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A Report from |
Thailand South to North, 5th of August to 26th of August 2004,
After an excellent trip last year, we decided to go to Thailand again. Yes, I know: middle of the rainy season. If I had been given a Dollar for every "no birds now, should have been here in March", I wouldn't have to work and could indeed visit in March. Anyway, we were extremely lucky with the weather, it virtually only rained when we were en route from one place to another, not once did rain effect our bird watching.
Transportation and accommodation:
It was a sort of mixed trip, with plenty of shopping,
relaxing, and Singha-Beer-swilling factored
in. Upon arrival in Bangkok, we opted for the Amari Boulevard on Sukhumvit
Road, primary for the central location. The room was 3,500 Baht (1 USD = ca.
41.00 Baht) all in per night, including upgrade to a Deluxe room. Really enjoyed
the hotel, and actually stayed there again at the end of our trip.
In Krabi, we stayed at Ao Nang beach in the Success Resort. The hotel was not bad, but the food, in particular breakfast, was pretty lousy, so we took all our meals outside.
In Chiang Mai, we had booked the Belle Villa Resort, about 20 km from Chiang Mai. A very nice hotel indeed, with excellent food. The room was 2,119 Baht per night, all-inclusive; I consider that excellent value for money.
For the week of hardcore birding, we booked once again with Wildwatch Thailand ( after a perfect trip last year. Whilst on the road with them, we stayed at the Doi Inthanon Resort. The hotel is basic, but clean. Back in Chiang Mai, we had the only small letdown when we were put up at the Lai Thai. This is a real back-packer place, with filthy rooms and bathrooms, not a place I would recommend.
In An Khang, we spent two nights at the Amari An Khang Nature Resort (, once again a very nice hotel, especially as we were almost alone. Finally, we stayed at the Pak Ma Station on Doi Chiang Dao. Accommodation here is very basic (and no hot water!!!!), but it saves you from getting up at three in the morning to access the best birding from Chiang Dao. You will, however, have to bring your own supplies, which the resident family will cook for you.
Food and Drink:
No worries here, one never seems to be far
from really good food and a cold beer in most places in Thailand. Whilst I
like spicy food, I found asking for "medium hot" was more than sufficient,
and brought the odd tear to my eyes.
We used "Bird of Thailand" by Boonsong Legakul and Philip D. Round, as well as "Birds of Thailand and South-East Asia" by Craig Robson.
For the more touristy aspects, we carried the Lone Planet Guide to Thailand.
Special note of thanks, and disclaimer:
A big shout of appreciation goes out to our two guides
during the Northern part of our trip, Mr. Panuwat Sasirat (Pha) and Mr. Rattapon
Kaichid (Tu). These two guys are amazing birders!! Without
them, we wouldn't have seen half the birds we saw. The only downside is that
I was so impressed with their Swarovski Scope that I want one myself!
I would also like to thank Ha, my girlfriend, who had never been birding before, and did extremely well. She is now hooked on it! She also took most of the pictures in this report. The sometimes-questionable quality is not her fault; the photos of the birds were taken handholding the camera against the scope, with no prior experience.
Obviously, any mistakes are all mine.
5th to 8th of August:
Shopping, eating, drinking in Bangkok. 'Nuff said.
9th of August:
After arriving at the Success resort in Ao Nang Beach the previous evening, I did the first bit of birding this morning. The Resort has a fairly extensive garden, and the first birds seen were Spotted Dove, Zebra Dove, Green-billed Malkoha, Greater Coucal, Yellow-vented Bulbul, Pied Fantail, Common Myna (of course), Olive-backed Sunbird, and Eurasian Tree Sparrows.
In the afternoon, we went to Krabi to arrange a trip to the Mangroves for the next morning. Whilst walking around, we had a beautiful Brahminy Kite soaring over the harbor, with Common Sandpiper along the shores. The park along the river had Scaly-breasted Munias and a few Oriental Magpie Robins. We eventually tracked down a man who claimed to be a cousin of a sister of his Uncle who knew the famous Mr. Day, and we arranged to rent his services for the next day.
Not many birds so far but, as we had to start somewhere, I chose the Brahminy Kite as bird for the day, whilst Ha went for Oriental Magpie Robin.
10th of August:
We had arranged to meet Mr. Day at 06:30, and whilst
I was a bit apprehensive, having booked him around three corners, as it were,
he was there on time. His first comment was "no birds, come in March", which
did not bode well. But we went ahead anyway, to be rewarded within minutes
by Brown-winged Kingfisher, one of the birds I wanted to see. Really
spectacular was a White-bellied Sea-Eagle flying right over the boat.
