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Krabi, Thailand 18-31/1 2006,
After having visited Goa, India last winter, instead of a trip to Thailand, we once again booked a two week trip to Krabi with our families. This time no catastrophe of nature stopped our journey. Like last year we will give the reader an immediate warning – this was not an intense birding trip, it was combined with a lot of bathing and short trips by taxi or mini bus with our families. The bird activity mid day was very low and the best birding was from dawn until 9.30 and then two hours before dusk.
We found the birding in Thailand much harder then in Goa. Very few birds were seen along roadsides and there were hardly any raptors soaring during the warm hours mid day. Even the Brahminy Kites were few. Some days we found gatherings of swifts, swallows and swiftlets but often too high up for giving good views and a fair chance of identification, at least for the swiftlets.
We birded almost every day from 6,30 until 9-9,30 when it already was too hot. A few afternoons we took a short trip or walk, but to be honest, the hotel roof was usually much more productive. Up there by the swimming pool we had many good observations during late afternoons. See the complete list from PAKASAI (our hotel).
We bought a charter trip from Apollo with Pakasai Resort, Ao Nang some 20 km outside Krabi as our base during the whole stay.
From this winter Novair flies direct to Krabi from Stockholm but the return flight brought us once again to Dubai for change of crew and filling fuel. Flight time direct is around ten hours with an Airbus 320.
The hotel was situated on a hillside and was built in to the forest with a lot of trees saved. Pakasai was just a short walk from both Ao Nang and Hat Noppharat Thara beaches, some few hundred meters away from the most crowded shopping areas. Traffic during nighttime was no problem. We can absolutely recommend this hotel. It is by far the best hotel we have stayed at during our trips.
Both beaches are in no way perfect for bathing even though it is actually no problem, except that all the traffic from longtails and speedboats are disturbing. The boats are not allowed along the whole Ao Nang beach, there is an area for bathing only. At Hat Noppharat Thara a special jetty in a bay held all the boats. There is also a significant difference between high and low tide. This was easy to see, for example, when we went by longtail into the mangrove in Krabi. It is obvious on the beaches but hard to figure out how big the difference actually is.
We tried most of the beaches around and found that Poda Island was the best. Take a longtail boat, cost 300 baht (60Skr) for both ways. Decide with the boatmen a time for a pick up in the afternoon to go back. The journey takes about 20-25 minutes. Bring some ear protection, because the longtails are very noisy.
Around Poda there is a lot of boat traffic, both speedboats and longtails, there are indeed a lot of people but we never felt Poda too crowded. There is a restaurant near the beach, and a lot of trees to find shelter around. The further away from the beach around the restaurant one gets, the fewer people and boats. When tired of the sun and bathing it is indeed a good birding spot. We never tried Chicken Island, a few minutes further away.
Ao Phra Nang beach was good but hard to find shelter from the sun during the hot hours in the afternoon. On the other hand nice scenery with caves, a small Buddha temple and climbers, trying to conquer the cliff walls. From here, there is a walkway to Railay East where remnants of the tsunami were obvious, as for example a broken TV still on the beach. Some of the hotels had not reopened. The most disappointing beach was Railay West.
People in Thailand are very friendly but sorry to say most of them spoke very little or poor English so communication was sometimes a little frustrating.
Food and drink was no problem. On most of the beaches fresh fruit and cool drinks where available. At Poda a “longtail” sold fresh baguettes and fruit as well as cool drinks.
There are restaurants everywhere to choose between for a good evening meal at a decent price.
No visa is necessary for Swedish citizens if the visit is shorter than 3 months.
Thailand is six hours ahead of Sweden when it is “normal time”.
No health problems. As ususal in a new part of the world there are things to avoid but they are all well known to a globetrotter. Even the Thai people only drink bottled water. In Khao Phenom Bencha there were quite a lot of mosquitos along the rainforest trail. The rain period lasted a little longer than normal this year and maybe therefore more insects than usual.
The cheapest way for a local drop is a small motorbike taxi, one way drop from the hotel to, for example Hat Nappararat cost 20 baht (100 baht = 20 Skr) per person. To go from Ao Nang to Krabi was easy with the shuttle bus, cost 30 baht per person one way. Late evening trips cost 80 baht. They seemed to run all the time. These local buses did go to Fossil Beach and other places. They do not seem to have ordinary bus stops so just wave or shout to the driver. Often they go slow in villages and towns and give a horn or a call to attract passengers. They are also generally well marked with the destinations, for example Ao Nang–Krabi-Ao Nang.
Taxis were everywhere and they advertise with fixed prices to tourist hot spots like Koh Lanta, Krabi, Crystal Pool and many more. We negotiated the evening before and were picked up punctually in the morning, birded while the driver waited and then drove us back for breakfast. 600 baht to Fossil Beach for two– three hours, and as we were two sharing the cost it was not really expensive.
When we all went to Khao Phenom Bencha or Than Bokharani we hired a minibus with driver and it is cheaper than two taxis when the cost is shared. We had no problems what so ever during these trips with taxi or minibus.
To the nearer beaches and islands there are loads of longtail boats for a drop. Prices are fixed and they do not go to Poda, for example, with less than five people.
We hired a speedboat with crew one day for a trip to Phi Phi Islands. The company – Andaman – was very helpful and we did pay 8000 baht for a full day from 8.30-17.00 with a pick up at the hotel, fresh water and fresh fruit on the boat included. Then one is free to choose beaches and lunchtime. They knew where to go snorkelling for beginners like us, they stopped the boat when we found frigatebirds and were in all ways very helpful and easy to deal with. The journey out to Phi Phi took about 50 minutes.
As this trip was a family holiday we did not have a wish list. We knew what Khao Nur Chuchi (KNC) stands for and our goal was to take our families with us for a night at Morakot Resort and to give ourselves a good opportunity to bird in the rainforest and maybe we could find Mr. Yotin to guide us while the rest of the family waited at Crystal Pool for a swim etc. We therefore made a reconnaissance trip one morning but found out that Crystal Pool was much overrated, at least in our opinion, and Mr. Yotin was not at his stall. He was then busy for the rest of our stay according to a couple of Englishmen we met on our second trip with Mr. Dai. They had just arrived from KNC and had been guided around by Mr. Yotin. So we changed our plan.
As mentioned above we had our morning walks. We made two trips to Khao Phenom Bencha and one to Than Bokharani. We enjoyed Mr. Dai on two different trips and birded quite a lot on Poda Island. We also stayed at the pool in Meritime hotel garden and birded one afternoon. This was no problem as Pakasai and Meritime are “sister hotels”. There was even a shuttle bus between the two hotels with fixed schedule. Maybe we should have been birding one or two mornings around the Meritime garden and jetty.
