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A Report from |
Thailand, two centres - Koh Chang and Chiang Saen, 28 December 2008 to 17 January 2009,
This report covers a trip to Thailand from 28 December 2008 to 17 January 2009. The first week was spent on the holiday island of Koh Chang close to the Cambodian border. For the remaining two weeks we stayed with Jo’s brother Jon and his wife Su in their village close to Chiang Saen on the northern border with Laos. Additional records will be included from an earlier visit in 2005/6 (which also included a two night stay at Doi Chang Dao) where these involve birds not seen on the later trip.
Flights and hotels were arranged through Trailfinders. A night’s stay was necessary in Bangkok before taking the Bangkok Airways flight to Trat Airport the next morning. A minibus from our hotel collected us, and returned us at the end of the week when we flew back to Bangkok and then on to Chiang Rai where Jon met us. The return flight took us to the old Bangkok airport of Don Muang, requiring a bus journey to catch our London flight from Suvarnabhumi Airport.
Transit to Koh Chang
The short hop from Bangkok landed us at the delightful airport of Trat, which with its small thatched terminal buildings and well-tended garden has a very rural feel, and is the point at which the bird-watching can begin in earnest. The pick-up was so efficient that we only had time to spot Yellow Wagtail (of indeterminate race) before we were whisked off, but on the return journey we had more time between check-in and take off. As we relaxed in the airport garden we saw Common Kestrel, Indian Roller, Black-collared Starling and Olive-backed Sunbird. The next destination on our trip out was the ferry port and, having just missed one boat, we had a bit of a wait, during which a couple of Brahminy Kites drifted over. Barn Swallows were the only other birds to show in the heat of the day, but several spectacular butterflies were a foretaste of what we were to enjoy throughout the trip.
Koh Chang
We stayed at the Amari Emerald Cove Resort, an attractive low-rise (three storey) hotel on Klong Prao Beach halfway down the west coast of the island. This is reached by a noisy and busy road that runs down the length of the coast and has been rather spoiled by lots of tacky development. Our hotel was thankfully a little way back from the road and our room looked across a little creek over a small patch of forest. Because this was supposed to be the relaxing part of our holiday we did a fair bit of beaching and swimming, and only once visited the national park that makes up most of the centre of the island. This was when we walked to Khlong Plu waterfall, about 2 km north up the main road and then the same inland. When we reached the waterfall, just inside the park boundary, we found it swarming with Thai and Japanese tourists and with hindsight would have gone there as early as possible in the morning. Nevertheless we saw some nice birds when we took a trail awa y from the waterfall, including Chinese Pond Heron, Black-Crested and Black-headed Bulbuls, Purple-throated Sunbird, Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo and Brown Shrike.
A short walk southwards on the main road the next morning proved that it was just as nasty in the other direction, and we therefore spent most of our time on or just next to the beach, from where it was possible to see a good array of birds. From the comfort of our own balcony we enjoyed Asian Brown Flycatcher, Coppersmith Barbet, Pink-necked Green Pigeon, Asian Palm Swift, Yellow-vented Bulbul, Black-naped Oriole, Shikra, Red-throated Flycatcher and Hill Mynah. We were also entertained each day by the insect catching antics of up to three Ashy Drongos of the all bluish-grey race hopwoodi. Interestingly just a few hundred yards in either direction we encountered birds of the white-faced race leucogenis, and the two forms seemed to intermingle freely on the island.
The habitats to be explored along the beach included coconut groves, some small ponds, scrubby fields and forested patches, as well as the brackish creek that curved round beside our hotel and of course the sea itself. Large numbers of Barn Swallows with a few Sand Martins fed continuously over the sea and Brahminy Kites occasionally put in an appearance. On one occasion a White-bellied Fish Eagle could be seen circling around the far headland, its huge size apparent even from a distance. A restaurant partly built up on stilts was a good place from which to watch the birds feeding by the creek, the highlight of which was a Black-capped Kingfisher. A couple of Pacific Swallows were also regularly seen here as well as Common Kingfisher and Little and Chinese Pond Herons. Other birds seen during our beach walks included flocks of fast-moving Ashy Minivets, Greater Racket-tailed Drongos, Brown Shrike of the pale-faced race lucionensis, Two-barred Warbler, Brown-throated Sunbird, Indian Roller, Greater Coucal and Peregrine.