We ventured deeper into the Mangroves, which proved
to be tough going. Not only was it the wrong season, it was low tide to boot.
However, we did see a single male Thick-billed Pigeon, a number of
Little Egrets as well as Greater Coucal and Green-billed
Malkohas. There was a lone Dollarbird, whilst the Common
Flamebacks were very difficult to see, regardless of the racket they made.
In the meantime, Mr. Day was whistling his heart out, trying to get a response
from the Mangrove Pittas. All we hear, however, was Coppersmith Barbet.
And then, finally, a response. We could hear at least two Pittas calling
and, after pulling and dragging the boat closer, we got brief glimpses of
my first Mangrove Pitta. What a beautiful bird! It made the trip worthwhile
for me, even if Mr. Day does not come cheap, charging 500 Baht per hour. On
the way back, the Pacific Swallows, Common and Dark-necked Tailorbirds,
and a group of about 10 Philippine Glossy Starlings could not compare
with the sighting of the Pitta.
In the afternoon, we went to some hot springs near Krabi. Apart from Common Iora and Black-headed Bulbuls, it was very quiet. However, on the way back to the car, I see a bird hopping on the ground right near the entrance. A Blue-winged Pitta, giving us absolutely cracking views! The bird was not shy at all, showing its gorgeous appearance for all it was worth.
Bird of the day for me was a real toss-up between the two Pittas, but I finally settled for Mangrove Pitta, whilst Ha chose the Brown-winged Kingfisher.
11th of August:
We had arranged for a car to pick us up and take us to Huay Tho Waterfall. We decided to walk the "Dog Slide Trail". This turned to be really tough, as it was quite steep. Throw in 35 degrees and 120% humidity; I figure I must have lost three liters of sweat on that walk. The walk started as the previous day had ended, with another Blue-winged Pitta near the entrance. It is amazing: I have been looking for Pittas for years, since I saw the first one last year, they seem to be everywhere. Must be some law or something.
Walking up the trail, I scanned the waterfall for any birds and, sure enough, we had brief views of a Chestnut-naped Forktail. Apart from that, the trail did not produce much; it must have been too hot for even the birds. The only other birds we saw on the trail were Streak-eared Bulbuls and Short-tailed Babblers. Back down at the entrance it was pretty quiet too, with only a Giant Black Squirrel being active at all. Just outside the Park, I did add White-throated Kingfisher, House Swift, and Red-rumped Swallow to our trip list.
The rest of the day was spent at Ao Nang. A word on restaurants there: Forget the KR Restaurant, it had the worst service and food I have experienced in Thailand. The Azzurra makes very good Cappuccinos and some of the best Tiramisu I have eaten. Finally, the Salathai Restaurant was our restaurant of choice. Not only has it a beautiful view of the beach, the food is very, very good. Ha liked the Ao Nang Cuisine, supposedly the oldest restaurant there. I was not too impressed, but she devoured 4 huge crabs (not a pretty sight), followed by three scoops of ice cream!!!!!
Bird of the day for Ha was Blue-winged Pitta; I opted for the Chestnut-naped Forktail.
12th of August:
For today, we had arranged for a Kayaking trip to some nearby caves. This was less for birding than just for fun. We were not to be disappointed; the trip (booked through Sea Air Trek) was really good, with a fantastic guide and great food. The same could not be said for the birds, though. We only saw Common Sandpiper, Common Iora, Green Heron, another Brown-winged Kingfisher, an unexpected Blue Whistling Thrush, a Collared Kingfisher, and both Red-rumped and Pacific Swallows.
Not too much choice, but Ha's bird of the day was the Blue Whistling Thrush whilst I settled for Pacific Swallow.
13th of August:
Today was a day for the
beach. A quick spin before leaving added Yellow-bellied Prinia and
5 Pied Imperial Pigeons, whilst the island we went to produced 3 Pacific
Reef Egrets.
The Pied Imperial Pigeons were a surprise and had little competition in voted bird of the day. Ha did not watch birds that day.
14th of August:
Off to Chiang Mai. The very first bird we saw near the airport was White-vented Myna. Once we had settled at the Belle Ville Resort, Ha took a rest whilst I explored the brush behind the hotel. A number of Barred Buttonquails flushed beneath my feet nearly gave ne a heart attack. Apart from that not much, with a solitary Pied Bushchat and the ubiquitous Red whiskered Bulbuls.
Pride of place for the day went to the Barred Buttonquails.
15th of August:
We decided to explore Chiang Mai, and the only birds
seen were Scarlet Minivet and Asian Palm Swift. Chiang Mai was
quite enjoyable, helped by the fact that we had good food and I found my favorite
brew: Tiger Beer.