We prepared our trip by downloading various reports from southern Thailand but very soon found out that most of them were hardcore April birding in KNC, with, if time, a Mr Dai trip to tick off Nordmann´s Greenshank and mangrove specialties as the pitta, the flycatcher, the kingfishers and some more. Nearly nothing was written for “our type of birding and time of the year”.
Trip reports are easily found on various websites such as Club300, Birdtours and many more.
We used both Birds of Thailand by Craig Robson and Philip D. Round. Robson gives no clue whether a species is common or rare, some of the paintings are not good and some of the distribution maps should be linked with a big question mark. Red-whiskered Bulbul, for example, should be distributed all over Peninsula Thailand, we recorded none (but it was the most common cage bird). Philip D. Round´s book is maybe getting a little old to be accurate within maps and status but still very useful and at least give a helping hand in the question of certain species status and habitat. This book also gives the first time birder in Thailand a good introduction how and where to bird.
We always brought at least one scope wherever we went in daylight and it is necessary though a lot of birds were far away in tree tops. Trying to get closer with just a pair of bins is not a good strategy.
It is very useful to be prepared by listening to bird sounds before leaving. We used MP3-player and a small, transportable loudspeaker, both to attract (mainly babblers) and as a reference library. We did play, what we thought was the babbler we had in front of us and we mostly had birds around our feet in a short while, but we could also make a positive id when the birds just responded. We used the MP3-player with care and not very often, mainly we used it to do an immediate check of the birdsong instead of waiting until we were back at the hotel.
This report follows the modern taxonomy and the species list is produced from Wildlife Computing program.
We will here try to describe the areas we birded, except those which are already presented several times by other authors, like KNC and the mangrove in Krabi.
As this was a low birding, family trip we will put the light on the neighbourhood just to show that birding without expectations can be very rewarding.
We found very little information both from Ao Nang area and from this popular period for a holiday trip with families. As mentioned earlier in the report hardcore birders visit KNC during March/April when Guerney´s Pitta is calling and mainly do one or two Mr. Dai trips and if time maybe the Meritime garden.
The old popular Ban Nai Chong rainforest stretches some 10 km north of Krabi nowadays suffers from much disturbance. We did not waste any time to check it ourselves but all taxi drivers we spoke to had the same answer. ‘There is no rainforest left.’
Our hotel, situated on a forested hillside with a lot of trees and other vegetation situated in a nice garden. When watering flowers and lawns, birds came to drink and “took a shower”.
Several species moved through the treetops and were only seen once or maybe twice, others were present all the time as Olive-backed and Plain-throated Sundbirds, Striped Tit-babbler, Common Tailorbirds.
Our bird list from the hotel roof and garden ended up with a total of 36 species.
Blue-eared and Coppersmith Barbet, White-throated Kingfisher, Chestnut-headed Bee-eater, Green-billed Malkoha, Black-nest and Germain´s Swiftlet, Asian Palm-swift, Pacific Swift, Collared Scops Owl, Zebra Dove, Brahminy Kite, Crested Goshawk, Large-billed Crow, Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike, Blue Rock Thrush, Blue Whistling-thrush, Asian Brown Flycatcher, Oriental Magpie-robin, Asian Glossy Starling, Common Myna, Pacific and Lesser Striated Swallow, Stripe-throated and Streak-eared Bulbul, Common and Dark-necked Tailorbird, Black-capped Babbler, Striped Tit-babbler, Orange-bellied and Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker, Plain-(Brown) throated, Purple-throated, Olivebacked and Crimson Sunbird, Thick-billed Spiderhunter and also several flocks of unidentified white egrets, probably Little.
During the first morning walk we headed north from the hotel along the main road and just after a few hundred meters we found a small dirt road up the hill, just past a small local restaurant. We walked past a few houses on our way up and then the road ended by a palm plantation, quite a steep walk at the end. As it was so close to our hotel we made several trips up here and as we do not know the local name we just mention the site as Pakasai Hill.
To get there: walking distance.
We went to this area twice. Susan Hoi and Fossil Beach is the same spot and Laem Po is the small village just before the parking area at Fossil Beach. Compared with Pakasai it is a more agricultural area. We found several ponds, some with a little water, others dry. However they all seemed to be abandoned. In this area Dawn of Happiness Resort is also situated. Birds that were common here but not at Pakasai were for example Black Drongo, Yellow-vented Bulbul, Asian Koel, Chinese Pond-heron.
To get there: Taxi or a shuttle bus. What time the buses start to run we do not really know but probably quite early as people might use it to get to work!
This area is just north of Hat Noppharat Thara beach. Here we found a dirt road that ended either at Palm Resort or, if taking a track to left, by the river that reaches the sea at the far end of the beach. You will see the river if going to the boat jetty at Hat Noppharat Thara. This area was said to be good for nightjars so we tried one evening but the area was probably affected by both the tsunami and human activity. We tried it one morning and were not disappointed.
Along the road there were small settlements, swamp forest, football fields, forested hills and more open areas with bushes. Here we recorded our only Hoopoe and Crow-billed Drongo as well as the only Olive-winged Bulbul outside Meritime garden.
To get there: Motorbike taxi for a drop and then walk back to the beach to catch another one back. Shuttle bus is also possible. Taxi is the most expensive alternative, but offering a little bit more birding time if the taxi is waiting.
Lovely island for bathing and snorkeling. When low tide appears it is not far to, at least, an introduction of coral reef fish. When tired of the sun and the water grab the bins and go to the restaurant and start the search for the pair of Oriental Pied Hornbill. If they are not there walk along the hillside just in front of the small “Backpacker bungalows” and listen. They do call quite often and loudly to each other when they are moving around. We saw them on two times out of four visits and from the boat when we went back from Phi Phi. Then they rested in the highest tree on the top of the island and could at that moment only been seen from sea. Other good birds on Poda were Drongo Cuckoo, Dark-sided Flycatcher and Dusky Crag-martin.
To get there: Longtail boat.
A large national park some 45 minutes north of Ao Nang. This is a peat swamp forest. From the entrance is a short track around some natural pools. In some of the pools visitors are aloud to swim. Nice scenery. Local stalls offered cheap lunch.
Very few birds were found when we visited the area mid day. There is certainly better bird life early in the morning. Here we found our only Forest Wagtail.
To get there: taxi or minibus. Negotiate price before deciding. If two or more families will share the vehicle it is cheaper with a mini bus instead of two taxis.