Chiang Saen and surrounding area
Our final two weeks were spent in the village of Doi Jampee (or Doi Cham Pi) a few miles east of Chiang Saen in the far north, staying with Jo’s brother Jon and his wife Su. (Jon, incidentally, is the author Jon Boyes whose books are required reading for anyone interested in the hill tribes of Northern Thailand). We had originally intended to travel around extensively in the region with Jon, but developments in his house-moving plans meant we were mostly confined to the immediate locality. Doi Jampee lies astride the Chiang Saen – Mae Chan road. To the north there are extensive rice fields separated by streams, the larger of which have wooded banks. On the south side of the main road a number of tracks lead over low wooded hills and down to the extensive Chiang Saen Lake. This can also be reached by road from a turning clearly signposted between Chiang Saen and Doi Jampee which leads up to a small but growing information centre. There are also further wetlands to the east and more can be found on the whole area at
Doi Jampee
Walking through the rice fields was always a delight, with a guarantee of something interesting on the bird front (our first sight in 2005 featured a male Pied Harrier quartering the fields), as well as friendly smiles from the locals, even if they were rather bemused by the bins and scope. The mixture of stubble, burning, flooding and replanting made for a constantly changing variety of habitats. We took a stroll most days and saw, amongst others: Little and Cattle Egrets, Black-shouldered Kite, Eastern Marsh Harrier, Green Sandpiper, Red-collared Dove, Dark-rumped Swift, Fork-tailed Swift, White-throated Kingfisher, Green Bee-eater, Indian Roller, Coppersmith Barbet, Yellow, Citrine and White Wagtails, Long-tailed Minivet, Streak-eared Bulbul, Common Iora, Brown and Long-tailed Shrikes, Oriental Magpie Robin, Common Stonechat, Pied and Grey Bushchats, Spotted Bush Warbler, Plain Prinia, Common Tailorbird, Red-throated Flycatcher, Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher, Asian Paradise Flycatcher, Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker, Purple Sunbird, Japanese White-eye, Common Rosefinch, White-rumped and Scaly-breasted Munias, Plain-backed Sparrow, Baya Weaver, Chestnut-tailed, Asian Pied and Black-collared Starlings, White-vented Mynah, Black Drongo and Ashy Woodswallow.
Chiang Saen Lake
On several mornings we got Jon to drop us at the eastern extremity of the lake or at the information centre allowing us several hours’ leisurely stroll around the tracks at the water’s edge, enjoying the scenery and the birds. Species seen on or close to the lake included: Little Grebe, Grey and Purple Herons, Great, Intermediate and Little Egrets, Yellow Bittern, Lesser Whistling Duck in large, nervous flocks, Osprey, Changeable Hawk Eagle, White-browed Crake, White-breasted Waterhen, Purple Gallinule, Pheasant-tailed Jacana, River and Grey-headed Lapwings, Long-billed Plover, Pintail Snipe, Zebra Dove, Green-billed Malkoha, Lineated Barbet, Stripe-breasted Woodpecker, Richard’s and Paddyfield Pipits, Scarlet Minivet, Black-headed, Red-whiskered and Streak-eared Bulbuls, White-rumped Shama, Dusky and Yellow-browed Warblers, Black-naped Monarch, Plain Flowerpecker and Racket-tailed Treepie. We should also note a Blackbird seen at the information centre which, although commonplace to British eyes, is apparently an unusual vagrant in Thailand.
By walking or cycling from Doi Jampee we were able to reach the quieter part of the lake, west of the information centre, with more inlets and marshy ponds. As we did so we also passed through areas with patches of forest and open agricultural fields. Among the birds seen in these locations were: Ruddy Shelduck, Teal, Spot-billed Duck, Pintail, Garganey, Oriental Honey Buzzard, Hen Harrier, Spotted Redshank, Wood Sandpiper, Common and Pintail Snipe, Painted Snipe, Plaintive Cuckoo, Green Bee-eater, Indian Roller, Long-tailed Shrike, White-rumped Shama, Pied Bushchat, Tickell’s Blue and Pale Blue Flycatchers and Black Drongo.
