map 4: St Paul NP, Palawan
Map 5: Mt Makiling, Luzon

List of birds seen on this trip  

Philippine Endemic Species

Luzon with satelite islands  (25-29):
1.     Worcester´s Buttonquail....................... Turnix worcesteri
2.     Brown-banded or Luzon Rail.................... Rallus mirificus
3.     Luzon Bleeding-heart........................ Gallicolumba luzonica
4.     Flame-breasted Fruit-Dove................... Ptilinopus marchei
5.     Cream-bellied Fruit-Dove........................ Ptilinopus merrilli
6.     Luzon Montane Racquet-tail Prioniturus (montanus) montanus
7.     Green Racquet-tail............................ Prioniturus luconensis
8.     Red-crested Malkoha............. Phaenicophaeus superciliosus
9.     Scale-feathered Malkoha........... Phaenicophaeus cumingi
10.  Rufous Coucal........................................ Centropus unirufus
11.  Luzon Scops-Owl......................................... Otus longicornis
12.  Lord Walden's Scops-Owl.......... Otus (megalotis) megalotis
13.  Luzon Hornbill........................... Penelopides (panini) manillae
14.  Whiskered Pitta................................................... Pitta kochi
15.  White-lored Oriole........................... Oriolus (steerii) albiloris
16.  Isabela Oriole.............................................. Oriolus isabellae
17.  Blackish Cuckoo-shrike................. Coracina coerulescens
18.  White-browed Jungle-Flycatcher.... Rhinomyias insignis
19.  Furtive Flycatcher.................................. Ficedula disposita
20.  Blue-breasted Flycatcher......................... Cyornis herioti
21.  Benguet Bush-Warbler..................... Bradypterus seebohmi
22.  Philippine Bush-Warbler.......................... Cettia seebohmi
23.  Lowland White-eye.................................... Zosterops meyeni
24.  Grey-backed Tailorbird.................... Orthotomus derbianus
25.  Luzon or Rabor´s Wren-Babbler............ Napothera rabori
26.  Golden-crowned Babbler................. Stachyris dennistouni
27.  Chestnut-faced Babbler.................... Stachyris whiteheadi
28.  Luzon Striped-Babbler.............................. Stachyris striata
29.  Long-billed or Grand Rhabdornis..... Rhabdornis grandis

Luzon and Mindoro (3):

30.  Green-backed Whistler................ Pachycephala albiventris
31.  Ashy Thrush................................................ Zoothera cinerea
32.  Luzon Redstart......................................... Rhyacornis bicolor

Mindoro (5-7):

33.  Mindoro Bleeding-heart................... Gallicolumba platenae
34.  Mindoro Imperial-Pigeon..................... Ducula mindorensis
35.  Black-hooded Coucal.............................. Centropus steerii
36.  Mindoro Scops-Owl.................................. Otus mindorensis
37.  Mindoro Hawk-Owl................ Ninox (philippensis) mindorensis
38.  Mindoro Hornbill................ Penelopides (panini) mindorensis
39.  Scarlet-collared Flowerpecker.. Dicaeum retrocinctum

Luzon and Negros (3):

40.  Spotted Buttonquail.................................... Turnix ocellata
41.  Ashy-breasted Flycatcher...................... Muscicapa randi
42.  Lemon-throated Warbler (+ Cebu). Phylloscopus cebuensis

Luzon, Panay and Negros (8):

43.  Spotted Kingfisher................................ Actenoides lindsayi
44.  Indigo-banded Kingfisher (+ Mindoro)... Alcedo cyanopecta
45.  Blue-headed Fantail.............................. Rhipidura cyaniceps
46.  White-browed Shama........................ Copsychus luzoniensis
47.  Philippine Tailorbird..................... Orthotomus castaneiceps
48.  Yellowish White-eye (+ Mindoro).............. Zosterops nigrorum
49.  Green-faced Parrotfinch................. Erythrura viridifacies
50.  Flaming Sunbird...................................... Aethopyga flagrans