Obviously, the Scarlet Minivet took the prize for both of us.
16th of August:
Pha and Tu picked us up at 05:30 for the trip to the Doi Inthanon Mountain Resort. Why is it that bird watching always involves these bl.y early mornings. I mean I really enjoy it, but I wouldn't mind getting up a little later in the morning once in a while.
Anyway, we got to the resort, dumped our bags, and headed off for Doi Inthanon. On the way, we saw some Striped Swallows. Straight after the entrance gate, the first great bird: A Black Baza sitting in a dead tree right next to the road. The surrounding bushes were teeming with birds, and in short order, we added Small Minivet, Coppersmith Barbet, Grey-capped Woodpecker, Black-crested and Sooty headed Bulbuls.
Our next stop was at the Wachiratharn Waterfall. The idea was to look for Slaty-backed Forktail. However, the first birds we came across were Black-headed Bulbuls, and a sole Green-billed Malkoha, before we found the Slaty-backed Forktail near the end of the track.
We stopped for lunch, and to get the latest gen, at Mr. Deang's Bird watching Center. The food was decent enough, and we did add Large-billed Crows to our list whilst eating.
We then went on to the Marsh nearby and sure enough, within minutes we saw two Black-tailed Crakes. Apparently, this is the only place in Thailand where you can find them, and the birds obliged with giving us extensive views. Venturing on further from there, we had a pleasant little walk, turning up Scarlet Minivets, Grey-breasted Prinia, White-browed Scimitar-Babbler, Long-tailed Shrike, a single Black-shouldered Kite, Grey-eyed Bulbul, Flavescent Bulbul and Ashy Drongo.
Next stop was a garbage dump. The smell was not really great, but we did see White-bellied Yuhina, White-browed Shrike-Babbler, Speckled Piculet, Dark-necked Tailorbird, Black-naped Monarch, Spotted Dove, and a lone Hoopoe.
Back for a quick pit-stop at Deang's Bird watching Center, where we added another Minivet to our list: Short-billed Minivet.
On the way to the summit, we stopped at the King and Queen Pagodas, where we straight away found one of the local specialties, Green-tailed Sunbird. A Grey Wagtail was also present, whilst a Little Spiderhunter and Chestnut-tailed Minlas were mixing it up.
At the summit it was bitterly cold and pretty foggy.
However, we straightaway came across some very tame White-browed Shortwings.
Whilst trying to track down a very loud singer (we never did succeed), we
had a Yellow-cheeked Tit giving excellent views sitting on a fence.
Four Black-headed Sibias took a moment of sunshine to dry out and,
undoubtedly, warm up, with an Ashy-throated Warbler nearby. Other birds
seen here were Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush, Rufous-winged
Fulvetta, and Grey Bushchat.
On the way down to warmer climes, we stopped at a river about 2 km from the main entrance. Light was fading fast, but there was enough time for a Collared Falconet, a Blue Whistling Thrush, and a few White-crested Laughingthrushes.
Over a well-deserved cold Singha, I chose the Black Baza as my bird of the day; Ha thought the Scarlet Minivets the most delightful.
17th of August:
Nothing new: another early start. We headed straight
for Gate 2 on the way to the summit. The lights here attract a lot of moths
and with them come the birds. It was a real flurry, with birds literally at our
feet. The bushes were swarming with Spectacled Barwings and Silver-eared
Mesias. Grey-cheeked Fulvettas and Rufous-backed Sibias
were everywhere, with Pied Fantails on the ground. Striated Bulbuls
and the first Mountain Bulbul were also seen. A Greater Racket-tailed
Drongo flew overhead, whilst Yellow-cheeked Tits and Grey Wagtails
joined the fray. A Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush was inches away,
struggling with a huge moth. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner all rolled in one..
Walking away a bit from all this activity, we saw a beautiful male Black-throated
Sunbird, a number of calling Golden-throated Barbets, a single
Orange-bellied Leafbird, Hill Prinia, Grey-throated Babbler,
Bronzed Drongo, and the second Imperial Pigeons for the trip, Imperial
Mountain Pigeon this time.
After a couple of coffees and a bite to eat, we went to the Mae Pan Waterfall. At the parking lot, we heard a few Red Junglefowl. Other birds on the way to the falls were Scarlet Minivet, Sooty-headed Bulbul, White-bellied Yuhina, Rufous-fronted Babbler, both Stripe-throated and Grey Capped Woodpeckers, Bronzed Drongo, and numerous Silver-eared Mesias taking a bath in a small stream.