Chiang Saen Town
Chiang Saen is an attractive town with wide streets, historic walls and a number of interesting temples, as well as being situated on the Mekong. We didn’t really explore the river for birds on our trips into town, but did see Long-billed Plover and Common Sandpiper on the banks. At the ruined temple of Pa Sak just outside the walls we found Red-throated Flycatcher, Two-barred Warbler, Olive-backed Pipit and a number of Green Bee-eaters perched on grass stems and hawking insects. The temple of Chom Kitty sits on a hill just outside of the town looking across the Mekong into Laos. Here we saw Stripe-throated Bulbul, Greenish Warbler and Black-naped Monarch.
Mae Ab Waterfall
As mentioned above, our plans to go out on trips were curtailed, but we did make one excursion to Mae Ab Waterfalll, in the hills between Chiang Saeng and Chiang Khong. We had also been here in 2006. It was a pleasant place for a walk, and a few birds showed in the trees and by the water, including Black-crested Bulbul, Grey Wagtail and Ruby-cheeked Sunbird.
After two weeks at Doi Jampee it was time for us to return to Bangkok to catch our homeward flight to London. On the bus journey to Suvarnabhumi Airport we notched up our last new species for the trip when we passed some ponds which contained a group of Asian Openbills. A few Yellow Wagtails on the lawns by the airport were the last birds we saw before being swallowed up by the tedious rigmarole of the transport system.
Systematic List of Birds
The nomenclature in the following list follows that used in A Field Guide to the Birds of Thailand by Craig Robson (published by New Holland), which is the guide which we would expect most birders currently to be using. We have also included alternative English names listed in A Complete Checklist of Birds of the World by Richard Howard and Alick Moore (Academic Press Limited) as reproduced in The Hamlyn Photographic Guide to the Birds of the World.
Common Name(s) | Scientific Name | Sightings |
Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis | Small groups seen in all parts of Chiang Saen Lake |
(Great) Cormorant | Phalacrocorax carbo | Up to a dozen birds in the same tree at the Lake |
Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea | Common at the Lake, sometimes roosting in large numbers |
Purple Heron | Ardea purpurea | In ones or twos at various places around the Lake |
Great Egret | Egretta alba | Individuals seen regularly at the Lake |
Little Egret | Egretta garzetta | Common at the Lake and in the rice fields |
Intermediate Egret | Mesophoyx intermedia | The least common egret at the Lake |
Cattle Egret | Bubulcus ibis | Common in the rice fields and other dry areas in the north |
Chinese Pond Heron | Ardeola bacchus | Found in any damp area, both on Koh Chang and in the north |
Little Heron (Green-backed Heron) | Butorides striatus | One seen regularly in the creek at Koh Chang |
Yellow Bittern (Chinese Little Bittern) | Ixobrychus sinensis | Several birds seen in the vegetation-covered edges of the Lake |
Asian Open-bill (Stork) | Anastomus oscitans | Perhaps 20 birds seen around ponds as we approached Suvarnabhumi airport |
Lesser Whistling Duck (Indian Whistling Duck) | Dendrocygna javanica | Nervous flocks all around the Lake, several hundred strong on one occasion |
Ruddy Shelduck | Tadorna ferruginea | A single bird among the spot-billed ducks in a quiet corner of the Lake |
(Common) Teal | Anas crecca | A small group feeding with garganey in a quiet backwater |
Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos | (One or two at the Lake in 2006) |
Spot-billed Duck | Anas poecilorhyncha | The commonest Anas species at the Lake,generally in large groups |
(Northern) Pintail | Anas acuta | A small group seen on one morning at the Lake |
Garganey | Anas querquedula | Several birds feeding with teal in a quiet area |
Osprey | Pandion haliaetus | Singles seen on two occasions at the Lake |
Oriental Honey Buzzard | Pernis ptilorhynchus | A lone bird patrolling the dry area between Doi Jampee and the Lake |
