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Trip list:Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysia. April 9 - May 9, 2003,
1. Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
Five seen on the ponds at Kasetarts University near Bangkok.
2. Spot-billed Pelican (Pelecanus philippensis)-VULNERABLE
Many seen at Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
3. Indian Cormorant (Phalacrocorax fuscicollis)
Many seen at Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
4. Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Many seen at Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
5. Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger)
Many seen at Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
6. Darter (Anhinga melanogaster)
Many seen at Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
7. Gray Heron (Ardea cinerea)
One seen at Rigsit Marsh near Bangkok, others at Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia,
even more at Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
8. Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea)
A few seen at Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia and more at Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
9. Great Egret (Ardea alba)
Many seen at Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia, one at Doi Saket paddyfields near
Chiang Mai, and often on long drives
10. Intermediate Egret (Egretta intermedia)
One identified at Doi Saket paddy fields near Chiang Mai, but there were probably
11. Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)
One at Rinsit Marsh near Bangkok, many at Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia and
Kuala Selangor, Malaysia and probably more on long drives
12. Chinese Pond-Heron (Ardeola bacchus)
One at Rinsit Marsh near Bangkok, many at Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia and
Kuala Selangor, Malaysia, and in many more locations. Common.
13. Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)
Many at Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia, Doi Saket paddy fields near Chiang Mai
and more on long drives
14.Striated Heron (Butorides striatus)
One seen Huay Hongkrai near Chiang Mai
15. Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)
Two seen Ringsit Marsh near Bangkok, a few seen Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
16. Yellow Bittern (Ixobrychus sinensis)
One seen in lotus swamp at boat landing near Siem Reap, one seen in marsh at
Kaeng Krachan Country Club
17. Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala)
Thousands seen in kettles in flight over feeding areas in Prek Thoal Sanctuary,
18. Asian Openbill (Anastomus oscitans)
Thousands seen in kettles in flight over feeding areas in Prek Thoal Sanctuary,
Cambodia, more seen in flight over Ringsit Marsh near Bangkok
19. Lesser Adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus) - VULNERABLE
Around ten total seen roosting in tops of trees and in flight in kettles over
feeding areas in Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia.
20. Greater Adjutant (Leptoptilos dubius) - ENDANGERED
Four total seen in flight in kettles over feeding areas in Prek Thoal Sanctuary,
21. Black-headed Ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus)
Four total seen in flight over river in Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
22. Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)
About six seen feeding in swampy area of Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
23. Lesser Whistling-Duck (Dendrocygna javanica)
One seen Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia; more on drive from Bangkok to Khao
Yai; four on ponds at Kasetarts University near Bangkok
24. Cotton Pygmy-goose (Nettapus coromandelianus)
Many seen in the moats around Angkor Wat temples, Cambodia
25. Black Baza (Aviceda leuphotes)
One seen perched in lowlands of Doi Inthanon
26. Oriental Honey-buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus)
One seen lowlands Doi Inthanon; one seen Kaeng Krachan
27. Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus caeruleus)
One seen lowlands Doi Inthanon; one seen Sungai Karang Peat Swamp Forest
28. Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus)
Many seen Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia; few seen Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
29. White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)
One seen Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
30. Lesser Fish-Eagle (Ichthyophaga humilis) - NEAR
One seen on boat ride on Sungai Tahan, Taman Negara, Malaysia
31. Gray-headed Fish-Eagle (Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus)
Pair seen in flight over river in Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
32. Crested Serpent-Eagle (Spilornis cheela)
Seen or heard in all locations, common raptor
33. Crested Goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus)
One seen on drive from Bangkok to Khao Yai; one seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand;
one seen Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand
34. Shikra (Accipiter badius)
Two seen in flight over Angkor Wat; one seen Doi AngKhang, Thailand; one seen
drive from Bangkok to Khao Yai; one seen Khao Yai NP at bat cave
35. Japanese Sparrowhawk (Accipiter gularis)
One seen Doi AngKhang; one seen Khao Yai NP
36.Rufous-winged Buzzard (Butastur liventer)
One seen at Military Training Camp near Chiang Mai
37. Rufous-bellied Eagle (Aquila kienerii)
One seen in flight Khao Yai, NP, Thailand; one seen in flight Kaeng Krachan
NP, both juveniles
38. Mountain Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus nipalensis)
One seen in flight Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand
39. Collared Falconet (Microhierax caerulescens)
Two seen perched lowlands Doi Inthanon, Thailand
40. Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
ssp. F.p.peregrinator resident Myanmar and C. Thailand. One seen in flight with
bats at bat cave, Khao Yai NP, Thailand.
41. Chinese Francolin (Francolinus pintadeanus)
One seen by JT, lowlands Doi Inthanon, Thailand, heard by all
42. Long-billed Partridge (Rhizothera longirostris)
One female seen by GG on High Pine Trail, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia although
pair heard daily
43. Rufous-throated Partridge (Arborophila rufogularis)
Pair seen behind Ranger Station at summit of Doi Inthanon
44. Bar-backed Partridge (Arborophila brunneopectus)
Heard but not seen at Magic Valley, Doi Ang Khang
45. Scaly-breasted Partridge (Arborophila chloropus)
Pair seen hiding at base of rattan by GG and heard by others, Khao Yai NP, Thailand
46. Mountain Bamboo-Partridge (Bambusicola fytchii)
Pair seen foraging beside and crossing road, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
47. Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus)
Seen daily Khao Yai NP and Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand
48. Crested Fireback (Lophura ignita) - NEAR THREATENED
Approximately four males, six females seen one day in Taman Negara on River
Trail, but not seen other days. One male flew to roost at end of day.
49. Siamese Fireback ((Lophura diardi) - NEAR THREATENED
Probably only one male seen in the same area over two days in various behaviors
including drumming display, wing flapping, and once lying in the sun beside
the road accompanied by a shy female.
50. Hume's Pheasant (Syrmaticus humiae) - VULNERABLE
One male seen crossing the road (prancing on the first time) not once but four
times at Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
51. Gray Peacock-Pheasant (Polyplectron bicalcaratum)
One male seen on ridge above road about 20 feet away for about ten minutes in
plain sight in the sun as he walked the ridge then flew down to the road in
front of us, then walked off the road at Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand
52. Malayan Peacock-Pheasant (Polyplectron malacense)
One male slowly walked across Swamp Trail in the only patch of sun at Taman
Negara, Malaysia
53. Great Argus (Argusianus argus) - NEAR THREATENED
One male on dancing ground perched on liana, then on ground, then walking into
the dense undergrowth, Taman Negara, Malaysia
54. Green Peafowl (Pavo muticus) - VULNERABLE
One male leaving the fenced area for the unfenced area and walking along the
fence, Huay Hongkrai Royal Preserve near Chiang Mai, Thailand. According to
Khao Yai NP rangers, this species has been introduced to Khao Yai.
55. Yellow-legged Buttonquail (Turnix tanki)
One flushed at Doi Saket paddyfields near Chiang Mai, Thailand
56. White-breasted Waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus)
One seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand; one seen Doi Ang Khang, Thailand; one seen
daily Kuala Selangor, Malaysia.
57. Black-tailed Crake (Amauromis bicolor)
Heard at marsh at Park Headquarters, Doi Inthanon NP over two evenings when
it failed to make an appearance.
58. Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio)
Two seen Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
59. Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)
Six seen ponds at Kasetarts University near Bangkok
60. Masked Finfoot (Heliopais personata) - VULNERABLE
One male seen swimming in the sunlight, walking up on shore with green legs
visible, then swimming out again in sunlight on second boat ride on Sungai Tahan,
Taman Negara, Malaysia
61. Bronze-winged Jacana (Metopidius indicus)
Two seen Kasetarts University near Bangkok, Thailand
62. Greater Painted-snipe (Rostratula benghalensis)
Two seen Doi Saket paddyfields near Chiang Mai, Thailand
63. Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)
Six seen on drive from Bangkok to Khao Yai at Sumut Sakhon; two seen ponds Kasetarts
University near Bangkok
64. Red-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus indicus)
Small flocks or individuals seen Khao Yai NP, military training area near Chiang
Mai, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand; small flocks on boat ride from Kuala Tembling
to Taman Negara, Malaysia
65. Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius)
Six seen in swampy area of Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
66. Eurasian Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola)
TwoOne seen feeding in wet areas on boardwalk trail of summit, Doi Inthanon,
67. Pintail Snipe (Gallinago stenura)
Six flushed at Doi Saket paddyfields, Thailand
68. Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
One flushed at Doi Saket paddyfields, Thailand
69. Common Greenshank (Tringa nebularia)
Four seen in swampy area of Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
70. Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus)
One seen Doi Saket paddyfields, Thailand
80. Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos)
One seen at reservoir at Khao Yai NP, Thailand
81. Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybridus)
Thousands in breeding plumage (a treat for N. Americans) at Prek Thoal Sanctuary,
Cambodia; more on river at Wat Chong Lom in Samut Sakhon, Thailand
82. White-winged Tern (Chlidonias leucopterus)
A few in breeding plumage (a treat for N. Americans) at Sungai Karang Peat Swamp
Forest near Kuala Selangor; more on river at Wat Chong Lom in Samut Sakhon,
83. Rock Dove (Columba livia)
Too many in cosmopolitan areas
84. Speckled Wood-Pigeon (Columba hodgsonii)
Flock of 8 seen near summit of Doi Inthanon, Thailand
85. Ashy Wood-Pigeon (Columba pulchricollis)
One flyby seen by GG near summit, Doi Inthanon, Thailand
86. Spotted Dove (Streptopelia chinensis)
Common and fairly widespread in Thailand; common in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
87. Red Collared-Dove (Streptopelia tranquebarica)
A few seen on drive to Kaeng Krachan from Bangkok
88. Little Cuckoo-Dove (Macropygia ruficeps)
One seen on high Pines Trail, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
89. Emerald Dove (Chalcophaps indica)
One seen in campground Khao Yai NP, Thailand; one seen River trail, Taman Negara,
90. Zebra Dove (Geopelia striata)
Two seen Military Training Camp near Chiang Mai; a few seen Kasetarts University
near Bangkok; two seen Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
91. Little Green-Pigeon (Treron olax)
Pair seen closely engaging in mating or bonding display of flying from branch
to branch, bobbing heads, in gardens in front of chalets, Taman Negara, Malaysia
92. Thick-billed Pigeon (Treron curvirostra)
A few seen Khao Yai NP, Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand; one seen in fruiting tree
below the lower gate, the Gap, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
93. Yellow-vented Pigeon (Treron seimundi)
One male seen in fruiting tree below the lower gate, the Gap, Frasier's Hill,
94. Wedge-tailed Pigeon (Treron sphenura)
One male seen in fruiting tree, Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
95. Mountain Imperial-Pigeon (Ducula badia)
Many heard and one seen Doi Ang Khang and Khao Yai NP, Thailand
96. Blue-rumped Parrot (Psittinus cyanurus) - NEAR
Three flew over the gardens in front of the chalets at Taman Negara, Malaysia
97. Blossom-headed Parakeet (Psittacula roseate)
Flyovers heard by Uthai but none seen at Doi Inthanon, Thailand
97. Red-breasted Parakeet (Psittacula alexandri)
One perched in dead tree near Juldis Khao Yai, Thailand; six seen around temples
at Angkor Wat, Cambodia
98. Long-tailed Parakeet (Psittacula longicauda)
Large flock of about twenty flew over Sunga Karang Peat Swamp Forest near Kuala
Selangor, Malaysia
99. Vernal Hanging-Parrot (Loriculus vernalis)
One seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand
100. Chestnut-winged Cuckoo (Clamator coromandus)
One unexpectedly flushed in lowlands Doi Inthanon, Thailand. It flew around
and perched again for more extensive views.
101. Large Hawk-Cuckoo (Cuculus sparverioides)
Heard daily and seen once at Doi Inthanon; heard daily at Frasier's Hill and
heard daily and seen once at Taman Negara, Malaysia. Also known as "Fever Bird"
for it's call rising in tempo.
102. Oriental Cuckoo (Cuculus saturatus)
Heard a few times but never seen at Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
103. Plaintive Cuckoo (Cacomantis merulinus)
Heard frequently in Thailand, seen once at Military Training Facility near Chiang
Mai; heard at night just outside our room in Taman Negara, Malaysia
104. Banded Bay Cuckoo (Cacomantis sonneratii)
One seen Doi Inthanon, and heard Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
105. Asian Emerald Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx maculatus)
One seen Doi Ang Khang near Doi Chiang Dao-Doi Ang Khang road
106. Violet Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus)
One seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; heard Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao,
107. Asian Drongo-Cuckoo (Surniculus lugubris)
One heard Khao Yai NP, Thailand; one seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao;
one seen Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand
108. Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopacea)
Heard Khao Yai NP, Thailand; seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
109. Black-bellied Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus diardi)
One seen boat ride on Sungai Tahan, Taman Negara, Malaysia
110. Chestnut-bellied Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus sumatranus)
One seen Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
111. Green-billed Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus tristis)
One seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao; seen daily in Khao Yai NP and
Kaeng Krachan NP, Thailand
112. Raffles' Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus chlorophaeus)
One seen Taman Negara NP, Malaysia
113. Red-billed Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus javanicus)
Group of six seen on River Trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
114. Chestnut-breasted Malkoha (Phaenicophaeus curvirostris)
One seen on boat ride on Sungai Tahan, Taman Negara, Malaysia
115. Coral-billed Ground-Cuckoo (Carpococcyx renauldi)
Three seen in territorial display in circle facing each other and yipping like
dogs then one ran downhill to stream and two ran uphill towards the road opposite
view point pull out inside Khao Yai NP, Thailand
116. Greater Coucal (Centropus sinensis)
Seen or heard almost daily. Most common bird flying dangerously low across roads.
117. Lesser Coucal (Centropus bengalensis)
Two seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand
118. Oriental Bay-Owl (Phodilus badius)
One seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
119. White-fronted Scops-Owl (Otus sagittatus) -
Two seen and heard just off road, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand. Uthai was testing
his spotlight on nearby foliage when he happened upon a bird six feet from the
road about eight feet high perched in a dead tree.
120. Collared Scops-Owl (Otus lettia)
One seen near road, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
121. Mountain Scops-Owl (Otus spilocephalus)
One heard Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
121. Oriental Scops-Owl (Otus sunia)
One seen flying from perch in lowlands Doi Inthanon, Thailand
122. Buffy Fish-Owl (Ketupa ketupu)
One heard calling near campground, Taman Negara, Malaysia
123. Collared Owlet (Glaucidium brodiei)
One seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand
124. Asian Barred Owlet (Glaucidium cuculoides)
One seen Kaeng Krachan lowlands; others heard Doi Inthanon, Thailand
125. Spotted Owlet (Athene brama)
Pair seen near Inthanon Highland Resort, lowlands of Doi Inthanon, Thailand
126. Gould's Frogmouth (Batrachostomus stellatus)
One female broadcasting territorial call seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
127. Hodgson's Frogmouth (Batrachostomus hodgsoni)
One male seen and others heard Magic Valley, Doi Ang Khang
128. Malaysian Nightjar (Eurostopodus temminckii)
One seen calling and flying above Sungai Karang Peat Swamp Forest near Kuala
Selangor, Malaysia
129. Great Eared-Nightjar (Eurostopodus macrotis)
One seen flying and calling, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
130. Jungle Nightjar (Caprimulgus indicus)
A few heard Doi Ang Khang but sadly none seen
131. Large-tailed Nightjar (Caprimulgus macrurus)
One seen perched beside road Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
132. Indian Nightjar (Caprimulgus asiaticus)
More than one seen nightly flying and calling, lowlands Doi Inthanon, Thailand
133. Savanna Nightjar (Caprimulgus affinis)
More than one seen flying and calling, lowlands Doi Inthanon, Thailand
134. Indochinese Swiftlet (Aerodramus rogersi)
Two seen flying Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao. This ssp. of Himalayan
Swiftlet has been raised to full species status and is commonly mistaken for
Himalayan which is an extremely rare winter migrant in N. Thailand.