Lunch was at the tourist trap just before Mr. Deang's. Food was so-so, but the fish sauce was great, and we did add Eurasian Tree Sparrow to our personal park list here.
After lunch, we took the next trail left leaving the restaurant in direction of the summit. As soon as we got out of the car, we heard a bird singing loudly in the scrub. Neither Pha nor Tu knew what it was, and the bird sure was elusive. However, we eventually got it pinned down, it was a White-gorgetted Flycatcher. Pha was besides himself; this was only the second time he had seen the bird.
With Ha being tired and opting to stay in the car, Pha and I ventured further. We soon came across yet another elusive bird. We could see it flitting everywhere; the bird must have been on speed or something. It took us forever to get a good view, but it turned out to be yet another pleasant surprise, a Slaty-bellied Tesia. Other birds seen here were Verditer Flycatcher and Large Niltava.
We slowly headed back to the Resort, stopping at a road to the right near the 23 km marker. The large Pines here turned up Great Tit, Velvet-fronted Nuthatch and Grey-capped Woodpecker.
Further on, we stopped at the same river as the previous day, turning up another Black Baza flying overhead, a male Shikra, and three Collared Falconets.
Back at the Resort, it was just time for a quick beer and the restroom, enough to turn up the only Common Kingfisher of our trip.
We arrived in Chiang Mai at night, a quick dinner and a couple of beers and it was early lights out after an exciting day.
Birds of the day were Greater Racket-tailed Drongo and White-gorgetted Flycatcher for Ha and me respectively.
18th of August:
On the Way to Doi Chiang Dao (or so we thought, but more on that later), we stopped at the Research Facility of Agro-Industry for breakfast and some birding. This is a huge area of research fields and ponds.
Whilst having our first cup of coffee, we saw Black-collared Starling, Black Drongo, Stonechat, Barn Swallow, White-vented Myna, Grey-breasted Prinia, Yellow-eyed Babbler, Common Moorhen, Rufous-winged Bushlark, Long-tailed Shrike, and Green Bee-eater.
Duly refreshed, and awake, we started walking and driving around the facility. We had excellent views of Barred Buttonquail, with Red-wattled Lapwings screaming overhead. A few Ashy Woodswallows were snuggling up to each other on the telephone wires. Pha scanned a flock of Barn Swallows and turned up a rather uncommon bird, a single Wire-tailed Swallow. There were Pacific Swallows overhead, and Bright-capped Cisticolas singing their hearts out.
A pond held a very lonely-looking Lesser Whistling-Duck, with another pond turning up a White-breasted Waterhen preening itself. A single tree held not one but three Spotted Owlets. Other birds seen here were Pied Bushchat, White-throated Kingfisher, Paddyfield Pipit, and Grey-breasted Prinia.
We had lunch at the restaurant across the Chiang Dao Inn in Chiang Dao. Food was good and, although we did not know it at this stage, we were to return a few more times.
After lunch, we proceeded to the Chiang Dao Park Headquarters to sort out the paperwork. This took time, and I turned up Brown-cheeked Fulvetta, Blue-winged Leafbird, Striped Tit-Babbler, Bronzed Drongo, Black-crested Bulbul, Speckled Piculet, Golden-fronted Leafbird, and Asian Emerald Cuckoo in the trees around the headquarter whilst waiting.
Once the formalities were taken care of, we headed off for our accommodation right inside the park. The road was pretty bad as it had rained a lot, and we soon became stuck. We had a huge 4WD Pick-up truck, but the tires were better suited for cruising in Bangkok than going off-road. It soon became apparent that we would never reach our destination. Here, I have to say "thank you" to Pha, a few minutes on the phone and he had organized another destination, as well as another car for a couple of days later.
Thus, we found ourselves in Doi An Khang that afternoon
instead. We straight away did some birding on a trail not far from Doi An
Khang town, which turned up some good birds before dinner: Spectacled Barwing,
Crested Finchbill, both male and female of Gould's Sunbird,
and Buff-bellied Flowerpecker.
Ha fell for the Spotted Owlets, whilst I settled for the Gold-fronted Leafbird.
19th of August:
Pha was decked out for combat: boots, Leech socks, and a family-sized can of Deet. He obviously knew something I didn't. Ha, after seeing this (and being scared to death of leeches) opted to stay near the car, whilst Pha and I descended into the "Valley of Leeches" (if that is not the real name, than it should be). I wish I could say that the birds made up for the onslaught of the little buggers, but it did not really. A miserable and wet slog turned up Short-billed Minivet, Long-tailed Minivet, Plain Flowerpecker, Striated Bulbul, Orange-bellied Leafbird, Chestnut-crowned Warbler, Verditer and Grey-headed Flycatcher. Not really bad birds, but the leeches took some of the pleasure out of it.