Black-shouldered Kite | Elanus caeruleus | One or two hunting regularly in the rice fields |
Brahminy Kite | Haliastur indus | Seen by the harbour at Trat and at Koh Chang in ones or twos |
White-bellied Sea Eagle | Haliaeetus leucogaster | One bird seen from a distance at Koh Chang |
White-tailed (Sea) Eagle | Haliaeetus albicilla | (An immature bird seen at close range at the Lake in 2006) |
Hen Harrier | Circus cyaneus | A female seen on two occasions close to the Lake |
Pied Harrier | Circus melanoleucos | Male and, less frequently, female regularly hunting over the rice fields |
Eastern Marsh Harrier | Circus splinotus | Only once seen hunting over the fields (commoner in 2006) |
Shikra | Accipiter badius | Singles at Koh Chang and by the Lake |
(Common) Buzzard | Buteo buteo | A lone bird seen over the rice fields on a couple of occasions |
Changeable Hawk Eagle (Crested Hawk Eagle) | Spizaetus cirrhatus | A single bird seen flying over us and across the Lake |
(Common) Kestrel | Falco tinnunculus | A regular hunter over the rice fields |
Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus | One seen at Koh Chang creating panic among the mynahs |
White-browed Crake (White-browed Rail) | Porzana cinerea | A bird emerged briefly from vegetation at the edge of the Lake |
White-breasted Waterhen | Amaurornis phoenicurus | Common at the Lake and in ditches and streams around the rice fields |
(Common) Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus | Common around the Lake |
Purple Swamphen (Purple Gallinule) | Porphyrio porphyrio | Common close to the information centre and in other well-vegetated parts of the Lake |
(Common) Coot | Fulica atra | A small party was always in the same place near the information centre |
Pheasant-tailed Jacana | Hydrophasianus chirurgus | A few birds spotted among the water plants, more probably stayed hidden |
(Greater) Painted Snipe | Rostratula benghalensis | A group of 6 showed well at one of the quieter corners of the Lake |
Black-winged Stilt | Himantopus himantopus | Small parties were seen on a couple of days at the Lake |
River Lapwing | Vanellus duvaucelii | A single bird was regularly seen in the same muddy corner of the Lake |
Grey-headed Lapwing | Vanellus cinereus | One fed quietly close to the lakeside track |
Long-billed (Ringed) Plover | Charadrius placidus | Two fed on the mud beside the Lake (and a few were on mudbanks in the Mekong in 2006) |
Spotted Redshank | Tringa erythropus | A flock of about 20 were hidden among vegetation in a quiet part of the Lake |
Marsh Sandpiper | Tringa stagnatilis | (A single bird was seen beside the Lake in 2006) |
Green Sandpiper | Tringa ochropus | Various individuals fed by the Lake and in the flooded rice fields |
Wood Sandpiper | Tringa glareola | A confiding individual came very close at a muddy corner of the Lake |
Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos | Singles on the banks of the Mekong and at the Lake |
Pintail Snipe | Gallinago stenura | Small numbers in the boggy margins of the Lake |
(Common) Snipe | Gallinago gallinago | One flushed from a marshy area near the Lake |
Red-collared Dove | Streptopelia tranquebarica | (A juvenile on a pile of rice straw in 2006) |
Spotted(-necked) Dove | Streptopelia chinensis | Common throughout |
Zebra Dove (Peaceful Dove) | Geopelia strata | A pair at the Lake information centre |
Pink-necked Green Pigeon | Treron vernans | One female then one male at Koh Chang |
Plaintive Cuckoo | Cacomantis merulinus | A single bird posed for great scope views on a weed-choked pond |
(Greater) Green-billed Malkoha | Phaenicophaeus tristis | One emerged from a bush by the Lake |
Greater Coucal (Common Crow-Pheasant) | Centropus sinensis | Regularly seen in both Koh Chang and the north, usually singles diving into cover |
Lesser Coucal | Centropus bengalensis | (One seen at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Asian Palm Swift | Cypsiurus batasiensis | A small flock regularly round the hotel in Koh Chang, a few also seen in the north |