135. German's Swiftlet (Aerodramus germani)
Hundreds in Wat Chong Lom near Samut Sakhon between Bangkok and Kaeng Krachan.
Thai monk Laung Pu Keo lies in a vault here and the legend is that the birds
followed him after his death. The nests are edible and valuable so the wat has
to be locked up every night to avoid predation by humans who sell the nest.
This is the common ssp. of Edible Nest Swiftlet in Thailand that has been elevated
to full species status.
136. Silver-rumped Needletail (Rhaphidura leucopygialis)
Many flying over Sungai Tahan on the boat ride, Taman Negara, Malaysia
137. White-throated Needletail (Hirundapus caudacutus)
Two seen in flock of three species of needletails in feeding flock over waterhole
before heavy rain and hail storm in Khao Yai NP, Thailand
138. Silver-backed Needletail (Hirundapus cochinchinensis)
One seen in flock of three species of needletails in feeding flock over waterhole
before heavy rain and hail storm in Khao Yai NP, Thailand; One seen in
feeding flock on termite swarm in early a.m. eye level at campsite in Taman
Negara, Malaysia
139. Brown-backed Needletail (Hirundapus giganteus)
Over 50 seen eyelevel in flock around temple in Angkor Wat, Cambodia; a few
seen in feeding flock over waterhole before heavy rain and hail storm in Khao
Yai NP, Thailand; a few seen in feeding flock on termite swarm in early
a.m. eye level at campsite in Taman Negara, Malaysia
140. Asian Palm-Swift (Cypsiurus balasiensis)
Very common in Thailand
141. Fork-tailed Swift (Apus pacificus)
Common in Khao Yai NP, Doi Inthanon and Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; many seen Kuala
Selangor, Malaysia
142. House Swift (Apus nipalensis)
One seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand; more seen Kuala Selangor and Frasier's Hill,
143. Crested Treeswift (Hemiprocne coronata)
One seen by some in a quick flyby over a gasoline station on drive from Doi
Inthanon to Chiang Mai. Unexpectedly, none seen Doi Inthanon or Doi Chiang Dao.
144. Gray-rumped Treeswift (Hemiprocne longipennis)
One seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
145. Red-naped Trogon (Harpactes kasumba) - NEAR
One male seen well River trail Taman Negara, Malaysia
146. Scarlet-rumped Trogon (Harpactes duvaucelii)
Heard daily in Taman Negara, Malaysia. Very confusing as the call is exactly
like Slaty Antshrike of Central and South America.
147. Red-headed Trogon (Harpactes erythrocephalus)
One male seen well Khao Yai NP, Thailand and females seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
and Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
148. Orange-breasted Trogon (Harpactes oreskios)
One male seen well in fruiting tree below the gate at the Gap, Frasier's Hill,
149. Blue-banded Kingfisher (Alcedo euryzona) - VULNERABLE
Three seen flying and one perched on Sungai Tahan boat ride, Taman Negara, Malaysia
150. Banded Kingfisher (Lacedo pulchella)
One male seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
151. Stork-billed Kingfisher (Pelargopsis capensis)
One seen Kasetarts University near Bangkok, Thailand; many seen flying on Sungai
Tahan boat rides, Taman Negara, Malaysia
152. White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis)
One seen Doi Inthanon; seen daily in lowlands of Kaeng Krachan; a few seen Kuala
Selangor, Malaysia
153. Black-capped Kingfisher (Halcyon pileata)
One seen Huay Hongkrai Royal Preserve near Chiang Mai; one seen Kaeng Krachan
154. Collared Kingfisher (Todirhamphus chloris)
One seen at wat south of Bangkok; two seen Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
155. Red-bearded Bee-eater (Nyctyornis amictus)
One seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; one seen High Pine trail, Frasier's Hill,
156. Blue-bearded Bee-eater (Nyctyornis athertoni)
One seen Khao Yai NP; one seen. There is no record of this species in Malaysia!
One is Khao Yai and one in Kaeng Krachan
157. Green Bee-eater (Merops orientalis)
One seen lowlands of Doi Inthanon; one seen Military Training Center near Chiang
Mai; one seen drive Doi Inthanon to Chiang Mai; one seen Kasetarts University
near Bangkok, Thailand
158. Blue-throated Bee-eater (Merops viridis)
Two seen Kuala Selangor, six seen boat ride from Kuala Tembling to Taman Negara,
159. Chestnut-headed Bee-eater (Merops leschenaulti)
One seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
160. Indian Roller (Coracias benghalensis)
One seen lowlands Doi Inthanon, Thailand
161. Dollarbird (Eurystomus orientalis)
One seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand; one seen Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
162. Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops)
One seen Kasetarts University near Bangkok, Thailand
163. Oriental Pied-Hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris)
Many seen Khao Yai NP and Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
164. Black Hornbill (Anthracoceros malayanus) - NEAR
One female seen Sungai Karang Peat Swamp Forest, one male seen from boat from
Kuala Tembling to Taman Negara, Malaysia
165. Rhinoceros Hornbill (Buceros rhinoceros) - NEAR
Heard once Taman Negara, Malaysia
166. Great Hornbill (Buceros bicornis) - NEAR THREATENED
One or more seen daily in Khao Yai NP and Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
167. Helmeted Hornbill (Buceros vigil) - NEAR THREATENED
Heard once Taman Negara, Malaysia
168. White-crowned Hornbill (Aceros comatus) - NEAR
Heard but never seen High Pine trail, Frasier's Hill and Taman Negara, Malaysia
169. Brown Hornbill (Anorrhinus austeni)
One seen perched, calling and flying Khao Yai NP, Thailand
170. Rusty-cheeked Hornbill (Anorrhinus tickelli)
One seen perched and flying, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
171. Wreathed Hornbill (Aceros undulatus)
A few seen daily Khao Yai NP and Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
172. Great Barbet (Megalaima virens)
Heard Doi Inthanon and seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao, Thailand
173. Lineated Barbet (Megalaima lineata)
monastery across from Juldis Khao Yai resort; more Khao Yai NP, Thailand. This
species was seen out side Khao Yai and Doi Inthanon
174. Green-eared Barbet (Megalaima faiostricta)
One seen daily, Khao Yai NP, Thailand
175. Gold-whiskered Barbet (Megalaima chrysopogon)
Two seen well in the Gap, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
176. Golden-throated Barbet (Megalaima franklinii)
One seen and others heard Doi Inthanon; One seen and others heard Doi Ang Khang,
177. Black-browed Barbet (Megalaima oorti)
One seen below the gate at the Gap, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
178. Blue-throated Barbet (Megalaima asiatica)
One seen Doi Inthanon; One seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao
179. Moustached Barbet (Megalaima incognita)
Many seen and heard in Khao Yai NP, Thailand
180. Yellow-crowned Barbet (Megalaima henricii) -
Heard but not seen Taman Negara, Malaysia
181. Blue-eared Barbet (Megalaima australis)
Heard Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
182.Coppersmith Barbet (Megalaima haemacephala)
Many seen Khao Yai NP and wat south of Bangkok and heard often, Thailand; few
seen around temples of Angkor Wat, Cambodia
183. Speckled Piculet (Picumnus innominatus)
Two seen Doi Ang Khang, one at Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao in feeding
flock, Thailand; one high Pines trail at Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
184. Rufous Piculet (Sasia abnormis)
One seen in bamboo below the lower gate of the Gap, Frasier's Hill and one on
River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
185. White-browed Piculet (Sasia ochracea)
One seen Magic Valley, Doi Ang Khang and one at Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang
Dao, Thailand
186. Gray-capped Woodpecker (Dendrocopos canicapillus)
One male Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
187. Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos macei)
One male in lowlands Military training ground near Chiang Mai, Thailand
188. Stripe-breasted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos atratus)
One male Doi Inthanon, male and female Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