Also a national park, situated in the mountains a 45 minute drive from Ao Nang. Here an entrance fee was collected (200 baht) for each adult. Children up to 12 years free. From the headquarters there is a short, but at the end, rather steep walk to Huay Toe waterfall, with natural pools at the bottom. The steep part was with stairs and handrail so actually there was no problem going up to the higher level. Up here we had a quite good clearing for bird watching. From this spot Hans-Erik ticked off the only Brown-backed Needletail on our trip and we had our only Grey-breasted Spiderhunter and Asian Paradise Flycatcher. We did not see as much from here as we had hoped for, when visiting the park early in the morning.
This park is often mentioned as the place to go and dip Chestnut-naped Forktail. At our first visit we heard and had a very short sight of something flying away along the stream just beneath the concrete bridge. At our second visit we had stunning views of a pair early in the morning, just 25 m downstream from the bridge. Thanks to the Emerald Doves that came to drink or collect stones at the stream.
Our advice is: Be there early and before the crowds.
On our first visit we found a fruiting tree just a short way along the dirt road to the waterfall, crowded with birds. Two days later not a single bird was seen in that particular tree. We found another in the park around the bungalows instead. This was not the same big magnet as the first one. A park really worth more visits.
To get there: See above for Than Bokharani.
17/1. Left Sundsvall 12.11 with X2000 train to Arlanda airport. Almost 30 minutes delayed we left for Krabi at 18.35. Non-stop flight to Krabi where we landed
18/1, 10.40 local time. When we went outside the aircraft we felt like we were entering a Finnish sauna. After a short transportation by bus to Ao Nang we reached Pakasai Resort just before midday. Had lunch while waiting for our rooms. By 2 pm we could throw our luggage into our rooms and take a walk down to the beach. Back at the hotel we rested on the roof by the swimming pool for the rest of the day. Though it was hot and low bird activity there were a dozen new species to log.
19/1. Had an early morning walk between 7 and 9. Discovered the dirt track up the hill. We were stumped by a small flock of swiftlets that flew very low and near us. Looked at them for half an hour and was convinced that this was Himalayan Swiftlet. Added another dozen new species to our list and headed back for breakfast. Best birds this morning was a Red-throated Barbet and a Green-billed Malkoha, both seen well.
After breakfast we headed for our first visit to Poda Island where we stayed until 4 pm. No sign of the hornbill but we got good views of 3 Dusky Crag-martins.
Back home we had a calm afternoon by the pool, adding a nice male Crimson´s Sunbird to our trip list.
20/1. Started with the usual morning walk, today from 6.30 until 9. Walked “up the hill” and was rewarded with our only sighting of Hill Myna. A pair landed in a bare tree 20 meters from us for a short while and later another 3 flew over.
Had ordered a minibus for a trip to Than Bokharani after breakfast so most of the day was spent in the peat swamp forest. Bathing and birding. Had a cheap lunch at a local “restaurant” just outside the park. A flowering tree was a bit of a magnet to sunbirds, flowerpeckers and a Thick-billed Spiderhunter. Late afternoon was again spent around the hotel swimming pool, adding our only Purple-throated Sunbird to the list.
21/1. Our wives had an appointment with one of the local tailors so we grabbed the opportunity and headed for KNC. The taxi picked us up at 5.30 and a little more than one hour later we stood on the parking area for Crystal Pool and just wondered where to go. No guide and very little knowledge about birding in the rain forest. Anyhow, we took the wrong way, the track straight to Crystal pool and first bird to see was a stunning adult male Siberian Blue Robin, some 10 meters ahead of us on the track. Walked along the track through the forest, to the “pool”, birded around in the forest clearing and walked back. As with others we heard a lot but, but caught a glimpse of very little. Other good birds were Ferruginous and Black-throated Babbler, Large Hawk-cuckoo and our only Red-throated Sunbird.
Walked the “right way” and found the U-trail and walked this mythical path for maybe 150 meters. We have at least felt some Guerney fever.
Left KNC 11.15 stopped at Morakot and asked for Mr. Yotin, went back to his stall and was told that he would not be back before 5 pm. Drove back to Ao Nang and spent the afternoon by the pool. Ended the day by taking a shuttle bus to Krabi, for a visit at the night market. Found Chan Phen Tour and made arrangement for a mangrove trip with Mr. Dai on Monday morning.
22/1. Started with a morning walk as usual and once again we walked up “the hill”. Went back for breakfast at 9 am. The species list ended up like last walk and we felt that we maybe should try another site. This mornings only new species was Rufecent Prinia, a species we probably already had heard but had not seen good enough for a tick. After the morning meal we took a longtail to Poda and stayed there until 4 am. On the afternoon walk before leaving the island we found the pair of Oriental Pied Hornbill in the trees on “the other side” of Poda, compared with where the restaurant is situated. Also a pair of Drongo Cuckoo were new to us. Ended the day with an hour around the pool on the hotel roof.
23/1. A pre-booked taxi picked us up by 6.30 and a few minutes after 7 am we entered Mr. Dai´s longtail. We were the only birders this morning. The very first bird to be seen was a close up view of a stunning Brown-winged Kingfisher. As it was low tide we could not reach all the narrow canals that Mr. Dai wanted (we figured that out on the next trip). The day ended up very good anyhow. Enjoyed birds such as Dollarbird, Grey-rumped Treeswift, Chestnut-winged Cuckoo and Streak-breasted Woopecker. Mangrove Pitta and Ruddy Kingfisher were heard only. Went back to Ao Nang with the shuttle bus. The beach of the day was Hat Noppharat Thara, a few km away. Took a moped taxi for a drop and had a cheap lunch in a small restaurant. Rest of the warm hours were dedicated for relaxing and bathing. Headed back to our hotel at 4 pm and decided to try “the hill” in the afternoon. Very disappointing.
24/1. Today we changed site for our morning walk. A taxi drove us to Susan Hoi/ Fossil Beach and waited while we were birding. Took a brief look at the Fossil beach and started then to walk towards Ao Nang along the main road. Tried a few tracks through settlements and after a few attempts we reached a wet area with scattered trees and bushes near the village of Laem Po. Here other species were the common ones compared with “our hill”, such as Black Drongo, Yellow-vented Bulbul, Oriental Magpie Robin and Asian Koel. This morning the goody was Pink-necked Green Pigeon and we could really enjoy a Dollarbird at close range. As usual we went back for breakfast at 9 am and then we headed for the beach. Appointed today: Ao Phra Nang, only possible to reach with longtail. Really nice scenery with steep cliffs, a lot of stalactites and several hill climbers trying to conquer the cliff walls. A footpath goes from here to Railay East and from there is another one to Railay West. The latter goes between the hotels. On Railay East we saw the first obvious signs of last year’s tsunami. A broken TV on the beach and some garbage waiting to be removed were just some of the traces. Some of the hotels were just about to open up, we think. Back at the hotel we had our only daytime rain shower while having coffee on the balcony. After the rain a Collared Scops Owl was heard calling in the hotel garden.