After this somewhat unpleasant experience, we headed to the drier Nature trail, where we found a loudly calling Grey Treepie, and a real prize: good views of a Red-faced Liocichla (if anyone can tell me how to pronounce this, I would be grateful). Ha stayed behind again because of the leeches, and saw Chestnut-vented Nuthatch and Streaked Spiderhunter.
Out of curiosity, we gave the Thai-Vietnamese border a quick visit. Only Brown Shrike here, but the Burmese border guards seemed to be pretty thrilled, must be boring as hell to be stationed there.
After this little episode, we went back to the Nature Trail where, thanks to Swarovski, Pha managed to pick up two male Mountain Bamboo Partridges. Excellent. We also saw Japanese White-eyes, Hill Prinia, and Blue-winged Minlas.
Ha went for the Chestnut-vented Nuthatch. As I didn't see it, I chose the Mountain Bamboo Partridges.
20th of August:
Back to the Nature Trail. The first bird we saw was a Dark-sided Flycatcher. Looked like nothing in the book, but Thu said that they can indeed be very variable; the short bill is the give-away. We also got pretty good views of two Rusty-cheeked Scimitar-Babblers. There was a group of six Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrikes, and a pair of Stripe-breasted Woodpeckers.
And back it was to Doi Luong Chiang Dao. We once again
stopped at the same restaurant, before proceeding to Park headquarters, where
a monstrous pick-up with huge, and suitably profiled, tires was waiting for
us. The trip up was still hair-raising, eventually the driver
had to put on chains to get us up there. Having to stop every so often to
let the engine cool down, we did see Streaked Spiderhunter and Emerald
Dove on the way.
But all was soon forgotten when we arrived the camp. We had spectacular views of Doi Chiang Dao, and set off to use the remaining sunlight. We just had enough time to add White-headed Bulbul, Mountain Tailorbird and Velvet-fronted Nuthatch to our list.
Ha added the latter bird to her birds of the day, whilst I was pleased to opt for White-headed Bulbul.
As mentioned in the introduction, there was no hot water in the camp. You might think this is not a problem in the Tropics, but it did actually get pretty cold once the sun set, and the shower was a somewhat abbreviated affair.
After an excellent dinner under the stars, it was yet another early night. I was out cold by the time the generator was turned off at 20:30.
21st of August:
Once again, we headed uphill from the Camp to start
the day's birding. The trail is easy to walk, and there are only a few leeches. The first bird added
to our trip-list was Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo. We also got excellent
views of Blue-bearded Bee-eater, a truly outstanding bird. The White-rumped
Shama finally made it, too. Not exactly an uncommon bird, it was a surprise
that we had not picked it up earlier. Both Blue-throated Barbet and
Greater Yellownape were nice, and we had yet another Hoopoe.
We than took the car a bit further down to the sub-station
to look for Giant Nuthatch and Hume's Pheasant, on both of which we dipped. Luckily,
this was made up for by some other spectacular birds. But first Ha had a total
fit when she discovered leeches on her legs. She decided to turn around with
Pha, whilst Tu and I headed on. The very first bird we saw was almost as good
as Giant Nuthatch: a male Maroon Oriole. Great start. We did see Nuthatches,
both Velvet-fronted and Chestnut-vented Nuthatch. Of course,
Flavescent Bulbuls where everywhere, I was slowly beginning to dislike
those. We saw both Black-winged and Large Cuckoo-Shrike, as
well as Striated Yuhina. A real surprise was the Black-headed Woodpecker.
According to the guidebooks, it should not be at this altitude but, obviously,
this particular bird hadn't read the books. A Mountain Imperial Pigeon,
all body and a no head, made a brief appearance, and the walk finished with
yet another Oriole, this time Slender-billed Oriole.
My bird of the day was the Maroon oriole, ha went for the Spot-breasted Woodpecker.
22nd of August:
Before we started birding, we had to get some serious business out of the way: it was Ha's birthday (being all gentleman first, and birder second, I will omit her age). Once again, Pha and Tu managed the near impossible by improvising a birthday cake out of strawberry jam and biscuits.
As we had a long drive ahead of us, we restricted our birding to the vicinity of the camp. We were desperately trying to come to grips with a number of Warblers flitting around. After some very good views, it turned out that we had both Blyth's and White-tailed Leaf-Warblers in front of us. Whilst walking, we managed to surprise a pair of White-hooded Babblers. Grey-cheeked Fulvettas were fairly numerous, as were Silver-eared Mesias. Other birds seen that morning were Short-billed Minivet, Spectacled Barwing, Blue-winged Minla, Plain Flowerpecker, a female Stonechat, and Hill Prinia.