189. Banded Woodpecker (Picus mineaceus)
One male seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
190. Lesser Yellownape (Picus chlorolophus)
Three seen Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
191. Greater Yellownape (Picus flavinucha)
One seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
192. Checker-throated Woodpecker (Picus mentalis)
One male seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
193. Streak-breasted Woodpecker (Picus viridanus)
Two seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
194. Laced Woodpecker (Picus vittatus)
Two seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand
195. Black-headed Woodpecker (Picus erythropygius)
Three seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
196. Olive-backed Woodpecker (Dinopium rafflesii)
One seen Bukit Teresik Trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
197. Common Flameback (Dinopium javanense)
One seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
198. Greater Flameback (Chrysocolaptes lucidus)
One seen taking a bath in fork of tree, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
199. Bamboo Woodpecker (Gecinulus viridis)
Male seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; heard Frasier's Hill and Taman Negara, Malaysia
200. Maroon Woodpecker (Blythipicus rubiginosus)
Party of three seen and heard just off River Trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
201. Bay Woodpecker (Blythipicus pyrrhotis)
One seen Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang and heard Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
202. Orange-backed Woodpecker (Reinwardtipicus validus)
One adult, one juvenile seen Taman Negara, Malaysia
203. Buff-rumped Woodpecker (Meiglyptes tristis)
Two seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; three seen eating ants in tree on River trail,
Taman Negara, Malaysia
204. Buff-necked Woodpecker (Meiglyptes tukki) -
One seen River Trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
205. Gray-and-buff Woodpecker (Hemicircus concretus)
One seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
206. Heart-spotted Woodpecker (Hemicircus canente)
One male seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
207. Great Slaty Woodpecker (Mulleripicus pulverulentus)
Pair seen Khao Yai NP, heard on other days; one seen Kaeng Krachan; three heard
Swamp Trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
208. Dusky Broadbill (Corydon sumatranus)
Seven or eight seen bathing in crotch of tree and drying on nearby branches
and calling, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
209. Black-and-red Broadbill (Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos)
Three or four carrying nesting material to sites on branches over the river
on boat rides on Sungai Tahan, Taman Negara, Malaysia
210. Banded Broadbill (Eurylaimus javanicus)
Heard Khao Yai NP, Thailand
211. Black-and-yellow Broadbill (Eurylaimus ochromalus)
One seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
212. Long-tailed Broadbill (Psarisomus dalhousiae)
One seen in Khao Yai NP, one on nest in Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; one seen Bishop's
Trail, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
213. Silver-breasted Broadbill (Serilophus lunatus)
One seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; one seen below the Gap, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
214. Green Broadbill (Calyptomena viridis) - NEAR
Male and female seen feeding on termite swarm in early morning in campground
on River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
215. Rusty-naped Pitta (Pitta oatesi)
One seen flying over trail at Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao; one male
seen feeding in the road at Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; heard frequently
216. Blue Pitta (Pitta cyanea)
One male seen well and calling just off Radar Road, Khao Yai NP, Thailand
217. Banded Pitta (Pitta guajana)
One male heard then seen by chance hopping behind large tree on River trail,
Taman Negara, Malaysia
218. Hooded Pitta (Pitta sordida)
One seen well perched in inside of tree and calling, Khao Yai NP, Thailand
219. Garnet Pitta (Pitta granatina) - NEAR THREATENED
One male seen well perched and calling in rattan while we looked up from a gully
in Taman Negara, Malaysia
220. Giant Pitta (Pitta caerulea) - NEAR THREATENED
One heard but not seen on River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia. Sad story
221. Blue-winged Pitta (Pitta moluccensis)
Heard frequently and two seen perched and calling beside the paved road in lowlands
of Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
222. Rufous-winged Bushlark (Mirafra assamica)
Four seen Doi Sakhet paddyfields near Chiang Mai, Thailand
223. Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia)
Many seen Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia
224. Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
Fairly common throughout
225. Red-rumped Swallow (Hirundo daurica)
Fairly common throughout
226. Asian Martin (Delichon dasypus)
Many seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
227. Forest Wagtail (Dendronanthus indicus)
Many seen one day Kaeng Krachan, Thailand but curiously absent another
228. Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava)
A few around temples at Angkor Wat, Cambodia
229. Gray Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea)
One seen Doi Ang Khang; one seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
230. Oriental Pipit (Anthus rufulus)
One seen Doi Sakhet paddyfields near Chiang Mai
231. Richard's Pipit (Anthus richardi)
Two seen Doi Sakhet paddyfields near Chiang Mai; more seen Kasetarts University
near Bangkok
232. Olive-backed Pipit (Anthus hodgsoni)
One seen Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
233. Large Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina macei)
One seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
234. Javan Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina javensis)
One seen behind hotel, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
235. Black-winged Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina melaschistos)
One seen Doi Inthanon, one seen Doi Ang Khang, one seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand.
Uthai says feather variation on the tail often causes this bird to be misidentified
as Indochinese Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina polioptera) which he says is rare in
236. Lesser Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina fimbriata)
One seen Kaeng Krachan highlands
237. Pied Triller (Lalage nigra)
Two seen Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
238. Small Minivet (Pericrocotus cinnamomeus)
Two seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
239. Long-tailed Minivet (Pericrocotus ethologus)
Two seen Doi Inthanon, one seen Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
240. Short-billed Minivet (Pericrocotus brevirostris)
Two seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
241. Scarlet Minivet (Pericrocotus flammeus)
Seen a few times Khao Yai NP, Doi Ang Khang, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
242. Gray-chinned Minivet (Pericrocotus solaris)
Three seen Doi Inthanon highlands; one male seen on nest outside hotel, Frasier's
Hill and six seen on Bishop's Trail, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
243. Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike (Hemipus picatus)
Seen in feeding flocks Doi Ang Khang, Khao Yai NP, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
243. Crested Finchbill (Spizixos canifrons)
A few seen Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
244. Straw-headed Bulbul (Pycnonotus zeylanicus)
A few seen along Sungai Tahan on boat ride and a few seen in gardens around
chalets, Taman Negara, Malaysia
245. Striated Bulbul (Pycnonotus striatus)
One seen Doi Inthanon, one seen Paradise Valley and one seen Magic Valley in
Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
245. Black-and-white Bulbul (Pycnonotus melanoleucus)
One heard but not seen River trail, Taman Negara. Sad story.