Negros and Panay (6-7):

51.  Negros Bleeding-heart............................ Gallicolumba keayi
52.  Visayan Hornbill............................. Penelopides (panini) panini
53.  Lord Walden´s Hornbill................................. Aceros waldeni
54.  White-winged Cuckoo-shrike.................... Coracina ostenta
55.  White-throated Jungle-Flycatcher. Rhinomyias albigularis
56.  Flame-templed Babbler............................ Stachyris speciosa
57.  Visayan Flowerpecker........ Dicaeum (australe) haemostictum

Panay (1):

58.  Panay Striped-Babbler............................. Stachyris latistriata

Negros (2-3):

59.  Negros Fruit-Dove........................ Ptilinopus arcanus († 1953?)
60.  Negros Scops-Owl........................... Otus (megalotis) nigrorum
61.  Negros Striped-Babbler.......................... Stachyris nigrorum

Luzon, Mindoro and Mindanao (3):

62.  Spotted Imperial-Pigeon (+ Negros).................. Ducula carola
63.  Grey-capped or Mountain Shrike......... Lanius validirostris
64.  Striped Flowerpecker (+ Palw, Neg & Cebu) Dicaeum aeruginosum

Luzon and Mindanao (7):

65.     Bukidnon Woodcock........................... Scolopax philippensis
66.     Whitehead's Swiftlet (+ Negros)............. Collocalia whiteheadi
67.     Short-crested Monarch (+Samar)...... Hypothymis helenae
68.     Long-tailed Bush-Warbler................. Bradypterus caudatus
69.     White-fronted Tit...................................... Parus semilarvatus
70.     Flame-crowned Flowerpecker............. Dicaeum anthonyi
71.     White-cheeked Bullfinch...................... Pyrrhula leucogenis

Mindanao with satelite islands (24-28):

72.  Mindanao Racquet-tail...... Prioniturus (montanus) waterstradti
73.  Mindanao Lorikeet........................... Trichoglossus johnstoniae
74.  Mindanao Scops-Owl........................................... Otus mirus
75.  Mindanao Eagle-Owl.................................... Mimizuku gurneyi
76.  Blue-capped Kingfisher........................ Actenoides hombroni
77.  Mindanao Hornbill......................... Penelopides (panini) affinis
78.  Writhed Hornbill.................................... Aceros leucocephalus
79.  Mindanao Broadbill.................................... Eurylaimus steerii
80.  Black-and-cinnamon Fantail...... Rhipidura nigrocinnamomea
81.  McGregor's Cuckoo-shrike.................. Coracina mcgregori
82.  'MIndanao' Shortwing................ Brachypteryx ‘mindanaoensis’
83.  Apo Myna........................................................ Basilornis miranda
84.  Slaty-backed Jungle-Flycatcher... Rhinomyias goodfellowi
85.  Cryptic Flycatcher........................................ Ficedula crypta
86.  Zamboanga Bulbul........................................... Ixos rufigularis
87.  Black-masked White-eye............... Lophozosterops goodfellowi
88.  Cinnamon Ibon............................ Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus
89.  Rufous-headed Tailorbird Orthotomus (cucullatus) heterolaemus
90.  Black-headed Tailorbird...................... Orthotomus nigriceps
91.  White-eared Tailorbird...................... Orthotomus cinereiceps
92.  Bagobo Babbler.......................................... Trichastoma woodi
93.  Rusty-crowned Babbler........................... Stachyris capitalis
94.  Red-eared Parrotfinch............................... Erythrura coloria
95.  Whiskered Flowerpecker........................ Dicaeum proprium
96.  Olive-capped Flowerpecker..................... Dicaeum nigrilore
97.  Grey-hooded Sunbird.......................... Aethopyga primigenius
98.  Apo Sunbird................................................... Aethopyga boltoni
99.  Lina's Sunbird......................................... Aethopyga linaraborae

Mindanao and Sulu Islands (2):