25/1. A full day on the sea with a visit to Phi Phi Islands included Koh Pida Nok for frigatebirds, a lot of snorkeling and bathing, as well as sightseeing. We hired a speedboat with three-man crew to a total of 8000 baht, from 8.30 am until 5 pm. Pickup from the hotel, cold water and fresh fruit included and of course the best of all – we decided where and when to go. The Andaman travel agency was very nice to deal with. They were helpful and understood what we wanted out of the day. They spoke good English and that made the conversation much easier. We can definitely recommend them, although there are at least a dozen other companies of the same structure. Many have fixed schedules and that does not suit a birder.
Only some 15-20 minutes after departure from Ao Nang beach we sighted our first frigatebirds, asked the crew to head towards them and turned off the engine. First bird to be properly identified was an adult female Great Frigatebird. Just a few minutes later three species of frigatebirds were identified. There were at least 20 different individuals soaring around a small number of fishing boats.
During the day we visited Phi Phi Don and Ley, had a swim at Ma Ya beach, snorkelling in lovely bays and waited for more frigatebirds at Koh Pida Nok. We looked at the Viking Caves and searched for Pied Imperial Pigeons around several islands, without seeing one single pigeon. An unforgettable day on the sea, but a bit odd for a Scandinavian birder, not a single gull seen, not even a Herring Gull.
26/1. Had the usual morning walk, today “up the hill” again. No new species to log. After breakfast, as we walked down to where the taxis waited, HEP found 3 Black-thighed Falconets in a dead tree in the middle of Ao Nang, just 5 minutes from our hotel. Well, finally we reached the first taxis and negotiated the price and headed with two cars towards the temple Wat Tham Seua. Started to walk all the 1272 steps towards the top and Buddha´s footprint. Stopped the climbing at 550 steps and went down into the forest instead, towards the caves where the monks live. Our wives and HEP’s daughter did however climb all the way up. We were more interested in the forest and the birds. Drove after the temple to Meritime hotel and their garden and swimming pool where we spent the afternoon and did some birding in the outskirts of the hotel garden. When ready the hotel drove us to Krabi town from where we took the shuttle bus back to Ao Nang.
27/1. The morning was spent together with two English birders and Mr. Dai on a trip, first into the mangrove and then to the river mouth. As HEP and LO booked the trip we also set the schedule. Finally we were out almost five hours. This time we did not go very far into the mangrove. Mr. Dai started where we ended last trip, the difference compared with that one was the water level. We could now sneak around in narrow canals where the longtail got stuck in roots a few times though Mr. Dai was punting the boat.
We were lucky today and had two different Ruddy Kingfishers perched on branches for quite a while, not far from us. HEP found a male Mangrove Blue Flycatcher on a branch over the canal and Mr. Dai started to whistle and the bird responded and we could listen to the song for a while. A Mangrove Pitta responded to Mr. Dai´s whistling, although it was quite close we could not find the pitta among all the mangrove roots, though our driver did. Another unexpected species were a couple of White-chested Babblers and as far as I understood at that moment this must have been a real surprise even to Mr. Dai. We ended the first part of the trip by going into another narrow canal, behind the big rock and guess what! In a dead tree, almost to the top, a pair of Oriental Hobby waited for us. We could leave the boat and scope the birds from land. Probably the English birders had asked for this species before we arrived and it seemed that Mr. Dai knew exactly where to go. Continued towards the fishnet poles at the river mouth. It was still rather high tide. Drove around loads of them only to find one single Black-naped Tern, but no interesting waders. After one hour of search Mr. Dai drove to a small sandbar close to a smaller island and there they were, 10 winter plumage Nordmann´s Greenshank. We jumped out of the boat and got very good views in our scopes. Though time run out we had none left for searching other species like Great Knot or Chinese Egret. Back in Krabi around lunch time, took a shuttle bus back to our hotel and then we relaxed by the pool. Late in the afternoon we grabbed a motorbike taxi to Ao Nang market and did some shopping and when bored we went to a little green area and birded. Not much to see but four Pink-necked Green Pigeon is worth to mention.
28/1. The morning around Susan Hoi/Fossil beach a second time, with species almost the same as during the first visit. Only adding a few species to our trip list, such as Cattle Egret and Paddyfield Pipit. After breakfast another day on Poda where we stayed until 4 pm. Best birds were our first Dark-sided Flycatcher and just before departure an adult male Lesser Frigatebird came quite close and gave good views in the scope. Late afternoon we decided to try for nightjars near Hat Noppharat Thara beach though we got a reliable tip from one of the Englishmen yesterday morning. Found a nice habitat for birding from St. Agnes Church to Palm Resort. Did not hear any nightjars.
29/1. Today we had planned a visit to Khao Pnenom Bencha N.P therefore no morning walk. The minibus was ordered at 8.15 and as usual the vehicle was in time. Reached the park around 9 am, paid the N.P fee (200 baht for adults) and started to walk towards the waterfall. Got weigh-laid by a fruiting tree where we had a lot of birds and squirrels (at least two species and several different sizes). In the tree our first Asian Fairy Bluebird, Thick-billed Green Pigeon, Orange-headed Thrush and some species of bulbuls. Moved on to Huay Toe Waterfall, walked the steep track up and found a good spot to bird from. It was a clearing around the small valley where the stream flows. Not so many birds that we hoped for but Blyth´s Hawk-eagle, Chestnut-breasted Malkoha and Grey-breasted Spiderhunter were new to us. After a lunch we walked around in the park for a while.
Headed back home, but first we made a short visit at Srawaka Cave. Mainly known for the elephant trekking. Many tourists make a visit for a one hour elephant ride for the price of 800 baht. We used our feet instead and had a look around. Ended the day with a walk along Hat Noppharat Thara Beach. Looked at all those who where celebrating the Chinese New Year and we also enjoyed the sunset.