Dark-rumped Swift (Dark-backed Swift) | Apus acuticauda | (One or two seen over the rice fields in 2006) |
Fork-tailed Swift | Apus pacificus | Common at Koh Chang |
House Swift | Apus affinis | Flocks flying over the city in Bangkok |
(Common) Kingfisher | Alcedo atthis | Regularly seen on the creek at Koh Chang and by any patch of water in the north |
White-throated Kingfisher (White-breasted Kingfisher) | Halcyon smyrnensis | Common around the Lake but also in drier areas around the rice fields |
Black-capped Kingfisher | Halcyon pileata | One cracking individual seen on a couple of occasions at the creek in Koh Chang |
(Little) Green Bee-eater | Merops orientalis | Small flocks of these little gems seen at various places in the north |
Indian Roller | Coracias benghalensis | Singles or pairs seen at Koh Chang, Trat Airport and in dry areas in the north |
Lineated Barbet | Megalaima lineata | One seen calling from a treetop by the Lake, others heard |
Blue-throated Barbet | Megalaima asiatica | (One seen and heard at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Coppersmith Barbet (Crimson-breasted Barbet) | Megalaima haemacephala | Two or three at Koh Chang and widespread in the north, usually calling from a treetop |
Stripe-breasted Woodpecker | Dendrocopos atratus | Two birds seen in trees by the Lake |
Plain Martin (African Sand Martin) | Riparia paludicola | (A few feeding over the rice fields in 2006) |
Sand Martin | Riparia riparia | One or two feeding with swallows over the sea at Koh Chang |
(Barn) Swallow | Hirundo rustica | Common and widespread |
Pacific Swallow | Hirundo tahitica | A few over the creek at Koh Chang and also seen from the ferry to the mainland |
Red-rumped Swallow | Hirundo daurica | (A few feeding over the rice fields in 2006) |
(Greater) Striated Swallow | Hirundo striolata | (Some at the rice fields and at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla flava | A number of birds fed on the grass at both Trat and Suvarnabhumi aiports |
Citrine Wagtail | Motacilla citreola | One feeding on the muddy shore of the Lake |
Grey Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea | One on the rocks at Mae Ab waterfall |
White Wagtail | Motacilla alba | Common in the rice fields and around the Lake |
Richard's Pipit | Anthus richardi | One seen on short grass beside the Lake |
Olive-backed Pipit (Indian Tree Pipit) | Anthus hodgsoni | (Several feeding under the trees at Pa Sak temple in 2006) |
Paddyfield Pipit | Anthus rufulus | A few in the grassier areas around the Lake |
Ashy Minivet | Pericrocotus divaricatus | A small, fast-moving flock seen regularly in the trees at Koh Chang |
Long-tailed Minivet | Pericrocotus ethologus | A colourful mixed flock of males and females regular in the trees bordering the rice fields |
Scarlet Minivet | Pericrocotus flammeus | A single male seen in a tree by the Lake |
Black-headed Bulbul | Pycnonotus atriceps | Some at Khlong Plu waterfall and large numbers around the Lake, including the greyer variety |
Black-crested Bulbul | Pycnonotus melanicterus | Small, noisy groups at Koh Chang, Mae Ab waterfall and around the rice fields |
Red-whiskered Bulbul | Pycnonotus jocosus | A juvenile seen at the information centre |
Sooty-headed Bulbul (White-eared Bulbul) | Pycnonotus aurigaster | Common everywhere in the north |
Stripe-throated Bulbul | Pycnonotus finlaysoni | (One at Doi Chang Dao and one at Chom Kitty temple in 2006) |
Yellow-vented Bulbul | Pycnonotus goiavier | Seen regularly at Koh Chang in twos and threes |
Streak-eared Bulbul (Blanford's Olive Bulbul) | Pycnonotus blanfordi | Regular but unobtrusive in small numbers at the Lake and in Doi Jampee |
Puff-throated Bulbul (Olivaceous Bearded Bulbul) | Alophoixus pallidus | (A flock at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Black Bulbul | Hypsipetes leucocephalus | (One at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Common Iora | Aegithina tiphia | Common in any patch of trees in the north |