100.  Dark-eared Brown Dove................... Phapitreron cinereiceps

Mindanao, Bohol, Samar and Leyte (15-16):

101.  Mindanao Bleeding-heart................... Gallicolumba criniger
102.  Black-faced Coucal.............................. Centropus melanops
103.  Philippine Needletail (+ Negros, not Bohol)..... Mearnsia picina
104.  Everett`s Scops Owl....................... Otus (megalotis) everetti
105.  Silvery Kingfisher...................................... Alcedo argentata
106.  Azure-breasted Pitta.......................................... Pitta steerii
107.  Blue Fantail............................................ Rhipidura superciliaris
108.  Philippine Leafbird (Mindanao & Leyte)... Chloropsis flavipennis
109.  Little Slaty Flycatcher (not on Bohol)....... Ficedula basilanica
110.  Yellowish Bulbul (+ Sulu Islands, not Bohol).......... Ixos everetti
111.  Philippine Leaf-Warbler (+ Negros).... Phylloscopus olivaceus
112.  Rufous-fronted Tailorbird ................ Orthotomus frontalis
113.  Striated Wren-Babbler..................... Ptilocichla mindanensis
114.  Brown Tit-Babbler (+ Sulu Islands).......... Macronous striaticeps
115.  Pygmy Babbler (not on Bohol)......................... Stachyris plateni
116.  Miniature Tit-Babbler (not on Bohol).. Micromacronus leytensis

Bohol, Samar and Leyte (1-3):

117.  Samar Hornbill....................... Penelopides (panini) samarensis
118.  Visayan Broadbill................... Eurylaimus (steerii) samarensis
119.  Yellow-breasted Tailorbird........... Orthotomus samarensis

Sulu Islands (3-4):

120.  Sulu Bleeding-heart........................... Gallicolumba menagei
121.  Blue-winged Racquet-tail.................... Prioniturus verticalis
122.  Black-billed Hanging-Parrot Loriculus (philippensis) bonapartei
123.  Sulu Hornbill...................................... Anthracoceros montani

Siquijor, Romblon, Tablas and Cebu (1):

124.  Streak-breasted  Bulbul........................... Ixos siquijorensis

Cebu (2):

125.  Black Shama.......................................... Copsychus cebuensis
126.  Cebu Flowerpecker.............................. Dicaeum quadricolor

Luzon, Leyte, Samar and Mindanao (9):

127.  Great Philippine Eagle......................... Pithecophaga jefferyi
128.  Guaiabero............................................ Bolbopsittacus lunulatus
129.  Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher..................... Ceyx melanurus
130.  Sooty Woodpecker................................ Mulleripicus funebris
131.  Black-and-white Triller (+ Mindoro)......... Lalage melanoleuca
132.  Philippine Fairy-bluebird......................... Irena cyanogaster
133.  Celestial Monarch (+ Negros, not on Leyte) Hypothymis coelestis
134.  Sulphur-billed Nuthatch....................... Sitta oenochlamys
135.  Naked-faced Spiderhunter................. Arachnothera clarae

Luzon, Bohol, Leyte, Samar and Mindanao (10):

136.  Philippine Eagle-Owl.................................. Bubo philippensis
137.  Philippine Trogon...................................... Harpactes ardens
138.  Rufous Hornbill...................................... Buceros hydrocorax
139.  Black-bibbed Cuckoo-shrike (+ Mindoro) Coracina mindanensis
140.  Yellow-bellied Whistler (+ Siquijor) Pachycephala philippinensis
141.  Yellow-wattled Bulbul....................... Pycnonotus urostictus
142.  Black-crowned Babbler (not Mindanao) Stachyris nigrocapitata
143.  Olive-backed Flowerpecker............ Prionochilus olivaceus
144.  White-bellied Flowerpecker (+ Sulu Is.) Dicaeum hypoleucum
145.  Metallic-winged Sunbird.................. Aethopyga pulcherrima

Palawan and satelite islands (16-17):