30/1. Took a taxi to the area around St. Agnes Church/Palm Resort and had our morning walk. Found our only Hoopoe and Crow-billed Drongo, got nice views of a pair Vernal Hanging Parrot and found 4 pairs Thick-billed Green Pigeon. This area is definitely worth more trips as long as no new settlements are built. After breakfast we went to Poda Island again for bathing and recreation. Stayed there until 4.30 pm. Ended the day around the pool at our hotel.
31/1. Our last full day. The pre booked taxi picked us up 5.45 am for a half day to Khao Phenom Bencha. A few km before the park a nightjar passed our way, we stopped the car and jumped out just to hear the last few calls from two Great-eared Nightjars. Reached the park around 6.45 and started to walk up to the waterfall and the clearing from where we had birded two days earlier. Bad strategy, because nothing happened. Decided to go down and try the rainforest track instead. When reaching the concrete bridge HEP found two Emerald Doves by the stream and when LO looked at them a shadow behind the doves diverted our attention. A Chestnut-naped Forktail was slowly moving among the rocks and stones. Unbelieveble, THE BIRD people usually went here to dip was in our bins. Maybe the bird of the trip because it was so unexpected. Soon we found out that they were actually two and a little later we saw them together. Finally they flew downstream. Kept on towards the forest track and walked a few hundred meters, just to detect that there were a few mosquitos too many. We did however get very good views of Abbot´s Babbler before going up to the waterfall again. Birded then around the waterfall for an hour, went down to the bungalows in the park and found a fruiting tree where we stayed until it was time to go back home. This was not the same magnet as the tree the other day.
Back home we headed towards Ao Nang beach where stayed until 4 pm. Ended the day with a walk “up the hill”, mainly to enjoy the view from there.
1/2. No birding though we where picked up for the short bus drive to the airport rather early. Our departure time was around mid day and 22.30 (local time), one hour delayed, we reached Arlanda. After waiting for luggage and a short trip to our hotel we went to sleep at mid night. Two pleasant weeks, in a pleasant climate with nice people came to an end.
Streak-breasted Woodpecker (Picus viridanus)
1 male seen Krabi mangrove 23/1.
Greater Flameback (Chrysocolaptes lucidus)
1 pair Krabi mangrove 23/1.
Lineated Barbet (Megalaima lineata)
1 heard Wat Tham Seua temple 26/1.
Gold-whiskered Barbet (Megalaima chrysopogon)
1 heard Khao Nur Chuchi 21/1, 1 heard and 1 seen Khao Phenom Bencha 29/1
and 1 heard Khao Phenom Bencha 31/1.
Red-throated Barbet (Megalaima mystacophanos)
Fairly common. At least one pair were heard or seen around Pakasai Hill during
our stay. 2 heard Than Bokharani N.P 20/1, 2 heard Khao Nur Chuchi 21/1,
1 heard St. Agnes Church/Palm Resort 28 and 30/1 and 1 heard Khao Phenom
Bencha 31/1.
Blue-eared Barbet (Megalaima australis)
Common, logged every day. At least two males held territory around Pakasai
Hill and Pakasai Resort during our stay.
Coppersmith Barbet (Megalaima haemacephala)
Common. Heard and seen almost daily. At least one male held territory around
Pakasai Resort and Pakasai Hill.
Oriental Pied-hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris)
1 pair seen Poda Island 22,25 and 30/1.
Quite easy to discover if one is familiar with their calls as they seemed
to call quite a lot when they are moving around the island.
Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops)
1 seen briefly St. Agnes Church/Palm Resort 30/1.
Dollarbird (Eurystomus orientalis)
1 Krabi mangrove 23 and 27/1, 3 Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 24/1
and 1 there 28/1, 1 Meritime hotel, Krabi 26/1 and up to 2 seen St. Agnes
Church/Palm Resort 28 and 30/1.
Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
3 Krabi mangrove 23/1.
Brown-winged Kingfisher (Pelargopsis amauropterus)
A minimum of 8 Krabi mangrove 23/1, 2 Meritime hotel, Krabi 26/1 (one
seen in the pond, the other at the jetty) and at least 10 Krabi mangrove 27/1.
Ruddy Kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda)
2 heard Krabi mangrove 23/1 and 2 seen very well there 27/1.
White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis)
The most common kingfisher. Seen in most habitats except rainforest.
Black-capped Kingfisher (Halcyon pileata)
10 Krabi mangrove 23/1 and 1 there 27/1, 1 Meritime hotel, Krabi 26/1 and
1 seen Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 24 and 28/1.
Collared Kingfisher (Todirhamphus chloris)
1 pair seen on every visit to Poda Island, 1 pair Ao Prah Nang Beach 24/1
and 1 Krabi mangrove 27/1.
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater (Merops leschenaulti)
Common in drier areas and always present around our hotel, with a maximum
12-15 individuals. Also seen Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po and on
both visits to St. Agnes Church/Palm Resort.
Chestnut-winged Cuckoo (Clamator coromandus)
1 seen very well Krabi mangrove 23/1.
Large Hawk-cuckoo (Cuculus sparverioides)
2 heard Khao Nur Chuchi 21/1.
Plaintive Cuckoo (Cacomantis merulinus)
1 seen or heard Pakasai Hill 20, 22 and 26/1. 1 Khao Nur Chuchi 21/1, 1 Susan
Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 24 and 28/1 and 1 St. Agnes Church/Palm Resort
Drongo Cuckoo (Surniculus lugubris)
2 (1 pair) Poda Island 22/1, 1 each heard Krabi mangrove 23/1, Meritime hotel,
Krabi 26/1 and Wat Tham Seua temple 26/1.
Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopacea)
Present in small numbers on several sites, for example Pakasai Hill. Common
around Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po, where at least 20 were logged 24/1.
Green-billed Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus tristis)
1 pair seen around Pakasai Hill and in the garden of Pakasai Resort during
the whole stay.
Chestnut-breasted Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus curvirostris)
1 seen Khao Phenom Bencha 29 and 31/1.
Greater Coucal (Centropus sinensis)
Single birds seen or heard Pakasai Hill, Poda Island, Khao Phenom Bencha,
Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po and St. Agnes Church/Palm Resort.
Vernal Hanging-parrot (Loriculus vernalis)
1 Meritime hotel, Krabi 26/1, 1 pair + 1 St. Agnes Church/Palm Resort 30/1
and 1 Khao Phenom Bencha 29 and 31/1.
swiftlets sp.
Swiftlets are a chapter on their own. Often they were high up;
when lower often against the sky and therefore always very tricky to
compare with others in the same gathering. It is not easy to follow one
certain individual to have a “long” observation time.