And thus, we came to the end of the trip. A quick stop at a lake halfway between Chiang Dao and Chiang Mai produced two more birds for the trip list, Cinnamon Bittern and Little Grebe.
We spent a couple of more days at the Belle Villa Resort
in Chiang Mai, where I had the most harrowing experience of the whole trip:
Elephant riding. No laughing matter this, it is pretty strange to sit a couple
of meters off the ground and trust a trundling behemoth to put its feet right.
The total number of species seen was 173, out of which 67 species were "lifers" for me. The last two days of our holiday were spent shopping and recuperating in Bangkok.
If you would like to contact me for more information, corrections, or abuse, you can do so at
List of Birds seen
1 |
Little Grebe |
(Tachybaptus ruficollis) |
2 |
Little Egret |
(Egretta garzetta) |
3 |
Pacific Reef-egret |
(Egretta sacra) |
4 |
Striated Heron |
(Butorides striatus) |
5 |
Cinnamon Bittern |
(Ixobrychus cinnamomeus) |
6 |
Lesser Whistling-duck |
(Dendrocygna javanica) |
7 |
Black Baza |
(Aviceda leuphotes) |
8 |
Black-shouldered Kite |
(Elanus caeruleus) |
9 |
Brahminy Kite |
(Haliastur indus) |
10 |
White-bellied Sea-eagle |
(Haliaeetus leucogaster) |
11 |
Shikra |
(Accipiter badius) |
12 |
Collared Falconet |
(Microhierax caerulescens) |
13 |
Red Junglefowl |
(Gallus gallus) |
14 |
Barred Buttonquail |
(Turnix suscitator) |
15 |
White-breasted Waterhen |
(Amaurornis phoenicurus) |
16 |
Mountain Bamboo-Partridge |
(Bambusicola fytchii) |
17 |
Black-tailed Crake |
(Amaurornis bicolor) |
18 |
Common Moorhen |
(Gallinula chloropus) |
19 |
Red-wattled Lapwing |
(Vanellus indicus) |
20 |
Common Sandpiper |
(Tringa hypoleucos) |
21 |
Spotted Dove |
(Streptopelia chinensis) |
22 |
Emerald Dove |
(Chalcophaps indica) |
23 |
Zebra Dove |
(Geopelia striata) |
24 |
Thick-billed Green-pigeon |
(Treron curvirostra) |
25 |
Mountain Imperial-pigeon |
(Ducula badia) |
26 |
Pied Imperial-pigeon |
(Ducula bicolor) |
27 |
Asian Emerald Cuckoo |
(Chrysococcyx maculatus) |
28 |
Asian Koel |
(Eudynamys scolopacea) |
29 |
Green-billed Malkoha |
(Phaenicophaeus tristis) |
30 |
Greater Coucal |
(Centropus sinensis) |
31 |
Spotted Owlet |
(Athene brama) |
32 |
Asian Palm-swift |
(Cypsiurus (parvus) balasiensis) |
33 |
Pacific Swift |
(Apus pacificus) |
34 |
House Swift |
(Apus (affinis) nipalensis) |
35 |
Common Kingfisher |
(Alcedo atthis) |
36 |
Brown-winged Kingfisher |
(Pelargopsis amauropterus) |
37 |
White-breasted Kingfisher |
(Halcyon smyrnensis) |
38 |
Collared Kingfisher |
(Todirhamphus chloris) |
39 |
Blue-bearded Bee-eater |
(Nyctyornis athertoni) |
40 |
Little Green Bee-eater |
(Merops orientalis) |
41 |
Dollarbird |
(Eurystomus orientalis) |
42 |
Eurasian Hoopoe |
(Upupa epops) |
43 |
Golden-throated Barbet |
(Megalaima franklinii) |
44 |
Blue-throated Barbet |
(Megalaima asiatica) |
45 |
Coppersmith Barbet |
(Megalaima haemacephala) |
46 |
Speckled Piculet |
(Picumnus innominatus) |
47 |
Grey-capped Woodpecker |
(Dendrocopos canicapillus) |
48 |
Stripe-breasted Woodpecker |
(Dendrocopos atratus) |
49 |
Greater Yellownape |
(Picus flavinucha) |
50 |
Streak-breasted Woodpecker |
(Picus (vittatus) viridanus) |
51 |
Black-headed Woodpecker |
(Picus erythropygius) |
52 |
Common Flameback |
(Dinopium javanense) |
53 |