146.  Palawan Peacock-Pheasant.......... Polyplectron emphanum
147.  Blue-headed Racquet-tail..................... Prioniturus platenae
148.  Palawan Scops-Owl..................................... Otus fuliginosus
149.  Palawan Swiftlet........... Collocalia (vanikorensis) palawanensis
150.  Palawan Hornbill............................... Anthracoceros marchei
151.  Blue Paradise-Flycatcher............ Terpsiphone cyanescens
152.  Yellow-throated Leafbird.............. Chloropsis palawanensis
153.  Palawan Flycatcher................................. Ficedula platenae
154.  Palawan Blue-Flycatcher........................ Cyornis lemprieri
155.  White-vented Shama.................................... Copsychus niger
156.  Sulphur-bellied Bulbul........................... Ixos palawanensis
157.  Ashy-headed Babbler...................... Malacocincla cinereiceps
158.  Melodious Babbler....................... Malacopteron palawanense
159.  Falcated Wren-Babbler............................ Ptilocichla falcata
160.  Palawan Striped-Babbler............... Stachyris hypogrammica
161.  Palawan Tit....................................................... Parus amabilis
162.  Palawan Flowerpecker......................... Prionochilus plateni

More or less all islands except Palawan (25-28):

163.  Philippine Duck................................................ Anas luzonica
164.  Philippine Serpent-Eagle........... Spilornis (cheela) holospilus
165.  Philippine Hawk-Eagle (not Panay & Cebu) Spizaetus philippensis
166.  Philippine Falconet (not Panay)........ Microhierax erythrogenys
167.  Plain Bush-hen...................................... Amaurornis olivaceus
168.  White-eared Brown-Dove...................... Phapitreron leucotis
169.  Amethyst Brown-Dove (not Mdoro, Panay) Phapitreron amethystina
170.  Yellow-breasted Fruit-Dove (not Panay) Ptilinopus occipitalis
171.  Pink-bellied Imperial-Pigeon................ Ducula poliocephala
172.  Blue-crowned Racquet-tail (not Panay) Prioniturus discurus
173.  Philippine Hanging-Parrot (Colasisi) Loriculus philippensis
174.  Philippine Coucal........................................ Centropus viridis
175.  Philippine Drongo-Cuckoo.... Surniculus (lugubris) velutinus
176.  Philippine Hawk-Owl.................................. Ninox philippensis
177.  Philippine Frogmouth (not Cebu).... Batrachostomus septimus
178.  Philippine Nightjar........................... Caprimulgus manillensis
179.  Grey-rumped Swiftlet........... Collocalia (esculenta) marginata
180.  Rufous-lored Kingfisher (not Luzon) Todirhamphus winchelli
181.  Philippine Woodpecker................... Dendrocopos maculatus
182.  Philippine Oriole (not Luzon or Panay)................ Oriolus steerii
183.  Balicassiao (not on Bohol or Mindanao)......... Dicrurus balicassius
184.  Coleto............................................................... Sarcops calvus
185.  Philippine Bulbul........................................... Ixos philippinus
186.  Stripe-sided Rhabdornis (not Cebu, Mdoro) Rhabdornis mysticalis
187.  Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis (not Lu, Mdo, Bo) Rhabdornis inornatus
188.  Elegant Tit (not Cebu).......................................... Parus elegans
189.  Bicolored Flowerpecker (not Cebu, Panay) Dicaeum bicolor
190.  Red-striped Flowerpecker...................... Dicaeum australe

More or less all islands (5-6):

191.  Philippine Cockatoo (rare)............... Cacatua haematuropygia
192.  Philippine Hawk-Cuckoo (not Py, Bh, Sm) Cuculus (fugax) pectoralis
193.  Pygmy Swiftlet....................................... Collocalia troglodytes
194.  Philippine Swiftlet (not Panay, Cebu or Leyte) Collocalia mearnsi
195.  Pygmy Flowerpecker (not Panay?)......... Dicaeum pygmaeum
196.  Lovely Sunbird.......................................... Aethopyga shelleyi

List of birds seen on this trip


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