247. Black-headed Bulbul (Pycnonotus atriceps)
A few seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand
248. Black-crested Bulbul (Pycnonotus melanicterus)
Common Khao Yai NP, Doi Inthanon, Doi Ang Khang, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; one
seen below the Gap, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
249. Scaly-breasted Bulbul (Pycnonotus squamatus)-
A few seen on a fruiting tree below the Gap, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
250. Red-whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)
Common Khao Yai NP, Doi Inthanon, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
251. Brown-breasted Bulbul (Pycnonotus xanthorrhous)
Common Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
252. Sooty-headed Bulbul (Pycnonotus aurigaster)
Fairly common Doi Inthanon, Doi Ang Khang, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
253. Stripe-throated Bulbul (Pycnonotus finlaysoni)
One seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao, one seen Khao Yai NP, one seen
Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; one seen on nest near mini-mart, Taman Negara, Malaysia
254. Flavescent Bulbul (Pycnonotus flavescens)
A few seen Doi Ang Khang, a few seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand
255. Yellow-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier)
A few seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand; a few in city of Siem Reap, Cambodia and the
most common bulbul in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
256. Olive-winged Bulbul (Pycnonotus plumosus)
Two in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
257. Streak-eared Bulbul (Pycnonotus blanfordi)
A few around the temples at Angkor Wat, Cambodia; a couple at Doi Inthanon and
three juveniles at Khao Yai NP, many at Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
258. Cream-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus simplex)
Two at Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
259. Red-eyed Bulbul (Pycnonotus brunneus)
Four at Sungai Karang Peat Swamp Forest, Kuala Selangor, and a few at Taman
Negara, Malaysia
260. Puff-throated Bulbul (Alophoixus pallidus)
One at Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao, a few at Khao Yai NP, Thailand
261. Ochraceous Bulbul (Alophoixus ochraceus)
A few seen at Khao Yai NP and manyMany seen at Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; a few
seen Frasier's Hill and Taman Negara, Malaysia
262. Gray-cheeked Bulbul (Alophoixus bres)
A few seen on Swamp Trail and Bukit Teresik trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
263. Yellow-bellied Bulbul (Alophoixus phaeocephalus)
Two on River trail and one on Bukit Teresik trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
264. Hairy-backed Bulbul (Tricholestes criniger)
One on boat ride on Sungai Tahan, a couple on River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
265. Gray-eyed Bulbul (Iole propinqua)
A few seen in Khao Yai NP and heard frequently there and heard a few times at
Doi Inthanon, Thailand
266. Buff-vented Bulbul (Iole olivacea) - NEAR THREATENED
Flock of six seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
267. Mountain Bulbul (Ixos mcclellandii)
A few seen Doi Inthanon and Doi Ang Khang, Thailand; a few seen Frasier's Hill,
268. Ashy Bulbul (Hemixos flavala)
A few seen Khao Yai NP; a few seen on fruiting tree below the Gap, Frasier's
Hill, Malaysia
269. Black Bulbul (Hypsipetes leucocephalus)
Two seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
270. White-headed Bulbul (Hypsipetes thompsoni)
Family of four seen in 1300 meters of Doi Inthanon, one seen Wat Thum Phaplong
in Doi Chiang Dao, Thailand
271. Greater Green Leafbird (Chloropsis sonnerati)
One seen in feeding flock, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
272. Blue-winged Leafbird (Chloropsis cochinchinensis)
A few seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand; A few seen Taman Negara, Malaysia
273. Golden-fronted Leafbird (Chloropsis aurifrons)
A few seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand
274. Orange-bellied Leafbird (Chloropsis hardwickii)
Many A few seen Doi Inthanon, Doi Ang Khang; one seen in feeding flock, Frasier's
Hill, Malaysia
275. Common Iora (Aegithina tiphia)
One seen around temples at Angkor Wat, Cambodia; a few at Khao Yai NP, Thailand;
a couple at Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
276. Great Iora (Aegithina lafresnayei)
One seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao, Thailand
277. Malayan Whistling Thursh (Myophonus robisoni)
One heard early morning Frasier's Hill. Seen on prior trips.
278. Blue Whistling-Thrush (Myophonus caeruleus)
One seen daily on boardwalk at summit Doi Inthanon, Thailand
279. Dark-sided Thrush (Zoothera marginata)
Two seen twelve feet away feeding in wet area, boardwalk at summit, Doi Inthanon,
Thailand and one seen Doi Ang Khang
280. Eyebrowed Thrush (Turdus obscurus)
One seen Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang and one seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
281. Lesser Shortwing (Brachypteryx leucophrys)
At least one seen daily at Doi Inthanon, mating display and mating witnessed
by JB, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
282. White-browed Shortwing (Brachypteryx montana)
Common at boardwalk at summit, Doi Inthanon and one male seen Magic Valley,
Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
283. Golden-headed Cisticola (Cisticola exilis)
One seen in reeds adjacent to Doi Sakhet paddyfields near Chiang Mai, a few
seen in grass near hide at top of Khao Yai NP, Thailand
284. Rufescent Prinia (Prinia rufescens)
One heard in reeds adjacent to Doi Sakhet paddyfields near Chiang Mai
285. Hill Prinia (Prinia atrogularis)
One seen Doi Inthanon, one seen Doi Angkhang, Thailand
286. Gray-breasted Prinia (Prinia hodgsonii)
Many seen near agriculture in lowlands Doi Inthanon, Thailand
287. Yellow-bellied Prinia (Prinia flaviventris)
A few seen Ringsit Marsh near Bangkok; a few in reeds near boat landing on Tonle
Sap lake, Cambodia; one seen Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
288. Plain Prinia (Prinia inornata)
One seen Ringsit Marsh near Bangkok; a few in reeds adjacent to Doi Sakhet paddyfields
near Chiang Mai and a few in Khao Yai NP, Thailand
289. Chestnut-headed Tesia (Tesia castaneocoronata)
One individual seen twice in Magic Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand. Field guide
calls this bird an uncommon resident, but could it be a migrant? It's hard to
imagine this tiny running bird flying long distances.
290. Slaty-bellied Tesia (Tesia olivea)
One seen Jeep trail, Doi Inthanon and again Magic Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
291. Pale-footed Bush-Warbler (Cettia pallidipes)
One seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
292. Aberrant Bush-Warbler (Cettia flavolivacea)
One seen and heard well Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang, giving all a tough time
for the ID
293. Spotted Bush-Warbler (Bradypterus thoracicus)
One seen in lowlands of Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
294. Chinese Bush-Warbler (Bradypterus tacsanowskius)
One seen in scrub opposite Inthanon Highland Resort in lowlands Doi Inthanon,
Thailand. Graduated tail was spread and underparts completely white, yellow
lower mandible and pink legs, warm gray upperparts brought us to this ID even
though it was eight feet up in dead scrub feeding on a ball of leaves.
295. Russet Bush-Warbler (Bradypterus seebohmi)
One seen scrub cemetery Doi Ang Khang calling like an insect and showing striped
undertail coverts.
296. Brown Bush-Warbler (Bradypterus luteoventris)
One seen and heard scrub cemetery Doi Ang Khang
297. Pallas' Warbler (Locustella certhiola)
One seen well running between the reeds beside ponds Kasetarts University near
Bangkok, Thailand
298. Thick-billed Warbler (Acrocephalus aedon)
One seen well in tree Military training facility near Chiang Mai, Thailand
299. Mountain Tailorbird (Orthotomus cuculatus)
Commonly heard and seen Doi Inthanon, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand and Frasier's
Hill, Malaysia
300. Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius)
A few at Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao; one seen Kuala Selangor and one
seen Swamp trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
301. Dark-necked Tailorbird (Orthotomus atrogularis)
One around temples Angkor Wat, Cambodia; One Kao Yai NP, two Kaeng Krachan,
Thailand; one in gardens near chalets, Taman Negara, Malaysia
302. Ashy Tailorbird (Orthotomus ruficeps)
Many Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
303. Dusky Warbler (Phylloscopus fuscatus)
One seen and calling in reeds adjacent to Doi Sakhet paddyfield near Chiang
Mai, Thailand
304. Buff-throated Warbler (Phylloscopus subaffinis)
Heard Doi Inthanon and Doi Ang Khang, Thailand. Seen on prior trips.