Blue-winged Pitta |
(Pitta moluccensis) |
54 |
Mangrove Pitta |
(Pitta (moluccensis) megarhyncha) |
55 |
Rufous-winged Bushlark |
(Mirafra assamica) |
56 |
Eurasian Swallow |
(Hirundo rustica) |
57 |
Pacific Swallow |
(Hirundo tahitica) |
58 |
Wire-tailed Swallow |
(Hirundo smithii) |
59 |
Lesser Striated Swallow |
(Hirundo daurica) |
60 |
Striated Swallow |
(Hirundo (daurica) striolata) |
61 |
Oriental Pipit |
(Anthus (richardi) rufulus) |
62 |
Grey Wagtail |
(Motacilla cinerea) |
63 |
Forest Wagtail |
(Dendronanthus indicus) |
64 |
Large Cuckooshrike |
(Coracina macei) |
65 |
Black-winged Cuckooshrike |
(Coracina melaschistos) |
66 |
Small Minivet |
(Pericrocotus cinnamomeus) |
67 |
Long-tailed Minivet |
(Pericrocotus ethologus) |
68 |
Short-billed Minivet |
(Pericrocotus brevirostris) |
69 |
Scarlet Minivet |
(Pericrocotus flammeus) |
70 |
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike |
(Hemipus picatus) |
71 |
Crested Finchbill |
(Spizixos canifrons) |
72 |
Striated Bulbul |
(Pycnonotus striatus) |
73 |
Black-headed Bulbul |
(Pycnonotus atriceps) |
74 |
Black-crested Bulbul |
(Pycnonotus melanicterus) |
75 |
Red-whiskered Bulbul |
(Pycnonotus jocosus) |
76 |
Brown-breasted Bulbul |
(Pycnonotus xanthorrhous) |
77 |
Sooty-headed Bulbul |
(Pycnonotus (cafer) aurigaster) |
78 |
Flavescent Bulbul |
(Pycnonotus flavescens) |
79 |
Yellow-vented Bulbul |
(Pycnonotus goiavier) |
80 |
Streak-eared Bulbul |
(Pycnonotus blanfordi) |
81 |
Grey-eyed Bulbul |
(Iole propinqua) |
82 |
Mountain Bulbul |
(Hypsipetes mcclellandii) |
83 |
Black Bulbul |
(Hypsipetes leucocephalus) |
84 |
White-headed Bulbul |
(Hypsipetes thompsoni) |
85 |
Common Iora |
(Aegithina tiphia) |
86 |
Blue-winged Leafbird |
(Chloropsis cochinchinensis) |
87 |
Golden-fronted Leafbird |
(Chloropsis aurifrons) |
88 |
Orange-bellied Leafbird |
(Chloropsis hardwickii) |
89 |
White-browed Shortwing |
(Brachypteryx montana) |
90 |
Oriental Magpie-robin |
(Copsychus saularis) |
91 |
White-rumped Shama |
(Copsychus malabaricus) |
92 |
Siberian Stonechat |
(Saxicola (torquata) maura) |
93 |
Pied Stonechat |
(Saxicola caprata) |
94 |
Grey Bushchat |
(Saxicola ferrea) |
95 |
Blue Whistling-thrush |
(Myiophonus caeruleus) |
96 |
Chestnut-naped Forktail |
(Enicurus ruficapillus) |
97 |
Slaty-backed Forktail |
(Enicurus schistaceus) |
98 |
Slaty-bellied Tesia |
(Tesia olivea) |
99 |
Golden-headed Cisticola |
(Cisticola exilis) |
100 |
Hill Prinia |
(Prinia atrogularis) |
101 |
Grey-breasted Prinia |
(Prinia hodgsonii) |
102 |
Yellow-bellied Prinia |
(Prinia flaviventris) |
103 |
Chestnut-crowned Warbler |
(Seicercus castaniceps) |
104 |
Mountain Tailorbird |
(Orthotomus cuculatus) |
105 |
Common Tailorbird |
(Orthotomus sutorius) |
106 |
Dark-necked Tailorbird |
(Orthotomus atrogularis) |
107 |
Ashy-throated Warbler |
(Phylloscopus maculipennis) |
108 |
Blyth's Leaf-warbler |
(Phylloscopus reguloides) |
109 |
White-tailed Leaf-warbler |
(Phylloscopus davisoni) |
110 |
Dark-sided Flycatcher |
(Muscicapa sibirica) |
111 |
White-gorgeted Flycatcher |
(Ficedula monileger) |
112 |
Verditer Flycatcher |
(Eumyias thalassina) |
113 |
Large Niltava |
(Niltava grandis) |
114 |
Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher |
(Culicicapa ceylonensis) |
115 |
White-throated Fantail |