Blue-winged Leafbird | Chloropsis cochinchinensis | (A pair at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Golden-fronted Leafbird | Chloropsis aurifrons | (A small flock at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Asian Fairy Bluebird (Blue-backed Fairy Bluebird) | Irena puella | (Two or three on treetops at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Brown Shrike | Lanius cristatus | A few at Koh Chang (including one lucionensis) and widespread in the north |
Burmese Shrike | Lanius collurioides | (One seen by the Lake in 2006) |
Long-tailed Shrike (Black-headed Shrike) | Lanius schach | Widespread around the rice fields and the Lake area, usually on a prominent perch |
Grey-backed Shrike | Lanius tephronotus | (A few at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Oriental Magpie Robin | Copsychus saularis | Common everywhere in the north |
White-rumped Shama | Copsychus malabaricus | Singles seen in two places around the Lake |
Plumbeous Water Redstart | Rhyacornis fuliginosus | (A juvenile seen at Khun Kon waterfall in 2006) |
(Common) Stonechat | Saxicola torquata | Common in the ricefields and other dry areas |
Pied Bushchat (Pied Stonechat) | Saxicola caprata | Common in the ricefields and other dry areas |
Grey Bushchat | Saxicola ferrea | Less common than the above two species, but in the same areas |
Blue Rock Thrush | Monticola solitarius | (One at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
(Eurasian) Blackbird | Turdus merula | One at the information centre |
Chestnut-crowned Bush Warbler (Large Bush Warbler) | Cettia major | (One at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Spotted Bush Warbler | Bradypterus thoracicus | A few birds skulking in the streams around the rice fields |
Black-browed Reed Warbler (Schrenk's Reed Warbler) | Acrocephalus bistrigiceps | (One in reeds beside the largest ricefield stream in 2006) |
Oriental (Great) Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus orientalis | (One in low vegetation at the Lake in 2006) |
Thick-billed Warbler | Acrocephalus aedon | (Several in a reedy thicket in 2006) |
Rufescent Prinia (Lesser Brown Prinia) | Prinia rufescens | (A small flock at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Grey-breasted Prinia (Franklin's Prinia) | Prinia hodgsonii | (A few in the rice fields in 2006) |
Plain Prinia | Prinia inornata | Common in both rice fields and lakeside scrub |
Common Tailorbird (Long-tailed Tailorbird) | Orthotomus sutorius | Common in the north in thick cover but heard more usually than seen |
Dusky Warbler | Phylloscopus fuscatus | Seen regularly in bushes around the Lake and at Doi Jampee |
Yellow-browed Warbler | Phylloscopus inornatus | Singles feeding busily in trees in the north |
Greenish Warbler | Phylloscopus trochiloides | A couple seen in the north, most clearly at Chom Kitty temple |
Two-barred (Greenish) Warbler | Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus | Another fidgety feeder in the trees, both in Koh Chang and the north |
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler (Pale-legged Willow Warbler) | Phylloscopus tenellipes | (One in a tree by the Lake in 2006) |
(Asian) Brown Flycatcher | Muscicapa dauurica | Common in Koh Chang |
Red-throated Flycatcher (Red-breasted Flycatcher) | Ficedula parva | A couple in Koh Chang, more common in the north |
Verditer Flycatcher | Eumyias thalassina | (Singles around the rice fields, two at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Hill Blue Flycatcher | Cyornis banyumas | (One at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Tickell's Blue Flycatcher | Cyornis tickelliae | Singles in three places beside or near the Lake |
Pale Blue Flycatcher | Cyornis unicolor | One in a patch of forest between Doi Jampee and the Lake |
Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher | Culicicapa ceylonensis | One or two in bushes by the Lake, one in trees by the rice fields |