305. Yellow-streaked Warbler (Phylloscopus armandii)
One seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
306. Radde's Warbler (Phylloscopus schwarzi)
One seen by JB Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
307.Buff-barred Warbler (Phylloscopus pulcher)
Few seen and calling Doi Inthanon and Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
308. Ashy-throated Warbler (Phylloscopus maculipennis)
Two seen different days at Doi Inthanon, Thailand
309. Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus)
One seen Khao Yai NP and one seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
310. Hume's Warbler (Phylloscopus humei)
Three seen in pines of Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
311. Arctic Warbler (Phylloscopus borealis)
One seen around park headquarters Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; one seen River trail,
Taman Negara, Malaysia
312. Greenish Warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides)
Heard daily Doi Inthanon, seen daily Doi Ang Khang, seen Kaeng Krachan lowlands
313. Pale-legged Leaf-Warbler (Phylloscopus tenellipes)
One seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand
314. Blyth's Leaf-Warbler (Phylloscopus reguloides)
Most common warbler in Doi Inthanon, Thailand
315. White-tailed Leaf-Warbler (Phylloscopus davisoni)
One seen Doi Inthanon; four seen Doi Ang Khang
316. Golden Spectacled Warbler (Seicercus burkii)
One seen Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
316. Chestnut-crowned Warbler (Seicercus castaniceps)
Two seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand; one seen Bishop's trail, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
317. Yellow-bellied Warbler (Abroscopus superciliaris)
One seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand; one seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
318. Gray-chested Jungle-Flycatcher (Rhinomyias umbratilis)
One seen by JB on Swamp Trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
319. Asian Brown Flycatcher (Muscicapa dauurica)
Resident ssp. siamensis seen different days in scrub entrance to Wat Thum Phaplong
in Doi Chiang Dao, and two seen Kao Yai NP, Thailand. Clements doesn't list
any ssp. for this species.
320. Brown-breasted Flycatcher (Muscicapa muttui)
Two seen Magic Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand in mating or territorial display
hunched down and facing each other and shaking wings. Possible breeding record.
321. Korean Flycatcher (Ficedula zanthopygia)
One in scrub near park headquarters, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand.
322. Mugimaki Flycatcher (Ficedula mugimaki)
One male seen in the Gap, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
323. Slaty-backed Flycatcher (Ficedula hodgsonii)
Male seen by GG one day and female next inside forest near summit of Doi Inthanon,
324. Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva)
One seen different days in scrub across from Inthanon Highland Resort in lowlands
of Doi Inthanon, Thailand
325. Snowy-browed Flycatcher (Ficedula hyperythra)
Confiding male seen on boardwalk at summit, Doi Inthanon, Thailand
326. White-gorgeted Flycatcher (Ficedula monileger)
One male seen Magic Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
327. Rufous-chested Flycatcher (Ficedula dumetoria)
One male seen perched and singing, River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
328. Little Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula westermanni)
One female seen Doi Inthanon; one male seen Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
329. Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias thalassina)
Four seen in feeding flocks, Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
330. Large Niltava (Niltava grandis)
One seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand; two seen high Pine trail, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
331. Small Niltava (Niltava macgrigoriae)
Two seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
332. Rufous-bellied Niltava (Niltava sundara)
One seen Magic Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
333. Pale Blue-Flycatcher (Cyornis unicolor)
Two seen near road, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
334. Hill Blue-Flycatcher (Cyornis banyumas)
One seen Khao Yai NP, one seen Doi Ang Khang and heard frequently
335. Tickell's Blue-Flycatcher (Cyornis tickelliae)
Many seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; a couple seen on River trail, Taman Negara,
336. Mangrove Blue-Flycatcher (Cyornis rufigastra)
One seen in mangroves of Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
337. Gray-headed Canary-flycatcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis)
Fairly commonly seen and heard on Doi Inthanon; very commonly seen and heard
at Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; a few seen Taman Negara, Malaysia
338. Siberian Rubythroat (Luscinia calliope)
One male seen by JB at Military training center near Chiang Mai, Thailand
339. Oriental Magpie-Robin (Copsychus saularis)
Seen almost daily in Thailand and Malaysia
340. White-rumped Shama (Copsychus malabaricus)
Seen almost daily in Thailand and Malaysia
341. White-bellied Redstart (Hodgsonius phaenicuroides)
One female skulking through the undergrowth, Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang,
342. White-tailed Robin (Cinclidium leucurum)
Seen more than once in the mid and higher elevations of Doi Inthanon and Doi
Ang Khang, Thailand
343. Slaty-backed Forktail (Enicurus schistaceus)
One seen on the road, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
344. White-crowned Forktail (Enicurus leschenaulti)
One seen Khao Yai NP and one seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
345. Green Cochoa (Cochoa viridis)
One male seen perched in the open and calling, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
346. Common Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola)
Several perching up in the scrub of cemetery Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
347. Pied Bushchat (Saxicola caprata)
Several around Doi Sakhet paddyfield near Chiang Mai, Thailand
348. Gray Bushchat (Saxicola ferrea)
Several around Paradise and Magic Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
349. White-throated Fantail (Rhipidura albicollis)
Seen daily especially in feeding flocks Doi Inthanon, Doi Ang Khang, Kaeng Krachan,
Thailand; Seen daily Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
350. Pied Fantail (Rhipidura javanica)
Seen around temples of Angkor Wat, Cambodia
351. Black-naped Monarch (Hypothymis azurea)
A few seen especially in feeding flocks Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao,
Doi Inthanon and Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; and every day in Taman Negara, Malaysia
352. Asian Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi)
Seen almost daily Doi Inthanon, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; seen daily Frasier's
Hill and Taman Negara, Malaysia
353. Mangrove Whistler (Pachycephala grisola)
One seen in mangroves of Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
354. White-crested Laughingthrush (Garrulax leucolophus)
Flocks seen and heard Doi Inthanon, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
355. Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush (Garrulax monileger)
Flock of five seen Trail 6, Khao Yai NP, Thailand
356. Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush (Garrulax pectoralis)
Two seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
357. Black Laughingthrush (Garrulax lugubris)
Flock of six seen and heard crossing the road in the Gap, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
358. Black-throated Laughingthrush (Garrulax chinensis)
Heard daily Doi Ang Khang and two seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand
359. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush (Garrulax mitratus)
Flocks and individuals heard and seen Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
360. Spot-breasted Laughingthrush (Garrulax merulinus)
One heard and seen Magic Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
361. White-browed Laughingthrush (Garrulax sannio)
Three seen Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
362. Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush (Garrulax erythrocephalus)
Flocks heard and seen at summit Doi Inthanon, Thailand
363. Red-faced Liocichla (Liocichla phoenicea)
Many seen Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang
364. White-chested Babbler (Trichastoma rostratum)
Two seen on logs on edge of water on Sungai Tahan boat ride, Taman Negara, Malalysia
365. Abbott's Babbler (Malacocincla abbotti)
Three seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand; Many seen Taman Negara, Malaysia
366. Short-tailed Babbler (Malacocincla malaccensis)
One seen Swamp Trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
367. Buff-breasted Babbler (Pellorneum tickelli)
A few seen Magic Valley and Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
368. Spot-throated Babbler (Pellorneum albiventre)