It is very hard to really decide if there was a difference in rump colour or on coverts or on the throat. We tried to look at them when we felt that distance and light conditions were not too tough. Most days we just ignored this interesting group of birds. No swiftlets were seen around the breeding caves on Phi Phi Islands.
Our opinion is that we recognized swiftlets with rump colour from almost as brown as the back to almost as white as with (Little) House Swift. In between there were individuals with just a tiny difference. The rump, when seen at close range, and in neutral light conditions – just a little brighter than the rest of the back. To see if the tail was a little forked or not is, at least in our opinion, mainly impossible while these fast flying small birds are on the move.
Most of the times when we had good observation conditions we thought that the gatherings were mixed.
After corresponding with Mr. Philip D. Round we received following comments, that must be considered by others birding in Krabi area during the winter.
“I would guess that the two species you have seen would be most likely to correspond to Aerodramus germani (Germain's Swiftlet) and Black-nest Swiftlet A. maximus, both of which reportedly nest in caves on Ko Phi Phi and elsewhere on the west coast. However, the commoner of the two should be the paler rumped bird, germani, rather than the darker-rumped maximus. Actually, I have never confidently ticked maximus and I rather doubt that any of the Thai Aerodramus swiftlets are identifiable in the field. I would guess that there is individual variation in rump colour even within a single population of any oner species. Himalayan Swiftlet is certainly a possibility, and has reportedly occurred in the peninsula. In addition, there is another taxon, rogersi, presently treated as conspecific with Himalayan Swiftlet, which breeds in western Thailand. This is sometimes treated as a full species, Indochinese Swiftlet. I would not expect any of the swiftlets to be separable on flight mode”.
Himalayan Swiftlet aerodramus brevirostris)
Identified twice. Around 30 were seen at very close range in the
morning Pakasai Hill 19/1. These birds seemed to have overall brownish
underparts and more blackish upperparts, with no sign of a little brighter
cheek or throat. We compared the paintings in Robson and decided that
these birds matched.
Black-nest Swiftlet (Aerodramus maximus)
About 20 Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 24/1, 10 Pakasai Resort 25/1 and
some 50 St. Agnes Church/Palm Resort 28/1 where counted in greater gatherings,
showing very little contrast between back and rump, but still one must
read Mr. Round´s comments with care and go with one’s own conscience.
Germain's Swiftlet (Aerodramus germani)
30 Krabi mangrove 23/1 and at least 2 Pakasai Resort 25/1.
The only “typical birds” with white rumps.
Brown-backed Needletail (Hirundapus giganteus)
1 seen passing through the clearing at Huay Toe Waterfall, Khao Phenom Bencha
Asian Palm-swift (Cypsiurus balasiensis)
Seen in small numbers on several occasions.
Fork-tailed Swift (Apus pacificus)
A few identified while looking at gathering of swiftlets and swallows. At
least one was seen Pakasai Resort 19 and 20/1. Not as common as expected.
House Swift (Apus nipalensis)
The most common swift.
Note that in "A Guide to the Swifts and Treeswifts of the World" by
Chantler & Driessens they show Little Swift (Apus affinis) occurring
in Africa and Asia as far east as India and Bangladesh, and a new species,
House Swift (Apus nipalensis) occurring from Nepal east through China
and South East Asia as far as Japan and Java. I understand that this
is also the approach adopted in "Birds of the World". If
this treatment were followed, the Thailand birds would be House Swifts (Apus
Grey-rumped Treeswift (Hemiprocne longipennis)
3 Krabi mangrove 23 and 27/1, at least 10 Meritime hotel, Krabi 26/1 and
2 Khao Phenom Bencha 31/1.
Great Eared-nightjar (Eurostopodus macrotis)
2 heard at dawn just before we reached Khao Phenom Bencha 31/1.
Feral Pigeon (Columba 'feral' livia)
Only seen in Krabi town, where 30 were logged 23 and 27/1.
Spotted Dove (Streptopelia chinensis)
Seen in small numbers at several sites. Highest number was 7 Meritime hotel,
Krabi 26/1.
Emerald Dove (Chalcophaps indica)
2 seen from the concrete bridge Khao Phenom Bencha 31/1, as they either came
to drink or pick small stones.
Zebra Dove (Geopelia striata)
Fairly common. Seen in small numbers almost every day and on almost every
site we visited. Highest count a single day was 8 different birds 28/1.
Pink-necked Green-pigeon (Treron vernans)
6 Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 24/1, 4 Meritime hotel, Krabi 26/1 and 4
Ao Nang market 27/1.
Thick-billed Green-pigeon (Treron curvirostra)
2 pairs in a fruiting tree Khao Phenom Bencha 29/1 and 4 pairs St. Agnes
Church/Palm Resort 30/1.
White-breasted Waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus)
1 seen inside a mangrove stand Railay East 24/1.
Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica)
At least 100 Krabi rivermouth 27/1.
Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)
1 Krabi mangrove 23/1, 1 Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 24/1 and 5 Krabi
rivermouth 27/1.
Common Redshank (Tringa totanus)
2 in a pond Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 28/1.
Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia)
1 Krabi rivermouth 27/1.
Nordmann's Greenshank (Tringa guttifer)
10 Krabi rivermouth 27/1.
Common Sandpiper (Tringa hypoleucos)
15 Krabi mangrove 23/1 and 1 in an artificial lake St. Agnes Church/Palm
Resort 30/1.
Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
50 Krabi rivermouth 27/1. Little odd to observe a bird, mainly seen on rocky
islets and coasts, resting on fishnet poles and waiting for a sandbar to
show up at low tide.
Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
50 Krabi rivermouth 27/1.
Mongolian Plover (Charadrius mongolus)
20 Krabi rivermouth 27/1.
Great Crested-tern (Sterna bergii)
At least 20 Krabi rivermouth 27/1.
Lesser Crested-tern (Sterna bengalensis)
200 Krabi rivermouth 27/1 is a minimum.
Black-naped Tern (Sterna sumatrana)
1 adult seen at close range resting on a fishnet pole Krabi rivermouth 27/1.
Common Tern (Sterna hirundo)
1 Krabi rivermouth 27/1.
Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybridus)
1 first winter Krabi rivermouth 27/1.
Black-winged Kite (Elanus caeruleus)
1 adult seen on the same spot near Khao Phenom Bencha 29 and 31/1.
Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus)
Seen daily in small numbers except 25/1 when we counted at least
10 on our trip to Phi Phi Islands.
White-bellied Sea-eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)
2 seen passing over Pakasai Hill 19/1 and 4 were seen around Phi Phi Islands
Crested Serpent-eagle (Spilornis cheela)
2 adults and 1 younger bird seen Khao Nur Chuchi 21/1.