(Rhipidura albicollis) |
116 |
Pied Fantail |
(Rhipidura javanica) |
117 |
Black-naped Monarch |
(Hypothymis azurea) |
118 |
White-crested Laughingthrush |
(Garrulax leucolophus) |
119 |
Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush |
(Garrulax erythrocephalus) |
120 |
Red-faced Liocichla |
(Liocichla phoenicea) |
121 |
Short-tailed Babbler |
(Malacocincla (cinereiceps) malaccensis) |
122 |
Rusty-cheeked Scimitar-babbler |
(Pomatorhinus erythrogenys) |
123 |
White-browed Scimitar-babbler |
(Pomatorhinus (horsfieldii) schisticeps) |
124 |
Rufous-fronted Babbler |
(Stachyris rufifrons) |
125 |
Grey-throated Babbler |
(Stachyris nigriceps) |
126 |
Striped Tit-babbler |
(Macronous gularis) |
127 |
Yellow-eyed Babbler |
(Chrysomma sinense) |
128 |
Silver-eared Mesia |
(Leiothrix argentauris) |
129 |
White-browed Shrike-babbler |
(Pteruthius flaviscapis) |
130 |
White-hooded Babbler |
(Gampsorhynchus rufulus) |
131 |
Spectacled Barwing |
(Actinodura ramsayi) |
132 |
Blue-winged Minla |
(Minla cyanouroptera) |
133 |
Chestnut-tailed Minla |
(Minla strigula) |
134 |
Rufous-winged Fulvetta |
(Alcippe castaneceps) |
135 |
Brown-cheeked Fulvetta |
(Alcippe poioicephala) |
136 |
Grey-cheeked Fulvetta |
(Alcippe morrisonia) |
137 |
Rufous-backed Sibia |
(Heterophasia annectens) |
138 |
Black-backed Sibia |
(Heterophasia melanoleuca) |
139 |
Striated Yuhina |
(Yuhina castaniceps) |
140 |
White-bellied Yuhina |
(Yuhina zantholeuca) |
141 |
Cinereous Tit |
(Parus major cinereus) |
142 |
Yellow-cheeked Tit |
(Parus spilonotus) |
143 |
Chestnut-vented Nuthatch |
(Sitta (europaea) nagaensis) |
144 |
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch |
(Sitta frontalis) |
145 |
Olive-backed Sunbird |
(Nectarinia jugularis) |
146 |
Gould's Sunbird |
(Aethopyga gouldiae) |
147 |
Green-tailed Sunbird |
(Aethopyga nipalensis) |
148 |
Black-throated Sunbird |
(Aethopyga saturata) |
149 |
Little Spiderhunter |
(Arachnothera longirostra) |
150 |
Streaked Spiderhunter |
(Arachnothera magna) |
151 |
Plain Flowerpecker |
(Dicaeum concolor) |
152 |
Buff-bellied Flowerpecker |
(Dicaeum ignipectus) |
153 |
Oriental White-eye |
(Zosterops palpebrosus) |
154 |
Japanese White-eye |
(Zosterops japonicus) |
155 |
Slender-billed Oriole |
(Oriolus (chinensis) tenuirostris) |
156 |
Maroon Oriole |
(Oriolus traillii) |
157 |
Brown Shrike |
(Lanius cristatus) |
158 |
Long-tailed Shrike |
(Lanius schach) |
159 |
Black Drongo |
(Dicrurus macrocercus) |
160 |
Ashy Drongo |
(Dicrurus leucophaeus) |
161 |
Bronzed Drongo |
(Dicrurus aeneus) |
162 |
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo |
(Dicrurus remifer) |
163 |
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo |
(Dicrurus paradiseus) |
164 |
Grey Treepie |
(Dendrocitta (occipitalis) formosae) |
165 |
Large-billed Crow |
(Corvus macrorhynchos) |
166 |
Ashy Woodswallow |
(Artamus fuscus) |
167 |
Asian Glossy Starling |
(Aplonis panayensis) |
168 |
Black-collared Starling |
(Sturnus nigricollis) |
169 |
Common Myna |
(Acridotheres tristis) |
170 |
White-vented Myna |
(Acridotheres grandis) |
171 |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow |
(Passer montanus) |
172 |
White-rumped Munia |
(Lonchura striata) |
173 |
Scaly-breasted Munia |
(Lonchura punctulata) |
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