One seen skulking in scrub, Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
369. Puff-throated Babbler (Pellorneum ruficeps)
One seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao
370. Black-capped Babbler (Pellorneum capistratum)
One seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
371. Moustached Babbler (Malacopteron magnirostre)
Two seen Bukit Teresik trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
372. Sooty-capped Babbler (Malacopteron affine) -
A few seen in babbler flocks with Scaly-crowned Babbler, Taman Negara, Malaysia
373. Scaly-crowned Babbler (Malacopteron cinereum)
A few seen in babbler flocks with Sooty-capped Babbler, Taman Negara, Malaysia
374. Rufous-crowned Babbler (Malacopteron magnum)
One seen Bukit Teresik trail, Taman Negara
375. Large Scimitar-Babbler (Pomatorhinus hypoleucos)
One seen calling and skulking through vines beside road, Khao Yai NP, Thailand
376. Rusty-cheeked Scimitar-Babbler (Pomatorhinus
Two seen carrying insects to and defending possible nest, Paradise Valley, Doi
Ang Khang, Thailand
377. White-browed Scimitar-Babbler (Pomatorhinus
One seen Khao Yai NP, one seen Kaeng Krachan, many heard, Thailand
378. Chestnut-backed Scimitar-Babbler (Pomatorhinus
One seen Bukit Teresik trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
379. Striped Wren-Babbler (Kenopia striata) - NEAR
Two seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
380. Large Wren-Babbler (Napothera macrodactyla)
One seen perched in the open, calling, River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
381. Marbled Wren-Babbler (Napothera marmorata)
Pair seen foraging along stream bed after much climbing up and over a hill through
rattan in the Gap, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
382. Limestone Wren-Babbler (Napothera crispifrons)
One seen well calling in limestone karst at monastery across the road from Juldis
Khao Yai, Thailand
383. Streaked Wren-Babbler (Napothera brevicaudata)
One seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao, one seen Magic Valley, Doi Ang
Khang, Thailand; one seen high Pine trail, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
384. Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler (Napothera epilepidota)
Two seen and heard calling beside trail, entrance to Magic Valley, Doi Ang Khang,
385. Pygmy Wren-Babbler (Pnoepyga pusilla)
One seen well by JB at summit Doi Inthanon; One seen well and calling Magic
Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
386. Rufous-fronted Babbler (Stachyris rufifrons)
One seen Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
387. Golden Babbler (Stachyris chrysaea)
Common in flocks of Golden Babbler or feeding flocks Doi Inthanon and Kaeng
Krachan, Thailand; Common in flocks of Golden Babblers or feeding flocks in
Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
388. Gray-throated Babbler (Stachyris nigriceps)
One seen Doi Inthanon, one seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao, Thailand
389. Gray-headed Babbler (Stachyris poliocephala)
One seen Tahan trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
390. Black-throated Babbler (Stachyris nigricollis)
One seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
391. Chestnut-rumped Babbler (Stachyris maculata)
One seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
392. Chestnut-winged Babbler (Stachyris erythroptera)
One seen two different days River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
393. Striped Tit-Babbler (Macronous gularis)
A few seen especially in mixed feeding flocks Kaeng Krachan, Khao Yai NP, Thailand;
a few seen especially in mixed feeding flocks Frasier's Hill and Taman Negara,
394. Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler (Macronous ptilosus)
One seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
395. Silver-eared Mesia (Leiothrix argentauris)
A few seen especially in mixed feeding flocks Doi Ang Khang, Thailand; Many
seen especially in mixed feeding flocks Fraiser's Hill, Malaysia
396. Cutia (Cutia nipalensis)
Pair seen through scope taking turns sitting on nest in fern in dead tree near
Telecom tower, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
397. White-browed Shrike-Babbler (Pteruthius flaviscapis)
One seen in mixed feeding flock Doi Ang Khang, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; one
seen in mixed feeding flock high Pine trail, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
398. Black-eared Shrike-Babbler (Pteruthius melanotis)
One seen mixed feeding flock Doi Inthanon, Thailand; a few seen mixed feeding
flocks, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
399. Chestnut-fronted Shrike-Babbler (Pteruthius
One seen two different days in mixed feeding flocks, Doi Inthanon, Thailand
400. White-hooded Babbler (Gampsorhynchus rufulus)
Two seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
401. Spectacled Barwing (Actinodura ramsayi)
One seen and heard in scrub near cemetery Doi Ang Khang but heard frequently
roadside in Doi Inthanon, Thailand
402. Blue-winged Minla (Minla cyanouroptera)
Seen frequently in mixed species flocks or single species flocks, Doi Inthanon,
Doi Ang Khang, Thailand; some seen Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
403. Chestnut-tailed Minla (Minla strigula)
Many seen summit Doi Inthanon, Thailand
404. Rufous-winged Fulvetta (Alcippe castaneceps)
Seen daily Doi Inthanon, Thailand
405. Brown-cheeked Fulvetta (Alcippe poioicephala)
Three ssp. A.p. haringtoniae seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao, two
ssp. A.p. karenni seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
406. Gray-cheeked Fulvetta (Alcippe morrisonia)
Very common especially in mixed species feeding flocks Doi Inthanon, Doi Ang
Khang, Thailand
407. Mountain Fulvetta (Alcippe peracensis)
Seen frequently especially in mixed species feeding flocks, Frasier's Hill,
408. Rufous-backed Sibia (Heterophasia annectens)
Seen once in feeding flock in epiphytic trees in side trail from Paradise Valley,
Doi Ang Khang.
409. Black-backed Sibia (Heterophasia melanoleuca)
Seen daily in Doi Inthanon, seen once in Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
410. Long-tailed Sibia (Heterophasia picaoides)
Seen in single and mixed species flocks daily, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
411. Striated Yuhina (Yuhina castaniceps)
Two seen Doi Inthanon, one seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
412. White-bellied Yuhina (Yuhina zantholeuca)
One seen daily Khao Yai NP, Thailand; two seen Frasier's Hill
413. Gray-headed Parrotbill (Paradoxornis gularis)
One seen lower elevations Doi Inthanon, one seen Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang,
414. Spot-breasted Parrotbill (Paradoxornis guttaticollis)
One seen Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
415. Black-throated Parrotbill (Paradoxornis nipalensis)
Two seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
416. Malaysian Rail-babbler (Eupetes macrocerus)
Pair seen crossing trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia. There were a lot heard during
this part of the trip.
417. Golden-bellied Gerygone (Gerygone sulphurea)
One seen in mangroves Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
418. Great Tit (Parus major)
One seen Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
419. Yellow-cheeked Tit (Parus spilonotus)
At least one seen daily Doi Inthanon, two seen Magic Valley, Doi Ang Khang,
420. Yellow-browed Tit (Sylviparus modestus)
One seen by JB and JT from boardwalk at summit, Doi Inthanon, Thailand
421. Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch (Sitta castanea)
One seen bringing food to nesthole in tree, lowlands of Doi Inthanon, Thailand
422. Chestnut-vented Nuthatch (Sitta nagaensis)
One seen Doi Inthanon; one seen daily Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
423. Velvet-fronted Nuthatch (Sitta frontalis)
Two seen Doi Ang Khang; four seen in campground at River trail, Taman Negara,
424. Blue Nuthatch (Sitta azurea)
One seen High Pine trail, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
425. Giant Nuthatch (Sitta magna) - VULNERABLE
Three seen well in scope from road near border, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
426. Brown-throated Treecreeper (Certhia discolor)
One seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
427. Ruby-cheeked Sunbird (Chalcoparia singalensis)
One seen Kuala Selangor, one seen Tahan trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
428. Plain-throated Sunbird (Anthreptes malacensis)
One seen Kasetarts University near Bangkok, Thailand; One seen Kuala Selangor,
429. Purple-naped Sunbird (Hypogramma hypogrammicum)
One seen in the Gap, Frasier's Hill and one seen in garden near chalets of Taman
Negara, Malaysia
430. Purple Sunbird (Cinnyris asiaticus)
One seen two different days Doi Inthanon, Thailand
431. Olive-backed Sunbird (Cinnyris jugularis)
Most commonly seen sunbird seen Khao Yai NP, Doi Ang Khang, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand;
around temples of Angkor Wat, Cambodia; seen Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