Black-naped (Blue) Monarch | Hypothymis azurea | One in a small patch of forest, one in a bush by the Lake |
Asian Paradise-flycatcher | Terpsiphone paradisi | A female in a tree overhanging the stream through the rice fields |
Plain Flowerpecker | Dicaeum concolor | One in a tree near the Lake |
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker | Dicaeum cruentatum | Seen regularly in trees both at Koh Chang and in the north, and always dazzling |
Brown-throated Sunbird (Plain-throated Sunbird | Anthreptes malacensis | A couple seen at Koh Chang |
Ruby-cheeked Sunbird | Anthreptes singalensis | (One at Mae Ab waterfall in 2006) |
Purple-naped Sunbird (Blue-naped Sunbird) | Hypogramma hypogrammicum | (One near the information centre in 2006) |
Purple-throated Sunbird (Van Hasselt's Sunbird) | Nectarinia sperata | One at Khlong Plu waterfall |
Olive-backed Sunbird | Nectarinia jugularis | Several in the garden at Trat airport |
Purple Sunbird | Nectarinia asiatica | Common in flowering trees and bushes in the north |
Little Spiderhunter | Arachnothera longirostris | (One at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Japanese White-eye | Zosterops japonicus | Feeding flocks common in the trees around the rice fields and the Lake |
Dark(-breasted) Rosefinch | Carpodacus nipalensis | (Two at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Common Rosefinch | Carpodacus erythrinus | (A pair in trees beside the rice fields in 2006) |
White-rumped Munia (White-backed Munia) | Lonchura striata | Common in small flocks in drier areas |
Scaly-breasted Munia (Nutmeg Mannikin) | Lonchura punctulata | Very similar distribution to the above species, but the two were never seen intermixed |
House Sparrow | Passer domesticus | Small numbers in the trees and telegraph poles of Chiang Saen |
Plain-backed Sparrow (Pegu House Sparrow) | Passer flaveolus | A couple seen in trees beside the rice fields |
(Eurasian) Tree Sparrow | Passer montanus | Very common everywhere in the north |
Baya Weaver | Ploceus philippinus | (A flock in non-breeding plumage in the rice fields in 2006) |
Chestnut-tailed Starling (Ashy-headed Starling) | Sturnus malabaricus | A few birds feeding in larger trees, and quite a puzzle to identify at first |
Asian Pied Starling | Sturnus contra | A couple of birds seen feeding in the damper parts of the rice fields |
Black-collared Starling | Sturnus nigricollis | These large and noisy starlings were seen in pairs throughout the north and at Trat airport |
Common Mynah | Acridotheres tristis | Very common around human habitation |
White-vented Mynah (Great Mynah) | Acridotheres grandis | Large flocks gathered in the wet rice fields and flew spectacularly to roost |
Hill Mynah (Southern Grackle) | Gracula religiosa | One or two seen in the treetops at Koh Chang, singing beautifully in the evenings |
Black-hooded Oriole (Dark-throated Oriole) | Oriolus xanthornus | (One seen at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Black-naped Oriole | Oriolus chinensis | A mixture of adults and juveniles seen at Koh Chang |
Black Drongo | Dicrurus macrocerus | Commonly seen hawking insects from prominent perches throughout the north |
Ashy Drongo | Dicrurus leucophaeus | Common in Koh Chang and also seen around the Lake, in a variety of subspecies |
Bronzed Drongo | Dicrurus aeneus | (A small group seen at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Spangled Drongo (Hair-crested Drongo) | Dicrurus hottentottus | (One seen at Doi Chang Dao in 2006) |
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | Dicrurus paradiseus | Four individuals seen altogether at Koh Chang |
Ashy Woodswallow | Artamus fuscus | Small groups sitting on branches and wires or gliding around by the rice fields and the Lake |
(Black) Racket-tailed Treepie | Crypsirina temia | Regular in trees at the Lake and around the rice fields, usually singly |
Large-billed Crow (Jungle Crow) | Corvus macrorhynchos | Common and noisy at Koh Chang, just a couple seen near the Lake |
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