Crested Goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus)
1 female seen from hotel roof Pakasai Resort 21/1.
Shikra (Accipiter badius)
1 Khao Phenom Bencha 29/1.
Blyth's Hawk-eagle (Spizaetus alboniger)
1 younger bird seen Khao Phenom Bencha 29/1 and 1 adult there 31/1.
Black-thighed Falconet (Microhierax fringillarius)
3 seen perched in a dead tree just outside Pakasai Resort 26/1 and 1 in the
same tree 30/1.
Oriental Hobby (Falco severus)
1 pair Krabi mangrove 27/1.
Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
1 seen on our trip to Phi Phi Islands 25/1 and 1 adult Poda Island 28 and
30/1. Probably the same bird (or pair) on all three occasions.
Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
1 pair with nest and eggs seen in a small pond just beside the main road
Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 24 and 28/1.
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)
4 passing by Pakasai Hill 19/1 and 5 Krabi mangrove 23/1. Late afternoons
we noticed, from the hotel roof on several occasions, small flocks with white
egrets flying towards the sea. Due to light conditions and distance we could
not identify those properly, but size and jizz do fit in with Little Egret.
Pacific Reef-egret (Egretta sacra)
1 or 2 seen almost daily around the beaches we visited. Highest number on
a single day were 10 during the trip to Phi Phi Islands 25/1
Great Egret (Ardea alba)
Only identified twice. 1 Krabi rivermouth 27/1 and 1 Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem
Po 28/1.
Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)
Only seen once, 9 Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 28/1.
Chinese Pond-heron (Ardeola bacchus)
Fairly common in agriculture habitat with ponds and wet areas, for example
around Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po.
Striated Heron (Butorides striatus)
Only seen in the mangrove, Krabi where 5 each were logged 23 and 27/1.
Great Frigatebird (Fregata minor)
1 adult female were seen soaring just over our heads on the way out
to Phi Phi Islands 25/1. A nice surprise and one of the highlights of our
Lesser Frigatebird (Fregata ariel)
10 were positively identified on our trip to Phi Phi Islands and
around Koh Pida Nok 25/1. 1 adult male seen from and close to Poda
Island 28/1.
Christmas Island Frigatebird (Fregata andrewsi)
10 identified on the Phi Phi Islands trip 25/1. A total of more than 40 frigatebirds
were seen during the day. Many of them too far away for a positive identification.
Mangrove Pitta (Pitta megarhyncha)
6 heard Krabi mangrove 23/1 and 1 heard very close 27/1. (Mr. Dai saw the
bird – at least he laughed and said so).
Asian Fairy-bluebird (Irena puella)
3 Khao Phenom Bencha 29/1 and 2 seen there 31/1. All of them young males
or females.
Lesser Green Leafbird (Chloropsis cyanopogon)
1 male Pakasai Hill 19/1 and 1 female Pakasai Hill 22/1.
Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus)
Fairly common. Logged 10 days but never more than 2 on a single day.
Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos)
Fairly common. Seen in small numbers most of the days. Around Susan Hoi/Fossil
Beach/Laem Po they seemed to be a little bit more numerous.
Black-naped Oriole (Oriolus chinensis)
Common. Highest numbers on a single trip were 5 Pakasai Hill 19/1 and 4 St.
Agnes Church/Palm Resort 30/1.
Ashy Minivet (Pericrocotus divaricatus)
8 Krabi mangrove 23/1, 3 Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 24/1 and 1 Krabi
mangrove 27/1.
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike (Hemipus picatus)
1 pair was breeding in Pakasai Resort garden. 1 Than Bokharani N.P 20/1,
2 Pakasai Hill 22/1 and 1 Srawaka Cave (elephant farm) 29/1.
Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus)
1 seen along the way 21/1, at least 40 Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 24/1
and 20 there (a minimum) 28/1.
Ashy Drongo (Dicrurus leucophaeus)
1 Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 24/1 and 28/1. 1 also St. Agnes Church/Palm
Resort 28/1.
Crow-billed Drongo (Dicrurus annectans)
3 St. Agnes Church/Palm Resort 30/1.
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo (Dicrurus paradiseus)
1 seen Krabi mangrove 23/1 and 2 heard there 27/1.
Asian Paradise-flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi)
1 male white morph Khao Phenom Bencha 31/1.
Common Iora (Aegithina tiphia)
1 male singing Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 24 and 28/1, 1 Meritme hotel,
Krabi 26/1 and 1 St. Agnes Church/Palm Resort 28/1.
Blue Rock-thrush (Monticola solitarius)
Fairly common. Seen at varius places as Ao Prah Nang/Railay East, Pakasai
Resort and Hill, Phi Phi Islands and Poda Island.
Large Whistling-thrush (Myiophonus caeruleus flavirostris)
1 young male or female Pakasai Resort 20/1, 3 Than Bokharani N.P 20/1, 2
Ao Prah Nang/Ralei East 24/1, 2 Wat Tham Seua temple 26/1 and 2 Srawaka
Cave (elephant farm) 29/1.
Orange-headed Thrush (Zoothera citrina)
4 seen in a fruiting tree Khao Phenom Bencha 29/1
Eye-browed Thrush (Turdus obscurus)
2 second year birds Pakasai Hill 20/1 and 1 adult + 1 second year there 26/1.
Dark-sided Flycatcher (Muscicapa sibirica)
1 Poda Island 28/1 and 1 Khao Phenom Bencha 29 and 31/1
Asian Brown Flycatcher (Muscicapa dauurica)
Common. Logged almost every day, but we did not see more than two on a single
Tickell's Blue-flycatcher (Cyornis tickelliae)
1 adult male Poda Island 28 and 30/1.
Mangrove Blue-flycatcher (Cyornis rufigastra)
1 adult male Krabi mangrove 27/1.
Siberian Blue Robin (Luscinia cyane)
1 adult male Khao Nur Chuchi 21/1
Oriental Magpie-robin (Copsychus saularis)
Common, especially around Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po.
Chestnut-naped Forktail (Enicurus ruficapillus)
2 (one pair) Khao Phenom Bencha 31/1. Maybe the highlight of the trip,
though it was so unexpected and when seen such a stunning bird.
Asian Glossy Starling (Aplonis panayensis)
Only seen around Pakasai Resort and Hill and when we walked down towards
the beach. A maximum of 10 birds were seen 22/1. There were always birds
roosting on a sign/monument along the way. One of the birds “on the
sign” was a second year, rest of them glossy, shining adults.
Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis)
Very common, especially in Krabi and around Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po.