432. Green-tailed Sunbird (Aethopyga nipalensis)
One male seen in good light through scope near summit Doi Inthanon, Thailand
433. Black-throated Sunbird (Aethopyga saturata)
Seen daily Khao Yai NP, Thailand; Male seen well and seen daily at Frasier's
Hill, Malaysia
434. Crimson Sunbird (Aethopyga siparaja)
One seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
435. Temminck's Sunbird (Aethopyga temminckii)
One male seen River trail, Taman Negara
436. Long-billed Spiderhunter (Arachnothera robusta)
One seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
437. Little Spiderhunter (Arachnothera longirostra)
One seen Khao Yai NP, one seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao, Thailand;
one heard Taman Negara, Malaysia
438. Streaked Spiderhunter (Arachnothera magna)
Commonly heard streaking through the forest and sometimes seen in Thailand and
439. Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker (Prionochilus maculatus)
One seen River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
440. Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker (Prionochilus
Two seen Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
441. Yellow-vented Flowerpecker (Dicaeum chrysorrheum)
One seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; one seen in fruiting tree below the Gap, Frasier's
Hill, Malaysia
442. Fire-breasted Flowerpecker (Dicaeum ignipectus)
A few seen Doi Ang Khang, Khao Yai NP, Thailand; a few seen High Pine Trail,
Frasier's Hill, Malaysia. Formerly known as Buff-bellied
443. Oriental White-eye (Zosterops palpebrosus)
Seen almost every day in mixed feeding flocks Khao Yai NP, Doi Inthanon, Doi
Ang Khang, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; many seen Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
444. Everett's White-eye (Zosterops everetti)
Two seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
445. Black-naped Oriole (Oriolus chinensis)
At least one seen daily in Khao Yai NP, Doi Ang Khang, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand;
Four seen Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
446. Slender-billed Oriole (Oriolus tenuirostris)
One seen Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
447. Black-hooded Oriole (Oriolus xanthornus)
One seen road to Wat Thum Phaplong, Thailand
448. Black-and-crimson Oriole (Oriolus cruentus)
Seen in groups of two or more daily in Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
449. Maroon Oriole (Oriolus traillii)
A few seen in Doi Inthanon, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
450. Asian Fairy-bluebird (Irena puella)
Many seen daily Khao Yai NP, a few seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; a few seen
Fraiser's Hill and Taman Negara, Malaysia
451. Tiger Shrike (Lanius tigrinus)
One seen at campground at beginning of River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
452. Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus)
A few seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao, Thailand; a few seen Kuala
Selangor, Malaysia
453. Long-tailed Shrike (Lanius schach)
One seen Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
454. Gray-backed Shrike (Lanius tephronotus)
One seen Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao, one Khao Yai NP, Thailand
455. Large Woodshrike (Tephrodornis gularis)
Two seen Khao Yai NP, Thailand; one seen Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
456. Common Woodshrike (Tephrodornis pondicerianus)
One seen in lowlands Doi Inthanon, Thailand
457. Rufous-winged Philentoma (Philentoma pyrhopterum)
Seen almost daily Taman Negara, Malaysia
458. Maroon-breasted Philentoma (Philentoma velatum)
Male perched on liana singing on River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia.
459. Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus)
One seen in scrub adjacent to Doi Sakhet paddyfields near Chiang Mai, one seen
Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
460. Ashy Drongo (Dicrurus leucophaeus)
A few seen daily in Doi Ang Khang and Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; a few seen around
Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
461. Bronzed Drongo (Dicrurus aeneus)
A few seen Khao Yai NP, Wat Thum Phaplong near Doi Chiang Dao; more than two
seen daily in Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
462. Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo (Dicrurus remifer)
More than six seen daily in Doi Inthanon, Doi Ang Khang, Kaeng Krachan, Thailand;
a few seen Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
463. Hair-crested Drongo (Dicrurus hottentottus)
One seen Doi Inthanon, Thailand
464. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo (Dicrurus paradiseus)
A few seen Doi Inthanon, Khao Yai NP, many seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand; More
than three daily in Taman Negara, Malaysia
465. Ashy Woodswallow (Artamus fuscus)
A few seen Doi Inthanon, Wat Thum Phaplong in Doi Chiang Dao, Khao Yai NP,
466. White-breasted Woodswallow (Artamus leucorynchus)
One seen Sungai Karang Peat Swamp Forest, Malaysia
467. Crested Jay (Platylophus galericulatus) - NEAR
Two seen two different days in Taman Negara, Malaysia
468. Black Magpie (Platysmurus leucopterus) - NEAR
One seen and heard (noisy) Bishop's trail Frasier's Hill and four seen and heard
(noisy) River trail, Taman Negara, Malaysia
469. Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
A few seen Doi Inthanon lowlands, Huay Hongkrai Royal Preserve near Chiang Mai,
and Wat Psa Plong near Doi Chiang Dao, Thailand
470. Green Magpie (Cissa chinensis)
One seen Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
471. Rufous Treepie (Dendrocitta vagabunda)
One seen in near Inthanon Highland Resort in Doi Inthanon lowlands, Thailand
472. Gray Treepie (Dendrocitta formosae)
One seen Paradise Valley in Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
473. Racket-tailed Treepie (Crypsirina temia)
Flock of six seen lowlands Kaeng Krachan, Thailand
474. Ratchet-tailed Treepie (Temnurus temnurus)
One heard Kaeng Krachan, Thailand. Seen on previous trip
475. House Crow (Corvus splendens)
Many seen Siem Reap and Prek Thaol Sanctuary, Cambodia; many more seen Kuala
Selangor, Malaysia
476. Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos)
A few daily Khao Yai NP, Thailand; a few daily Kuala Selangor, Taman Negara,
477. Common Hill Myna (Gracula religiosa)
Many around temples Angkor Wat, Cambodia; many Khao Yai NP, a few Kaeng Krachan
especially in lowlands, Thailand
478. White-vented Myna (Acridotheres grandis)
Many Siem Reap and Prek Thoal Sanctuary, Cambodia; six Doi Sakhet paddyfields
near Chiang Mai, Thailand;
479. Javan Myna (Acridotheres javanicus)
The White-vented Mynas seen in Kuala Selangor were more likely this species
although it is probable they were human assisted and didn't fly across. Not
480. Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis)
Most common myna seen on long drives and everywhere in lowlands and disturbed
habitat in Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia
481. Black-collared Starling (Gracupica nigricollis)
Two seen different days Doi Inthanon, Thailand
482. Asian Pied Starling (Gracupica contra)
One seen scrub adjacent to Doi Sakhet paddyfields near Chiang Mai, one seen
Kasetarts University near Bangkok, Thailand
483. Plain-backed Sparrow (Passer flaveolus)
One seen Kasetarts University near Bangkok, Thailand
484. Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montana)
Many Siem Reap and around temples Angkor Wat, Cambodia; Many Ringsit Marsh near
Bangkok, a few Doi Inthanon, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
485. Baya Weaver (Ploceus philippinus)
Male on nest seen behind Frederic and Nathalie's house, Siem Reap, Cambodia
486. Asian Golden Weaver (Ploceus hypoxanthus) -
Nesting colony seen Royal Gems Golf Resort near Bangkok, Thailand
487. White-rumped Munia (Lonchura striata)
Flock of around ten seen Doi Sakhet paddyfields near Chiang Mai, Thailand; a
pair seen High Pines Trail, Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
488. Nutmeg Mannikin (Lonchura punctulata)
A few seen Doi Inthanon lowlands, a few around reeds on pond at Kaeng Krachan
Country Club, Thailand; a few seen Sungai Krang Peat Swamp Forest near Kuala
Selangor and many seen Hulu Yam housing development off road from Kuala Selangor
to Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
489. Chestnut Munia (Lonchura atricapilla)
Four seen Kasetarts University near Bangkok, Thailand
490. White-headed Munia (Lonchura maja)
Four males and several females seen Hulu Yam housing development off road from
Kuala Selangor to Frasier's Hill, Malaysia
491. Common Rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus)
A few females seen in pines of Paradise Valley, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
492. Yellow-breasted Bunting (Emberiza aureola)
A few migrants late in departing from the firebreak Paradise Valley, Doi Ang
Khang, Thailand
493. Chestnut Bunting (Emberiza rutila)
A few next to the road, Doi Ang Khang, Thailand
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