Hill Myna (Gracula religiosa)
5 Pakasai Hill 26/1. One of the more unexpected species to be seen, though
we could not find any sightings around Ao Nang/Krabi in the trip reports
we read before departure.
Dusky Crag-martin (Hirundo concolor)
1-3 seen Poda Island every visit and 2 Than Bokharani N.P 20/1.
Pacific Swallow (Hirundo tahitica)
Fairly common along the coast.
Lesser Striated (Red-rumped) Swallow (Hirundo daurica)
10 Pakasai Resort 18/1 and 10 Poda Island 28/1.
Striated Swallow (Hirundo striolata)
Fairly common. A few seen around Pakasai Hill and Resort on several dates.
The highest counts were 10 Srawaka Cave (elephant farm) 29/1 and 30 St.
Agnes Church/Palm Resort 30/1.
Black-headed Bulbul (Pycnonotus atriceps)
The most common bulbul around Pakasai Hill and on Poda Island.
Black-crested Bulbul (Pycnonotus melanicterus)
2 seen Khao Nur Chuchi 21/1.
Puff-backed Bulbul (Pycnonotus eutilotus)
1 Khao Phenom Bencha 29/1 and 2 there 31/1.
Stripe-throated Bulbul (Pycnonotus finlaysoni)
Yellow-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier)
The most common bulbul around Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po. Not seen around
Pakasai Hill and Resort.
Olive-winged Bulbul (Pycnonotus plumosus)
1 Meritime hotel, Krabi 26/1, 4 St. Agnes Church/Palm Resort 28/1 and 2+1
there 30/1.
Streak-eared Bulbul (Pycnonotus blanfordi)
Cream-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus simplex)
5 seen in the clearing around Crystal Pool, Khao Nur Chuchi 21/1.
Red-eyed Bulbul (Pycnonotus brunneus)
2 Pakasai Hill 19/1 and 2 Khao Phenom Bencha 31/1.
Ochraceous Bulbul (Alophoixus ochraceus)
2 Than Bokharani N.P 20/1 and 2 Wat Tham Seua temple 26/1.
Grey-cheeked Bulbul (Alophoixus bres)
4 Khao Phenom Bencha 29/1 and 2 there 31/1.
Rufescent Prinia (Prinia rufescens)
Only seen at Pakasai Hill where 4 were logged 22-23/1. Mainly because of
some apathy towards prinias.
Yellow-bellied Prinia (Prinia flaviventris)
1 singing male Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 24/1.
Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius)
Dark-necked Tailorbird (Orthotomus atrogularis)
1 seen Pakasai Resort 21/1 and 1 Pakasai Hill 22/1.
Ashy Tailorbird (Orthotomus ruficeps)
3 heard singing Krabi mangrove 23/1.
Arctic Warbler (Phylloscopus borealis)
2 seen Poda Island 22/1, 1 Poda Island 28 and 30/1, also 2 Wat Tham Seua
temple 26/1.
Pale-legged Leaf-warbler (Phylloscopus tenellipes)
1 Huay Toe Waterfall, Khao Phenom Bencha 31/1.
Eastern Crowned-warbler (Phylloscopus coronatus)
1 Khao Phenom Bencha 29/1.
White-chested Babbler (Trichastoma rostratum)
2 seen well Krabi mangrove 27/1. A real surprise, even to Mr. Dai.
Ferruginous Babbler (Trichastoma bicolor)
5 seen and heard Khao Nur Chuchi 21/1.
Abbott's Babbler (Malacocincla abbotti)
4 birds in two different territories Khao Phenom Bencha 31/1.
Puff-throated Babbler (Pellorneum ruficeps)
Fairly common. Up to 3 birds were seen or heard on several dates Pakasai
Hill, 3 Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 28/1 and 2 St. Agnes Church/Palm
Resort 30/1.
Black-capped Babbler (Pellorneum capistratum)
3 birds passed through the hotel garden Pakasai Resort 18/1.
Moustached Babbler (Malacopteron magnirostre)
1 Pakasai Hill 20/1 and 2 Khao Nur Chuchi 21/1.
Black-throated Babbler (Stachyris nigricollis)
1 heard singing Khao Nur Chuchi 21/1.
Striped Tit-babbler (Macronous gularis)
Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker (Prionochilus maculates)
1 Meritime hotel, Krabi 26/1, 4 Khao Phenom Bencha 29/1 and 3 there 31/1.
Orange-bellied Flowerpecker (Dicaeum trigonostigma)
Fairly common. Seen on most of the visited sites.
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker (Dicaeum cruentatum)
Fairly common.
Plain-throated (Brown-throated) Sunbird (Anthreptes malacensis)
Common, especially on Poda Island. Always present in Pakasai Resort garden.
Red-throated Sunbird (Anthreptes rhodolaema)
1 male singing Khao Nur Chuchi 21/1.
Purple-throated Sunbird (Nectarinia sperata)
Only seen once, 1 male Pakasai Resort 20/1.
Olive-backed Sunbird (Nectarinia jugularis)
Common. One pair held territory around the swimming pool at Pakasai Resort
and gave very good oppurturnities to study at close range.
Crimson Sunbird (Aethopyga siparaja)
1 pair seen on several occasions both at Pakasai Hill and Pakasai Resort
during our stay. 1 male Than Bokharani N.P 20/1 and 1 male Srawaka Cave
(elephant farm) 26/1
Thick-billed Spiderhunter (Arachnothera crassirostris)
1 Pakasai Resort 18-19/1, (probably also seen briefly on Pakasai Hill on
one occasion, one or two days later) and also 1 Than Bokharani N.P 20/1.
Grey-breasted Spiderhunter (Arachnothera affinis modesta)
1 seen Khao Phenom Bencha 29/1.
Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)
Forest Wagtail (Dendronanthus indicus)
1 Than Bokharani N.P 20/1.
Paddyfield Pipit (Anthus rufulus)
2 Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po 28/1, 1 St. Agnes Church/Palm Resort 28/1
and 3 there 30/1.
Scaly-breasted Munia (Lonchura punctulata)
Fairly common. Seen around Pakasai Hill and Susan Hoi/Fossil Beach/Laem Po
in small numbers.
White-rumped Munia (Lonchura striata)
2 Pakasai Hill 20 and 22/1.
Compiled by:
Lars Olausson Hans-Erik
Slottsvägen 21 Piteåvägen
861 34 Timrå 857
31 Sundsvall
Sweden Sweden +46(0)60574280 +46(0)60500750
Why not send us a report, or an update to one of your current reports?